big dry son-in-law

Chapter 751 Voting certificate!

Chapter 751 Voting certificate!
Qin Mo was very surprised. Was he surrendering to him?
Gongsun Laogou’s new strategy to drive protons into the enemy?

He has not forgotten that Gongsun Chong, who is far away in Lingnan, is not dead yet.

But he did not have any conflict with Gongsun Min, and he continued to show goodwill to him these days.

"If you want to surrender, please give me a certificate of surrender first!"

Gongsun Min was stunned, "Do you want it?"

"Don't be stupid, I'm just teasing you!" Qin Mo patted his shoulder, "Our two families are relatives."

After saying that, Qin Mo left.

Seeing Qin Mo leave, Gongsun Min's heart tightened. He knew very well that this was the last chance. If he couldn't make Qin Mo believe it, his busy days would be in vain.

His thoughts were racing. He didn't want to get involved. There was no benefit in going against Qin Mo.

Last time, Qin Mo reminded him not to follow Gongsun Chong's old path.

How could he miss this opportunity.

"General Manager, I, I have something to tell you!" Gongsun Min quickly chased after him.

"I'm busy."

"I will only waste a little time!" Gongsun Min dismissed the surrounding soldiers and said in a low voice: "I, I know a secret!"

"Since it's a secret, it's better not to share it with others!"

Gongsun Min smiled bitterly, "General Manager, Hou Gennian is actually not dead, and he also joined the White Lotus Sect!"

"Oh, is it true?"

"Yes, it's true. Hou Gennian was so bold at that time that he contacted the remnants of the previous dynasty in Beijing in an attempt to overthrow Da Qian!" Gongsun Min said.

"Then how did you know?" Qin Mo became interested, "What can you use to prove that what you said is true?"

"Last year, a man in black entered my home and threatened my father to join the White Lotus Society!"

"Then how do you know the man in black is Hou Gengnian?"

"Don't worry, Chief Manager. Listen to me." Gongsun Min knew very well that his father would not succeed. In this case, he could only find a way to clear his name. When that day came, the knife would definitely fall on the Gongsun family.

Who is Qin Mo?

The governor of the Six Gates, the first consort in Daqian, and his father was the first king with a different surname in Daqian.

I am deeply favored by the Emperor, Your Majesty and the Queen.

He holds great power, is popular, and is the leader of the new law.

With him and his aunt, he can definitely clear his name.

And he has a deeper purpose!

"My father didn't know who he was at first, until the man revealed something secret. Only one person knew about this secret, and that was the deceased Hou Gennian.

Ten years ago, during the Baihumen Incident, after Your Majesty killed Prince Yin, my father led troops to ransack the house.

Yuchi Nobuo was afraid that his achievements would be great, so he defiled Prince Yin's concubines and was dismissed by His Majesty.

And my father, Hou Gennian, is also one of the founders of Baihumen. They are also afraid that they will be liquidated if their credit is too great.

So Hou Gennian encouraged my father to imitate Yuchi Nobuxiong's self-defilation, but in the end he chose the wrong person and defiled the crown prince.

The princess at that time was a beauty that could only be seen once in a hundred years.

At that time, His Majesty actually intended to include the Crown Princess into the harem!
My father was also in a daze at that time, so he followed Hou Gennian's advice.

Defiling the Crown Princess and being a concubine are two different things, so he made an agreement with Hou Gennian that he would strangle the Crown Princess alive without telling anyone. "

Speaking of this, Gongsun Min also looked embarrassed, "Hou Gennian used this matter to blackmail my father into joining the White Lotus Sect. My father had no choice but to make excuses with him. The purpose was to break into the White Lotus Sect and dig out these thieves!
I only found out about this when I accidentally discovered a letter from my father and Hou Gennian! "

Gongsun Min swore to God: "I will never lie. If the general manager doesn't believe it, I can steal all those letters after the victory!"

"Oh, your father doesn't know how to find His Majesty?"

"How dare he?" Gongsun Min said with a wry smile: "Your Majesty hates others to lie to him the most. How can my father be okay if His Majesty knows about this?
There were no eggs in the overturned nest, so I had no choice but to find the chief manager. "

"Are you really sure that it was Hou Gennian?"

"Yes, I don't need to make up a lie that can be easily exposed to deceive the chief general." Gongsun Min took a deep breath, "I can't ask for the chief governor's trust. My father looks down on me. I have no status in the family. Although he treats me He was groomed as an heir, but he never really looked at me seriously.

I only hope that the Grand Governor can protect my Gongsun family. You can take the credit! "

Gongsun Min's knees weakened and he was about to kneel down.

Qin Mo quickly supported him, "I can't bear your kneeling!"

"Please, Chief Manager, please save my family for my aunt's sake!" Gongsun Min's eyes were red, "My father did not inform Your Majesty, which is already a mistake after mistake.

Now my aunt is in a bad situation. If something like this happened to the Gongsun family, my aunt would probably be misunderstood by outsiders. How could her frail body endure it! "

After hearing this, Qin Mo was already convinced.

Gongsun Min would not make up a lie that could kill their family.

It was okay to defile Crown Princess Yin, after all, it had been so many years.

But if you conceal your contact with Hou Gennian, you will die.

What happened to Gongsun Chong was because Lao Liu didn't kill him because of the queen's face, which gave the Gongsun family enough face.

Empress Gongsun's face could not stand up to this matter.

To put it bluntly, this is treason.

They are also the Queen's natal family.

Can Queen Gongsun still live in order to prove her innocence?
With her strong character, she would definitely commit suicide.

"You really think highly of me, can I get involved in this matter?" Qin Mo said.

"I'm at the end of my rope." Gongsun Min said tremblingly: "This secret is driving me crazy. I can think of you as the only one who can solve this matter."

What he said was true and false, and he changed the most critical part.

The Gongsun family survived, and so did he.

He can also gain Qin Mo's friendship. When King Yue comes to power, for the sake of Queen Gongsun's face, he will still reuse the Gongsun family.

Why not?

He was betting that Qin Mo was sincere to Queen Gongsun.

It didn't matter if he didn't win the bet. After returning, he went to Queen Gongsun to confess.

He would definitely let Gongsun Wuji live and let him see how the Gongsun family prospered in his hands.

"General Manager, do you really want to see the Queen die?"

Qin Mo looked at Gongsun Min, this kid was a hundred times smarter than Gongsun Chong.

If Gongsun Chong had such brains, he would not be sent to Lingnan.

"The Queen will not die, she will live a long life and die in peace!"

Qin Mo left.

At this time, Gongsun Min was almost exhausted.

He clenched his fists tightly, feeling extremely excited, "I, I won the bet!"

Sunset and sunrise, time flies.

In the blink of an eye, it’s mid-September.

Qin Mo was slumped, holding a fishing rod and looking at the water in a daze!

At this moment, the sailor on the mast quickly slid down from above, "Major, land, we saw land!"

(End of this chapter)

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