big dry son-in-law

Chapter 699: You can’t even spend money, it’s embarrassing!

Chapter 699: You can’t even spend money, it’s embarrassing!

Li Xue grew up in Nanfan and had seen sky burials many times.

Luo Bu passed away in a group. Although he was sad, he could not follow the funeral customs of Daqian.

If Daqian's funeral customs were followed, he would not be able to be with Qin Mo for at least three months, or even half a year.

Moreover, rumors are not good for the Qin family.

Facing Qin Mo's verification, Li Xue didn't feel any resistance, and even felt moved.

"Mr. Lang must be doing this just to appease my heart!"

She blushed and bit her lip, the candle was dimly white, and her mourning clothes were still on her body.

Early the next morning, Qin Mo comforted Li Xue's delicate heart again.

"What, now you believe I didn't lie to you?"

Li Xue blushed and said, "Mr. Sir, after I have worn it for seven days, I will take off this mourning robe, so as not to make it difficult for Mr. Sir."

"It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if you wear this mourning dress for a few months. Of course, it's just for wearing it at home. It's not good to wear it out."

"Well, thank you, Mr. Lang!" Li Xue felt that Qin Mo was perfunctory before, but now she doesn't feel that way. Instead, she feels that Qin Mo is particularly doting on her.

It is to build a horse farm for myself, and to defend myself in front of my mother.

"You'll be here these two days. I'll come over when I have time."

"it is good!"

She is not suitable to go to the Qin Mansion or the Junguo Duke's Mansion now that she is wearing sackcloth and mourning.

Watching Qin Mo leave, Li Xue breathed a sigh of relief. She grew up on a horse and had good physical fitness, but she still had trouble resisting Qin Mo.

The two verifications made her unable to exert any effort.

Very happy, Qin Mo returned to Qin Mansion.

Then he was held down, tied up, hung under a tree and beaten by the servants arranged by Qin Xiangru in advance.

Qin Xiangru sat under the tree, holding a belt in his hand and a teapot on his side.

The servants of Qin Mansion came to persuade him.

"My lord, the young master has not recovered yet. You can give him a few strokes, but don't hurt the young master!" The housekeeper protected Qin Mo, kneeling down to beg for mercy.

Qin Xiuying had already made a fuss just now, but it was no use. Qin Xiangru was very tough today.

Li Yulan and Qin Xiangru ignored their pleas.

"Come on, this treacherous son is so angry with me that he set up a mourning hall for Luo Buza in Daqian. What do you think?" Qin Xiangru was so angry that he waved his hand and had the housekeeper dragged away.

"Say, you bastard, I've been completely embarrassed by you!" Qin Xiangru slapped Qin Mo with his belt again, "I told you to make a mistake, but I didn't let you make this kind of mistake!"

Qin Mo's eyes widened as something was stuffed in his mouth.

What I want to say is, please take the thing out of my mouth!

Hu Sanjin couldn't stand it anymore, so he walked over and took off the rag from Qin Mo's mouth.

Qin Mo coughed dryly and said, "Okay, Lao Qin, your son will be interrogated like a criminal. This family can't stay here anymore and must be separated!"

"Excuse me, I'm afraid of you?" Qin Xiangru snorted coldly: "I will have six grandchildren soon. Whether I have a son or not, it doesn't matter!"

"You, you, you, Lao Qin, if you have a grandson, you don't want a son, it's unreasonable!"

Qin Mo was extremely angry, "My wife, when the time comes, she will give birth to six girls, and she will make him mad to death!"

"Still talking nonsense!" Qin Xiangru took two belts again.

In fact, he didn't really feel that Qin Mo had gone too far. He was mainly worried that the three daughters-in-law would be unbalanced, which was why there was such a big fight.

There are many women in the family who don't even have a bowl of water, and some make trouble.

"Do you know what people say outside, saying that our Qin family has forgotten its ancestors and considered thieves as our fathers? I'm really going to be pissed off by you!"

Qin Xiangru was pumping and Qin Mo was screaming. In fact, he didn't use much force.

Qin Mo screamed like a slaughtered pig.This damn boy is pretty good at pretending!
At this time, Li Yulan and others felt distressed, and they knelt on the ground with the other five pregnant women, "Daddy, stop fighting, Lang Jun knows he was wrong!"

"Damn it, if you hit Jingyun again, I won't let you go!" Qin Xiuying knelt on the ground and clapped her hands on the ground, "I can't survive this life, so I'll die!"

The female relatives at home cried together, and the servants kept begging.

When Qin Xiangru saw this, he winked at the housekeeper, who quickly ran over and untied Qin Mo.

Several women quickly surrounded Qin Mo, "Mo'er, are you okay? Let me take a look!"

Qin Mo is a filial child. Although she is not born to Qin Xiuying, she is more filial than her own child. If she has made meritorious service, His Majesty will give her a reward.

Now she not only became Qin Xiangru's equal wife, but also became the head of the village, all thanks to Qin Mo.

"Gu, it's okay!" Qin Mo said with bared teeth.

"You said it was okay. Damn it. Look, Mo Erjun's face has been bruised by you. Let me tell you Qin Xiangru, you will never sleep in my bed again!"

Li Yulan and the other women pulled Qin Mo back to the backyard distressedly, giving him medicine and serving him.

The words were full of heartache, and the dissatisfaction in my heart had long since disappeared.

When it got dark, Xiao Liuzi came over and said, "Master, I want you to go to the study!"


Qin Mo didn't continue to be angry. He could still tell the difference between a real beating and a fake beating.

The person was hit in the morning and the injury healed in the afternoon.

Come to the library.

When he saw Qin Xiangru chewing his elbow, Qin Xiuying got angry and refused to let his servants cook for him. He could only chew his elbow in the study in depression.

"Dad, what did you call me for?"

"Close the door!" Qin Xiangru said chewing his elbow.

Qin Mo didn't think much, closed the door and planned to go over and share an elbow.

"You idiot, kneel down!"

Qin Mo's knees went weak subconsciously, and he said in horror: "Dad, I already had a fight in the morning, are you coming again in the evening?"

"If I don't beat you, daddy, please do something for you!"

"You want me to kneel down to do something for you?" Qin Mo was extremely depressed.

Qin Xiangru took a sip of tea to relieve his tiredness and said, "Your Majesty doesn't allow me to retire now. Tell me, what should I do?"

Qin Mo was stunned for a moment, and then he was ecstatic, "Dad, so I can retire early and take care of myself at home?"

Qin Xiangru snorted, "It's not like you don't know what to say. Now that I'm old, I still have to wipe your butt and worry about you. Why can't you be more upbeat?"

"I'm afraid if I try harder, I'll send you away early!"

Qin Xiangru got angry when he heard this, but then he thought about it, it was true, this guy was too ambitious, and so were the Qin people. They would not make mistakes if they were asked to do so.

I am very annoyed that I have to make meritorious deeds.

"You have made too much contribution now. His Majesty asked me to come up, probably because he wants you to fade away from the government and the public. In the past two years, you can give birth to babies at home.

There are so many women in the family, please be diligent and don't have nothing to do every day. Our Lao Qin family is very thin and we can't even spend so much money at home.

Let the children be defeated. With two more prodigal children, our family will be safer. "

"What do you mean, what do you mean by laying cubs? I am a human being, not a rooster that lays eggs!" Qin Mo protested.

"They're almost the same." Qin Xiangru waved his hand, "Except for the six doors, you give me all the work you are doing, and every job is done for me according to the ten-year plan.

It is best to be accurate to every day, so that it is convenient to operate.

In addition, if you ruin your family more, I beg you, please don’t collect money every day, because everyone in our family can use the money as food.

It’s worthless, even if you lose money, it’s a disgrace! "

(End of this chapter)

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