big dry son-in-law

Chapter 974 It’s great to do business with me!

Chapter 974 It’s great to do business with me!

When Subi Mojie received the reply, her expression changed and she became wary. She retreated to Xiao Xuanji and said, "Sir, Da Gan will not change his mind, right?"

Xiao Xuanji said: "They are reaping victory, and it would be better to send someone to ask for an audience after they have finished dividing the battle merits.

After all, both sides have experienced a big battle and need to rest. Going there hastily will definitely arouse their vigilance! "

Subi Mojie nodded, feeling a little depressed.

This is the tragedy of a small country. If you become a dog, you still have to look at your face.

At this time, Qin Mo changed the lining and wiped the blood off his body, and then he felt much better.

But at this moment, his hands and feet were numb from the cold.

"Report, Chief Manager, we killed 400 enemies this time!

Our casualties totaled 170 and two! "The adjutant came to report with a happy face.

Qin Mo was also very satisfied. Five thousand versus twenty thousand, it is not easy to win with more than less.

Cavalry is no better than infantry. Even if you break up the formation and suffer a defeat, the opponent can easily die with you by charging with their horses.

This is one of the reasons why, in this era, war horses are the main ace force.

"Okay, this is a big victory, hurry up and do the statistics, I will take credit for you!"

The hard work along the way was not in vain, and Qin Mo felt very happy.

After the deputy general left, Qin Mo summoned another young general, "Go and ask Su Bi how many casualties there are, and then invite Queen Su Bi over!"

"Yes, sir!"

The young general hurried to report.

Soon, Subi Mojie entered the place where Gan's army was stationed. At this time, fires were burning everywhere in the camp. There was not enough firewood, so she took off the clothes from the corpses of the enemy soldiers and used them to keep warm.

Those armors were all thrown aside, and they didn't care about them at all.

Subi Mojie was a little greedy when she saw the mountains of armor, but she was more curious about Qin Mo.

What kind of person is this man who was turned into a devil by the Nanfan people?

"General Manager, Queen Subi is here!" The young general stood outside the military tent and reported. It was not until a response came from inside that he opened the curtain and made an invitation gesture, "General Manager, please invite me!"

Subi Mojie was not afraid. Since she had completely deceived the Beinu people, she had to stand by Da Gan.

In the military tent, a burly man sat there, looking particularly strong, wearing armor, and very majestic.

In the military tent, the light was not too strong, but Subi Mojie could still see Qin Mo's appearance clearly.

This man does look like a devil.
But, was he the one who wrote Journey to the West, The Legend of Shushan, and The Legend of Sword and Fairy?
While she was sizing up Qin Mo, Qin Mo was also sizing up her.

This woman is obviously taller than the Daqian woman. She is wearing a battle armor and looks very exotic.

There is a heroic spirit between his eyebrows, and his eyes are quite unruly.

I go.

Su Bilin Qingxia?
"Sit down!" Qin Mo made an invitation gesture, "I didn't invite the Queen over just now because she was covered in blood and in such a miserable state!"

Subi Mojie nodded and said in fluent Daqian: "General Qin is brave and brave. I have heard about it for a long time. What I saw today is indeed extraordinary!"

Oh, is it still Yu Jieyin?

"The queen is quite fluent in Dagan." Qin Mo said: "There is no entertainment on this mountain. During the march, we brought wine to keep out the cold, as well as Dagan's unique bamboo tube seafood rice."

The wine is warmed, as is the bamboo tube paella.

Gao Yao handed over two things.

Subi Mojie didn't mind it, she drank more than half of it and let out a breath, "Good wine. When I was in Subi, I often drank this Shao Knife."

However, Daqian's caravan sold it here, and it was too expensive. A pound of wine cost five taels of gold! "It's too expensive. It's simple. How about being my forwarder? You pay for the freight. You can get whatever you want. You can sell it wherever you want!" "

Qin Mo was also very hungry.

These days, eating cold food every day is almost unbearable for him.

Xiao Gao hid the bamboo tube rice in his clothes every day and heated it up, otherwise he wouldn't be able to eat it.

"You want me to help you make money?" Subi Mojie said.

"You don't want to eat? Your people don't want to eat?" Qin Mo asked.

Subi Mojie said: "What are the benefits?"

"Follow me and enjoy the food and drink. I can protect you and the people of Subi from being disturbed." Qin Mo quickly picked up the rice and said in a satisfied voice: "But you have to admit your mistake to Luoxue. I have to pay the protection fee every year from now on, otherwise I won’t be able to discuss it with Zamp.

If you admit your mistake, you will still be one of your own, and Zamp will definitely give you face.

At that time, just tell the outside world that Supi's rebellion was a ploy to confuse the Beinu people.

Supi is still a more logical Supi, just like Nanfan is the Nanfan of Daqian. I put it this way, do you understand? "

Subi Mojie understood, "What if I go and Zanpu imprisons me?"

"You don't believe me." Qin Mo swallowed the last mouthful of rice, then took another sip of wine and said, "Go to Daqian to have a look. I, Qin Mo, am the most honest in Daqian.

It's like you wrote to me and I still don't believe you, come here?

There are risks in everything you do. You want benefits but don’t want to take risks. Who will play with you? "

Subi Mojie also grabbed the rice, "What I want is not to rely on Luozue, but to rely on Daqian. If there is a problem, Daqian can take care of it, but Luozue can't!"

"What if one day, Nan Fan is also doing something big?" Qin Mo said with a smile.

Subi Mojie's heart skipped a beat, "I knew that Daqian had the idea of ​​annexing Nanfan."

"If you think about it carefully, whose blood is flowing in Zamp's body, you will understand what I mean."

Subi Mojie was stunned for a moment, "I understand, Zanpu is the puppet you supported."

"No, no, what a puppet, Zanpu is Zanpu, he is my brother-in-law, and he is also a royal family member recognized by Daqian.

Your dependence on him is not much different from dependence on Da Gan.

If you hit him in the face, you hit me in the face. If you hit me in the face, you hit Daqian in the face.

The Japanese island country has hundreds of thousands of fighting troops. I conquered the royal city in three days. How many people do you have in Supi? "Qin Mo said: "When I say this, it inevitably means a threat, so I think it is easier to accept it as a business.

It's great to do business with me. Do you want to give it a try? "

"Okay, let's try it!" Subi Mojie said with a smile.

Afterwards, the two talked for a long time, don't think too much about it, just about the attachment.

After leaving the military tent, Su Bi had a more intuitive impression of Qin Mo.

There is something subtle about this person. If you look at his appearance, you will definitely be deceived by him.

Some unique insights made her feel ashamed.

And, he talks really interestingly.

That feeling was something she had never experienced before.

Looking at the entire Nanfan, there is no one like Qin Mo!

She laughed unconsciously, and when she returned to Supi's camp, she secretly regretted, "I forgot to ask him about that!"

(End of this chapter)

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