big dry son-in-law

Chapter 749 Xiao Jier’s ambition!

Chapter 749 Xiao Jier’s ambition!

However, now that the matter has come to this, there is no way he can send the two of them back.

For this reason, Qin Mo severely criticized Sanbao.

But the fire still didn't go out, so he went to the lowest level of the cabin and beat Jill to prepare a meal.

This will dissipate the anger.

"General manager, the villain has already said what needs to be said, why do you still need to beat the villain?" Jill said, really ready to vomit blood.

"I have already asked Sugako Sachiko, and what you said is different from her!" Qin Mo said deceitfully.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible. The villain really has nothing to hide. If he lies, he will be struck by lightning!"

He entered six gates, and there was a long history in the six gates, named Xu Que.

He was carrying a big boss's hammer in his hand, and the people who came with him were all blown away by the great truth he said.

Ji Erzhenbei also found a glimmer of hope in Xu Que's principle, which was to be Da Gan's lackey.

Because he was immoral, no, Xu Que said he liked frank people, so he sold his father-in-law outright.


"It's true that the villain is doing something wrong in the Japanese camp. You must believe the villain. The princess has not been back for more than a year. It is normal for the memory to be biased!"

"Well, that makes sense!" Qin Mo put down the hammer in his hand, "Think about it carefully, there are still things that have not been clearly explained. The more things are explained, the more benefits there will be.

Our purpose of sending troops this time is to make the Japanese king admit his mistake. If he disobeys, then replace him with someone else.

Since it’s someone else, why can’t this person be you? "

Hearing this, Jill trembled all over, "Really, really?"

"You go to the capital and do some research. Who doesn't know that I, Qin Mo, never lie!" Qin Mo said: "Think about it carefully. Whether you want to continue to be a prisoner or become a Japanese king is all in your mind.

To be honest, we are not willing to spend too much effort to manage the ruined place of the Japanese island country. We will eventually return it to you. "

Ji Er felt a burning sensation in her heart. Indeed, the Japanese island country was too useless for Da Gan.

Daqian's territory is already huge, so how could it compare to the small island nation of Japan.

If he wants to be the king of Japan, he must lick Qin Mo well.

When I think of myself as the king of Japan, I can't help but burst into laughter!

That night, Qin Mo and others practiced on the sand table with maps and formulated a battle plan.

The only people here who have experienced water battles are Qin Mo and Su Yun.

But Su Yun is the expert in this area.

Mainly land warfare.

Washima Country has many mountains and most of them are hills, so we landed in Inaba Country.

Then there are Takacho County, Yashang County, and Chitou County.

I have to say that the names of these counties are particularly shocking.

The so-called counties are villages and towns.

Some are probably larger villages.

Moreover, the Japanese island country has five regions and seven realms.

There are 66 imperial kingdoms respectively.

To put it bluntly, it means dividing the country, which can be understood as a vassal state.

Country next to country.Next to Inaba Kingdom is Boqi Kingdom, which is equivalent to splitting one county into two sub-countries.

These sub-countries have strong and weak strengths. According to what Xiao Jier said, the strengths and weaknesses of these sub-countries have been marked.

It can be said that everything in Japan is laid out in front of everyone.

As for the elite of the Japanese island country, Qin Mo estimated that there are between seven and one hundred thousand. After all, the Japanese people are not many, only about 400 to [-] million.

Most of the military power is in the hands of the powerful princes of Lingzhi country.

Take Gao Li as an example. There are about 65 households. If we count 4 to 5 people per household, there are 300 million people.

When Emperor Zhou Yang attacked Gaoli, Gaoli's peak strength was 60.

However, these troops were very weak. Maybe half of them were unarmed people, or people holding wooden swords and guns, or people who were recruited for corvee service.

Calculating this, the Japanese island country should be able to recruit 50 million people.

"What I mean is a blitzkrieg. It's only about three hundred miles from Inaba Kingdom to Namba Kyo!" Gongsun Min said: "The thunder army clears the way, the infantry presses in, and the troops are divided into three groups to cut off Namba Kyo's retreat!"

"If that's the case, it's better to land from Wakasa!" Du Youcheng pointed to the map, "On the left is Echizen and on the right is Tango.

Crossing Tanba and Omi and going straight to Namba Kyo, there are not many choices left for Takatoku. "

"Then have you ever thought about it, that place is a bay and can easily be blocked." Gongsun Min spit, "Not leaving yourself a way out is a taboo for military strategists. So according to what you said, I It’s better to land directly at Ise and Shima, that way, it will be faster!”

Qin Mo listened to their fierce argument and did not stop it. The more they reasoned, the clearer they became. This was a good thing. At least they were all responsible for this battle.

Gongsun Min is right. If you want a blitzkrieg, you have to go around to the back of the Japanese island country and go straight to Awaji. There is a bay. Awaji is surrounded by the sea. If you go through the middle, you can go straight to Namba Kyo. You can 100% defeat Namba Kyo. Caught off guard!
After arguing for so long, there are two main strategies, step by step, first landing on the Japanese island country, and then pushing all the way over.

Blitzkrieg, mainly surprise attack, went straight to Namba Kyo.

The first one plays steadily and relies on hard power.

The second best thing is that I am afraid that Xiaotoku's bitch will escape. Once he escapes, the Japanese island country will be very big or small. If he escapes, it will be very troublesome.

Moreover, the detour may extend the journey by half, and it is unclear whether the supplies can last until then.

This increases the risk.

Thinking of this, Qin Mo said: "Although a surprise attack is good, the risk is too high. In this battle, we are fighting on behalf of Daqian, so we must defeat them openly.

To make them feel fear, to make them fear to the core when it comes to this battle for thousands of years to come!

I want to kill them until they are scared, I want to crush their backbones in one battle, and let them be remembered forever! "

This clanging murderous intention shocked everyone present.

"But in this case, the loss will be great." Gongsun Min frowned.

"Now that we are here, we must be prepared to fight to the death." Zhang Dong tapped his fingers on the table. "Detouring is a good way, but the journey will be nearly doubled. It is summer again, when typhoons and tsunamis are raging. .

If we encounter these natural disasters, how many of these ships do you think can survive?
Rather than letting the soldiers sink to the bottom of the sea to feed the fish, I would rather they spill their sweat and blood on the land of Japan.

Moreover, after taking Namba Kyo, people from the Japanese island country will still attack in groups.

We are king masters, we must overcome evil with good! "

"The chief manager is right. You may not know the sea. I am at the seaside every day and I know the sea very well."

Su Yun said in a deep voice: "The calm sea is one of the most beautiful scenery in the world, but if it goes crazy, it will be the most desperate natural disaster.

Don't look at the current prosperity of maritime caravans, but behind this prosperity are many ships sunk by strong winds and waves.

Moreover, Master Wang must behave like Master Wang, and we will crush them openly and let them know that the great power of Heaven must not be offended!"

(End of this chapter)

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