big dry son-in-law

Chapter 908 I am willing!

Chapter 908 I am willing!
"Brother-in-law?" Li Lizhen quickly wiped her tears, opened the window, stuck her head out, and saw Qin Mo holding a kerosene lamp in his hand, and asked, "It's so late, why aren't you asleep yet?"

"Shh, keep your voice down, come down quickly, I've prepared a special gift for you!" Qin Mo said.

"Yes, but Xiaojiu fell asleep!"

"It doesn't matter, grandma is here, come down quickly!" Qin Mo said.

Li Lizhen was a little hesitant. Would it be bad for Qin Mo if word spread that she had a private meeting with Qin Mo late at night?

Although the emperor's father and mother are not here, the emperor's grandfather and aunt are all here.

"Come down quickly, I'll wait for you!" Qin Mo urged.

Li Lizhen glanced at Xiao Jiu, who was sleeping soundly on the bed, gritted her teeth and said, "Wait for me for a while!"

No matter what, she had to give herself an explanation tonight.

After getting dressed, she didn't even arrange her hair. She casually tied her hair in a bun and walked out of the room, then asked the nanny who was guarding the door to look after Xiaojiu.

Grandma looked at Li Lizhen and opened her mouth, as if she wanted to remind her not to go out, but she didn't say anything in the end.

Li Lizhen's heart beat fast when she opened the door and saw Qin Mo.

Qin Mo stepped forward and held her hand, "Let's go to the beach!"

"Brother-in-law, what are you going to the beach for?"

"Just follow me!"

At the end of the semester, I dragged her to the beach. There were still many people patrolling the beach.

But when they saw it was Qin Mo, they all became selectively blind.

The two of them arrived at the small dock to the east, and Qin Mo let go.

It was a bit cold on the beach at night, so Qin Mo took off his coat and put it on Li Lizhen, "Let's get on the boat!"

"Ah?" Li Lizhen was stunned, "Is it dangerous to go to sea so late?"

Qin Mo didn't say a word and jumped onto the small sea boat.

Li Lizhen bit her lip and followed.

Qin Mo untied the rope, pulled up the anchor, and then rowed away with Li Lizhen.

After being a hundred meters away from the shore, Qin Mo stopped and lowered the anchor.

Li Lizhen was extremely nervous and didn't know what gift Qin Mo had prepared for her. But even if he prepared a gift, there was no need to go to the sea, right?
Qin Mo didn't say anything and took out a lot of lanterns from the cabin. These lanterns were originally intended to be released in the sea with Li Yulan and the others.

Now it finally came in handy.

Qin Mo took out the fire lantern, lit the lantern, and put it into the water.

After a while, the sea was lit up with lanterns. These lanterns surrounded the ship, giving people an unreal feeling.

Li Lizhen sat on the bow of the boat, hugging her knees. Her original sad mood seemed to have been burned away by the fire.

"Brother-in-law, I will help you!"

"No, this is the gift I prepared for you. Just sit and watch!" Qin Mo smiled. There were at least three hundred lanterns in the boat, some of which were lit.

After the lanterns were lit, the surroundings were already covered with lanterns, and Li Lizhen seemed to be in a sea of ​​lanterns.

The fish on the bottom of the sea chased the light source and jumped out of the water, shining with silver light under the moonlight.

Qin Mo took out some more sky lanterns, lit them, and let them rise into the sky.

Sky lanterns, lanterns, bright moon, sea, and leaping fish.

At this moment, a scene was formed that Li Lizhen had never seen before in her life.

"Do you like this gift?" Qin Mo brought the wine and several plates of side dishes, and sat cross-legged opposite Li Lizhen, "It's just you and me here, no one else, so you don't have to be restrained."

Li Lizhen nodded heavily, "No one has ever done this for me. I like it very much!"

"As long as you like it!" Qin Mo smiled, poured her a glass of wine, and said, "Do you think this scene is beautiful?"

"Beautiful, this is the most beautiful scene I have ever seen in my life!" "But I think you are more beautiful than this scene!" Qin Mo smiled.

Li Lizhen was very upset. When she met Qin Mo's eyes, she couldn't help but lower her head, drank all the wine in the glass, and said, "The flowers are very beautiful, but no one passing by has ever picked them!"

"How do you know that passerby doesn't like flowers? Maybe the passerby thinks that the flowers are not in full bloom yet?" Qin Mo took a sip of wine and said leisurely: "Or maybe it's because the flowers are too delicate and the passers-by feel pity for them and are reluctant to pick them away."

"How do you know a passerby? Are you a passerby?" Li Lizhen took the wine bottle and took a sip. "If you were a passerby and passed by the flower again, would you pick it?"

"Don't pick it!" Qin Mo said.

"is it?"

Li Lizhen raised her head and took a sip of wine. Tears welled up in her eyes and the wine fell from her lips.

"Don't you ask why?" Qin Mo said.

"Hua doesn't want to hear it!" Li Lizhen put down the wine bottle. She had already drank all the wine in the glass.

Qin Mo put down his wine glass and sighed: "Once upon a time, the sea was difficult to deal with, except for Wushan, it was not a cloud.

Take a lazy look back at Huacong, half destined to practice Taoism and half destined to be a king! "

Li Lizhen looked at Qin Mo blankly. The meaning of this poem is: Once you have been to the sea, the water elsewhere is not enough; except for Wushan, the clouds elsewhere will not be called clouds.

He hurriedly walked through the flowers, not bothering to look back. This was partly because of the asceticism of the monks, and partly because of having her before.

Qin Mo was from the Ziwei sect, and he was indeed considered half a cultivator, but she would never believe him if he said he was pure-hearted and celibate.

But the last sentence made her understand.

It's not that Qin Mo doesn't want to pick them, but that he already has enough.

Qin Mo said: "I am not a serious Taoist, just a layman, and I have never had any big ambitions.

My ambition is to marry his seven or eight wives, have a litter of children, sleep until I wake up naturally every day, and count money until my hands cramp.

To be honest, who would think that he has too many wives, let alone one with such a high status and beauty.

But to be a human being, you need to know how to be content, right?
If I see a flower and pick a flower, I am no longer a flower-picking thief.

When I saw you coming, I was happy, but also sad.

I know your thoughts, and I also understand your kindness.

But I am hesitant, if I marry you, will you be wronged?

To me, you are a unique one among all the flowers, no worse than anyone else.

It is precisely because of this that I have to be cautious and cautious.

Of course I am not apathetic. On the contrary, when I see you, my heart beats fast.

This poem is the excuse I give myself.

But reality cannot be concealed by a poem. People always have to face reality. "

As he said that, Qin Mo looked at her seriously, "I thought about it for a long time, and I figured it out.

I don’t want to be a flower picker, I just want to be a responsible flower grower.

If a flower is separated from the soil, it will die sooner or later. The beauty of blooming in a moment is not enough to engrave beauty.

Therefore, I am willing to protect this flower until it withers away and until I die of old age!

Are you willing to let me, the flower grower, take good care of it? "

Li Lizhen looked at Qin Mo infatuatedly, her mind going blank.

Life was ups and downs so fast that she couldn't tell whether it was reality or fiction.

Tears, blurred vision.

But she knows that whether it is reality or illusion, it is what she wants in her dreams!
She threw herself directly into Qin Mo's arms and choked with sobs: "I do!"

(End of this chapter)

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