big dry son-in-law

Chapter 739 I am very touched!

Chapter 739 I am very touched!

Garrisoning troops is not uncommon.

But setting up a Protectorate and garrisoning troops are two different things.

This was the case with the Annan Protectorate that was established during the capture of Annan.

However, Qin Mo suggested later and moved many more people over.

He simply divided the Annan Protectorate into three counties and several counties to control them with officials, and the effect was very good.

"In this case, you two will discuss the specific details with Zhonghe!" Li Shilong said.

Tang Jian came out and said, "I obey the order!"

The two envoys Shidan and Jihe did not expect it to go so smoothly, and their moods improved.

Dagan garrisoned troops, and if Gao Li and Bei Nu dared to intrude, they would no longer be afraid.

The envoys of other countries also put aside their doubts at this moment, especially the countries of Qiduumei and Yaksha.

They border on Kyrgyzstan.

However, Ji Erzhen's face was not good-looking. Daqian had troops stationed in the two countries and was still a navy. This meant that Daqian's journey to the Japanese island country became shorter, probably shortened by one-third.

But thinking about the good relationship between my family and Wanji, I felt less nervous.

"By the way, Ji'er Zhenbei, do you, the Japanese island country, also want to rent a piece of land for us to garrison troops?" Qin Mo looked at Ji'er Zhenbei and said.

"I am Ji Er Zhen Bei, not Ji Er Zhen Xiao!"

"They all mean the same thing." Qin Mo waved his hand, "If we station troops in the Japanese island country, it will be conducive to regional peace and make the Japanese island country more prosperous."

Ji'er Zhenbei's mouth twitched, "This is not something I can decide, but I will definitely report this to the Emperor after I return home!"

Don't be fooled.

Qin Mo curled his lips, it seemed that the Japanese island country had a big plan.

"Your Majesty, Emperor Dagan, I have one more thing to do when I come here this time." Ji Erzhenbei said: "We, the legitimate daughter of Emperor Xiaotoku, have been in Dagan for a year. I heard that he was rewarded by your majesty to Prince Qin. The prince is a slave and a maid.

I dare to ask Your Majesty, where will the Japanese island country be located?
The princess is the most precious pearl in my Dahua dynasty. She traveled thousands of miles to Daqian, but she ended up like this.

The minister saw the princess in the Bohai Bay, where she was enjoying the sun and wind and fishing every day. He said that the prince of Qin County had given an order to her to catch fifty kilograms of sea fish every day, otherwise she would not be allowed to sleep.

I would like to ask Your Majesty again, if you are not the princess of Daqian, don't you feel distressed?

Fifty kilograms of sea fish a day is difficult for even a person who fishes all year round.

If there is strong wind and rain, the princess will risk her life to go to the beach. "

When Jill Zhenbei said this, her eyes turned red, "In this case, who will dare to send their own princess to Daqian in the future?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at Qin Mo.

Although the people in Daqian didn't care much about the princess of the Japanese island country, what Qin Mo did was indeed a bit too much.

Originally, being a slave was humiliating enough, but he also fished every day and was not allowed to sleep if he didn't catch enough.

Li Shilong thought carefully and realized that there really was such a princess who wanted to enter the harem, and then he rewarded her to Qin Mo, letting Qin Mo do whatever he wanted.

Being a slave was in line with his wishes. The Japanese island nation was arrogant and he was magnanimous even if he didn't kill that cheap maid.

But with so many people watching, he didn't look good when he was questioned on the spot.

"Jingyun, what's going on? I didn't ask you to treat the princess of the Japanese island country well, why did you make her a slave and a maid?" "Why a slave and a maid? I just let her follow me, even though I know that little cousin and little princess She is very considerate, washing my feet and warming my bed every day. I have repeatedly said that she does not need to be like this.

After all, she is also the eldest princess of the Japanese island country.

But it's useless, I can't persuade her, and I won't let her serve her, so she says I don't like her anymore.

I am such a kind-hearted person, how can I always go against women's wishes? "Qin Mo looked innocent, as if he was forced to serve Sugako.

Ji'er was so angry that when he came to Daqian, Su Yingao told him about Qin Mo, knowing that he was deeply loved by the Emperor of Daqian.

But I didn't expect that he was even more capable of telling lies with his eyes open.

"You're talking nonsense, our princess is not that mean. If you make her a slave, you are trampling the face of the Japanese island nation on the ground.

When Emperor Kotoku found out about this, he was furious, so he sent me here specially to take the princess back! "

If Sugako Sachiko marries Qin Mo, it won't matter. No matter how he bullies her, it's Qin Mo's business. Anyway, Qin Mo has a high status and is profitable.

But Qin Mo treated Sugako as a slave, which was trampling on the face of the Japanese island nation under his feet.

"Is it possible that our princess likes fishing and fishes every day? Although our Japanese island country is not as powerful or as wealthy as Daqian, the princess has been pampered since she was a child.

Not to mention fishing, when you eat fish, you have to ask the servants to pick out the fish bones before eating them. "

Jill Zhenbei said angrily: "We, the Japanese island country, need an explanation."

"That's right, your princess just likes fishing!" Qin Mo said: "At that time, there was a drought in Daqian, and nearly a million people had no food to eat. I was fishing in the Bohai Bay.

Your princess felt very distressed when she saw me leaving early and coming back late. She wanted to help me solve my problems no matter what, so she took a fishing rod to the beach to fish every day.

What’s fifty pounds?She was so ambitious before that she wouldn't go home until she caught a hundred catties of fish a day.

I still felt sorry for her and persuaded her for a long time before she agreed to only catch fifty pounds. "

Qin Mo sighed, "I have to say that your princess of the Japanese island country is indeed considerate of people's clothing, no, understanding of others.

I am also very touched! "

As he said that, he winked at Li Shilong: "Father, after all, she has been fishing there for almost a year. After this year, fifty kilograms of sea fish every day is enough for more than 1 kilograms. It is really perseverance. amazing!"

Speaking of which, let that little evil princess go home.

Li Shilong understood and said, "Yes, it is indeed very touching. Let's do this. Since she likes you so much, just accept her and let her come back. Don't let her fish at the beach."

Qin Mo was stunned for a moment, so anxious that his eyelids almost cramped.

Li Shilong frowned slightly, what do you mean?
Not satisfied?
By the way, I almost forgot about this.

"I remember that your princess was canonized by Daqian, but the Japanese island country is a vassal state, so it has to be downgraded. So, let's make her Princess Dahua.

Ask the Ministry of Rites to prepare some gifts for you to take back when you return home. Be sure to explain them clearly to the Japanese king! "Li Shilong said looking at Ji'er Zhenbei.

"No, father, just let her go back, so as not to say that I bullied their princess!" Qin Mo covered his cramped right eye, anxious.

The woman was unkind at first sight. He was fascinated by her last time she took a shower, and he still can't forget the butterfly.

Very strange.

"What are you going to say? Just clear up any misunderstandings. No show-off!" Li Shilong frowned and said, "I've already given you permission, so why are you being pretentious?
A man should be a little bit broad-minded, lest he be looked down upon by the envoys of his country! "

(End of this chapter)

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