big dry son-in-law

Chapter 791 Princess Qi comes to the door with a knife!

Chapter 791 Princess Qi comes to the door with a knife!


The sound of the knife hitting the ground made Qin Mo wake up.

Soga Sachiko hates her so much. She has no home now, and her father is also on duty in the palace, so she has nothing.

She only has Qin Mo and can only rely on Qin Mo.

She just wants to be loved more, is that wrong?
This damn eunuch just doesn't like her and always ruins her business at the most critical moment.

Qin Mo picked up the knife and swung it with the blade. In an instant, a red mark appeared, "Well, this is good, it doesn't take any effort, but it's a little laborious!"

Sugako suddenly cried in pain, dead eunuch, stinky eunuch, they are not the same thing
Qin Mo swung the knife twice and threw the knife to Gao Yao, and his mood improved a lot.

He fell asleep immediately.

Sugako didn't dare to disturb Qin Mo, so she lay at the end of the bed and warmed Qin Mo's feet.

As a subjugated princess, her life is really hard!
The next day, Qin Mo was sleeping soundly.

A woman's cry came from outside, "Qin Mo, the murderer of a thousand swords, get out of here!"

He could hear that sound clearly even though it was several yards away.

Qin Mo woke up suddenly and subconsciously kicked Sugako out of bed, who was sleeping in a daze at the end of the bed.

"Who, who called me?" Qin Mo sat up, still a little confused, "Am I having a nightmare, or am I hearing hallucinations?"

At this time, Xiao Liuzi stood outside the door and shouted: "Master, Princess Qi came to the door with a knife. The threshold of our house has been split open. You must not go out."

Qin Mo trembled all over, "What did you say?"

"Princess Qi has arrested the master again. Damn it, he's already in disgrace!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the housekeeper ran over again, stood at the door and shouted: "Our wife is fighting with Princess Qi!"

Qin Mo's scalp was numb.

Darling, this Princess Qi's roar of the Hedong lion is so powerful.

No wonder King Qi could only act like a good boy in front of her.

What if she became her own mother-in-law.

Qin Mo swallowed hard.

Gao Yao hurriedly came over and helped Qin Mo get dressed, "Master, go through the back door and go to Dingyuan County Duke's Mansion!"

"No, no, this Hedong lion's roar is so powerful. What if it scares the children?" Qin Mo quickly put on his clothes, hurried out of the room and came to the front.

There were several marks on Lao Qin's face and he was bleeding.

Qin Xiuying and Princess Qi struggled together, grabbing each other's hair and saying harsh words, "Shrew, if you dare to hurt my man, I will kill you!"

"You shrew, I'll kill you!" Princess Qi did not fall behind.

Li Jingya almost cried, "Mom, please stop!"

Li Yulan was also there to persuade, "Aunt Wang, if you have something to say, please speak it!"

"My daughter has been bullied like this, how do you want me to say something properly?" Princess Qi was furious, "Call that bastard Qin Mo over here, I will chop him to death!"

Qin Mo walked over bravely, "Well, aunt, I, I'm here!"

"Mo'er, go in. I won't let this shrew know how powerful I am today. The word Qin is written upside down!"

Qin Xiuying is a Guanzhong woman who is not yet married at the age of 40. There are countless widowers and widowers who covet her. If she is not aggressive, how can she protect herself and her family?
"Auntie, let go first!" Qin Mo ran over and spent a lot of effort to pull the two of them apart.

At this time, Princess Chengjun and Princess Heng came over after hearing the sound. They saw this scene as soon as they entered the door. They looked at each other and hurriedly quickened their pace.

Seeing Princess Qi drawing the knife, the two people hurriedly went over to hold her, "What are you doing? Didn't you agree last time that if you have anything to say, sit down and talk calmly?" "Princess Qi, you have thought about it. Do you want your daughter to marry Qin Mo smoothly, or do you want to kill Qin Mo.

If you make such a fuss, how will you get along with your daughter when she gets married?

Look, if you arrest Prince Qin, how will the two families meet in the future? "

Princess Heng is still very aura, after all, she is Zong Renling's wife.

In addition to the palace, she is qualified to reprimand other royal family members.

"If you don't get married, I won't let my daughter be a concubine for this bastard." Princess Qi said angrily: "You bullied my daughter like this, and you didn't say anything when you came home. Why, I won't come, you Do you plan to be a coward at home for the rest of your life?
If you don't want to take responsibility and speak up, I will send you to be a eunuch at all costs! "

"What did the Emperor tell you? What's the point of saying such harsh words?" Princess Heng frowned and said, "If you want to continue making trouble, we'll leave now. If you fight life or death, Princess Chengjun and I won't care. !”

Princess Qi still dared to speak out. In the final analysis, she was just doing it for Li Jingya.

Looking at the pitiful Li Jingya on the side, she stretched out her finger and poked her forehead, "I'm going to be so angry with you!"

Although she has not checked on Li Jingya, she has been here before. When she came back this time, Li Jingya was completely different.

Completely grown.

How could she not know what was going on?

Originally, she was thinking about Qin Mo coming to her house and talking slowly.

But there is no news at all about this bastard.

Qin Xiangru put his foot on Qin Mo's butt and cursed: "I've lost my face because of you!"

Qin Mo was also helpless. He was as busy as a top these days.

There is simply no time.

But Princess Qi has come to visit, and this matter must be settled.

"Come in and talk, say whatever you want." Li Yulan said, "But if you want to fight again, get out!"

Li Yulan'e frowned, showing off her majesty.

Qin Xiuying also quickly called someone over to disinfect and apply medicine to the wounds on Qin Xiangru's face.

"Let's go, let me freshen up your hair first!" Princess Heng pulled Princess Qi in and walked in.

Princess Chengjun pulled Li Jingya.

After Princess Qi had finished combing her hair, Princess Heng took her out.

To say that this Princess Qi is also an old beauty who still has charm, Li Jingya is [-]% similar to her, but Li Jingya is not even [-]% as popular as Princess Qi.

Qin Mo was about to sit down when Qin Xiangru said: "Who told you to sit down? Stand!"

Qin Mo stood with his hands tied, a frown on his face.

Li Jingya also stood with him, looking down at her feet, not daring to look up at all.

"We talked about this matter before when Jingyun didn't come back. Now that Jingyun is back, it's time to settle the matter.

Although Jingya is young, she is still a pearl of the royal family. She cannot be bullied by your children.

But the two of them are in love after all, so you, the Qin family, need to explain this matter.

It is impossible for the daughter of the dignified King Qi to be Jing Yun’s concubine! "Princess Heng directly set the tone, she cannot be a concubine!

"What are you going to do if you're not a concubine? A wife?" Qin Xiuying snorted, "Think about it for yourself, is this realistic?"
We, the Qin family, are not bullying others. When you set conditions, you must base them on actual facts. "

Princess Yonghe, Princess Jingyang, and the daughter of Princess Jing'an, among these three people, which one has a higher status than Li Jingya?

(End of this chapter)

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