big dry son-in-law

Chapter 982 No, I lied to you!

Chapter 982 No, I lied to you!
"Is it important?" Xiao Xuanji asked.

"It's not important, I just think that Mr. Xiao looks a lot like a friend of mine!" Qin Mo laughed dryly, "She is as beautiful as a flower, and she has conquered the country. I must have been as beautiful as a flower when she was young."

"Guan'er, a poor girl, cannot bear the praise of the manager." She made a gesture of invitation.

Qin Mo hesitated a little, then thought about it and sat down.

Xiao Xuanji poured a cup of tea for Qin Mo. Qin Mo didn't dare to touch the tea. The more he looked at Xiao Xuanji, the more frightened he became, and the more he felt that she was similar to Xiao Yurou.

However, what he can be sure of is that this person is definitely not Xiao Yurou.

Because her hands are still fine.

"Is Mr. Xiao originally from the imperial palace?" Qin Mo stared at her. If she did anything wrong, he would pull the rope and stab the woman to death.

Xiao Xuanji put down his teacup and glanced at him, "How do you know I live in the palace?"

"Because my friend's native place is also the imperial palace, but it's the imperial palace of Da Zhou!" The smile on Qin Mo's face gradually faded, "I heard that the emperor of Da Zhou had a sibling sister named Xiao Lihua, named Yicheng. Princess, married to Qimin Khan of Tiejue in her early years.

This Qimin Khan's heart was towards the Great Zhou Dynasty, but his life was very short, and he died within a few years.

There is a tradition in Tiejue that after the death of his father, the son not only inherits the family business, but also other women besides his biological mother.

The princess was also a strong-willed person and refused to die.

Unfortunately, when Qimin Khan died, Chanyu Maodun led an army to attack Tiejue.

Princess Yicheng was said to have been kidnapped by Mao Dun, but no one could confirm the truth of this matter! "

Speaking of this, Qin Mo paused, "At that time, the Great Zhou Dynasty was also in chaos, the Eighteenth Route Army rebelled against the king, and the court was unable to control the grassland at all.

As a result, it only took my old man seven years to redefine the world, until now.

Taking into account the time and the time you entered Nanban, you are roughly right! "

Xiao Xuanji looked at Qin Mo with a cold light flashing in his eyes, "You are good at making up stories. No wonder Emperor Daqian likes you so much!"

"Princess Yicheng has been on the plateau for more than 20 years, and her virtues are what I admire!" How did Qin Mo know these things?
It’s not like Li Yuan loves to brag every day. When writing novels, he tells him what happened in the past.

There is this story in the biography of Da Qian Shuang Long he wrote.

Xiao Xuanji took a deep breath, "Are you so sure that I am Princess Yicheng? If I am, then you and I are enemies!"

"That's the world where my old man and my father-in-law are fighting. It's useless for you to kill me. The momentum is already unstoppable.

Moreover, you have not returned to China for so many years, so you obviously have no such intention! "Qin Mo said.

Xiao Xuanji had a cold face, and the hand hidden in his sleeve had already grasped the dagger.

Seeing that something was wrong, Qin Mo quickly stood up and took a few steps back, "It's boring for you to do this. The change of dynasty is beyond my control.

How is your brother doing? You know better than anyone else that Daqian is indeed better than Dazhou!
You have been wandering outside for 30 or [-] years, why don’t you go back and have a look?
Look at Daqian now, how it compares to Dazhou! "

Xiao Xuanji has been devoted to Taoism for more than 20 years, but now he was easily aroused by Qin Mo with murderous intent. When she realized what she was doing, she immediately regretted it!

She suddenly swung out the dagger in her sleeve, and nailed the sharp dagger to the pillar, and then said calmly: "I am from the former dynasty, and there is no place for me to stay in Daqian!"

"According to what you said, Nanfan will belong to Daqian from now on, and the land under your feet will also be Daqian's territory.

Is it possible that you still want to leave here?

To put it bluntly, maybe Daqian will conquer Beinu in the future and then go all the way west.

Everywhere you look is the land of Daqian.

At that time, where can you go? "

Qin Mo's words left Xiao Xuanji speechless. “I came here to see you today because I hoped that you could be a bridge between Daqian and Supi, so that the people of Supi can smoothly integrate into Daqian.

Let the people of Subi live a good life as soon as possible and end the conflicts and precarious days.

Only through unification can the problem be fundamentally eliminated! "


Xiao Xuanji said coldly: "It is no longer possible for Guo Zuo to appear in this land for 300 years!"

"Are you so arbitrary?"

"I'm not arbitrary, this is a divine decision!" Xiao Xuanji affirmed.

"God knows if man can win!" Qin Mo said: "I believe you want to return to your hometown. After so many years, don't you want to go back and see those old people you know well?"

"It's a joke. Those old people either defected to Daqian or were killed. What's so good about them?"

"Then you are wrong. There is a group of lonely ghosts in Daqian. They are neither the people of Daqian nor the protection of Dazhou. They think they are lonely ghosts.

Among them were relatives of the previous dynasty, and even the Xiao family! "Qin Mo was talking about the group of people Chai Shao hid.

He had already gotten the list, but because of Lingnan's fault, Qin Mo quickly stopped it.

And also missed a good opportunity.

Originally, Feng Chan was a good opportunity, but Lao Liu kept it secret from him and missed the perfect opportunity.

"how do you know?"

"How do I know? Just leave it alone!" Qin Mo then said the names of several people. Xiao Xuanji raised his head in disbelief, "Are they still alive?"

"Live well!" Qin Mo said: "You will be Su Bi's national master and let Su Bi Rongqian. I promise you that you can visit them when you return to Daqian.

I, Qin Mo, always keep my word to the letter and never lie! "

Xiao Xuanji took a deep look at Qin Mo, but he didn't expect Qin Mo to be related to these lonely ghosts.

"Your words alone are not enough to convince me!" Xiao Xuanji said.

"I can't let those people come here, can I?" Qin Mo said speechlessly: "They are all old bones. They have to die halfway through such a long journey."

Xiao Xuanji pondered for a long time, looked at Qin Mo and said: "If you dare to lie to me, I will kill you!"

Qin Mo curled his lips, wondering how many people wanted to kill him, but what was the result?

Isn't he still alive and well?
He was just wondering if Xiao Xuanji, who had been in Nanfan all year round, might have something to do with the remnants of the White Lotus Sect.

Probably not, after all, the mountains are high and the roads are far away. In the eyes of Dagan people, she has been dead for more than 20 years.

Those people would never have thought that Xiao Xuanji was hiding in Supi.

"What's the point of lying to you?" Qin Mo said: "Go to the capital and do some searching. Who doesn't know that I, Qin Mo, am the most honest!"

"Since you didn't lie to me, then sit over here!" Xiao Xuanji said.

"Forget it, if you pull out a dagger again, I won't be able to bear it!" Qin Mo couldn't pass.

Xiao Xuanji looked disdainful, but then she thought about it and felt something was wrong. She squinted her eyes and said, "You said, a friend of yours looks very similar to me. Who is that friend's last name?
You said he was originally from the Imperial Palace, is he related to me by blood? "

"No, I lied to you!" Qin Mo would not be stupid enough to admit it!

(End of this chapter)

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