big dry son-in-law

Chapter 694: On the 6th day of retirement, I feel tired!

Chapter 694: No. 60 days since I wanted to retire, I’m tired!
"Your Majesty, I thought that I should send a messenger to express my condolences, and then congratulate the new king of Nanfan on his ascension and reward him with the feudal king's seal to show that he is valued!" Gongsun Wuji came out and said: "Luo Bu Zhadui passed away, and the succession of Crown Prince Shuang'an is inevitable. It can bring Daqian and Nanfan closer together.”

He calls Li Shuangan Crown Prince, which shows that Li Shuangan's identity is still recognized within Daqian.

"Well, the Ministry of Etiquette will take care of this matter." Li Shilong was in a very good mood. At first, Qin Mo had ignored all opinions and let Li Shuang'an go, and also released a big talk about Dongzan. After only one year, it was time to collect the results.

Qin Mo's fusion plan echoed in Li Shilong's mind, and his blood began to boil.

If Nanfan can be integrated with Daqian, what an achievement it would be.

The emperor of eternity is at your fingertips.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Gongsun Wuji continued: "Luo Bu died in a group, and we have to be careful about the unrest in Nanfan. The Shuang'an Crown Prince lacks prestige and may be difficult to subdue, so I thought that we should let the southwest border practice. Shock Nanfan.

Secondly, we must also be careful of Beinu's attack on Nanfan, which will serve as a deterrent to Beinu. "

Li Shilong kept nodding, "Hengtong, you take care of this matter!"

Qu Tuba glanced at Gongsun Wuji from the corner of his eye and was speechless. You, the Minister of Rites, said everything that the Minister of War should say. In this way, he had nothing to say and looked stupid!
"Yes, Your Majesty!"

"The Ministry of War has to come up with a charter for this matter. Zhonghe and Honglu Hall should give more support to Shuang'an!"

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Tang Jian's appearance is a good opportunity to perform meritorious service. Originally, the minister of Honglu Temple was just a receptionist, but now there are many opportunities to perform meritorious service.

From a department with little success, it has become very popular.

In the final analysis, it was due to the rise of trade and trade with other countries.

Li Shilong asked the others to leave and called Gongsun Wuji, Qin Xiangru, Tang Jian, Li Daoyuan, Liu Chenghu, Du Jingming, Qu Tuba, and Li Cungong, who had just returned from the northwest, to the Manlu Hall.

"Now that Lobu is dead, Hengtong, you have to make a plan and try to integrate Nanfan into Daqian within a few years!"

Li Shilong's words confused everyone present.

Qin Xiangru knew about it, so he wasn't surprised.

But everyone else was dumbfounded, especially Qu Tuba, "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, what did you say? Are we going to fight against Nanfan in the next few years?"

"If we don't fight, we will allow Nanfan to join Daqian peacefully. This plan was implemented last year and was proposed by Jingyun.

When Shuang'an succeeded to the throne, his wish was that there would be no war between the two countries. Otherwise, I would not have let him go to Nanfan last year, let alone Dalu Dongzan. Li Shilong rarely had a smile on his face, "Xiangru, tell me about this plan." "

Qin Xiangru said quickly: "Your Majesty, I am now semi-retired and don't know anything."

Li Shilong laughed angrily. Between these two father and son, one is semi-retired and the other is clamoring to retire. How amazing!

"Then go and call me Qin Mo. You brat has been hanging around at home for more than two months and doesn't know what he is doing. If he doesn't do anything, I'll beat him to death!" Li Shilong couldn't stand it anymore, "No tongue, If you go, if he doesn't come, he will be kidnapped!"

"Yes!" A tongueless voice came from the darkness.

And Qu Tuba also came to his senses, "Your Majesty, Prince Shuang'an, will you agree? Even if he agreed at the time, it's hard to say now."

Gongsun Wuji also echoed: "I think it's better not to be too optimistic. It's not that I don't trust Prince Shuang'an, but the problem of those noble families in Nanfan.

If Crown Prince Shuang'an shows signs of this, Nanfan may be in civil strife in an instant. Although Dongzan supports him, Crown Prince Shuang'an himself does not have much power. "

Everyone nodded.

You have to think of the worst before anything happens, let alone such a big thing.The group chatted for a long time, and after a while, Qin Mo came over with an unhappy face, as if someone owed him millions. As soon as he entered the door, he complained: "Father, can you have some sympathy?"

Li Shilong was stunned at first, then became angry, "I asked you to discuss important matters, are you still unwilling?"

"Isn't it just Luo Bu who died in a pile? I know, but you also have to consider Xiaoxue's mood. She couldn't stop crying at home. As her husband, shouldn't I comfort her?
Although I have never seen Lobu hanging out together, I still want to call him father-in-law. "

Hearing this, Li Shilong's anger subsided, "A thief becomes your husband? Can you say that?"

Qin Mo said speechlessly: "This is not something I want to admit, but something that cannot be changed!"

"Jingyun, stop talking. Now that Luo Bu has died, Crown Prince Shuang'an has succeeded to the throne. It was you who proposed the plan in the first place. Of course you, the initiator, have to come over!" Li Cungong changed the subject and gave Qin Mo a signal. With a wink, "We think this is difficult to do. Do you have any good ideas?"

"Don't you know how to cooperate inside and outside?" Qin Mo said speechlessly.

"Who doesn't know how to cooperate inside and outside, but how can the key be legal? You can't just send troops over, right?" Li Shilong couldn't stand it anymore, this damn kid, how can he be so angry after just a few words.

Especially that expression, it deserves a beating.

"Father, this is a matter for the Ministry of War. I am just a horse-control officer in the Ministry of Civil Affairs. Is it appropriate for you to ask me to take care of such a big matter?"

Qin Mo sighed, "I want to retire for 60 days, I feel so tired!"

Gongsun Wuji looked at Qin Mo. This guy is very low-key now. He makes mistakes outside every day and doesn't care about anything. He is even more shameless than Liu Chenghu.

The key is that he is only twenty this year.

Qin Mo's indifference also gave him the opportunity to seize some real power and regain some voice among the conservatives.

"Retirement, retirement, is on my lips every day. Whoever says these two words in front of me in the future, I want him to look good!" Li Shilong snapped the document angrily, "Hurry up and tell me your plan."

"Father, it's okay. After that, can I retire?" Qin Mo asked weakly.

Everyone in Ganlu Hall was suffocated when they saw Li Shilong take out his belt, "Hurry and hold him down, don't let him escape!"

Just when Qin Mo was about to turn around, Gongsun Wuji hugged him from behind, using all his strength to suck him, "Jingyun, don't be afraid, apologize to His Majesty quickly, His Majesty will not argue with you!"

"Holy shit, you thief, you, you, you"

Qin Mo was shocked that this old dog actually imitated him!

However, the next second, the belt was drawn to his body.


"Jingyun, why are you so stubborn!" Gongsun Wuji sighed with hatred, and the people around him were gritting their teeth.

Yin, damn Yin!
However, Gao Shilian, who was standing aside, raised the corners of his mouth strangely.

What a smart kid, he listened to everything he said.

With Qin Mo's brutal strength, Gongsun Wuji couldn't catch him at all.

And Qin Mo rushed towards him on purpose!

(End of this chapter)

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