big dry son-in-law

Chapter 883 Where did this dead person come from!

Chapter 883 Where did this dead person come from!
At this time, Liang Guogong Mansion.

Dou Xuanling cupped his hands and said, "I am here to see His Royal Highness the King of Yue!"

"Mr. Dou, no courtesy!" Li Yue hurriedly supported him, "I came here this time mainly to see you on behalf of my beloved."

Speaking of Dou Yiai, Dou Xuanling's eyes flashed with pride.

The silly son he was most worried about in the past was now also one of the most respected generals in the imperial court.

Following Qin Mo, he made great contributions along the way.

The Dou family can be considered to have successors.

"Thank you for your kindness, Your Highness!" Dou Xuanling has withdrawn from the court for more than a year. He can't leave the main door or step forward. When he has nothing to do, he goes to Chai Guogong's Mansion to hug his grandson.

The days were very leisurely.

But he knew very well that when Li Yue came to visit, it was definitely not as simple as visiting him.

He came to see what a retired old man was doing under the guise of being in the limelight.

Thinking of this, he quickly led Li Yue to the study and asked people to prepare food and drinks.

The two chatted for a while, and Li Yue said: "Yi'ai has done a good job in Lingnan, winning every battle and never falling into the Dou family tradition."

"It's all His Highness's love!" Dou Xuanling was very humble. "My rebellious son is also lucky to get advice from His Highness. Otherwise, I don't know where he would cause trouble now."

"Seriously, although our identities are different, privately, we are all very good brothers." Li Yue said with a smile.

Dou Xuanling quickly replaced the wine with tea and toasted Li Yue, "If Wei Chen's stupid son does anything stupid in the future, Your Highness must not be lenient. He should be beaten or killed!"

He now had no other choice but to hug Li Yue's thigh tightly.

Li Yue also sighed. Dou Xuanling used to be one of the few people at the center of power, but now he ended up like this.

Therefore, it is very important to take sides.

The discipline of children and grandchildren is more important. I am afraid that I am a hero and my son is a bear.

From now on, I will still teach my children to Qin Mo. The children he teaches are all very well-behaved.

"Yi'ai is very confident and listens to advice. With the help of several brothers, she can't go astray.

However, Dou Jianming is far behind his elder brother. "Li Yue said.

Hearing this, Dou Xuanling's heart rose in her throat.

More than a year ago, his wife Doulu had a big fight with him and took her son back to her parents' home.

Dou Lu came back half a year ago, but Dou Jianming didn't come back. He still felt strange.

However, Mrs. Dou Lu said at that time that Dou Jianming was studying and writing at his parents' house to cultivate his moral character and avoid coming back to cause trouble and make people annoying!

He was quite happy.

But he also kept an eye on it and sent someone to check. Who knew that Dou Jianming was not in Fan Yang at all.

He pressed Doulu and told him that he had gone out to study with people from Lu.

He didn't believe in studying, he must have gone out to fool around.

But Dou Jianming had not caused any trouble for more than a year, so he didn't take it to heart.

At this moment, Li Yue came to the door specially and mentioned Dou Jianming, which made his heart feel cold.

"Your Highness, what did my traitorous son do that he shouldn't have done?" Dou Xuanling's voice trembled.

Li Yue sighed, "Before, the remnants of the White Lotus Sect started an uprising in the name of my fourth brother, and by the way, there were also people pretending to be good family members in the capital, including Dou Jianming.

These White Lotus cultists are rebellious, their intentions are to be punished, and it is really infuriating."

Li Yue talked about the recruitment and surrender, focusing on Li Yanan's killing of the leader of the thieves.

Dou Xuanling had an expressionless face, but when he picked up the teacup, the spilled tea betrayed his inner feelings.

"Yes, these rebellions are really hateful!"

"It's hateful, so I brought back the rebellious head and body, and asked Mr. Dou to whip him a few times to vent his anger!"

Dou Xuanling stood up and bowed to the ground, "Your Highness has a bright eye and is able to understand everything. He has saved my Dou family from being framed. You are a great kindness and kindness. I am very grateful!"

"Mr. Dou, you can't do it." Li Yue quickly helped him up, "I did this without ever thinking about repaying you. I just didn't want to shame Zhongliang and make good people sad."

He patted the back of Dou Xuanling's hand and said, "I still have something to do, so I won't bother you anymore!" "Wei Chen sends you off!" Dou Xuanling said.

"No need, there is no reason for elders to send younger ones off." Li Yue quickly raised his hand to stop him, then quickened his pace and left.

Dou Xuanling stopped.

At this time, a servant came in carrying something, "Master, this is from His Highness the King of Yue."

"Put it down and everyone get out. No one is allowed in without my permission!" Dou Xuanling saw the box and already had a suspicion in her mind.

After the servants left, he stumbled forward.

Looking at the long box in front of me, I felt extremely sad.

After a while, he was mentally prepared and opened the lid.

What caught the eye was a head marinated in lime.

Dou Xuanling pursed her lips tightly, her face turned purple, and her heart felt like needles pricking her heart.

Although his face was scratched, he still recognized this person at a glance.

Who else could it be if it wasn't his unfilial second son!
"Nie Zi, you evil boy, why don't you listen to me? Why!"

Dou Xuanling sat down on the ground and gasped, "You are stupid, are you worthy of going against the imperial court?
You also don’t think about who your enemy is.

Where did you get the courage?
Who instigated you?
Is it the King of Thailand?

And only him!
The King of Thailand has been weak and fat since he was a child. If he is mad and even more frail, how can he kill more than a hundred enemies?
Does he deserve this state funeral?
He is not worthy!

It was the face the emperor gave him, and it was also the step the emperor gave himself. "

There are a few more fools in this capital city.

Who will expose it?

But the performance of this play was so good that there were no flaws.

Combining Li Yue's words, Dou Xuanling immediately figured out the joints.

I'm afraid Qin Mo also has some intentions here.

Dou Yiai listened to Qin Mo the most, and Qin Mo also treated him like his own brother.

Chai Rong was his son-in-law and Qin Mo's brother-in-law.

So this game is Qin Mobu's fault.

The cloth is good, what a good boy.

Dou Xuanling covered the board, brought Buddhist scriptures, and recited the Purana Sutra for him several times.

After all, it was his own son.

It's not sad to say it's a lie.

But the disaster he has today is his own fault.

He had no idea that doing so would kill the entire Dou family.

If it wasn't Qin Mo who went to Lingnan this time, and it wasn't Li Yue who forced them to surrender, the Doulu family would have been beheaded at the entrance to the market long ago.

This love is such a huge debt that I will never be able to repay it in this lifetime.

After reciting the Purana, he got up from the ground, suppressed his sadness, and shouted outside: "Go, call my wife!"

Soon, Doulu came.

Seeing the livid Dou Xuanling, "Why did you call me here? I have to go to Chai Mansion later!"

"Come here, open this box and take a look!" Dou Xuanling said.

Dou Lu looked at the box on the ground and thought it was a gift from Dou Xuanling, "You old guy, you still understand emotions at your age."

She walked over with a smile and opened the box.

But when she saw the dead head inside, she trembled with fright, "Oh my God, where did this dead person come from!"

(End of this chapter)

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