big dry son-in-law

Chapter 724 The reason why the casserole is big

Chapter 724 The reason why the casserole is big
"Brother, strong man, don't say that. An ant is still living in vain. Your mother gave birth to you and raised you so much. If you are going to die, your mother must not die of grief?"

Qin Mo said with regret: "I'm so young, I'm afraid I don't have a woman, I haven't tasted any good life, and I'm just like this, are you willing to do it?"
Don’t you want to have a taste of what it means to live like a god? "

There are really no women in Shangwu. He is almost thirty and still single.

Originally Xi'er promised to marry him this year, but now Xi'er is also dead.

"Now, don't say that I won't give you a chance. You actually know very well that rebellion has no future. It would be fine if the Emperor Daqian is stupid and brutal to the people.

But don’t you see clearly in the northwest?Is this something a cruel emperor can do? "

Qin Mo picked up the tea and took a sip, "Your Emperor Zhou conquered Gaoli three times, and millions of people died. White flags were hung on every household. Although the construction of the Grand Canal was a long-lasting achievement, his starting point was to facilitate his trip to Yangzhou.

The old people of the first generation have all gone, and the new generation has grown up under the banner of Daqian. They have enough to eat, warm clothes, and light taxes.

Last year, we won the battle against Nanfan and brought over hundreds of thousands of slaves. These hundreds of thousands of slaves exempted hundreds of thousands of families from corvee service.

There are also more than [-] criminals in the country, and they have also replaced the corvee. Think about it, do you dare to think of this in the Great Zhou Dynasty?

Tell me what you know and I will show you a clear path. "

"I won't listen to you, kill me!" Shang Wu was a little angry and a little scared. Qin Mo's words left him unable to refute.

In the northwest, who among the disaster victims is not grateful to the imperial court?

There was no harvest in the fields, but no one died of hunger. The court gave them rice and moved them to a prosperous place.

Build them houses and give them land.

He had never seen such relief at any cost.

Those people said that Li Qian's rule was unfair, but why did the people support him so much?
"I also cherish talents. I feel that you are a malleable talent. It would be a pity to die. If you want to rebel even though you know that rebellion is impossible, that would be stupid!

Do you dare to say that you are not rebelling for power and wealth? "

"Fart, I rebelled for the righteousness of my heart!"

Qin Mo burst out laughing, "What a righteous thing you have in your heart. Your righteousness is to return the people to more than ten years ago, where they were homeless and precarious?
What you call righteousness is killing people and setting fires, treating human life as nothing?
If they were all like you, there would be no change of dynasties, no Da Qian, and no Da Zhou.

If you say that the position of Da Qian is not right, then does it mean that the position of Da Zhou is right?

Do people before the Great Zhou also want to overthrow the rule of the Great Zhou? "

"I, I" Shang Wu gritted his teeth, "Stop talking and kill me."

"If I don't kill you, it would be pointless to kill you. Your own so-called moral principles are untenable. It's just for your own selfish desires.

How capable you are, inciting those ignorant farmers in the northwest and making them pay for your ambitions. "

"It's Li Qian's tyranny, I, we are just following the destiny!" Shang Wu said with increasing confidence.

"Shit's destiny, it is a fact that Emperor Zhou Yang is immoral, and it is also a fact that you are ambitious. Don't talk about the rebellion so openly.

What the common people want is a stable life, but in their eyes, you are just rebels! "

"No, it's not like that!"

Shang Wu couldn't help but shake his head, "To overthrow tyranny, people will always die, and they deserved to die!"

As he spoke, his initially wavering eyes gradually became firmer, "Darkness will eventually be dispelled, and light will conquer everything!"

"It seems that the people behind you have brainwashed you very thoroughly." Qin Mo wanted to take a shortcut, but unfortunately, he underestimated the extent of the White Lotus Sect's brainwashing.

Since it doesn't make sense, it can only be reasonable.


The hammer fell from his sleeve, "Have you ever seen the truth about the size of a casserole?"

Shang Wu's eyes turned contemptuous, "Qin Mo, kill one of me, and there will be thousands of me!"

"Brother Macho, I admire people like you the most!"

Qin Mo stood up, and Xu Que, who was guarding outside the prison, felt numb.It starts again!

"I told you not to learn well!"

"Ah Qin Mo, you must die a happy death!"

"Fight into the streets and let you rebel at such a young age!"

"Xiao Zaizhong, I will make you refuse to repent!"

"Treasure, let you speak harshly!"

Qin Mo didn't know how many principles he taught Shang Wu. Later, his head was burst by the principles.

How could he let go of the culprit who cut off Uncle Liu Gen's hands and feet?

He took out a white towel, wiped his hands and face, and then wiped the hammer clean.

Qin Mo has always been a reasonable and clean person.

At this time, Xu Que quickly brought in a clean coat, "Captain, please change your clothes!"

Qin Mo nodded and took off the bloody clothes.

Xu Que looked at Shang Wu and couldn't help but shudder.

It's too awful.

The human form is no longer visible.

He swallowed hard and said, "Captain, this man is the leader of thieves, he will be beaten to death like this."

"What kind of thief? This is an accomplice. The real mastermind is still in the northwest." Qin Mo glanced at him sideways. "These rebels have been brainwashed. If they don't repent, just use the truth to convince them!"

"Yes, Commander!" Xu Que stood up straight and couldn't help but wonder, should he also change his weapon to a big hammer?
No, it can’t be bigger than the governor’s hammer, it must be smaller!
Qin Mo walked out of the prison and sighed. He had talked too much in the past two days and he was tired.

Go watch some singing and dancing and relax.

At this time, inside Dali Temple.

Zhuge then cursed loudly, "My mother actually moved people to the six gates, so why don't we interrogate her!"

Gongsun Wuji was also furious, but also helpless.

This kid is ten times worse than his father.

Li Cungong didn't care. Anyway, the interrogation was just a formality. After Qin Mo's interrogation, they all had their own merits as deputy interrogators. His Majesty only needs to approve it.

"How about we go to Liumenmen?" Li Cungong said.

"He made it clear that he wanted to monopolize the credit. I want to join him again!" Zhuge Sui left angrily.

"Uncle Guo, what about you?"

"Now that the truth is out, what can these accomplices find out?" Gongsun Wuji said: "That's all, I don't bother to talk anymore!"

After the two left, Li Cungong stretched himself. The training of the horse racing team was still interesting. He had recently become obsessed with horse racing.

During this period, their criminal cavalry team achieved four consecutive championships and made a huge profit of 2 taels, which was very satisfying.

On the other side, at the Beijing Opera House, everyone was waiting for the Zhao family, but they didn't come up.

"What's going on? I've been waiting for two quarters of an hour. Where is the person?"

"It's not okay for a store owner to bully customers. Even if you, Mr. Zhao, are famous, you can't trick us like this. We paid money to get in!"

Qin Mo happened to come over at this moment, and the director of the opera house ran over anxiously, "Master, everyone Zhao is on strike!"

(End of this chapter)

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