Chapter 936
Li Yuan understands the truth.

This has been the case for thousands of years.

But this process is based on hundreds of years.

"Old man, can the Northern and Southern families still dance?"

Qin Mo said with a smile: "In the past, aristocratic families and royal families ruled the world together, and they provided most of the taxis.

The royal family uses clans and relatives as checks and balances.

As time passed, either clan members threatened the imperial power, or relatives took over.

Just like fighting with me, I will beat whoever is strong, and whoever is arrogant will catch a person and beat him to death. The effect is good, but what if he fights back?

Thank you for being bitten by him unexpectedly.

If I accidentally beat him to death and become disabled, no one would fight me in the future.

It's different now, everything is disrupted now.

We train our own scholars, we compile our own doctrines, who else is there to hold us back?

When a new emperor takes office, he will study with everyone starting from elementary school, and then he will have to practice among the people for at least ten years.

They have seen what the common people are like and know what life is like among the people. No matter how stupid they are, they cannot say why they should not eat minced meat! "

Li Yuan looked at Qin Mo and suddenly understood, "I understand, whether it is the inheritance law, the school, or the land reform, they are actually all related, and they are a complete set of bills, each of which is indispensable.

Without the constraints of the gentry, the emperor was surrounded by his own people, so he would inevitably be arrogant and even self-willed, so happy with his success.

As time went by, there were no ordinary people in sight. "

At this point, Li Yuan exhaled a breath of smoke and continued: "That's why in the Prince Management Bill, you proposed to abolish the Imperial College and let these princes, incognito, go to study outside and mingle with the children of the common people.

They know integrity, understand agriculture, know the principles of life, and understand what it means to study things to achieve knowledge.

The school also often organizes students to go out to help widowers and elderly people.

Children taught in this way will not be deceived by others, nor will they be indifferent to grains and grains, and will not be industrious in all aspects of their lives.

When I grew up in the future, I was sent to another place as an official. I saw the real situation among the people, had my own opinions and political opinions, and made achievements, and then I understood my responsibilities and what I should do.

Far better than the emperor's one-on-one teaching, just like my two sons, each one has the appearance of an emperor.

But, that's not what I taught you step by step.

They fought for it on the battlefield. There are some truths that cannot be taught! "

"That's right, but this is not my idea alone, it was all discussed with Prince Heng and the others.

Because there are too many things to seize power, and my father has started it again, it will definitely be endless in the future. It is better to do this and create peace. "

"I understand, I will write to your father later. Whether it is potatoes or sweet potatoes, it is auspicious. You have done a lot of credit!" Li Yuan said with a smile.

"My uncle has done a lot of credit. After all, he risked his life to get it." Qin Mo said with a smile.

"He has made meritorious deeds. If it weren't for you, he would have died a long time ago!" Li Yuan said, "But I have to be shameless and take a share of your credit!"

Qin Mo was happy, "You took all the credit, I'm even happier."

Why does Li Yuan take the credit? Because the credit is too great.

Qin Mo couldn't eat it alone.

It'll be fine as long as he's here to protect Qin Mo.

"Okay, let's go back. This old man is getting worse every day. It's not enough to just dig a few ridges of land!"

Li Yuan rubbed his knees before slowly getting up.

Qin Mo helped him back to the manor.

In the spring of the 11th year of Jinglong's reign, on February [-], the dragon raised its head.

Li Shilong received the letter written by Li Yuan, and after reading it, he was very excited.

"Okay, okay, sweet potatoes and potatoes are the two auspicious things that determine the country, and the common people no longer have to worry about hunger!"

He walked around the Manna Hall excitedly.

Gao Shilian has never seen Li Shilong so happy since Li Shilong returned to the palace.However, after Li Shilong read Li Yuan's second letter about governance issues, his steps slowed down, "I see. Putting it this way, it really embarrasses that brat.

It turns out that this guy has been planning things since he started cultivating the Li Zhi Dao! "

Li Shilong put his hands behind his back and thought.

Now, Lizhi Road has been built to Mingyue Mountain, and Jiannan Road has also been built to the entrance of Nanfan.

Coupled with the land reform policy, after waiting for 30 to [-] years, the food harvest will be abundant and the population will skyrocket. The questions he asked Qin Mo before will not be a problem.

Li Shilong also breathed a sigh of relief, but then he snorted coldly, "That's right, I didn't want to write a letter, so I let the Emperor of Heaven write it, and I was lazy and stole it from the Supreme Emperor!"

"Your Majesty, did the Prince Consort write a letter?" Gao Shilian asked with a smile.

"That brat will write to me?" Li Shilong snorted, "He is very happy in Lingnan!"

After saying that, he paused and said, "Go and call the reformed county boy!"

"Yes!" After Gao Shilian left, he called Li Xin over.

"Your Majesty, sir!" Li Xin saluted quickly.

"Look, this is a letter from the Supreme Emperor!"

Li Xin took the letter and read it, then smiled and said: "Great, it is indeed auspicious. I congratulate your Majesty on your auspiciousness!"

"You've been at home for so long, what are your plans?" Li Shilong asked.

"I want to bring a caravan to the sea for trade. There are hundreds of countries in the west, big and small, and they are extremely rich. If I bring Daqian's goods there, I will definitely be able to exchange them for a large amount of gold and silver to support the court and the people." Li Xin said.

"Want to go to sea again?" Li Shilong felt a little reluctant.

"When I came back this time, I saw my mother. My wife and children are all well at home, so I didn't worry much about her. I just wanted to do more things for the people.

It's not about atonement, it's about making some achievements to make the queen happy and his wife and children proud.

When I go out in the future, others will not poke my spine when they look at me, and my wife and children will be able to hold their heads up. "

Li Shilong nodded happily, "You can think of it this way, the two years of hardship overseas were not in vain!"

After he left Beijing, the situation in Beijing was still very clear.

Not only to temper Li Yue, but also to test Li Xin one last time.

He was satisfied with the results of the trial.

Li Xin has indeed changed, and is no longer the same as before.

"Go, this time I will send Beihai Navy to accompany you. Except for you, I will pardon all the sins of those who were with you that day!" Li Shilong said.

Li Xin felt relieved and knelt on the ground, "Kowtow to the Holy Grace!"

"Get up!" Li Shilong said.

After getting up, Li Xin said again: "I dare you to borrow someone from your majesty!"


"Gongsun Chong!" Li Xin said.

Li Shilong frowned slightly and wanted to refuse, but after thinking about it, he nodded, "I'm sure, but after going to sea this time, you don't want to come back every two years.

Don't let your queen mother worry! "

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Li Xin left the Manna Palace without looking back. This palace was just a prison to him now.

At this time, three scouts rode into the capital on fast horses, "An urgent report from Nanfan, get out of the way quickly!"

When pedestrians heard this, they all moved out of the way, and even the police patrolling the streets did not dare to say anything.

Because the eight hundred miles is urgent, no one can stop it.

"Report, Your Majesty, we are rushing to the south for [-] miles. The Supi and Dabo tribes are plotting rebellion and colluding with Beinu to overthrow the south!"

(End of this chapter)

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