big dry son-in-law

Chapter 868 You will never be as good as big brother!

Chapter 868 You will never be as good as big brother!
Li Zhi had a lengthy dream.

In the dream, the eldest brother Li Xin failed in his rebellion and was exiled to Lingnan, and finally died on the way to Lingnan.

At that time, he had not yet plotted rebellion or pretended to be crazy.

He is still his father's favorite son.

Still in front of his father, he said that he would kill his son to pass the throne to his father when he was grown up.

But halfway through, his uncle intervened and said: Your Majesty is unwilling to kill his son, how could Qiming do it?

Finally, the father made A Si the prince.

He changed from the King of Tai to the King of Shunyang, and moved to Yunxiang County in Junzhou. He was monitored by shadow guards all his life, and finally died of old age in his hometown!

"No, father, don't drive me away."

Li Zhi woke up suddenly, with tears still in the corners of his eyes, but the person standing in front of him made him suddenly dream. "Why is it you?"

"Fourth brother, long time no see!" Li Yue smiled, "We haven't seen each other for almost two years. I didn't expect you to lose so much weight. I almost don't recognize you!"

Li Zhi remembered that he was beaten before he fell into coma. Needless to say, he must have been betrayed.

Lost, completely lost.

It turned out that the cavalry who suddenly attacked were actually Li Yue's men.

He looked at Li Yue with complicated eyes, "Qin Mo's strategy?"

"Whose strategy is important?" Li Yue asked: "I just don't understand, that position is so important to you?

It's so important that you forget your ancestors, cooperate with the White Lotus Sect, and rebel against yourself? "

Li Zhi sneered, "Now that you have won, you can say whatever you want, and you can talk to me from above.

Have you forgotten how you were laughed at and bullied before? "

"Of course I remember, and you don't need to anger me. If I wanted to kill you, I would have killed you long ago, and I wouldn't wait until now!"

Li Yue said: "You can attack your brothers and your parents, but I can't.

I am indeed not as smart as you, and I am not as capable as you. My father has not loved me since I was a child, and my mother has not loved me.

But at the very least, I can still call you a human being. Are you worthy of being a human being? "

Li Zhi said with a mocking look on his face: "The winner is the king and the loser is the bandit. If I win, you have to kneel at my feet and beg for mercy."

"But you lost!" Li Yue's mood was equally complicated. "You are already dead. Even if you swagger into the capital now and shout that you are the King of Thailand, no one will pay attention to you.

'You' have been buried in the imperial mausoleum, and your father even gave you a high evaluation and asked the historian to record it. "

"Is this also Qin Mo's method?" Li Zhi shook his head and said: "It's too cruel. With your method, you can't stand him.

Do you know how the Emperor of Zhou won the throne?

At that time, the Emperor of Zhou Dynasty was still the prime minister. He gained everyone's trust step by step, and then forced the emperor to abdicate.

Therefore, there is Dazhou.

Qin Mo is a man who pretends to be crazy, has ruthless methods, and harbors evil intentions. You... you will regret it! "

"Do you think these words can sway me? Can they make me wary of fools? Then you look down on me too much!"

Li Yue laughed at himself, "I grew up with fools, and I have always known that he is just fool, not stupid.

In previous fights, he was very cunning. Every time, he would show weakness first, and then strike hard at the enemy while he was off guard.

So he fought all over the capital, and those people were convinced by him.

Others bullied me, but he stood up to protect me.

Every time he was beaten until his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, he would pretend to be stupid. When he came home, he would be beaten by his father. He was beaten until he was limping. The next day, he smiled and told me that everything was fine!
A fool looks foolish, but he sees things more clearly than anyone else.

I am where I am today because of the gang of fools. Without the fools, I would have died eight hundred times.

Stop talking about me, my father and grandpa will probably die.

And the eldest brother, who rebels, will definitely die on the way to distribution.But now everyone is living well.

Including you, you are all alive now thanks to Hanzi.

Without his new law, you would be dead.

What do you think you are provoking? "

Li Yue looked at him like a fool, "If you really want to rebel, you will have countless opportunities.

But I know him too well. His biggest dream is to sleep until he wakes up naturally, count money until his hands cramp, and then marry her to a wife with more than ten houses.

Fight cocks, walk dogs, and enjoy life. "

"That's a lie!" Li Zhi said harshly, but he felt very guilty in his heart.

"So you are so pitiful. You are obviously not an emperor, but you live like a loner. There is no one around you who treats you sincerely. Isn't it lonely?"

"Fart, I'm not alone!" Li Zhi felt as if his tail had been stepped on!
"It doesn't matter, I'm not in the mood to explore your heart!" Li Yue said nonchalantly: "I will send you to the capital. As for what the father will do with you, it is the father's business."

"Aren't you afraid that I will die on the road?"

"Didn't you die long ago?"

Li Yue smiled and turned around to leave, but when he reached the door, he stopped again, turned back, and slapped Li Zhi on the face.

Knock him off the bed and onto the ground.

"I almost died in Lingnan, a slap for you is not too much, right?" With that said, Li Yue kicked Li Zhi again directly in the face, kicking all the teeth in his mouth.

Li Zhi fell to the ground, vomiting blood, "You, you dare to hit me."

"I didn't give you a knife. It's all because of my mercy. Why are you still here barking?"

Li Yue grabbed Li Zhi's collar and said, "I have good news for you. My eldest brother has returned from overseas. I went to pick him up personally and brought back hundreds of ships' worth of treasures.

Haven't you been competing with Big Brother your whole life? Now everyone can see that Big Brother is better than you. Even if you try to flatter him, you still can't catch up with Big Brother! "

After speaking, Li Yue left with a smile.

Li Zhi pounded the ground with his fist angrily, "This is impossible, it's been two years, how can he still be alive!"

Li Yue's words were like a knife, cutting into his heart.

Back then, if it weren't for Li Xin's calculations, he would have been the prince now.

How could it end up like this?
"Ah, I hate it so much!"

Listening to the shouts inside, Li Yue felt unprecedentedly happy.

The haze of the past few days was all swept away, and he finally washed away the humiliation on his body.

Soon, the news that the main force of the Jiangnan rebels had been annihilated completely spread.

Li Yue was not in a hurry to go back, but led his team to arrest people from the Jiangnan clan.

Li Zhi was secretly sent back to the capital by people from the Six Gates.

On the other side, Cang Wu.

Qin Mo is correcting official documents at the moment. Although the staff department handles daily work, there are still a lot of official documents for him to handle.

For example, public infrastructure, schools, various factories were completed, dock construction, business tax reform, and worker protection.

The police department was newly established in Liumen, replacing the county government, and all work was supervised and guided by Qin Mo.

busy flying.

Qin Mo was so annoyed, "Damn, being a general manager is so tiring, how can you not die from being an emperor? Why doesn't this bitch Li Yue come back? No one has reviewed my brother's memorials or official documents."

While he was cursing, Li Jiange hurried in, "Captain, Shannan is a great victory. His Royal Highness the King of Yue completely annihilated the main force of the rebel army in Yongqing and captured the rebel leader!"

(End of this chapter)

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