big dry son-in-law

Chapter 947 Nanzhao

Chapter 947 Nanzhao
The voice was not loud, but Li Yulan heard it clearly, and her face turned red instantly. This girl is not ashamed!

Qin Mo coughed dryly, but before he could say anything, Li Jingya came over and hugged him.

Qin Mo had three parts hanging on his body, following suit every step of the way.

Li Xue didn't dare to move forward, for fear of touching her stomach.

That night, Qin Mo had eaten so much that his calves were weak.

I had a rest the next day and found some time to say goodbye to Princess Jing'an, Princess Qi and his wife.

"Old man, I'm leaving, and I'll leave these monkeys in the house to you!" Qin Mo said.

Li Yuan's condition also improved a lot. When he saw Qin Mo wearing a battle armor, he told him, "You are going to the south. The mountains are high and the rivers are long. You must be careful.

I will be waiting for your triumphant return in Lingnan! "

Wei Zhong handed over the wine he had prepared in advance.

Qin Mo took the wine and said, "Old man, aunt, father-in-law, mother-in-law, wives, I'd like to propose a toast to you!"

After saying that, Qin Mo drank all the wine in the glass in one gulp.

Everyone also raised their glasses.

Princess Jing'an is the most worried. She knows that Qin Mo is here to help Li Shuangan rescue Li Shuang'an, and she has many worries in her heart.

"Jingyun, don't worry, my aunt will take good care of the family and the children!" After saying that, he drank it all in one gulp.

"I wish you a triumphant victory!"

Qin Mo got on his horse and glanced at his loved ones reluctantly, "Everyone, take care!"

The team left Cangwu City, and everyone felt empty in their hearts.

However, outside Cangwu City, what Qin Mo didn't expect was that there were actually a large number of people walking on both sides to see each other off: "Grand Governor, please be safe!"

"Grand Governor, we cannot live without you in Lingnan!"

The elderly man had tears in his eyes and said, "Great Governor, we are going to the south, where the mountains are high and the rivers are long. We will pray for you every day!"

This was not the first time that Qin Mo went on an expedition, but this was the first time that he was sent off by the common people!
At that moment, sadness surged into his heart, and he realized that the reason why he was willing to go to war was not for the betrothal gift, nor for the so-called retirement.

But these thousands of kind people.

Qin Mo reined up his horse, raised his hands to the crowd and said, "Fathers and fellow villagers, Qin Mo will definitely live up to your high expectations.

Live a good life and follow the path of Daqian. A bright future will definitely belong to everyone.

When Qin Mo comes back, he will continue to serve you fellow villagers! "

After saying that, Qin Mo urged his war horse and left quickly.

The soldiers who followed him away were also full of strength.

This is the reason why they are not afraid of life and death.

Because after Bingfeng, there are these lovely folks!
After nearly ten days of galloping day and night, we left the Lizhi Road and the road began to deteriorate.

Especially in this season, there is abundant rain, and it is obviously cloudy. Within an hour, all the clothes on the body will be wet with fog.

The steaming clouds and mist are particularly uncomfortable.

"Master, take a rest!" Gao Yao said.

Qin Mo took off his hat and turned it over. Sweat dripped down from the edge of the hat, which was really uncomfortable.

"Rest on the spot first, bury the pot and make rice. Remember, the water must be boiled!"

They had left the Lingnan boundary and came to Zhuji Mizhou. They could clearly feel that the altitude here was getting higher.

The mountain road is particularly difficult.But this is not the most important thing, the schistosomiasis here is the most terrifying!

Moreover, there are so many leeches in some dense forests that they dare not even sleep.

Who knows where they might get into.

The vast majority here are undeveloped virgin forests, and it is these primitive forests that isolate the White Lotus cult members.

Qin Mo found a big stone, took off his shoes, and poured out the water inside.

Looking at his swollen and white feet, Qin Mo smiled bitterly. If this continued, his feet would definitely get infected.

"Idiot, I found a lot of mushrooms over there. Can you get some to try? I will take people to hunt some game. I eat seafood and compressed biscuits every day. I almost vomited from eating them!" Dou Yiai came over and said .

"Mushrooms? Are you crazy?" Qin Mo slapped him on the head, "Do you know which ones are poisonous and which ones are not?

If we eat poisonous mushrooms, we will leave them here! "

Although Qin Mo also likes to eat fungi, there are too many fungi in this world. If you accidentally get poisonous ones, you will be in trouble.

It can range from hallucinations to seeing the Lord of Hell!

"What are you afraid of? Just find someone to try it. I heard that these fungi and pheasants are very delicious!" Dou Yiai said.

"If you say no, you won't!" Qin Mo kicked him again.

Chai Rong hurriedly pulled Dou Yiai away, "Don't make Brother Qin angry. He is in a irritable mood. If you do this, he will not only be upset, but even more irritated!"

Dou Yiai scratched his head, "Wouldn't it make you feel better if you eat something delicious?"

Chai Rong was too lazy to say anything.

"Xiao Chai, where are we?" Qin Mo asked.

"We are almost reaching Shisang County. We should be able to reach Nanzhao tomorrow." Chai Rong looked at the map and said.

Qin Mo nodded. At this moment, Gao Yao had dried his shoes and socks. After putting them on Qin Mo carefully, Qin Mo felt much better. "Let everyone bake the clothes and shoes before they get wet." It’s easy to get sick, don’t let yourself get sick if Nanfan doesn’t arrive!”

"Yes, I will obey the order!" Chai Rong quickly went to inform.

After eating and drinking, the group set out on the road and settled in Shisang County in the evening.

In the afternoon of the next day, a group of 8000 people arrived at Weishan Mountain, which is the birthplace of the Nanzhao tribe.

Earlier, Dou Yiai led his troops here, and the tribe leader Shelong hurriedly brought his people over, "Honorable General Daqian, we have been waiting for a long time!"

Before Qin Mo set off, he asked the scouts to report all the way.

Meng Shezhao had already surrendered to Daqian.

Dou Yiai glanced sideways at Shelong, "Are you ready for food and drink?"

"General Dou, everything is ready!" She Long said respectfully to Dou Yiai.

Dou Yiai nodded with satisfaction, ran to Qin Mo and said as if to claim credit: "Chief Meng Shezhao, I pushed him to the ground and beat him up before, but now he is honest!"

Qin Mo was left speechless by him. At this time, Shelong stepped forward quickly and saluted Qin Mo, "Dear General Daqian, please dismount. Meng Shezhao has prepared rich food!"

He knew that the young man in front of him must be the leader of this army.

Qin Mo did not dismount, but said: "No need, let's rest here temporarily, just give us a place to rest, we have prepared our own food!"

A trace of surprise flashed in Shelong's eyes. Is this handsome guy so difficult to talk to?
He couldn't help but look at Dou Yiai, "General Dou, look."

"Idiot, it's okay, we're one of our own!" Dou Yiai helped put in a good word.

"Hold it!" Qin Mo cursed, and then said: "My military order is to bury the pot and make rice on the spot. No outside food is allowed. Violators will be severely punished!"

(End of this chapter)

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