big dry son-in-law

Chapter 965: Establish authority first, then establish morality!

Chapter 965: Establish authority first, then establish morality!
Li Shuangan looked at his subjects and said calmly: "I will protect all living beings!"

With a simple sentence, everyone present could not help but kowtow in worship.

Their eyes are wild and pious.

At this time, Xin Rao stumbled down from Hongshan Palace and knelt in front of Li Shuangan's sedan, "Great True God Zanpu, your servant is here!"

Li Shuang'an said nothing, slowly got off the sedan, and put his hand on Xin Rao's head.

At that moment, Xin Rao burst into tears.

It was this scene that was painted by a painter from Nanfan and became a treasure handed down from generation to generation of Bon Religion.

Li Shuangan led everyone back to the palace.

The people below were still worshiping and praying.

Qin Mo is still very satisfied with this operation. The time, place and people are right, everything is just right.

Dalun Dongzan knew that Qin Mo also used the so-called flying power to conquer the Riyue Mountain Pass.

In this way, his son died at the Riyue Mountain Pass.

But why can it fly and still land unscathed?
He doesn't understand.

Just like he doesn't understand why ice can be used to make fire.

Although he knew that these were man-made, the mystery made Li Shuangan feel more sacred.

It was so sacred that even he couldn't help but want to worship it.

"Even if Qin Mo gives him the secret of flying to the sky, he still has to have the courage to jump out!" Da Lun Dongzan thought.

After everyone dispersed, they were still discussing Li Shuangan's flying deeds.

Troubadours have compiled the story of Li Shuangan making fire from the air and flying into the sky into poetry.

It won't be long before Li Shuangan's greatness will be spread throughout Nanfan.

"Brother-in-law, I'm done!" After everyone left, Li Shuang'an took off his burden and took Qin Mo's hand, as excited as a child.

Qin Mo said: "Niu, to be honest, when you danced, I was sweating for you!"

"My brother-in-law is well prepared, otherwise I would be dead!" Li Shuangan said sincerely.

"It's a little bit of luck, and it's also due to adequate preparation in the early stage, but after this set, I will give you full marks, and the force will be very high.

From now on, everything you say and do must be like a god, and you must speak with dignity.

Although it is tiring, the benefits are even greater!
Look at your appearance, you look stupid.

Let’s not talk about others!

From now on, no one can shake your rule in this three-acre land of Luosu.

What we need to do now is to steadily implement our plan.

We strive to integrate Nanfan into Daqian within one year! "

Now that Qin Mo has come to Nanfan, he has no plans to go back in a short time.

Nan Fan must be allowed to work, lest he come over every now and then and annoy him to death!
"Is one year too urgent?" Li Shuang'an asked uneasily.

"No, in terms of belief and dominance, you have reached the ceiling.

But not enough.

The gods not only want to send miracles, but also have the ability to heal the world! "Qin Mo said, touching his chin.

"Cure the world?" Li Shuangan scratched his head, "But I don't know how to heal!"

"You can't, but my people can!"

Qin Mo smiled and said, "Daqian's medical skills are developing very fast. We can treat diseases that you can't treat. We even prevent and cure smallpox!"

"Vaccination?" Li Shuang'an knew that Qin Mo could cure smallpox, but he didn't know how to cultivate him.

"Yes, vaccinate with cowpox!" Qin Mo said: "Actually, I have many ways to integrate Nanfan the fastest, such as spreading smallpox disease on a large scale.

As far as Nanfan's medical level is concerned, those who died would have died in the sea.

It's just that this approach is harmful to the world and I won't do it. Li Shuang'an was frightened by Qin Mo's words, "Brother-in-law, smallpox is so terrible. Don't spread the smallpox epidemic!" "

"I see."

Qin Mo really had this idea before, to kill those rebellious people by throwing smallpox. Anyway, Sergeant Daqian already had antibodies and was not afraid at all.

But then I thought about it, these people will be Daqian people in the future, so it would be better to use softer methods.

As for the Beinu, they could think of a way to inject the smallpox epidemic into their court.

Even if Mao Dun cannot be killed, he can still buy more time for Da Qian.

Qin Mo calculated that it would be best to start a war after the people's livelihood has recovered in three years.

I was afraid that Li Shilong would insist on fighting regardless of Tian Khan.

The imperial court is rich, but those gold, silver and jewelry are put into the market in large quantities, which requires inflation.

There have been too many wars in the past two years, and there is no need to resort to force.

“Now that your majesty has been established, it’s time to strengthen the connection between Daqian and Nanfan.

I came here this time and brought many military doctors with me.

Just tell the outside world that these people are the envoys of Daqian, traveling across mountains and rivers to save people in need.

Starting from tomorrow, you can find your confidants and follow the military medical team for treatment together.

We go door-to-door to promote treatment. Only in this way can we completely stabilize people's hearts.

Reduce the resistance in the hearts of the people.

I will write back and send as many people as possible to treat these poor people! "

Establish authority first, then establish virtue, this is Qin Mo's killer move!
In Nanfan, the status of witch doctors is very high, and they are generally among the most virtuous and respected people in the tribe.

"Thank you, brother-in-law!" Li Shuangan was completely impressed by Qin Mo.

"Our goals are the same. I hope that one day, the people of Nanfan can freely enter Daqian and settle there.

The people of Daqian can also come and develop Nanfan so that everyone can live a good life! "

"What I'm most afraid of are those families." Li Shuangan understood that the plan was good, but he was afraid that these families would interfere with it.

"Everyone in the world is interested in profit. Who doesn't?" Qin Mo leaned on the railing and looked at the blue sky. "On the way here, the tribes I met all met their leaders and did some things." Agreement.

Daqian's business will enter Nanfan, and they will become traders. Daqian's food and goods will enter Nanfan.

Once they are no longer poor, how can they be willing to eat hair and drink blood? "

Only then did Li Shuangan understand Qin Mo's methods and painstaking efforts.

What he could see and what he couldn't see were all arranged by Qin Mo.

After leaving the palace, Qin Mo returned to his room to rest. His residence was also on the mountain, very close to Li Shuangan.

These days, he has been really exhausted.

"Master, can I give you some massage?" Gao Yao said.

"Let's talk later, Mo Yan, I want to write a letter!"

During the time he came to the plateau, Qin Mo lost weight at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Although Qin Mo only said that it was caused by acclimatization, Gao Yao felt very distressed.

The emperor asked him to come over, and all the pressure was on him alone. If there was a slight mistake, everything would be lost.

"Master, how about I write it?"

"Okay, I tell you to write it!"

Qin Mo lay directly on the bed.

After writing several letters in a row, Qin Mo gave up and said in a dreamy voice: "Send it back as fast as possible. People will arrive before winter."

Gao Yao sealed it with fire paint. When she turned her head, thunderous snoring could be heard from the bed!

(End of this chapter)

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