big dry son-in-law

Chapter 949 Qin Da Huyou is online!

Chapter 949 Qin Da Huyou is online!

Gongbu, in Nanfan language, means 'the throne of the Niang family'!
This is Niang's territory.

When Qin Mo led his army to Gongbuwai, the leader of the Niang family, Niang Shanggao, was waiting outside the city with 3000 people.

Niang's family was once praised as the Nanfan Tibetan Mastiff by Lobu Zhadui, which shows its status.

In Daqian, being able to take a Tibetan mastiff for hunting or walking your dog is something worth showing off.

Niang Shanggao knew that the person coming was Qin Mo, and her expression was not very good. It was this guy who made suggestions and conquered Mingyue Mountain.

After that battle, Nanfan weakened.

Not only that, they also brought smallpox, which caused countless disasters to Nanfan.

The local people in Nanfan call them devils.

"The person here is the visiting envoy of Da Qian, Qin Mo?" Mother Shanggao asked.

Qin Mo did not dismount, Dou Yiai turned over and dismounted, stepped forward and said: "Daqian Angel, Qin Mo, on the order of His Majesty the Emperor Daqian, leads the army to visit Nanfan to help Nanfan and solve its urgent needs!"

Niang Shang Gao said: "Since he is an angel, he is our most distinguished guest in Nanfan. Why don't you dismount and come to Gongbu to drink a cup of highland barley wine?"

His Da Gan speech was not smooth, but it was pretty good.

It is not easy for Nanfan to return to Qian, because Nanfan has its own language system, so education is destined to be a long process.

"Since you are invited by the leader of the Niang clan, let's go into the city!" Qin Mo thought for a while and got off his horse. Since he was helping, he had to be gentle. After all, he was his own people from now on.

Moreover, this mother's father was the prime minister in the early Luo Bu Zhadui era.

He threw the horse rope to the horseman, smiled, stepped forward and hooked his mother's shoulder, "Brother, I have heard of your reputation in Daqian, and when I saw you today, you are indeed well-deserved!"

Qin Mo's spontaneous familiarity confused his mother Shang Gao.

The Dusongbu branch of the Zhi family is not to say that the Daqian people are particularly arrogant, especially the first prince consort of Daqian, who is even more arrogant.

When we first negotiated, we were extremely brutal.

He came back to his senses and said with a smile: "Qin Angel is also famous!"

"Really?" Qin Mo quickly took out Qin Yan, "Come on, brother, smoke one!"

"What's this?"

Qin Mo didn't waste any time and lit one, then put the Qin smoke into his mother Shang Gao's mouth and lit it for him, "This is called Qin Yan. It costs several taels of silver a piece in Daqian. It is specially provided by the Lord. Most people can't get it.

We usually only give them to close people! "

Niang Shanggao subconsciously took a sip and choked until he coughed repeatedly. Qin Mo couldn't help patting his back, "Slow down, slow down!"

"I'm fine!"

Niang Shanggao waved his hands repeatedly. He really couldn't smoke this cigarette, but with so many people watching, Qin Mo also said that this was a special gift from the nobles.

Wouldn't it be embarrassing if he showed his timidity?

Strangely enough, after taking a few puffs, Qin Mo's defenseless look actually made the vigilance and hostility in mother Shang Gao's heart lessen a lot unconsciously.

The way the two of them were holding each other's shoulders also made the Niang people stunned.

When they arrived at Niang's clan, they had already prepared good wine and food.

Qin Mo directly took out a box of Qin cigarettes and placed it on his table, and then took out a small wine bottle, "This is a special cold-warming knife provided by our Daqian soldiers. Try it, although it is not as tasty as your highland barley wine. But it's better than strong." As he said that, he drank the highland barley wine in the cup in one gulp.

Niang Shanggao was impressed by Qin Mo's bold character. It seemed that what Dusongbuzhi said was not entirely true.

Moreover, he had also drank Shaodaozi, and it was so strong that it was impressive.

Daqian caravans passing through Gongbu will offer some Daqian local specialties.

"Come, my respected friends, you have come all the way from Daqian, and you are our most respected guests in Nanfan!" He was not pretentious, and dipped his fingers into the wine in the glass, and then picked up Qin Mo's bottle Started drinking.

After one sip, his face turned red instantly.

One thing is that Nanfan's beef and mutton taste really good, and Qin Mo ate it happily.

Gao Yao knelt down next to Qin Mo. He didn't eat a bite of meat or drink a drop of wine during the whole process, and kept his hand pressed on the handle of the knife at his waist.

The same is true for Chai Rong.

Looking at Dou Yiai again, he is like a wind and a lingering cloud. He eats and smokes and drinks, just like Zhu Bajie eating ginseng fruit.

Qin Mo didn't bother to care about him. He drank to his heart's content later and sat directly next to his mother Shang Gao, holding his hand. It was an unstoppable friendship.

Mother Shanggao was also a little tipsy. At this moment, being flattered by the first prince-in-law of Daqian, she was also dizzy and a little lost.

"Brother, how many years older are you than me? If you don't mind, just call me Brother Qin. I like and admire heroes the most."

Mother Shang Gao nodded dazedly, "Then I'll take care of you!"

"Don't look outside of your own family." As he said this, Qin Mo helped light another Qin cigarette, and then said: "To tell you the truth, I came to Nanfan this time not just to help you overcome the difficulties.

There are more important tasks! "

Mother Shang Gao suddenly became excited, pretending to be drunk, but his ears perked up, and he asked calmly: "Brother Qin, what's the mission?"

Qin Mo exhaled a breath of smoke, "No one else can listen to this!"

"Then, let's go to the back!" Niang Shanggao said tentatively.

"Okay!" Qin Mo nodded with a smile.

Afterwards, Mother Shanggao took Qin Mo to the back hall, and no one else was allowed to follow.

This place is Niang Shanggao's study, and there are actually a lot of Daqian's books in it. Of course, there are more Buddhist scriptures.

"Come, drink tea!" Niang Shanggao took out the tea cake, "This is the tea cake you brought from Dagang. It is refreshing and relieves fatigue, but we Nanfan people prefer to use it to make milk tea!"

Since the trade between the two countries has deepened, tea can be said to be one of the favorites of Nanfan people.

They don't produce tea, but they drink it every day. If they don't have a small pot, they'll be bored!

Qin Mo took the tea cup with a smile, "Okay, it's actually the Twelve Flower God's Cup. Brother Mom, you have good taste. This Twelve Flower God's Cup is considered a rarity in Daqian!"

This silent compliment touched Niang Shanggao's heart, "In your own words, this is arty!"

"Not bad, not bad. This method of making tea is very professional. Many nobles are not as skilled as my mother. If it were done in Daqian, it would be a proper noble of the national prince level!" Qin Mo said cheerfully.

Niang Shanggao didn't speak, but the corners of her mouth raised unconsciously, "Brother Qin, did you have a smooth journey here?"

"Don't mention it, the wind and sun are blowing all the way, and it's extremely uncomfortable!" Qin Mo took a sip of tea and said: "However, I can get here smoothly and get to know my mother, I, Qin Mo, have made a lot of money!
Really, Brother Niang, when the trouble is solved this time, you will also go to Daqian with me to have some fun! "

(End of this chapter)

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