big dry son-in-law

Chapter 904 Blue sea, beach, volleyball!

Chapter 904 Blue sea, beach, volleyball!

In the blink of an eye, Li Yuan and others had been in Lingnan for half a month, and the beach villa happened to be completed.

Qin Mo didn't waste any time and led everyone towards the seaside, eating, drinking and having fun all the way. It took him ten days to arrive at Gaoliang County.

Li Yuan even went to the Heroes' Shrine and the Student Monument to burn a stick of incense, and then went to the seaside.

Looking at the buildings located on the seaside and stretching for hundreds of meters, everyone was very happy.

Li Yuan was born and raised in the north and had never seen the sea many times. The salty sea breeze made people feel better.

"I didn't expect that it's December and it's still so hot in Gaoliang County. This kind of scenery is not found in the north!"

"Father, it's windy at the seaside. You'd better put on another piece of clothing!" Princess Jing'an brought a thin coat and put it on Li Yuan.

To be honest, Princess Jing'an has never seen the sea a few times. At this moment, she feels like her brain is empty.

“In the past, they always said that birds in Lingnan don’t poop and miasma thrives. But now, it’s all nonsense.

This is clearly a top-quality place with a pleasant climate and suitable for living.

Grain is grown twice a year, and you can fish on the beach. If you develop it well, it will definitely become the richest place in the Qian Dynasty! Li Yuan said angrily.

Qin Mo thought that the south would be the key to development in the future, but fortunately in this era, northern Daqian was not over-developed and the land was still relatively fertile.

As long as the Yellow River is managed well and no indiscriminate deforestation is carried out, both the north and the south will be able to survive for hundreds of years.

"Everyone, go and choose your own room!" Qin Mo gave the order, and everyone moved.

"Old man, the house with the largest view and the best view among these houses is yours. My house is right next to yours!" Qin Mo said, pointing to the house not far away.

"Let's go and have a look!"

Li Yuan fell in love with the scenery here at first sight, and then followed Qin Mo to the sea view room.

The house only has one and a half floors, half of the second floor is covered, and the remaining flat floor can be used as an outdoor barbecue platform.

Li Yuan is so old that it is inconvenient to go up and down stairs.

But the view here is really good, and you can take in the scenery of the entire bay.

With that huge floor-to-ceiling window, you can see the seaside scenery while lying on the bed.

The style is also decorated according to the palace style. After all, he is old, and Li Yuan still prefers this low-key and luxurious style.

Under your feet is a carpet imported from the Western Regions, which makes you feel special when you step on it.

"Old man, do you like this room?"

"I like it, okay!" Li Yuan fell in love with it as soon as he entered the room, especially the four-meter-large bed in it, which was completely made according to the specifications of a dragon bed.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, he felt that his buttocks were slightly downward, "Hey, why is this bed so soft?"

"This is called Simmons mattress, and it is the latest product developed by Qin Furniture. In the past, the technology was not good enough to make springs.

Now that the craftsmanship has come up, this thing has come out. Didn’t you say that your back hurts? I specially asked someone to make it. It is comfortable to sleep on! "

"Try it!"

Li Yuan lay on the bed and suddenly exhaled, "This mattress is so comfortable!"

"There is a rattle beside your bed. If you get up at night, just pull it, and people outside will know." Qin Mo pulled it, and the rattle outside suddenly rang.

"This is convenient!" Wei Zhong said.

"Old Wei, it's hard for you to guard the old man every night. There is also a single bed here with a Simmons mattress. You can sleep soundly like this!" Qin Mo said.

"Captain Prince Consort, you are so thoughtful!" Wei Zhong beamed. This mattress was so comfortable that even the emperor said it was comfortable. His mattress must be just as good.Otherwise, this child is filial and always considerate of everything, making it impossible for anyone to find any fault.

"Old Wei, come here, there is a bathroom here, and there is something called a toilet!"

Qin Mo walked to the toilet and pressed the switch, and the filth in the toilet was immediately flushed away.

"Hey, this is much more advanced than a chamber pot!" Wei Zhong said.

"Don't use toilet paper anymore. It's unhygienic. This toilet paper is more comfortable!"

Qin Mo took out a roll of soft paper from the side, "Use this!"

Wei Zhong touched it and said, "So soft?"

Li Yuan also looked at everything in the bathroom curiously, "Is that long one a bathtub?"

"This is a bathtub. It's made of porcelain. There's a stopper underneath. After taking a bath, if you unplug it, the water will flow down automatically." Qin Mo explained.

"This house is good. It is very different from the previous houses, but it is convenient everywhere. Jingyun, you have worked hard!" Li Yuan couldn't help but praise.

"Come on, old man, there is also a study here. You will definitely have a lot of thoughts in the study in the future!" Qin Mo couldn't wait to bring Li Yuan to the study. What he saw was the floor-to-ceiling windows, and then there was a large desk with valuables on it. The Four Treasures of the Study.

There is a big bookshelf behind it, filled with collections of books.

There is a big tea table in front, a Go table, a small bar, and most importantly, a special telescope placed outside the balcony!
The more Li Yuan looked at it, the more he liked it, "This study is nice. Although it is not as big as the study in Da'an Palace, it still has a unique style."

"Your Majesty, this old servant thinks that no matter how big your worries are, they are gone when you look at the seaside scenery!"

"You old dog is lucky, you can still enjoy it with me when you are old!" Li Yuan snorted.

"My life is good, old slave!" Wei Zhong said with a smile.

"Well, old man, you go around for a while, and I'll go check on my aunt!"


Qin Mo said goodbye and left, then went to Princess Jing'an's house. Princess Jing'an's house was on Wei Zhong's side. Her sea view room had a sunroom on the second floor and was filled with flowers and plants.

As for women, there are some who don’t like flowers and plants.

The layout of the houses is different, but the general functions are the same.

Princess Jingan was extremely happy. She held Qin Mo's hand and couldn't stop praising him.

"This house was specially built for you, as long as you like it!" Qin Mo said.

Princess Jing'an nodded. Although the process of marrying a daughter was somewhat ups and downs, such a good son-in-law was worth it.

Princess Qi was also impressed by Qin Mo's thoughtfulness. Although Qin Mo didn't say much during the introduction, her upturned crow's feet revealed her inner feelings.

After working for a long time, all the elders were settled.

Qin Mo was extremely excited when he saw his wife and children playing on the beach.

Isn't this exactly the scene he has dreamed of?

The sun is high now and the temperature is just right.

Qin Mo kicked off his shoes, took out a beach suit from the box, and took out a leather beach volleyball. Sa Yazi ran over, "Baby, who wants to play beach volleyball with my husband?" "

"Brother-in-law, I, I want to play!" Xiaojiu rushed over.

"I'm not interested in playing with you!" Qin Mo pushed the little guy away, and then asked Gao Yao to pull a big box over, "Kiss my wives, these are all the latest models of fair ladies. Wear them and play with your husband. Volleyball!"

(End of this chapter)

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