big dry son-in-law

Chapter 922: Not a tomboy!

Chapter 922: Not a tomboy!

Little Peony came out of the Jiaofang, and Qin Mo's innovation gave these Jiaofang girls a new life.

Therefore, the little peony will be grateful.

Gao Yao said: "Little Peony is not this kind of person."

"Knowing people but not their hearts. The more people around you, the more careful you have to be. If even you are paralyzed, how can Jingyun's safety be guaranteed?"

Gao Shilian said seriously: "You must not be careless. The darkness before dawn is the darkest. If you can't do it, leave Jingyun!"

"My child understands!" Gao Yao said hurriedly.

"You have to test her and eliminate the danger. If there is a problem, you would rather kill her by mistake than let her go!" Gao Shilian said.

"Yes, kid, please leave!" His eyes became firm.

Whether it's Little Peony or Xiao Nuan, anyone who comes close to Qin Mo will be closely watched. No matter who dares to misbehave with Qin Mo, he will be killed!
Gao Shilian took a deep look at Gao Yao, a trace of pity flashed in his eyes, and said in his heart: "My child, don't blame your father for being cruel, that is the best destination for you!

One day, dad will be buried with the emperor, Jingyun, will protect you throughout your life! "

Gao Shilian turned around with a smile on his face. This was the best choice.

In the afternoon, the procession to welcome the bride started from the resort. A hundred meters away, guests were noisy, flowers were in abundance, and the big red carpet stretched to the end of the road.

Zheng Fengnian and others spent a lot of money to acquire these, and they are all first-rate and rare things in the world.

Even the flowers on the road are unique and famous.

Along the way, there were people blocking the way. Dou Yiai and Chai Rong, each holding a big basket filled with broken silver, said, "Come, come, come, everyone who sees it will have a share!"

Someone was hit with money all over his head and said cheerfully: "Good luck!"

Qin Mo walked at the front, wearing a bright red coat, a big red flower on his chest, white powder on his face, and rouge on his cheeks.

Everyone around said congratulations.

But jealousy is true jealousy.

Yuchi Nobuxiong gritted his teeth, "This bitch, his life is so good, he can marry a princess and a princess in his second marriage!"

Gongsun Wuji curled his lips and dusted off the cigarette ashes on his hands. Forget it, out of sight!

Li Shilong came here in the name of Feng Chan, wasn't it because of Qin Mo's marriage?

This Long En is the only one in Da Qian.

Soon, the wedding team arrived at Li Lizhen's side, blocking the way with all kinds of urging poems.

Fortunately, Qin Mo still had some money in his stomach. After two poems urging makeup, the bride's boudoir door also opened.

Li Lizhen wore a light green wedding dress. It is said that men and women are a match made in heaven!
Qin Mo had experience, so he rushed over, hugged Li Lizhen and ran out!

Li Lizhen held a fan, covered her face, and hid in Qin Mo's arms, too shy to look at anyone!

"We've got the bride, run!"

Empress Gongsun didn't even have time to say a few words, she just watched Qin Mo hugging Li Lizhen and leaving, "This kid, at least let me say a few words!"

After grabbing Li Lizhen, Qin Mo ran to grab Li Jingya.

However, Li Jingya was more difficult to deal with. Princess Qi sat at the door of the boudoir with a sword in her hand. The person who was originally noisy suddenly stopped.

Prince Qi stood next to Princess Qi like a little daughter-in-law, but did not dare to get too close. Princess Qi now disliked him and said that just looking at him made her want to vomit!
"Mother-in-law, my son-in-law has come to take Jingya home. Please open the door for me!" Qin Mo stepped forward and bowed.

"If you marry my daughter, I won't make you drink or ask for your poems urging you to marry me. I'll just tell you that if you treat my daughter badly in the future, I will chop you with a knife!"

Qin Mo swallowed, Princess Qi was someone who beat up even his father, and she was the kind of person who didn't hesitate at all.

"Don't worry, mother-in-law, I will definitely be kind to Jingya in the future and take her as soon as possible!" Qin Mo said seriously.

"You swear in public!" Princess Qi said.

Qin Mo had no choice but to swear in public.

After Qin Mo took the oath, Princess Qi nodded, and then shouted inside: "Daughter, can you open the door?" "Yes, you can!" Li Jingya said with a blushing face.

Princess Qi was about to open the door when Li Anji said quickly: "Madam, let me open it!"

Princess Qi didn't even bother to look at him. However, Princess Qi, who had always been strong, couldn't help crying when she saw her daughter being taken away.

The two brides entered the sedan chair and went back to worship heaven and earth happily.

The guest of the Qin family was Yu Boshi, and the master of ceremonies was Ji Zhisheng.

Qin Xiangru smiled from ear to ear.

It turned out that he had been worried that Qin Mo was too naive and the incense would be cut off. But now it's fine, his son is reunited at home.

After the ceremony, the bride was sent into her room.

Qin Mo took Xiao Dou, Xiao Chai, Bai Buyi, and Yuan Dazhen to pour wine for the guests.

By the time it was over, it was getting dark.

Qin Mo got a little drunk and asked Bai Buyi and the two to guard the door of the courtyard and not allow others to come in and listen to the corner.

"Liu'er, Chai Huo Niu, brother-in-law, come in!" Qin Mo gave a bad smile, looked at the two beauties sitting beside the bed, and locked the door tightly.

There were four dowry girls beside him.

Under normal circumstances, Qin Mo would not touch them.

Or give rewards to those who have made contributions in Qinzhuang.

His schedule is full, and it's not their turn. What a miserable life that is.

Just think about Princess Qi and you will know how wicked it is to occupy fertile land without cultivating it!

The two women looked at each other. Li Jingya was okay, she was also someone who had experienced big storms.

But Li Lizhen came here secretly, so she was very embarrassed when there were other people around.

"Captain Prince Consort, drink first, then..."

"You guys go to the side room to rest. I have been a groom so many times and I am more familiar with the process than you!" Qin Mo drove them to the side room, and the maidservant did not dare to say anything more and left in disappointment.

Qin Mo went through the process roughly, then climbed into bed, "Chaihuo Niu, you are an old man, tell Liu'er the process!"

Li Jingya nodded, "Sixth Sister, everyone in our family has a bedtime story. I tell you stories, so don't be idle either."

After learning about the process, Li Lizhen blushed with blood.

"Sixth Sister, are the procedures clear?" Li Jingya asked.

"Qing, it's clear!" Li Lizhen said shyly.

At this time, Li Jingya handed her a glass of wine and raised her eyebrows.

Li Lizhen sipped the wine in her mouth, while Li Jingya told a story.

That night, stories, wine, and beauties made the moon shy and hidden in the dark clouds.

At this time, after Gao wanted to knock the two nuns unconscious in the side room, he looked at Little Peony sitting by the bed, walked over, and lifted her hijab.

The little peony's eyes are as charming as silk, and her breath is as blue as blue. Not to mention men, even women feel dry in the mouth.

"Mr. Lang, it's time for a drink!" Xiao Mudan poured two glasses of Hexin wine and handed one over.

Gao Yao did not take it, but took a deep breath and said, "Little Peony, there is something I want to tell you!"

"What's the matter? Can't you say no after drinking Hexin wine?"

"I can't drink this Hexin wine with you!" Gao Yao gritted his teeth and said, "I won't hide it from you either. I am a female Jiao'e, not a tomboy!"

(End of this chapter)

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