big dry son-in-law

Chapter 940 Qin Mo’s idea

Chapter 940 Qin Mo’s idea

After Bolu was defeated by Nanfan, he was divided into small and large Bolu.

Little Bolu was occupied by the Nanfan, while Big Bolu was included in the Kingdom of Ladakh.

This small country was originally the homeland of the Central Plains more than a hundred years ago.

Now it has been occupied by the shameless Tianxiang Kingdom and has become one of the kingdoms of the Tianxiang Kingdom.

Xiaobolu borders Yutian, which is currently the territory of Beinu.

Now there are Daqian's troops on Jishi Mountain in the east and outside Songzhou City in the south.

Beinu came from the northeast and was afraid of encountering Ganjun, so he came from the northwest.

"Supi, the Dabo tribes have controlled half of Supi's homeland. I have sent people to ask for reinforcements from the Gan army. However, the caravans who came back said that Dagan is very uneasy. They have fought successively, but I don't know if they have any You don’t have the energy to come and take care of us!” Da Lundong praised.

Li Shuangan was very worried, "What if the big officials don't come to help?"

"Senjiebo introduced the Beinu army and entered the country from Bolu, under the banner of revenge and restoration of the country, but Mengzan should not forget what the customs of Supi are.

The queens and queens govern together, what's the matter with him? "

Dalun Dongzan said with a smile: "We might as well use Daqian to threaten them and force them to leave. The reason why Beinu dare not fight openly is because he is afraid of Daqian?"

Li Shuang'an nodded, feeling much less worried, "The leader of the Bon Religion asked me to go there tomorrow."

Dongzan took a deep breath. This Bon religion was indeed a big trouble. Li Shuangan was far inferior to Luo Buzhudong in terms of prestige and popularity.

It is far from being able to overwhelm the Bon religion.

The current situation is that Bon is the dominant religion, and Buddhism, which was supported by Lobu Zhadu, is suppressed by Bon.

They even want to tear down the temple built by Mengzan in Jing'an.

Before Nanyue Zanpu, the Bon religion basically controlled the Zanpu replacement. If you didn't obey, you would die.

The situation in Nanfan is too complicated. Lobu worked together to unify Nanfan, but there were still many problems left.

He left too early. If he had left ten years later, Nanfan would not be what it is now.

There is also the ancient Xiangxiang Kingdom in the northwest. After being defeated by Lobu Zhadui, it has always existed as a fan tribe.

Now I am afraid that I am getting more and more ready to take action.

So the current situation in Nanfan is very bad.

"Go!" Dalun Dongzan said a little tiredly: "When necessary, it's better to be subdued. We need help now!"

On the other side, Lingnan, in the newly opened plantation.

Qin Mo was in a good mood as he looked at the growing seedlings.

The weather in Lingnan in early March is comfortable.

Li Yuan was wearing single clothes and sitting on the ridge of the field, holding a large pipe in his hand. There was also a small bag hanging on the pipe containing special shredded tobacco.

He looks like an old farmer.

Qin Mo made this pipe for himself when he had nothing to do.

The main reason is that rolling cigarettes is troublesome. Of course, when he has nothing to do, he still likes to find a beautiful maid to roll cigarettes on his lap.

Although I didn't taste the so-called fragrance, I was full of experience.

Li Yuan took a few puffs of cigarette, exhaled a puff of smoke, then knocked the pipe on the stone, poured out the ash in the pipe, "Comfort now, continue pulling weeds!"

"Old man, I've brought you some snacks!" Qin Mo said, lifting the basket in his hand.

"What delicious food did you cook for me today?"

"Nothing, just egg-filled cakes and sweet rice milk!" Qin Mo put down the basket and took out the egg-filled cakes and a teapot full of sweet rice milk.

"Old Wei, stop pulling weeds, come here and have some snacks!" Qin Mo shouted to Wei Zhong who was still pulling weeds.

"Come on!" Wei Zhong threw the weeds in his hand aside, wiped his dirty hands on his body, took the egg and stuffed the cake, and wolfed it down, "It's delicious. This is the time of day that this old slave looks forward to the most. It's time!" "Eat it or not!" Li Yuan snorted and started eating with big mouthfuls.

Wei Zhong chuckled and said: "In the palace, you would be full after just two bites of everything, but it is different here. I feel like I can eat no matter how much I eat.

The slave even had the illusion that he was back when he accompanied the Supreme Emperor to conquer the world, running around for three days and three nights.

Fight a battle, then go back to sleep, wake up, drink heavily, and eat meat.

I feel like I'm back when I was young again, able to drink two pounds of wine and eat three pounds of meat! "

Li Yuan was also very emotional, "There are people doing everything in the palace. Farming here, doing farm work, I feel energetic all over.

Eat well, sleep well, and your legs and feet will feel strong. "

Qin Mo smiled. People are like machines. If they move more and walk more, if they can eat and drink, they will live longer.

If Li Yuan continues like this, there will be no problem in surviving for more than ten years.

Qin Mo lowered his trouser legs, "How old are you? You still roll up your trouser legs, and you are not afraid of old cold legs!"

"In the way!" Li Yuan said cheerfully. After eating and drinking, he waved his hand to Qin Mo and said, "Go back. I've got these two acres of land, so go back."

He and Wei Zhong claimed a few acres of land and said they wanted to experience the feeling of farmers paying taxes.

"Okay, then just wait a minute!" Qin Mo packed up his things and was about to go back and catch up on his sleep.

At this time, Li Jiange ran over and said, "Commander, there is an urgent report from Nanfan!"

Qin Mo took the emergency report, took a look at it, and immediately frowned, "Go back to the manor first!"

Back at the manor office, Qin Mo took out the Nanfan map and the Beinu map and looked at them carefully.

"Is this to test Da Gan's attitude?" Qin Mo understood Sen Jiebo's intention at a glance. If Bei Nu was really brave, he would not have entered the country through Bolu.

Can't we go straight to Supi by walking directly from Tianshan Mountain or Dafeichuan?

No need to beat around the bush.

In the letter, Li Shilong gave a general summary of Qu Tuba's strategy. The strategy was a good one, and he would definitely do it if it were him.

But allowing Subi and Beinu to consume Nanfan was a mixed blessing.

At least for Li Shuangan, it was a bad thing.

Li Shuang'an is the most important link in Gui Gan. If he loses all his majesty, how can he subdue Nan Fan's intricate factions?

Think about it, a weak Zamp, let alone convincing, will be killed.

No matter how you look at it, it is humiliating to surrender to the Great Qiang.

The Nanfan people would only feel that Daqian was coerced, and that kind of kindness had also changed in their eyes.

But a powerful Zanpu prevailed over everyone and constantly promoted the friendship between Nanfan and Daqian. Within a few years, Nanfan was included in Daqian, and it was a matter of course.

As long as the straight road is built and the people there are grateful, a lot of things can be saved.

Qu Tuba's strategy was good, but not enough.

That's why Li Shilong wrote to ask him if he had anything to add.

Qin Mo asked: "How many caravans have entered Nanfan now?"

"Captain, there are no less than [-] caravans, and the number of each caravan is more than [-]." Li Jiange replied: "Spring has begun, and the road to the south is relatively easier. When the weather gets warmer, we can enter the south. The number of caravans is estimated to reach five to six hundred!"

"Did Nan Fan ask for help?"

"No news has been received yet!"

Qin Mo thought for a while and came up with an idea, "Where's Lingnan's anti-fraud cult team? Call them over. I'll be of great use!"

(End of this chapter)

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