Chapter 744
Xiaojiu cried so sadly that she hugged Qin Mo's thigh and refused to let go.

Li Lizhen ran in from outside, "Nineteen, don't be like this. My brother-in-law is going to perform meritorious service, and it's not like he won't come back."

She pulled Xiaojiu, her eyes were red, as if she had cried.

Qin Mo picked up Xiaojiu and said, "Can you wait for your brother-in-law at home?"

"No, what if you can't come back? I won't be a little widow anymore?"

Qin Mo almost choked to death on his saliva.

Empress Gongsun frowned, "Nineteen, don't talk nonsense, your brother-in-law will definitely return in triumph."

She was helpless. This little girl clamored to marry Qin Mo every day, but her biggest dream was actually to marry Qin Mo.

But she didn't take Tong Yan Wuji to heart.

"Nonsense, what a little widow, you can at most be a widowed sister-in-law." Qin Mo scratched her little nose, "Help me take care of the third sister and the others at home, and prepare gifts for you when you come back!"

"Really?" Tears welled up in Xiaojiu's eyes.


"Then I want to be your little wife, okay? I heard from Sixth Sister that men generally dote on their little wives!"

As soon as these words came out, Li Lizhen's pretty face turned red, "Smelly girl, what are you talking about? When did I ever say such a thing to you?"

She hurriedly walked over and was about to hug Xiaojiu over.

Xiaojiu hugged Qin Mo tightly and whispered in his ear: "Real brother-in-law, I didn't lie to you, Sixth Sister said this last time when she chatted with Sisters Twelve and Thirteenth!
Also, Sixth Sister wants to marry you! "

Li Lizhen came over just in time. When she heard this, she wanted to find a crack in the ground and crawl in. "Smelly Nineteen, you are talking nonsense. I will not take you out of the palace to eat well in the future!"

As she spoke, she quickly said: "Brother-in-law, don't listen to her nonsense!"

Qin Mo looked at her with a smile, "Child, I was also full of nonsense when I was a child!"

Li Lizhen didn't dare to look into Qin Mo's eyes and quickly changed the subject: "Nineteen, don't you have a gift for your brother-in-law?"

Xiaojiu reacted, "Yes, brother-in-law, I have prepared a gift for you!"

As she spoke, she took out a sachet and an amulet, "I asked Sister Six to prepare these for me. If you put them on, they will definitely keep you safe!"

Li Lizhen's heart was in her throat. She was really afraid that this little thing would sell her out!
Fortunately, no.

Qin Mo looked at the sachet and amulet in his hand, then scratched Xiaojiu's nose, "I'm not hurting you in vain!"

After that, he said to Li Lizhen: "Thank you, Liu'er, your craftsmanship is very good, I like it very much!"

Li Lizhen didn't know where to put her hands, and she clutched her clothes, "Yes, Xiaojiu asked me to do it, and I did it when I was free!"

Brother-in-law, you must come back safely this time you go to sea! "

"I'll bring you a gift then!"

Qin Mo put down Nineteen and felt much better after such a fuss.

Then Empress Gongsun took out the cloak, clothes and shoes that she had sewn by herself, "This was originally given to you at the end of the year. You happened to be going on a long trip, so I gave it to you in advance.

The sea is no different than at home, the wind and waves are strong, so dress warmly! "

Holding these clothes and shoes, Qin Mo was filled with emotion.

Qin Mo didn't know much about the sorrow of leaving home before, because it was very convenient to go home and only needed a return ticket.

Now he understands.

After leaving the Li Zheng Hall, he did not go to the Ganlu Hall. Anyway, Lao Liu didn't want to see him at the moment.

In the Ganlu Hall, Li Shilong was reviewing the memorial. He looked at the time and asked, "Is it time for lunch?"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

"Is Jingyun still in the palace? Call him here and have dinner with me!"

"No, the Prince Consort has left." Gao Shilian said with a bitter smile. "Huh? He didn't even come to me to say hello, so he just left?" Li Shilong suddenly became unhappy, "You brat, you are so vindictive, so I scolded him a few times and didn't even come to say goodbye to me when I went on an expedition."

"Your Majesty, the Prince Consort came to the palace this time and got a lot of Daganchunlai, which is enough for you to drink until next year. There is also some Qin Beer, which he said he would wait for you to drink in two months.

The burning knife cannot be touched again within a year, as he has repeatedly said.

He said that he came back to find you drinking and burning knives, and wanted to settle the score with your slave! "Gao Shilian deliberately exaggerated.

"Hey, this bastard doesn't care about my father anymore, but it's on me!" Li Shilong curled his lips, "Tomorrow you go see him off on my behalf, and let Li Shengli go with him. deputy.

Cheng Sanbao, the son of Cheng Sanxu, also followed. Dou Yiai had been establishing a county in Bohai for more than a year and asked him to follow him.

Du Jingming's second son, Du Youcheng, served as a staff officer with the army.

And Gongsun Min, let him go too.

The son of Yuchi Nobuo, Yuchi Badao is good at six arts and has a reputation for bravery.! "

Li Shilong said carefully, "Also, tell that bastard that I have handed over so many people to him, but I have to bring them back safely. If one of them is missing, I will settle the score with him."

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Gao Shilian knew very well that the reason why Li Shilong agreed to Qin Mo's army and let Su Yun be his deputy without any veteran participation in the whole process was because he wanted to cultivate a new generation.

If this battle is won, the new generation will be able to slowly hand over power from the older generation.

However, there is another point. They were worried that Qin Mo would have no use, so they brought these people under Qin Mo's command.

The next day, Qin Mo was dressed neatly, Li Yulan did not cry, and she did not allow others to cry.

"Come back soon, we will wait for you at home!"

Since things cannot be changed, they can only be accepted.

"Remember to miss me when you're out there!" Li Yushu's eyes were red and he was holding back tears.

Not to mention Chai Sitian, she was afraid of crying when she opened her mouth.

Li Xue also came, "Mr. Lang, come home soon!"

Qin Xiuying hugged Shuangshuang, "Mo'er, have a safe trip!"

Lao Qin scolded him with a straight face: "Remember, don't think that being the chief marching officer is a big deal.

Don't be careless, let alone arrogant. Your brothers will put their wealth and life on you.

They are the ones you rely on. "

"Dad, I'm leaving!" Qin Mo looked at Lao Qin, who was pretending to be calm, and stepped forward to hug him.

Qin Xiangru was shocked when he heard Qin Mo whisper in his ear: "Dad, I will be fine. Take good care of my aunt and my sister."

"What does it look like when a grown man cuddles?" Qin Xiangru pushed him away with disgust on his face.

Qin Mo smiled, glanced at Yang Liugen and others again, cupped his hands and said: "Uncles, Qin Mo has gone. When I come back, I will play chess with you again!"

With that said, he got on his horse.

The Qin Mansion also had hundreds of soldiers accompanying them this time.

Gao Yao was also on the horse beside him, also wearing a battle armor.

Qin Mo glanced at his family reluctantly, urged his horse, and disappeared from everyone's sight.

"Go back, you idiot. You are going to bring glory to the old Qin family. Everyone should eat and drink!"

Qin Xiangru said something, turned around and walked into the door.

But at that moment, the originally straight back suddenly became rickety.

They all know that no one in this world loves the young master as much as the father-in-law!
(End of this chapter)

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