big dry son-in-law

Chapter 877 This embryonic thing!

Chapter 877 This embryonic thing!

Li Xin greeted him, which was something that many people did not expect.

Many people saw this and murmured in their hearts.

Could it be that the emperor planned to let Li Xin compete for the throne again?

Or is it that Li Yue's family is now the dominant one and he is deliberately supporting a rival for Li Yue?
After all, after the King of Shu returned to Beijing, he couldn't afford to fall ill.

It is said that he is already terminally ill. Even if he can be cured, he is still a sick person.

How can a sick man become an emperor?
Although Li Yue made mistakes in Lingnan, now that he has captured the leader of the thieves and quelled the chaos in Jiangnan, his merits and demerits have been balanced, and he has proved his ability.

Thinking of this, some old ministers' eyes became hot.

"Prince Cheng, Prince Qin, Duke Zhu, Duke Wei!" Li Xin stepped forward quickly, cupped his hands and said, "His Majesty Qiandai is here to pick up the wind and wash away the dust. You have worked hard all the way!"

With that said, he bowed to the ground.

Several people had strange expressions.

Li Cungong was a little relieved, Qin Xiangru's expression was cold, and Liu Chenghu squinted his eyes, unable to see his emotions.

Yuchi Nobuo simply stopped saying anything.

"It's not hard to share your Majesty's worries!" Li Cungong also bowed his hand. To be honest, Li Xin's position was still very embarrassing.

He is a county boy, but he is also the emperor's eldest son and legitimate son. Although he was kicked out of the royal family tree, he was asked to welcome him on his behalf, which is really confusing.

On the contrary, it was Li Yue who got off his horse and ran over with a look of joy on his face, "Brother!"

Seeing Li Yue coming over with a smile, Li Xin also smiled, "Laoba!"

Li Yue remembered Qin Mo's instructions and stepped forward to give him a big hug. "Brother, you have become darker and thinner. You have suffered a lot of grievances along the way, right?"

"Don't be wronged, this journey is full of scenery!" Faced with Li Yue's enthusiasm, Li Xin was also surprised.

Li Yue has always been alienated from him since he was a child, not to mention that the two of them fought to the death before.

Now there are hugs and greetings, and he is a little uncomfortable with it. "But you are mature and can resist the trouble!"

Li Yue smiled and said, "I wanted to go to Beihai to pick you up before, but the war will be tight later on, so I can only focus on the battlefield first."

"State affairs are the most important thing." Li Xin could see that Li Yue wanted to be friends with him, and even wanted to help him. He was a little anxious, but this younger brother did not grow crooked.

It can be regarded as Yunwen Yunwu.

Affordable, put it down.

If he were an ordinary person, it would be strange not to kill him.

The two chatted for a while, and Li Yue said: "Let's go into the palace!"

Li Xin nodded and made an invitation gesture, "Everyone, His Majesty has hosted a banquet in Tai Chi Palace. Come into the palace!"

A group of people rode horses on the streets, but after not coming back for a few months, they felt that the capital was different again.

Li Yue did not come back for more than a year. Looking at the greatly changed capital, he sighed: "The changes are so great, I can hardly recognize them anymore."

"The changes are huge. When I first came back, I was shocked. I thought I was in the wrong place." Li Xin laughed. "In the past two years, I have been sailing on the sea and traveling around hundreds of countries. I have powerful people. Countries also have weak ones.

But no country is as vibrant as ours!
You see, the people on the street have rosy complexions. Although they are not wearing silk or satin, they are still clean and tidy.

Children no longer roam the streets with bare bottoms and bare feet.

There are no beggars in the streets.

The sound of reading in Nancheng can be heard from a hundred feet away.

At the racecourse in Beicheng, the horse racers were sweating and tens of thousands of people were howling with excitement.

The roads are wide and flat, and the buildings are tall and neat.

All roads lead to the capital.

Laoba, do you know how proud I am? "

When Li Xin spoke, his eyes were shining, and that kind of pride was recognition deep in his bones.

Li Yue nodded, "I am also very proud. You and I are witnessing the birth of a great era!"

Li Cungong and others listened to the conversation between the two brothers and felt equally proud.This was not the case in Daqian three years ago.

The wide concrete road, the prosperous streets, and the smiling people suddenly opened the door to the prosperous age.

They seemed to have jumped from the old era to the new era all of a sudden.

"Old Qin, you have a good son!" Liu Chenghu said.

"My idiot is useless and makes everyone laugh!" Qin Xiangru almost turned into chrysanthemums with laughter.

"Hmph, hypocrisy!" Li Cungong said: "Your son is not a weapon, what has become of our son? He is not even a weapon!"

Yuchi Nobuo looked back at his son who was beaming and bragging to the deputy general. He was furious. What a piece of shit, bragging to the deputy general was of no use.

You have the ability to brag to the emperor!

This embryonic thing!
"This is called humility!" Qin Xiangru snorted, extremely proud.

"Are you modest? Your tail is raised to the sky!" Yuchi Nobuo said through gritted teeth.

"I can curl up, unlike you who can't!" Qin Xiangru said with a pun.

Yuchi Nobuxiong was stunned and yelled angrily, "Old dog Qin, you are humiliating me!"

"Okay, there are still ordinary people around, please pay attention to your image!" Liu Chenghu said.

"You can't even lift it up!" Yuchi Nobuo cursed.

Liu Chenghu remained silent and put his hand on the handle of the knife: "If you are not convinced, let's compete?"

"If we compete, I can pee a foot!" Yuchi Nobuo said proudly!

"I'm three feet against the wind, how can you compare with me?" Qin Xiangru patted his chest and looked at him through his nostrils.

Liu Chenghu pointed at the Chengtianmen in the distance, "Go and ask the people at the Chengtianmen to prepare the urinals!"

Everyone was stunned for a moment, then gritted their teeth and said, "Okay, I'll count on you!"

Li Yue also didn't expect that his father-in-law, who was always serious, would have such a pretentious side.

Li Xin couldn't stop laughing, "These old army sticks are more crooked than the last!"

When they arrived at Chengtian Gate, the group dismounted their horses and walked into the palace.

After meeting Li Shilong, he first explained and summarized the results of the battle.

Li Cungong said: "Your Majesty, all the thieves of the White Lotus Sect have been killed. 15 enemies have been killed and 40 have been captured.

However, these are just civilians who have been coerced by the White Lotus Sect. The White Lotus Sect has done many evil things, running around in Jimizhou, Jiannan Road, Jiangnan Road, and Shannan Road, burning, killing, and looting, causing countless losses.

The number of casualties probably exceeded 20, which was a great loss for Daqian.

In the future, the court will need to invest a lot of effort and energy to help our compatriots and rebuild their homes! "

Li Shilong nodded.

In a fight, no one will die.

I am afraid that people will die without making any achievements.

Fortunately, all the twelve clans in Jiangnan were eradicated.

The materials and treasures they had hidden were also transported to Beijing, amounting to tens of millions.

The greatest wealth of these families is naturally land.

The twelve clans in the south of the Yangtze River cover an area of ​​more than 2000 million acres and are as rich as any country.

According to Daqian's land equalization system, land is granted by mouth, and land annexation must be very serious.

Some things can only be seen clearly if they are uncovered and looked at.

“All the foreign peoples in Jimi Prefecture will move inland, and people from Lingnan Road will immigrate there.

As for those affected by the war, they will be exempted from five years of corvee service and five years of taxation! "

(End of this chapter)

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