big dry son-in-law

Chapter 728 Why are you not a peerless genius?

Chapter 728 Why are you not a peerless genius?
"Simple, just take over Gao Shilian's class from now on!" Li Shilong threatened.

Qin Mo immediately quit, "Huh? I'll take over Lao Gao's class?"

"What are you afraid of? In a few months, your Qin family will be in full bloom!" Li Shilong smiled coldly.

"Father, I don't want the princess anymore, I don't want any of them, return the goods, I want to return the goods!" Qin Mo stopped nagging.

"Back off and die!" Li Shilong stroked his beard and said.

Qin Mo suddenly withered, "Forced buying and selling, unreasonable!"

Seeing that he was frustrated, Li Shilong felt secretly happy, "I'm leaving my words here. If you don't do well, you can take over from Gao Shilian."

Well done, I will marry my daughter to you, make you the king, and give you a taste of what it feels like to be a loner. "

Qin Mo shook his head like a rattle, calling him a loner?
What about Xue Rengui?

Can you believe the things in the novel?


"Who is afraid? I just feel that I am not capable enough to bear this burden!" Qin Mo said firmly: "Father, I am retired now. My father is still here. If I become the king, my father will kill me." .

Let’s wait until my dad retires! "

"I'm telling you, if I make you the king, I will definitely take back all the titles of your Qin family. The title of a county prince between two princes is worthy of a county king.

When the time comes, I will give you Gaoli as a fief, carry out the king's transformation, and strive to let Wanji and Huang Luo bathe in Tian's grace as soon as possible. Do you understand? "

Thinking about it this way, it seems that it is not unacceptable.

Are the three hereditary and irreplaceable titles in their family not as good as a county king?
Theoretically, the county prince is at the same level as the prince.

If it is not a hereditary and replaceable county king, then it actually doesn't matter. After the second generation, he becomes a prince, and there is a special lack of hereditary and replaceable dukedom and county title.

The loss is huge. If there are many sons, I don’t know how to divide the family property.

Ming is promoted, secret is demoted.

In this way, there is more room for maneuver, and there is no need to worry about making meritorious deeds.

This method is really high.

After thinking about it, Qin Mo scratched his head and said, "Father, Gaoli is too far away. Can I not give up the land?"

"Hey, you're not afraid anymore? Do you think you're capable?" Li Shilong looked at Qin Mo with a half-smile, and he knew that Qin Mo, a bastard, could figure out the joints.

In fact, he has been troubled by this matter for a long time.

Qin Mo is his most valued son-in-law.

It is also the national pillar he prepared for the next emperor.

Originally, he even wanted to use the abolished phase system, even if it was excessive.

But he is afraid that the tail will not fall off.

The power of the prime minister overlapped greatly with that of the emperor.

It is also the biggest restriction on imperial power.

But later he thought about it, and he wanted to give Qin Mo room to display his abilities, but he also couldn't let him get promoted or rewarded.

I thought of this trick later.

He borrowed it from the Prince Succession Act. When Li Xin went to sea, more uninhabited territories would be discovered in the future, and these territories needed people to guard them.

If it is beaten down and cannot be digested, it will be a pure waste of manpower and material resources, and it will be a great success.

Li Shilong was a little drifting before, but after being stabbed, he returned to his previous state.

"No, it's mainly because my father strives for success. If he performs meritorious service, my father will make him the king and I will be the heir apparent." Qin Mo couldn't wait to go back and tell Lao Qin the good news.

After Lao Qin finds out, he will definitely be happy from ear to ear, right?
"Sit back!" "Oh!"

Qin Mo smiled bitterly, ran back from a distance, picked up the elbow again and started chewing it.

Li Shilong then handed over Li Yue's letter, "Take a look!"

Qin Mo glanced at it and said, "What's wrong?"

"Lao Ba is in Lingnan and there are not enough manpower. Who would be more appropriate to send?"

Qin Mo said: "It's useless to send one or two people. Didn't he build the Governor's Mansion there, recruit troops and buy horses, and make the troops strong and strong, which is more useful than anything else."

Li Shilong nodded, "Then let him recruit local talents on his own, and I will give him the right to open a mansion. If he is below the fifth rank, how about he be able to promote him independently?"

To put it bluntly, Li Yue was allowed to exercise the rights of the vassal king.

"Okay, since you let Lao Ba go, then trust him. If he has a firm foothold, the Feng brothers will not dare to move.

If we don't move, we will engage in large-scale development, and one thing will disappear and the other will increase. Over time, it will be difficult for the Feng family to become a success.

If you dare to cause trouble, just kill them! "

The Feng family is truly the dominant force in Lingnan. According to Lao Ba's reply, the Feng family has tens of thousands of slaves.

When Lao Liu wanted to attack the Feng family, Feng An's son, Feng Ziyou, entered the court with a shipload of gold and silver. Therefore, the failure of the expedition was not only due to Liang Zheng, but also to the shipload of gold and silver. face.

"I'm not worried about the crusade. The imperial court sends troops, and the Feng family can't resist it." Li Shilong drank Da Qian Chun and said, "Who knows the governor of Jingzhou, right?"

"I've heard of it, are you from the Cui family?"

"Yes, Cui Bolin from the Cui family. I received a tip that the Cui family has been doing business with the Feng family. The daughter of the Feng family also married Cui Bolin's nephew.

This time, Cui Bolin wrote a letter saying that I was wrong and should not set up the fifth governor's palace in Lingnan.

He also said that the world is prosperous, the world is at peace, and the country's strength is rising. If the Feng brothers wanted to rebel, they should have done so many years ago.

Please don't listen to the villain's slander. "

Li Shilong slapped Cui Bolin's letter in front of Qin Mo, "Pei Weiyuan, the governor of Yangzhou, also wrote to me, asking me to remove the governor of Lingnan, saying that four governor's offices in the world are enough.

They are threatening me and forcing me. "

These four governor's offices are like Jiedushi, each one has great power.

Moreover, it is still placed near the heart of Daqian.

Qin Mo understood that Lao Liu wanted to destroy these governor's offices. Even if they couldn't be eliminated, they still had to be managed by his own people.

This is much more difficult than cutting off a feudal clan.

The old man said that he and his family would rule the world together, and it took seven years to establish the great cause.

If Lao Liu goes back on his word and destroys the four governor's offices, the world may be in chaos.

After all, these four major governor's offices all advance and retreat together.

"Jingyun, can you understand me?"

"Father, to be honest, I can't understand it!" Qin Mo said: "I'm not in your position, I can't feel your oppression!"

Feeling that Li Shilong's eyes were becoming cruel, Qin Mo quickly expressed his hatred for the enemy: "But you are my father-in-law. These sons of bitches dare to bully my father-in-law and kill them!"

Li Shilong's face looked much better now, "Is there any way to weaken the four major governor's offices without killing them?"

Qin Mo was speechless. He didn't want to be tough and was afraid of something happening.

"Yes, you can kill me!" Qin Mo chose to lie down, "How can I come up with so many ideas every day, making me look like a genius!"

Li Shilong was stunned for a moment and said in surprise: "How come you are not considered a genius?"

(End of this chapter)

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