big dry son-in-law

Chapter 885 It’s your choice, idol!

Chapter 885 It’s your choice, idol!

Dou Lu didn't dare to say anything. After hesitating for a long time, she said that Dou Jianming had made an unforgivable mistake.

Dou Mei is not stupid either.

Dou Jianming died, and her mother did not dare to say what mistake she had made.

This kind of mistake is rare in Daqian.

No matter which one it is, it is enough to destroy a family.

"Are you also responsible for this big mistake?" Dou Mei asked.

Mrs. Doulu just cried, and she dared to respond.

Now that Dou Jianming's body has been sent back, the imperial court may know about it, right?
"Meimei, please save me. I know you were wrong. I promise you will never be a monster again. I will definitely listen to your father's words!"

Dou Mei's face was uncertain, and she was confused and angry, "Mom, you are confused. Once you make some big mistakes, you will never have any room for maneuver.

Since childhood, you have been partial to your second brother and indulged him.

Now he has made an unforgivable mistake and has been killed.

If you ask me to take care of it, how can I take care of it?
Do you want me to drag my husband's family into trouble? "

"Go to your eldest brother. Your eldest brother has the best relationship with Qin Mo. As long as Qin Mo takes action, everything will be fine!" Doulu said.

"Now you know how to find eldest brother?" Dou Mei sighed: "You have always disliked eldest brother for being vulgar and reckless!"

Mrs. Doulu was extremely embarrassed. No one expected that the second son she had high hopes for would be so useless.

On the contrary, it is the eldest son who is naive, and the more he is around, the better.

Dou Mei was helpless. After all, she was her mother, so she couldn't really see her die, right?

"You come with me, but not to my husband's house. I have several big houses outside. You can stay there first, and I'll ask my father-in-law first.

This is not a small matter, so don't blame your daughter for being unfilial.

I have a family and a small child, and my husband is out there killing the enemy regardless of his own safety. If his reputation is ruined because of this incident, I, Dou Mei, will be the sinner! "

Doulu Shi is like a headless fly now, how dare she ask for so much.

"Mom, I don't blame you. As long as your husband's family is willing to help, everything will be fine!"

Soon, Dou Mei left the Dou family with Dou Lu and came to a large house.

Qin Mo helped arrange this, and the financial power of the Chai family was also in Dou Mei's hands. Now everyone in the Chai family has an income of tens of thousands taels.

After settling in, Dou Mei hurried back to Chai Mansion and found Chai Shao, "Dad!"

Chai Shao seemed to know what Dou Mei was going to say, and said, "I know about your family's affairs, and I will go and persuade my father-in-law.

But I can't guarantee whether I can persuade him to do well. "

"Thank you, father-in-law, but it's my family's business."

"I know everything about your family. Don't worry about your second brother. As long as your parents are not stupid enough to tell the truth themselves, nothing will happen." Chai Shao had received the letter a long time ago, and now it is the same. Dressed up, ready to go to Dou Mansion.

Although Dou Mei has a fierce personality, she manages the house in an orderly manner. She also respects him very much and continues the incense of the Chai family.

Chai Shao is still very satisfied with this daughter-in-law.

"Already your father-in-law knows?" Dou Mei said in disbelief: "What mistake did my second brother make?"

"You better not know."

Just at this moment, Dou Mei's son, Chai Ji, stumbled over and looked at Chai Shao opening his little hands, "Azu, give me a hug!" "Oh, great grandson, Azu, give me a hug!" Chai Shao looked at him. When he reached Chai Ji, his eyes were filled with smiles, and he quickly picked him up, "Come on, eldest grandson, Azu will take you to see your grandfather!"

"Dad!" Dou Mei called to Chai Shao, "Thank you!"

"If one family doesn't talk to each other, why are they thankful?" Chai Shao let the child ride on his neck, "Ride a big horse!"

On this day, every family in the capital received 'gifts' from Li Yue.

Everyone was so frightened that they closed their doors tightly, and then the heads of each family came to the door one after another.

However, Li Yue brought gifts to visit the families of the fallen heroes.

The Cangwu attack and murder case and the tragedy of 4000 students in Gaozhou left no less than [-] people dead.

He has to bear all this sin.

At this time, Lingnan, Cangwu City, the backyard of the Governor's Mansion.

Qin Mo was sitting on a chair with a cigarette in his hand and the truth beside him.

In the not too bright room, smoke shrouded his face.

The woman was in the shadows, her head lowered, and the expression on her face could not be clearly seen.

"Do you still want to carve me into a pig and then light the sky lantern, Wei Xiaobao!" At this time, Xiao Yurou raised her head and looked at Qin Mo with a smile.

"Wei Xiaobao is dead. He was gone when he escaped from Bishui Villa!" Qin Mo exhaled a breath of smoke, "I won't talk nonsense to you. You can do it yourself. I'll give you a good time."

"I knew you were the most cruel person in the world."

"You are the one who forces you to be cruel, idol!" The spicy smell of cigarette smoke made Qin Mo's throat a little uncomfortable, but taking a few puffs at this time was a great relief.

"You said you would rebel if you rebelled. What did you do to me? Did I offend you? Did my family offend you? But you want to offend me!" Qin Mo said: "You are lucky enough to escape with your life. Why? You still have to jump around in front of me. Isn’t it nice to live?
As a person, I don't want to kill people the most. It's disgusting to cut people's pigs. I couldn't eat for several days last time. "

"I really can't figure out your thoughts. When you're good, you can be romantic and like an aunt, but when you get bad, you'll be so hated that you'll bite your back molars!" Xiao Yu said Judo.

"Men are not bad, but women don't love them!" Qin Mo stepped on Qin Yan and walked to her.

She has lost a lot of weight compared to before, and her eye sockets are sunken.

But those eyes were still as alluring as before.

"Tell me, why do you have to use violence? You know that I, the little white dragon in Langli, have always been very compassionate!"

"What are you talking about? Don't you already know my identity?" Xiao Yu said juiously: "Whether it's my real body or my fake body, haven't they all fallen into your hands?
You win, Qin Mo, you win completely.

I really regret that I listened to your sweet talk! "

"Come on, you are just plotting against me to leave yourself a way out."

Qin Mo said: "You know very well that if you want to overthrow Daqian's rule, it is useless to rely on you people alone.

You just miscalculated about the importance of Uncle Liugen and the others to me.

To be honest, if you hadn't killed those uncles of mine, maybe I would have softened my heart and let you go. "

Xiao Yurou bit her lip, "Yes, I have plotted against you, but don't you know whether I am sincere or fake to you?"

"Don't do this to me!" Qin Mo pinched her chin: "How did the fake body know what happened between us? I'm too lazy to care. She's dead anyway!
Tell me, are you the mother of Buddha?
If there are any remnants left, you can recruit them, and I will give them a way to survive and let them reform through labor. If they are reformed well, they will be a good man again in 20 years! "

Meeting Qin Mo's eyes, Xiao Yurou gritted her teeth and said, "I am not the Buddha's mother!"

(End of this chapter)

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