big dry son-in-law

Chapter 959: The king's power is accepted, and he will live forever!

Chapter 959: The king's power is accepted, and he will live forever!
The moment the fire rose, Dalun Dongzan was the first to kneel down, "Zanpu, all gods praise your greatness!"

Immediately afterwards, everyone in Nanfan also knelt down, "The gods praise your greatness!"

At this time, whether it was the nobles of Nanfan or the monks, soldiers and believers of Bon Religion, the shock was unparalleled.

Under the gaze of tens of thousands of eyes, without any kindling, the altar was lit with the help of ice cubes.

Isn't this a miracle?
I don't know who shouted, but the praises from everyone at the scene continued like a tsunami, making Qin Mo's head buzz.

"It's done!"

Qin Mo's anxious heart was completely relaxed, and he immediately walked aside. This moment was Li Shuangan's highlight moment.

It's better for him not to get involved.

"Master, is this the magnifying glass that Xiao Nuan plays with?" Gao Yao asked in a low voice.

Qin Mo nodded, "Well, the truth is that using ice cubes is more troublesome and the failure rate is also high!"

Gao Yao didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but glass was a rare thing in Nanfan, and caravans were not allowed to bring it over.

They didn't, so naturally they had no way of knowing the principle of convex lenses.

Li Shuangan was also extremely excited at this time, but as a qualified Zamp, he must remain calm.

He put his hands behind his back and threw the ice cubes in his hands into the altar, which made his numb hands feel better.

He looked at everyone, "Ben Zamp was conferred and approved by Emperor Daqian, so the gods granted me the ability to make fire.

Not only that, I also have the ability to fly into the sky. In a few days, I will fly over Luoshu City from the highest point of Putuo Luojia Palace. At that time, I will let everyone see what the power of true God is! "

This is what Qin Mo told him. Although he doesn't know how to fly, since Qin Mo said it, he can definitely do it.

The crowd was boiling.

The highest point of Putuo Luojia Palace is at least eighty feet.

Only the condor can leap, how can a human being leap?
It was several miles from the palace to the outside of Luoxue City. This was simply impossible!
Stupid dream!

Xin Rao said hysterically: "This is a scam, don't be fooled by him!"

However, this time, no one listened to him.

Li Shuang'an said confidently: "Xinrao, evil monk, I will spare your life. In a few days, open your eyes wide and see how Ben Zanpu has leaped beyond the realm of logic."

Xin Rao gritted his teeth and said: "If you can really fly, what if I, Xin Rao, serve you as my master!"

"Okay, this is what you said. Everyone heard it clearly. Although you betrayed your oath and betrayed the gods, I will give you a chance to change your ways!" Li Shuangan did not kill Xin Rao, but Spared his life.

During the discussion, Dong couldn't help but nod his head. This is the magnanimity a Zanpu should have. If he could convince Xin Rao, he would definitely save a lot of trouble!

Xin Rao lowered his head and said nothing. He knew that after this time, his credibility in the eyes of the believers and nobles would plummet!
Afterwards, the wizard prayed to heaven and earth, and the hunt officially began.

Qin Mo gave Li Shuangan the gun and taught him how to shoot. Even a yak weighing about a thousand kilograms fell to the ground with heavy steps after being shot a few times.

"Brother-in-law, this gun is indeed a magical weapon!" Li Shuangan was excited.

"Follow Da Qian's footsteps and drink spicy food!" Qin Mo said with a smile.

The freshly roasted beef and lamb are particularly delicious, and they are smeared with spices brought by Qin Mo from Lingnan. These noble ministers can't wait to swallow their tongues.

"The barbecue prepared by my brother-in-law is still delicious!" Li Shuangan ate happily.

Qin Mo said: "This spice is good, if you are interested, I can let you try it and make some money.

As for how to allocate it, you do it yourself! "

Li Shuangan is not stupid. Qin Mo is giving away profits and letting Luoche become a trade transit station. Over time, Nanfan will definitely become rich.

Taking this opportunity, he could bribe the nobles.

"Thank you, brother-in-law!" Li Shuangan toasted repeatedly.Later, people played "The Music of King Qin Breaking the Formation", "Liangzhou" and "Hu Wei".

All the skills are from Ganren, and they were all rewarded by Li Shilong to Li Shuang'an.

To this day, Daqian culture has penetrated deeply into Nanfan.

In every aspect of food, clothing, housing and transportation, there is a hint of Ganren.

But at this time, there was an undercurrent surging in Luozhe City.

Spies from all sides are on the move.

However, they did not know what happened in the hunting grounds.

But Qin Mo's arrival also completely broke the balance of Nanfan.

That night.

To be precise, it was Xu Shizhong.

At this time, the sun was setting in the west. Qin Mo and Li Shuangan were sitting outside the palace, watching the slowly setting sun.

"I didn't expect that one day I would be able to see the sun in Xu Shi." Qin Mo held a teapot in his hand and sat on the rocking chair, rocking gently.

Li Shuangan also learned from Qin Mo Mansion.

After coming to Nanfan, I continued this habit.

"Brother-in-law, when you say flying, do you mean flying like a bird?" Li Shuang'an asked.

"No, it's impossible for a person to fly like a bird. Even if you grow wings, it will be difficult.

But we have wisdom and can use tools to help us fly.

Moreover, the success rate is quite high.

As long as you jump down from here, leap over the horizon.

Your reputation as the King of the Plateau will no longer be shaken. At least, at the level of belief, no one can compare with you.

If nothing unexpected happens, in a while, a large number of miracles related to you will appear in various places. Get ready to accept the worship of the people! "Qin Mo patted his shoulder.

The afterglow of the setting sun shone on Qin Mo's face. At this moment, Li Shuang'an felt that Qin Mo was like a god walking in the world.

He used great wisdom and courage to help Daqian and Nanfan get out of trouble. It can be said that he is the person he admires most in his life.

"By the way, I'll give you something!" Qin Mo took out a magnifying glass from his pocket, "If you want to make fire from the air in the future, you'll use this thing. It's called a convex lens. It's made of glass. As long as you don't drop it hard, it usually doesn't work. Will crack.

When you go to court tomorrow, take out this convex lens and say that you have dreamed about the Zanpu of the past dynasties in Nanfan, saying that they have been under the rule of the Daqian Zhenlong Emperor.

This mirror is their condensed treasure. If they give it a nice name and publicize it, it won't be long before the troubadours on the plateau spread the news about this deed throughout the south. "

The convex lens was slightly cool to the touch, and Li Shuangan said, "Why don't you use this to start a fire?"

"Myths are always full of twists and turns. How can people cherish something that is too easy to obtain?" Qin Mo said with a smile: "I also brought a gold seal, which was imitated according to the Great Seal of Daqian. From now on, this will be Nan The national seal of Fan’s Dingguo.”

Qin Mo waved, and Gao Yao handed the box over.

The national seal is made of gold inlaid with jade, and eight characters are also engraved below: The royal power is accepted, and longevity is boundless!

Li Shuangan was stunned, "Are you planning to imitate Da Gan?"

"That's right, but Nanfan is quite unique. The forced use of the Daqian system may not suit the local environment, so... Nanfan is still listed as a special autonomous region!" Qin Mo said with a smile.

Li Shuangan asked puzzledly: "What is a special autonomous region?"

(End of this chapter)

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