big dry son-in-law

Chapter 707 Nightmare

Chapter 707 Nightmare
Li Shilong had a dream when he was unconscious.

Even after waking up, the dream is still clear.

The dream was in the 17th year of Longjing, and everything in the dream was not what it is now.

Li Xin rebelled and was captured, and was sent to Lingnan.

But on the way to Lingnan, he got sick and died.

After learning the news, he was heartbroken and finally buried Li Xin as the Duke of the country.

Later, when a prince was to be established, Li Zhi also said that he would kill his son in the future and pass the throne to his heir.

Li Shilong was very confused. He could feel his own mood in the dream.

In the dream, he wanted to make Li Zhi the prince.

Although he knew it was a dream, he still didn't expect himself in the dream to make Li Zhi the prince.

Finally, Gongsun Wuji and others persuaded him to make A Si the crown prince.

In the dream, he agreed and made A Si the crown prince.

Li Zhihuai had a grudge and led the Fourteenth to rebel, and also brought Lao Ba with him.

Qin Mo was also among them.

In the dream, he learned a lesson and was already on guard. Li Zhi took Lao Ba and Fourteen to launch a rebellion on the pretext of saving the Supreme Emperor.

was eventually suppressed.

In that battle, the fourth child died.

Old Eight and Fourteen are also dead.

Qin Mo also died outside the Ganlu Palace and was chopped into rotten flesh.

Qin Xiangru packed up Qin Mo's body in the Ganlu Hall with tears in his eyes.

He thought of face and did not touch Qin Xiangru, because he knew that Qin Xiangru would never rebel.

If Qin Xiangru joins them, this rebellion will not be suppressed so easily.

Before he could feel sad in the dream, he learned that Qin Xiangru had hanged himself in the Qin Mansion, and all the veterans of the Qin Mansion also followed Qin Xiangru.

In the dream, he ran to the Qin Mansion, opened the door, and saw corpses hanging from the beams.

Lao Qi went crazy and crashed to death in front of him.

In the Qin Mansion, only Lao Qi's child, who was babbling, was left.

But the successive blows were not enough. Queen Gongsun could not bear the blow and fell ill.

The Supreme Emperor fell unconscious due to a windstorm.

Within seven days, two consecutive national funerals were held in Daqian, and the whole country mourned.

Wearing mourning clothes, he led A Si out of the Tai Chi Palace. Looking back, he saw white flags hung in the palace, and the sound of crying lingered in his ears.

It was as if they were the only father and son left in the world.

Emperor Father is gone, Empress Gongsun is gone, Li Xin, Li Zhi, Li Yue, Li Gan, Qin Mo, and Li Yushu are all gone.
Chai Shao was still there, and Chai Sitian was forced to marry Hou Gennian's son Hou Yong and became Hou Yong's equal wife.

The third child married Gongsun Chong and was unhappy. He also died of illness in the 17th year of Longjing.

That dream was too real.

Li Shilong didn't dare to recall it in detail.

He sighed deeply, pulled away from his thoughts, and looked at Qin Mo, who looked innocent, "You brat, if you really have anything to do with this matter, can I still survive?"

"Father, you are smart. If I really have something to do with this matter, I should offer you incense now!" Qin Mo said.

Li Shilong was so angry that his lungs hurt, "You're talking nonsense, just wait. When I'm better, I'll beat you to death!"

Qin Mo smiled and said, "Father, you can't hit me now!"

It will be easier to remove yourself from danger and interrogate.

At least he'll be fine.

After the accident, he asked Xu Que to stay at Dali Temple. No one was allowed to approach Xiao Yurou before he went.

The food that is fed must also pass through Xu Que's hands, and those people are not given a chance.

After staying in the Hall of Eternal Life for another two days, Li Shilong stopped coughing up blood, his wounds gradually healed, and he no longer had a fever.

However, Qin Mo didn't let him go to the ground. When he had free time, he was pushed in a wheelchair and wandered around the Palace of Eternal Life.

And Li Shilong also has the energy to deal with Gao Shilian and Wu Gu.

The two knelt on the ground.Gao Shi's lotus head was pressed against the floor, "This servant failed to protect Your Majesty and died unjustly. Please punish me!"

It's useless to beg for mercy, it will only make Li Shilong angrier.

Wu Tongue was very nervous, "I found the thief's accomplice. The dagger came from outside the palace."

Li Shilong had no expression on his face and ignored them. He asked the imperial guards to take them out and beat them with forty sticks each.

The beating made the skin and flesh burst open and the buttocks blossomed.

Li Shilong didn't kill them, but he didn't make it easy for them either.

Within a month or two, it was difficult for them to go to the ground.

Qin Mo has tasted this and knows how painful this feeling is.

At the moment, I was also worried about Gao Shilian.

"Dagger, how did you get in?"

"Slaves, servants dare not speak!"

"Pull it down and kill it with a stick!" Li Shilong said calmly.

"Your Majesty, if I say this, I'm afraid something will really happen!" Wuji gritted his teeth and said, "I didn't protect my master, so I deserve to die. I can't shake the foundation of the country."

"To shake the foundation of the country, what country's foundation is shaken?" Li Shilong narrowed his eyes.

Wuji gritted his teeth, bit his finger, and wrote the word 'Mingyue' on the floor, "The dagger has something to do with her!"

A trace of murderous intent flashed in Li Shilong's eyes.

Zhou Mingyue?
The eighth concubine?

This was simply untenable. Why did she help Xiao Yurou bring the dagger into the palace?

But if not her, then who?

The remnants of the palace?
But Xiao Yurou was always under surveillance, and even the remnants of the palace couldn't possibly know who Zhou Yurou was.

When he was injured, it was just the two of them. If Wu Tongue betrayed him, he would never survive.

All he had to do was pick up the dagger and stab him again. Gao Shilian couldn't stop him. Because the shadow guards were present, Gao Shilian couldn't survive.

Therefore, the possibility of Wu Gu's betrayal is not high.

"Motive?" Li Shilong asked.

"Zhou Bi died before the thief concubine entered the palace. The funeral was more than ten days after Zhou Bi's death. She held a grudge, so" Wu Tongue lay on the ground and pounded the ground with her fists, "It's all the slave's fault for not being able to see through it." Her wolfish ambition."

Li Shilong had no expression, and Wu Shi couldn't tell what he was thinking.

"Pull them two down and call Wang De to serve!" Li Shilong said.

"Thank you Your Majesty for not killing me!"

Wu Shi's back was soaked with cold sweat, and he knew that he had temporarily saved his life.

But it doesn't mean that Li Shilong has relaxed his vigilance.

Gao Shilian was severely injured this time, and half of his life was almost gone.

If he loses the emperor's trust, he will be lucky to go to Ganye Temple or guard the emperor's tomb. A eunuch like him who knows many of the emperor's secrets will surely die.

If Tongue wanted to die, he wouldn't survive.

After the two were pulled down, Li Shilong asked Qin Mo, "What do you want to say?"

Qin Mo couldn't laugh or cry. Li Shilong liked to ask him to participate in such nonsense.

"Zhou Mingyue was a very shrewd person at that time. Her mother was still in the Zhou family. Doing such a thing for a dead person cannot withstand scrutiny.

Moreover, the Zhou brothers used Lao Ba's reputation to show off outside every day, hoping that everyone would support Lao Ba as the crown prince.

With this IQ, if you want to cause trouble, you have to look up to them.

Zhou Mingyue is Lao Ba's side concubine. To put it bluntly, my son-in-law said that Lao Ba is now the most promising person to inherit your career.

When that day comes, she won't have to do anything, she will just be one of the four concubines.

Why bother giving me a dagger to kill you?
Just to let Lao Ba come to court in advance and avenge his late father to postpone the funeral?
And then dug a hole and buried himself? "

Li Shilong sneered, "So, Wu Jian lied to me? He couldn't find the truth and made nonsense, or maybe he was in cahoots with that cheap maid?"

Qin Mo grimaced.

Damn, if you answer this question like this, will Gao Shilian die?
(End of this chapter)

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