big dry son-in-law

Chapter 800 The Feng brothers rebelled

Chapter 800 The Feng brothers rebelled
The weather in Lingnan in April is pleasant.

After coming to Lingnan for more than a year, Li Yue worked steadily, based on Cangwu County, and firmly positioned the fifth-largest governor's palace at the center of Lingnan.

Coupled with the six gates and more than [-] students traveling around the world, the situation of the Feng brothers was deteriorating.

However, the conflicts between the two sides are also increasing day by day. The Feng brothers may rebel at any time.

He also worked overtime and arranged troops.

Always be on guard against the Feng brothers.

At this moment, Li Yue's personal eunuch, Wang Baobao, hurried over and said, "Your Highness, Princess Side has given birth!"

"What happened?"

"Congratulations, Your Highness, on your gift of a thousand pieces of gold!" Wang Baobao congratulated.


Li Yue frowned, but then relaxed his brows.

A little disappointed in my heart.

Daughter again?
Although Liu Ruyu's second child is a son.

But, he only has a son.

As the number of people under his command increased, he became more and more aware of the importance of his son.

The more sons he has, the more stable his cause will be.

Even Qin Mo gave birth to three sons.


He came to the bedroom and looked at Zhou Mingyue who looked tired, "Thank you for your hard work, Mingyue!"

But Zhou Mingyue started to cry, "Lang Jun, it's Mingyue's fault that she didn't give birth to a son for Lang Jun!"

Ever since news came from the capital that Liu Ruyu had given birth to a son, she had become anxious.

Both direct and long.

Liu Ruyu's position has become increasingly stable and difficult to replace.

Fortunately, now that the new law has been implemented, the sons she gave birth to also have the right to inherit. The more sons she has, the better.

But my daughter.
It was obviously the flesh and blood that fell from her own body, but she didn't like it.

Women have always been easily bullied. Thinking of the sufferings she suffered in the Zhou family for more than ten years, she felt anxious inside.

It happened that her daughter started crying again, and she even had the urge to pinch her.

Fortunately, the wet nurse took the child out.

When this idea came up, she was startled, and immediately she felt deep self-blame and fear.

But after blaming herself for a while, she began to think about her situation.

Li Yue came to Lingnan for more than a year. As his power grew, many southern families came to join him.

These people sent their legitimate daughters to Li Yue's pillow. There were six of them.

Four of these six people are pregnant. Although Li Yue dotes on her, his son is the foundation of his life.

At this time, the situation in Lingnan was tense. Giving birth to a son was a great joy, but giving birth to a daughter would only add to the chaos.

Therefore, as soon as Li Yue came in, she cried and admitted her mistake.

Seeing this, Li Yue said quickly: "You have just given birth and are weak and weak. Stop crying. If you give birth to a child or a daughter, aren't they all my children?"
We are still young and have plenty of time. "

Zhou Mingyue sobbed: "But Mr. Lang, I like my son more!"

"Nonsense, as long as it's my Li Yue's seed, I like it." Li Yue comforted Zhou Mingyue and then left the room.

He was indeed a little worried. Lingnan was much more conservative than the capital.

Moreover, at this juncture, giving birth to a son is more inspiring than giving birth to a daughter.

Fortunately, there are still four concubines alive. If they can give birth to an heir during this period, it will definitely be exciting.

He's strong enough to fight!At this moment, Liu Rujian hurried over with a hurried expression, "King Yue, something happened, Feng An rebelled!"

Li Yue trembled. He had been waiting for this day for a long time, but why today?

Secretly thinking, what is God telling me?
He hurriedly put on his armor and came to the meeting hall, where his staff and others were already waiting.

The atmosphere in the conference hall was dull. Li Yue sat in the main seat and said, "Tell me about the situation!"

Wang Boyue, the chief historian, said: "The Grand Governor, Li Jiange of Liumen sent an urgent report that Feng An rebelled and moved his family to Zhuya County.

Zhuya County and Gaoliang County all fell into the hands of rebellious ministers and traitors.

The Feng brothers took up the banner of the ancient Nanyue Kingdom and intended to stand on their own! "

Wang Boyue was from the Wang family in Lingnan. Although he was not a prominent family, he was still a well-known family in Cangwu.

It was also the first family to seek refuge with Li Yue and reciprocate the favor. Li Yue directly promoted Wang Boyue to Chang Shi.

Li Yue frowned slightly, "What else?"

"The Feng brothers are good friends with Ning Zhen, the governor of Qinzhou, and Feng Yu, the governor of Gangzhou, is also a member of the Feng clan." Wang Boyue knows the situation in Lingnan very well. The Feng brothers' uprising must not have been decided on a whim. .

He pointed at the map and said: "From Gaoliang County, to Qinzhou, and then to Gangzhou, the coast is connected. What we should be most worried about now is the movements of Qinzhou and Gangzhou.

We must beware of the Feng brothers and conspire with these two people to cause chaos! "

Everyone kept shaking their heads. In the past few days, they had conducted various sand table exercises and analyzed various possible situations.

Da Qian established the empire, and his control over Lingnan has always been relatively weak.

The clans that originally occupied Lingnan have basically sealed off the general managers and governors in order to divide and rule Lingnan.

But the situation is different now. Daqian is gradually disintegrating the power of the family.

Li Yue knew very well that when he left the capital, Liu Chenghu gave him three plans: upper, middle and lower.

He conspired to appease the Feng An brothers, cut off the marriage between the northern and southern aristocratic families, and provoke confrontation and attrition between the northern and southern aristocratic families.

Zhongmou, gain a firm foothold and cut off the connection between Jingzhou and Lingnan.

If you make a conspiracy, you can't stand firm, and you can't open up the situation, you can only start a war recklessly.

Now, he barely managed to pull it off.

The Lingnan family rejected him very much.

The kind that I hate and look down on from the bottom of my heart.

For them, it doesn't matter who is the emperor, as long as they don't disturb the balance of Lingnan.

They are making money in silence, and anyone who dares to dominate them will definitely find it difficult to do so.

"Grand Governor, there are Yongxi County and Xin'an County between Cangwu and Gaoliang. The most urgent task is to summon the magistrates of these two counties and ask them to recruit troops to guard the front line.

Combining Yongping County and Hepu County, we will definitely be able to encircle and suppress Gaoliang! "The speaker is He Mao, a member of Cangwu's He family, serving as Sima.

Li Yue nodded, "First issue a crusade against the Feng brothers. If the Feng brothers find their way back, I, the governor, can ignore the past grievances.

If he refuses to repent, then he will be punished!
Also, send someone to notify Ning Zhen and Feng Yu to send troops to encircle and suppress the Feng brothers.

If we don't send troops, we will be rebels and rebels. "

After saying that, Li Yue paused and continued: "Liu Rujian!"

"I am humble!"

"You lead two thousand thunder troops, five thousand cavalry, and five thousand infantry to Yongxi County!"

"Yes, I humbly obey your orders!" After receiving the order, Liu Rujian hurriedly left to mobilize his troops.

The Metropolitan Governor's Mansion also started to operate like a precise instrument.

But then, an even worse news came.

"Report!" The scout hurriedly ran over, "The Governor, three thousand students from the Southern District College were surrounded and killed by Feng's traitors. The situation is critical. Liumen is requesting troops to be rescued!"

Li Yue slammed his fist on the document. It was no less than four hundred miles from Gaozhou to Cangwu County. He just received the news now. Doesn't it mean that Feng An rebelled yesterday?

(End of this chapter)

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