Chapter 703

Qin Mo knew that there were people who wanted to fish in troubled waters, especially Gongsun Wuji, who was the loudest.

The Supreme Emperor was getting old, and Empress Gongsun recovered from the successive blows. All the useful princes were out.

The only person they can rely on is Qin Mo, their son-in-law!

He must stand up.

Li Shilong cannot die, absolutely cannot die.

Once he dies, the situation that has been worked so hard will be broken instantly.

Although Lao Liu loves to exploit him, his kindness and preference for him are also true.

"Don't say anything, step aside!" Li Daoyuan said loudly. He knew very well that they would not go out in this situation.

Gongsun Wuji also understood that Li Shilong was in danger, and he would definitely let her make a will while everyone was around.

Everyone knew it, but no one said it.

No one dares to bet on whether Li Shilong can really come over. If he can, whoever opens this mouth today will be waiting to be liquidated in the future.

He knows Li Shilong's nature better than anyone else.

"What are you doing here? Listen to Jing Yun. Get out of here!" Li Yuan was furious.

But no one listened to him, they all knelt there, motionless.

Li Yuan felt so sad. He knew that they were waiting for an era to die.

Then, they can take advantage of the trend to support an era, adapt to this era, and seek greater benefits for themselves.

"Prince Heng, Prince Cheng, and uncle, please stay. Everyone else should go outside and wait!" At this time, Queen Gongsun calmed down and said, "All the imperial doctors, please listen to Jing Yun's instructions. If anyone dares to cause trouble at this time, I will kill you today."

Everyone trembled, Qin Xiangru glanced at Qin Mo, his eyes full of worry.

Qin Mo stepped forward, and it would have been a catastrophe if Li Shilong hadn't been able to save him.

Qin Xiangru stood up and said, "Go out. Your Majesty is blessed with good fortune and will be fine!"

As soon as he left, the others exchanged glances and stood up one after another.

The hall suddenly became quite quiet.

Qin Mo took a deep breath, walked to Long's bed and looked at Li Shilong.

He could see the regret and despair in Li Shilong's eyes. It was regret for completing his career, but he could not see the despair of the prosperous era of Daqian.

The only thing he didn't see was fear of death.

"Father, don't be nervous, I will find a way to save you. This country still needs your leadership, and this family still needs you as its head.

The old man is old and needs you to see him off. The queen still needs your support. These children in the palace all need their father's education.

Daqian has just begun to flourish, and has not yet reached its peak in your hands.

Have you forgotten the dream of Tian Khan?

Don't give up hope, never! "

Listening to Qin Mo's words, Li Shilong's heart ignited the hope of life. God, that was his greatest wish.

But he knew better that he was injured too seriously this time, and he felt that he was getting closer and closer to death.

He grabbed Qin Mo's hand tightly and said with difficulty: "Jingyun, my father is a good son-in-law. If, if my father dies, take care of them for my father.

Recruit Lao Ba back to the capital and establish him as the crown prince.

Let, let the Emperor come to court."

These words shocked everyone present.

Gongsun Wuji's eyes were filled with complex expressions.

Is this a posthumous edict?
Not giving A Si a chance until death?
Qin Mo said nothing and looked at Li Shilong's chest being wrapped in white cloth.

Pick up the scissors on the side and cut the white cloth.

"Qin Mo, what are you doing?" Gongsun Wuji exclaimed. "How can you check the injury without cutting off the bandage?" Qin Mo replied. At this time, any movement would be infinitely magnified. If he didn't respond, he would definitely be criticized by Gongsun Wuji.

There is no problem with suturing the wound, but if it was just a trauma, Li Shilong would not vomit blood.

Therefore, there is only one possibility. The dagger stabbed his lungs, so Li Shilong kept vomiting blood.

Soon, Zan Ying entered the palace carrying the medicine box. Li Shengli protected him all the way, and no one from the shadow guard could interfere.

"Lao Zan, come on, my father was stabbed. There is no problem with the external sutures, but he is still vomiting blood. I suspect there is something wrong with the lungs. If the internal sutures are not sutured, it will be useless!"

Seeing Zan Ying, Qin Mo told his speculation before he could speak.

Zan Ying did not speak, but began to check. After confirming that there were no external injuries except for the wound on the chest, he said to Qin Mo: "Mr. Jun Guo, do you mean to open the body and sew it up?"

Qin Mo nodded, his forehead already covered with beads of sweat.

He was extremely nervous. Although Zan Ying had already experienced a caesarean section, thoracotomy was very dangerous. No one knew what would be like inside after opening.

When the doctor next to him heard this, he was filled with horror.

Gongsun Wuji said quietly: "Qin Mo, you have to open His Majesty's chest. If you can't cure Your Majesty, you will be the culprit who killed Your Majesty!"

With a single word, all the blame was placed on Qin Mo alone.

Even if Li Shilong dies, Qin Mo will not be able to live well.

Li Daoyuan asked hurriedly: "Jingyun, are you sure?"

"To be honest, I'm not sure, but the injury is internal and the chest stitches will be fine. If the internal problems are not dealt with, it will still be useless."

Qin Mo took a deep breath. At this time, Li Shilong was gradually suffocating due to bleeding in his lungs, began to faint, and his face turned purple.

He quickly held Li Shilong's head and tilted it to one side.
Li Shilong spit out a mouthful of blood and then took a sharp breath.

"Old man, mother, you don't have much time for your father!" Qin Mo forced himself to calm down.

"Eviscerate and perform surgery!" Li Yuan made a decisive decision: "If you don't do it, you will die. If you do it, there is still a chance of survival. If something goes wrong, I will take care of it!"

He glanced at Gongsun Wuji and others like a knife, "Whoever dares to disturb people's hearts at this time, I swear, the first thing I do before going to court is to chop him into pieces!"

"Jingyun, Your Majesty's life is in your hands!" Empress Gongsun looked at the unconscious Li Shilong on the bed, her heart piercing with pain.

Qin Mo nodded and looked at Zan Ying, "Old Zan, let's start!"

Zan Ying was also under a lot of pressure. He had never done this kind of surgery before.

But he had given birth to pregnant women by caesarean section before, so he had experience and psychological preparation.

He took out Ma Fei powder and applied it to the wound.

Then he took out the surgical instruments specially forged by Qin Mo from the box.

The hall was extremely quiet.

Everyone held their breath.

Gongsun Wuji pursed his lips and looked at Zan Ying and Qin Mo who were busy there, but he didn't think so.

With such a serious injury, Li Shilong was dead.

"What are you guys doing? Come here and help!" Qin Mo was furious when he saw the imperial doctors still kneeling there. "Disinfect your hands with alcohol and put on a mask!"

Hearing this, the imperial doctor quickly stood up. If Li Shilong died, they must die.

To save Li Shilong is to save themselves!

Qin Mo looked at the open chest, and a clear wound appeared in the eyes of several people.

"It's indeed a lung wound!"

The incision area was not large, but it was a bit deep. Qin Mo only hoped that it would not completely puncture the lungs, which would be troublesome.

Otherwise, there is a high probability that it will cause sudden symptoms of chest puncture: pneumothorax!

(End of this chapter)

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