big dry son-in-law

Chapter 722 Daddy, you are here to pick me up!

Chapter 722 Daddy, you are here to pick me up!

After that, Ah Lian became a shadow.

A shadow that never follows you.

The little girl is a princess, and she considers herself a friend, but she doesn’t understand, how can a servant be friends with a princess?
Someone asked her to be a shadow and be a good princess.

Behind him, he saw the man. That man was the most powerful man in the palace and the father of the little princess.

He looked at himself with pitiful eyes.

What puzzled her was that she was a little maid, how could he know her name?

She thought about it for a long time, and then she figured it out.

He is the emperor, what can be hidden from him in this palace?

As the days passed, she looked more and more like the little princess, even talking and behaving exactly the same.

At that time, the little princess often sneaked out of the palace, so she imitated her and took her place.

It feels so good to feel so high above others.

But she understands that this high position does not belong to her!
One day, the emperor came, and she was extremely nervous for fear of revealing her secret.

She knew that the emperor recognized her, but what surprised her was that the emperor did not expose her, but instead had many of her favorite foods cooked.

The emperor also said some very strange words, but she was too greedy to remember much. Only a few words she remembered firmly in her heart.

He said: "You should take good care of her. After all, you are a few months older than her and you are the sister, so you have to take care of her.

You are not similar enough, you need to be more like me! "

She left in a daze. She didn't tell anyone this secret, not even the little princess.

But from that day on, she tried to forget her identity and concentrated on learning from her.

That man was so gentle. She was even a little jealous of the little princess for having such a good father.

She once thought that it would be great if this man was his father.

From then on, that man would send delicious food to her every now and then.

She truly considered him a father figure.

On the day the palace was breached, she cried more sadly than anyone else.

She seemed to see the man slowly walking towards her, with a warm smile on his face, "Ah Lian, my dear Ah Lian. Daddy is here to pick you up!"

"Dad!" Bloody tears fell from the corners of her eyes. She opened her mouth and struggled to make a sound, "Dad, I have protected my sister. She is okay.

I did it, I didn’t miss the date!

Dad, they all bullied me, especially Qin Mo, he is so scary.

It hurts, it really hurts!

Dad, please pick me up, I'm so tired! "

"Okay, let's go with daddy!" The man came over with a smile.

Ah Lian's face was filled with a happy smile. At this moment, she seemed to have given birth to limbs. She held the man's hand again.

When she was four years old, she held it once and it was so warm.

"Daddy, I hold your hand again!"

Ah Lian left, she left with a smile, she no longer had to be a shadow for others.

The fire in Nancheng was gradually extinguished, and all the remnants of the previous dynasty were put to death.

At this time, in an attic, a woman dressed in black was burning paper.

"Princess, it's time to go."

"Wait until I finish burning the paper for my sister."

Her voice choked.

Wuji sighed, "She deserved her death. This time we were able to escape completely. But I didn't expect that Qin Mo would be so ruthless. He is actually our formidable enemy!"

Xiao Yurou said nothing, that man was too cruel.

Why do you hate her so much?

Aren't they just some servants?

Is she worse than some servants?
As the fire in the brazier gradually dwindled, she wiped her tears and said in a choked voice filled with murderous intent, "Little Slippery, one day, I'm going to make you pay the price!"

She pulled out the dagger and cut her palm, "Qin Mo, the hatred for killing my sister is irreconcilable. Just wait for me!" The two titles represent a complete break. She understands that Zhang Dong is not about money and beauty. Can be coaxed.

She went down to the attic, and from then on, there was no more Xiao Yurou in the world.

In the end, she was the one with the upper hand.

She still has a lot of time to deal with Qin Mo!

"Ha!" Qin Mo sneezed, "It's a bit cold this early in the morning!"

"Master, it's time for us to go down," Gao Yao reminded.

"Let's go home, I'm tired!" Qin Mo stood up from the rocking chair, looked at the Kongming Lantern falling from the sky, and sighed.

Isn't it too smooth?

He shook his head, he was just being cheap. Isn't it good to go smoothly?

He returned home in a happy mood and fell asleep with his wife in his arms.

That night, he slept particularly soundly.

The next day, the fire in Nancheng was completely put out.

The house of Ji Gao, a resident of Zhongshu House, was set on fire. However, he could not be rescued in time, and his whole family was burned to death by the fire.

Several fifth- and sixth-grade Beijing officials were also affected. They died miserably, with all their bones and dregs burned away.

Early in the morning, Liu Wanche brought people over for construction work and gathered the homeless refugees. “This fire came suddenly and destroyed everyone’s property.

Your Majesty loves the people as his own sons and has ordered that you be temporarily accommodated in the district room of the Southern District College.

By then, the house will be rebuilt by the court.

Here, I would also like to advise you that the weather is dry and things are dry, so be careful with candles! "

When everyone was in despair, Liu Wanche's words came as a timely gift, making them extremely grateful.

They knelt on the ground and kept kowtowing towards the palace, "Mingjun, Mingjun!"

"Long live Your Majesty!"

The task of post-disaster reconstruction fell on Liu Wanche, and the people were properly resettled.

The battle took place at Chengtianmen, and the people had no idea what was happening.

This kind of fire happens every year, but this time it burned too much.

After three to five days, people will no longer pay attention to this.

But everyone who should know knows it.

Early in the morning, the ministers gathered outside Chengtian Gate as if they had agreed.

The ground was wet, and the air was filled with the smell of burning and blood.

Maybe they didn't clean it carefully, and they could even see the remnants of rotten meat.

The monks at White Horse Temple changed a group, this time they were replaced by monks from Guanyin Temple.

No one said anything. They all knew what happened last night. It must have been a bloody killing.

Gongsun Wuji looked at Qin Xiangru where the old god was.

I hate it so much.

What a great trick, this trick was so effective that it really kept everyone in the dark.

If nothing else, the 'truth' will be revealed today.

Li Shilong also got up early, as if waiting for them in advance.

The meeting was not in the Hall of Eternal Life, but in the Hall of Manna.

"Your Majesty is not feeling well. If you have something to say, don't be verbose!" Gao Shilian came out from behind and said.

Everyone was stunned, why did Gao Shilian come out again?

Where is Wang De?
Where did it go?

Gongsun Wuji frowned, what happened in the past two days?
Why hasn't he received any news?

This is not a good sign.

Li Shilong glanced at everyone, "Xiangru, where is Jingyun, why didn't you come?"

(End of this chapter)

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