big dry son-in-law

Chapter 726 Beer and snails go better together!

Chapter 726 Beer and snails go better together!

Xiao Yurou's matter has come to an end, and Li Shilong's complexion is getting better and better after recuperating.

It has been more than half a month since Qin Mo last entered the palace.

In August, the heat is unbearable.

"Gao Shilian!"

"The servant is here."

"Then what is that brat doing these days?" Li Shilong took a sip of the iced sour plum soup, "Last time I asked him to make something that could replace wine, and he just used this broken sour plum soup to kill me?"

Wu Jian fled, and after receiving Li Shilong's instructions, Gao Shilian bloodbathed the Shadow Guards, which means that there are no Shadow Guards in the palace now.

Without the Shadow Guards, he was just a bare commander, but Li Shilong remained silent about the reorganization of the Shadow Guards.

He knew that Wu Shi's betrayal made Li Shilong suspicious.

In addition, there were not many eunuchs available in the palace, so Gao Shilian still followed Li Shilong.

The status is getting higher and higher.

"The Prince Consort has been at home recently, either supervising the construction of the Beicheng Racecourse or at Qinzhuang."

"You brat, you are more carefree than me." Li Shilong curled his lips, picked up another memorial and read it, it was from Lingnan.

Li Yue led three thousand thunder troops and established a foothold in Lingnan, but there was still not enough manpower, so he wrote back asking for people.

He thought about it for a while. The place in Lingnan was no different from other places. It was filled with exiled criminals and local people, and its people were unruly.

He really doubted whether it was worth spending a lot of manpower and material resources.

After thinking again and again, he said: "Go and call that brat into the palace."


Gao Shilian hurriedly left the palace, but Qin Mo was not in the Qin Mansion, but in the Junguo Mansion, mainly to guard against Qin Xiangru.

It's so annoying. I have to ask him questions every day. He is old and has no ability to be independent. He must be cultivated.

Some people don't know how much potential they have unless they push hard.

Ever since Qin Mo took his wife back to Junguo's mansion, his life has been much cleaner.

At this moment, Qin Mo looked at the drink fermented with dry bread in front of him and took a deep breath, "By the way, this is the taste!"

Qin Mo picked up the spoon, took a spoonful, and tasted it. It was the taste in his memory.

Gao Yao also took a sip, "Master, is this wine?"

"This is not wine, but it contains a small amount of alcohol. It can be drunk by children." Lao Liu wanted to drink, so Qin Mo made this and chilled it. It must taste very good.

It can be used as a standing drink in the Junguo Palace.

"I said it smells like alcohol!" Gao Yao swallowed.

Qin Mo directly scooped a large bowl for her, "You drink some, I'll put it in a can first and send it to Lao Liu, otherwise he'll be nagging me behind my back again!"

It's been almost a month, it should be okay to drink this, it's better than him drinking directly.

Next to this large wooden barrel, there is also a beer fermented by wheat malt. I have been coming here for two years and I have almost forgotten what the beer tastes like.

What if I had two big bowls of ice-cold wheat beer and two bites of snails while eating?
"Master, it tastes delicious!" Gao Yao had had this unique drink before and his eyes narrowed.As soon as he finished speaking, Xiao Liuzi hurried in and said, "Master, Mr. Gao is here!"

Qin Mo looked up and saw Gao Shilian walking over with a smile on his face, "Little ancestor, you made it easy for us to find him!"

He glanced at Gao Yao who was standing aside. Gao Yao quickly hid the spoon behind his back and lowered his head unconsciously, "Godfather!"

"Uncle, why are you here?" Qin Mo quickly gave Gao Shilian a spoonful of wheat beer, "Here, have a taste of my newly brewed wine."

Gao Shilian took a sip, and his eyes suddenly lit up, "What kind of wine is this? Although it is not as strong as Shaodaozi, it is not too light. It has a strong aroma of wheat."

"Qin's Beer, Qin Beer for short. This one tastes better iced. Have a bowl of iced Qin Beer before or after the meal. It's so refreshing!" Qin Mo said as he told Xiao Liuzi, "Go and let the kitchen prepare the plate." Fried screws and cold vegetable platter!”

"Oh, no need, I'm rushing back to recover." Gao Shilian took Qin Mo's hand, "Let's go into the palace with my uncle, His Majesty is looking for you."

"What are you doing in the palace? I finally rested for half a month and they asked me to enter the palace again!" Qin Mo was speechless, "If you have anything to do, please come to my father!"

"Little Ancestor, let's play for fun, and at least share some of the pressure for His Majesty!" Gao Shilian said: "Let you withdraw in time, but I don't want you to withdraw completely!"

Qin Mo scratched his head, "Okay, let's have lunch here before leaving. Xiao Gao, please chill the beer!"

"Hey, okay, as long as you are willing to enter the palace." Gao Shilian sighed.

Half an hour later, Gao Shilian picked up the chilled beer and drank half the glass in one breath. "Huh, this is beer. It's chilled. It's so refreshing. It's much better than sour plum soup!"

"Uncle, these snails are delicious!" Qin Mo was shirtless, and the two of them were eating in the pavilion. Although they were unkempt, they were carefree and extremely relaxing.

It made Gao Shilian want to go shirtless.

He took two mouthfuls of snails, which were so spicy that he poured wine into his mouth. "Hey, are they so spicy?"

"Squeezing dogwood juice, it must be spicy." I don't know what happened to the fleet going out to sea. There has been no news for so long. Don't let everyone be blown away by the waves.

The spices he longed for didn't know when they would be available again.

"But after the spicy food, I felt cool. Is it mint?"

"Oh, Uncle Gao, you really know how to eat!" Qin Mo gave a thumbs up. Most people don't use mint as a condiment, and they don't know how to use mint to refresh themselves. They don't use it much. Unexpectedly, Gao Shilian tasted it in one bite. .

"Hey, I don't know how you can enjoy it." Gao Shilian just felt comfortable eating with Qin Mo, "By the way, uncle, I have to thank you. If it weren't for you, I might not have the chance to sit here and eat with you this time. ”

Qin Mo filled him with beer and said nonchalantly: "Uncle, let's not do this, right?
Isn't it natural for a nephew to save his uncle? "

A warm current flowed through Gao Shilian's heart. This child was always like this. No matter how helpful he was, he never said anything.

I regard him as a relative from the bottom of my heart.

"It's my uncle's fault." Gao Shilian's eyes were also slightly red, "My uncle has no father or mother since he was a child. He is an orphan. It is my blessing to meet you."

Qin Mo picked up the wine bowl and said, "You are an uncle for the rest of your life. Whatever you want to say is in the wine!"

The wine glasses clinked together, and the uncle drank them all in one gulp.

After eating and drinking, the two entered the palace.

As soon as he entered the palace, he saw Li Shilong eating his lunch without water. When he saw Qin Mo, his face turned sour.

Qin Mo picked up the bottle in his hand and said, "Father, look what good things I have brought you!"

Li Shilong was stunned for a moment, then overjoyed, "Wine? Brat, come here quickly, I haven't smelled wine in almost a month, I'm so hungry!"

(End of this chapter)

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