big dry son-in-law

Chapter 793 Dad, you did a great job!

Chapter 793 Dad, you did a great job!
"Mother-in-law, please stop joking. I am the only one in my family."

"Do you think I'm joking?" Princess Qi snorted.

"That's too much!" Qin Xiangru slammed the table, "There's no need to talk anymore, I'm not going to talk anymore, I'm going to flip the table!"

"Brother and sister, don't always have your own whims!" Princess Heng couldn't keep up with her thoughts.

"Prince Qin, don't be excited. Your son is yours and no one can take it away!" Princess Chengjun said hurriedly: "However, what my sister-in-law said is not bad at all. This is indeed a solution!"

"Aunt Wang, this is absolutely impossible, let's change the conditions!" Li Yulan said.

"Everyone, don't worry, listen to me!"

Princess Chengjun said: "Prince Qi has a daughter but no children. In the future, he will definitely recruit someone from the county. As for my niece, her vision is really right.

Needless to say, everyone knows Jingyun's talents and abilities.

When a beautiful girl loves a hero, it's a match made in heaven.

No one is right or wrong. "

Qin Xiangru felt very comfortable after hearing these words. As expected of the princess of Chengjun, her words were pleasing to the ears.

"It's obviously unreasonable to let Jing Yun be the king's horse. It's better to just marry him without passing the door. At the same time, he has to make an appointment. He has to spare a few days a month to come to the house and be filial to the two elders.

It will neither make my sister-in-law's family feel lonely nor lose the Qin family's reputation.

If His Majesty asks about it then, it would be nice to have an explanation. "

After saying that, Princess Chengjun paused and said, "Yulan, you don't have to give up your position, and no one in your family has to give up.

Jingya also grew up with you, so this word is too hurtful. "

Li Yulan hurriedly walked over and took Li Jingya's hand, "Sister Qinghe, I speak my mind frankly, don't be angry!"

Li Jingya had a bad heart to begin with. She was the one who kept pestering the fool. How could she be angry?

Moreover, she was really touched when Li Yulan gave in.

"No, no, third sister, yes, it's my fault!" Li Jingya looked ashamed.

Li Yulan took her hand and said, "We will be a family from now on!"

Hearing this, Li Jingya was both happy and shy.

Princess Chengjun saw this and asked with a smile: "Prince Qinjun, what do you think?"

What else does Qin Xiangru refuse to agree to? Isn't it just to hold a wedding, but if it doesn't get through, the child will not be a member of the Qin family in the future?

You can also inherit the family business of King Qi.

Thinking about it this way, it seems like I’m making a fortune!

"What opinions can I have? It depends on what Princess Napo Qi says."

Princess Qi snorted, "Okay, but there must be a son with our surname in the future!"

"That won't work. How can I, a descendant of the Qin family, have someone else's surname?"

"Then there's no need to talk, let's flip the table!" Princess Qi was also angry, "Your family has taken all the benefits, and my family wants a child to continue the family tradition. Your family doesn't agree?"

She stood up and grabbed Li Jingya, "Let's go, girl, it's hard to find three-legged toads, there are two-legged men all over the streets.

With whom to have a child, not a child? "

"Okay, stop arguing!" Qin Mo shouted, quickly walked to Lao Qin, and said in a low voice: "Dad, you are confused, King Qi is hereditary, our son can't go there Suffer.

From now on, the two brothers will take care of each other, okay?
Even if his surname is Li, he will still call you Azu when he sees you in the future.

Isn’t it your final decision to bring the children over and raise them together in the future? "

When Qin Xiangru heard this, he thought it made sense, and the father and son also had a tacit understanding.

He pondered for a long time first, making a reluctant appearance while gritting his teeth.

Then he sighed heavily and said, "Hey, forget it, it was my Qin family who was at fault in this matter. In the future, the ancestors of the Qin family will know about it. If you want to blame, just blame me.

It's me, Qin Xiangru, who didn't teach my children well! "

As he said that, he glared at Qin Mo, "You bastard, kneel down!" Plop!
Qin Mo knelt down quickly, with a look of regret on his face, "Dad, I was wrong!"

Qin Xiangru was holding the belt in his hand. He wanted to whip but couldn't. Then he slapped himself hard, "If a son doesn't teach, it's the father's fault. It's my Qin Xiangru's fault!"

Qin Mo was stunned.

Damn it, Comrade Lao Qin’s acting skills are so superb that it’s amazing!

Qin Xiangru was throbbing in pain, looking at Qin Mo in a daze, and almost lost his footing.

You little bastard, you are still stupidly doing something, why don't you come and stop me quickly?

It hurts daddy!
He blinked, but Qin Mo didn't move at all, but had an expression of admiration on his face.

He even gave a secret thumbs up, "Dad, good acting!"

When Princess Heng saw this, she praised: "The family tradition of the Qin family is indeed strict!"

"Sister-in-law, don't worry. King Qin is like this. Jingya will definitely not be wronged if she is with Jingyun." Princess Chengjun said.

Princess Qi sighed and felt no longer angry. She also knew that for a high-ranking family like the Qin family, adopting a child was indeed a shame.

"Then I will go back first, Prince Qin, I am a female prostitute, I hope you don't have the same experience as me.

Princess Qinjun, we will be in-laws from now on. You and I are both conscientious, and we are all here to protect our children. As mothers, we all understand the feelings of mothers.

When you go to my house to propose marriage in the future, I will personally toast you and apologize! "

After saying that, he pulled the reluctant Li Jingya away.

"If there's no problem, we'll go back first. Jingyun, remember to go to the palace." Princess Heng said and left with Princess Chengjun.

When they left, Qin Xiangru stopped, it hurt so much.

But there were so many people, it was hard for him to shout.

Qin Mo quickly said to Qin Xiuying: "Auntie, you have been wronged today!"

"It doesn't matter, but your mother-in-law is so tough and tight, I'm afraid you won't be able to bear her!" Qin Xiuying said with some worry.

"Don't be afraid, as long as I can feed her daughter." Qin Mo scratched his head, then walked to Li Yulan, "Third sister, you have been wronged."

Li Yulan sighed helplessly, but her eyes were full of endearment. She stretched out her soft white hands and gently touched his eyes, "Does it hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt!"

"Blow me!"

Li Yulan stood on tiptoes and gently helped Qin Mo blow.

But Qin Mo suddenly attacked her and kissed her, "Third sister, you are so kind!"

Qin Xiuying burst out laughing, "It's good to be young!"

Qin Xiangru was speechless.

After this farce, he was the only one who got beaten?

His heart suddenly became unbalanced.

"I don't care, you go into the palace to find His Majesty yourself!" Qin Xiangru snorted and pulled Qin Xiuying away!
Qin Xiuying scolded: "You are so shameless, pulling and pulling, what do you look like!"

"Go back to your room, Nigu Nigu!" Qin Xiangru said.

Qin Xiuying suddenly stopped talking.

"What are you doing!" Li Yulan pushed Qin Mo, extremely embarrassed.

"I kiss my wife, as a matter of course!"

"You have a lot of wives!" Li Yulan snorted: "You are really capable. We have a lot of daughters in the Li family, but there are only a few who are favored. It's better for you to cheat whoever is favored!"

Also, you can coax Qimei and Sitian on your own. I can’t coax the crying and jealous ones! "

(End of this chapter)

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