big dry son-in-law

Chapter 930 Brother, you are confused!

Chapter 930 Brother, you are confused!
Li Shilong also looked at Qin Mo. Transportation damage was indeed a problem. If it was solved well, it would save Daqian a lot of food.

"Why are you asking such a simple question? Build more granaries!" There are eight famous granaries in Daqian, and some of the grain stored in them were left over from the previous week.

The food and cloth in it have not even been used up.

It can be said that the reason why Daqian was able to recover so quickly was due to these large granaries.

"The granary was not built casually." Li Yuan said.

"Then what should we do? Although the Lizhi Road is now so well built and the carriage's load is dozens of times that of before, there must still be transportation losses.

The best way is to build more granaries. In the future, there will only be more and more food. Store it locally and send people to do spot checks every year. Make sure they don't use public food for private use.

Once a disaster occurs somewhere, support can be provided from the nearest granary.

My father said that whenever you have food in your hands, you have confidence in your heart. No matter what happens, the world will never collapse.

Besides, on-site storage is the best way to reduce transportation losses.

If the land is divided into villages and collective cooperatives, then every village, every township, and every state will have a large number of granaries.

Think about it, even if there is a disaster year and people still have mountains of food in their warehouses, will they panic?
Can those cults that engage in fraud still cause trouble?

This is to reduce the pressure on the court and increase the people's ability to resist risks.

Rather than like in previous years, when there is any disaster, people starve to death and large-scale people leave their homes.

They will first use food from their own warehouse. If their own food is not enough, there is also a granary in the village.

There are not enough granaries in the village, but there are also granaries in the countryside, one level at a time.

For such a small granary, there was no need to inform the court at all. The local village leader and old parents made the decision directly.

If not.

That is not the fault of the people, but the fault of the court and the officials! "

Qin Mo's words were shocking.

Li Yuan couldn't help but nodded, "Indeed, if the people under the rule starve to death everywhere and become homeless, it will be the sin of my father and son!"

As he spoke, he looked at Li Shilong, "Emperor, what do you say?"

Li Shilong said: "Land reform, tax reform, and rural cooperation are major events. We should use Lingnan as an experimental site first. If it is feasible, it will not be too late to promote it throughout the world!"

"Well, it's a great kindness!" Li Yuan said: "But it is really difficult for Jingyun to do this alone, and it requires the support of the court in many aspects."

"I understand!" Li Shilong nodded.

It's rare for Qin Mo to be so proactive. It would be useless if he didn't force himself in the past, "You brat, because you are so sensible, I won't slap you today!"


Qin Mo turned around directly, who was still angry!

"Then let's just say that these days are getting better and better as time goes by!" The wrinkles on Li Yuan's face relaxed.

After catching the fish, Qin Xiangru chased Qin Mo and said, "You bastard, you are trying to trick me!"

"You bastard dad, you stupid dad, you don't give me any face, our father-son relationship is over, I want to break off our relationship with you!"

"You cheating bastard, get off the roof quickly!" Qin Xiangru was furious.

When Xiao Liuzi saw Qin Mo running up to the roof, he was so anxious that he quickly called the housekeeper and the others.

"Prince, don't rush me. This is nothing like the crooked-necked tree at home. What could happen if it fell from such a height?" The housekeeper quickly asked someone to use it as a meat mat underneath, and persuaded: "Master, let's not make a fuss. , The roof is too slippery, and it’s very difficult to fall down.”

"This bastard is already a father, and he's still jumping up and down."

"God damn Qin Xiangru, he doesn't feel happy when he comes out to relax, and he bullies the children again!" Qin Xiuying learned that Qin Mo was on the roof, so she didn't dare to delay, and hurried over with her family members, "The children are so old, you still have to fight them. Scolding!"

"Lang Jun, come down quickly, it's dangerous!" Li Yulan's face turned pale with fear. "Brother silly, come down quickly!" Li Yushu and others also kept saying.

"Brother, I, I want to go up too!" Qin Shuangshuang said, about to climb.

Qin Chang also struggled to get off the ground, and said with a milky voice: "Sister-in-law, let me, take me with you."

"Oh, eldest daughter, eldest grandson, come back!"

Qin Xiangru was almost scared out of his wits. He hurriedly ran over and took the two little things back.

When Qin Mo saw this, he didn't dare to stay on the roof anymore. He hurriedly ran downstairs and slapped the two little things on the buttocks twice. "If you don't learn from the good ones, you will learn from the bad ones."

This time Qin Mo was outraged. Li Yulan and others, who were originally worried about Qin Mo, pinched his waist and scolded Qin Mo.

"Isn't it that you, the father, have failed to take the lead?"

"Are you the father who bullies children? Your stepfather loves your children more than you do!"

Xiao Gao said nothing and silently held Qin Chang in his arms.

Qin Xiangru held the belt in his hand and said, "You bastard, beat my daughter and do it to you!"

When Qin Mo saw something was wrong, he ran away, "I can't stay in this family anymore, why don't I leave?"

In a blink of an eye, it's New Year's Eve.

Li Shilong led a group of people to spend a unique New Year at the beach.

Qin Mo also specially organized a Spring Festival gala, including sketches, cross talk, and singing programs. It was a joy.

Li Shilong and Empress Gongsun were sitting in the front row, with Gongsun Wuji and others behind them.

The crowd behind them are all soldiers, shoulder to shoulder, like monkeys squatting in Mount Emei.

This unique party also made everyone laugh.

Li Shilong smiled and said: "That's good. In the future, during the Chinese New Year, the palace will also hold a party. It will be lively and bring the family closer together."

Queen Gongsun held his hand, feeling secretly regretful. She knew that she would set off back to Beijing tomorrow.

The two months after leaving the palace were the happiest two months for her.

My mood is better and my body is better.

Although he was a little reluctant to leave, considering that Ah Si was still in the capital, it was time to go back.

After the party, Li Shilong took Qin Mo and others to watch the New Year.

Queen Gongsun called Gongsun Wuji over.

"I, I have met the Queen!" Gongsun Wuji was also worried and didn't understand why Queen Gongsun asked him to come here.

"Brother, we haven't had a good chat in two years. First of all, it's because of the deep palace compound that it's inconvenient for you to come here often.

Secondly, our brother-sister relationship has become indifferent! "

"My lord, no!" Gongsun Wuji said, cupping his fists.

"Don't be so nervous. There is no one else here, what can't you say?" Queen Gongsun asked him to sit down.

Gongsun Wuji gritted his teeth and said, "It's not that I don't want to enter the palace, it's just that I have no shame. I'm not living up to expectations, and I'm embarrassing the empress!"

"Is it just because of Chong'er?" Empress Gongsun sighed, her eyes full of disappointment, "Brother, you are confused. How can you get involved with rebellious officials and traitors like Hou Gennian?"

Gongsun Wuji's head was buzzing, "Empress, Wei Chen, when did Wei Chen get involved with the rebellious officials and traitors?"

(End of this chapter)

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