big dry son-in-law

Chapter 990 The people of the Qin tribe are too excellent!

Chapter 990 The people of the Qin tribe are too excellent!

That day, all the tribal leaders who could come came.

Slaughter the cows and sheep, and offer sacrifices to the wolf god, God.

Then Qin Hei read out the covenant in full view of everyone.

The military officials also knelt on one knee, put on the golden crown with an eagle crown, the royal seal, and signed and stamped the covenant in the presence of everyone, including the tribal leaders present.

The covenant was made in duplicate, and after signing, it virtually formed a constraint on them.

Afterwards, Qin Hei took the military officials and others to receive the weapons.

Tens of thousands of black powder grenades.

Thirty thousand obsolete and refurbished horizontal knives.

Twenty thousand sets of old-fashioned pig iron armor were eliminated.

Twenty thousand sets of refurbished harnesses will be eliminated.

There are also various glasswares, which look expensive at first glance.

These treasures made them happy when they were delivered to the hands of military officials and tribal leaders.

This is a real treasure!

Grenades, swords, armor, and horse gear, these are the things they need most.

After equipping these, their cavalry was directly upgraded to two levels.

This is the difference between nomadic people and agricultural people.

Now, Daqian has even half-footed his way into the industrial society. It really shouldn't be too easy to make such a weapon.

Seeing them as if they had found treasures, Qin Hei's eyes were full of disdain.

Daqian's army is replacing armor made of fine steel on a large scale, and its defense power has increased several times.

Even if they cut it, they can't see through it, and even arrows may not be able to penetrate it!
Even the horizontal sword is forged from hundred-refined steel.

The military minister took Qin Hei's hand and said, "Mr. Qin, can you give us some of Beinu's nemesis?"

He was really greedy.

This weapon with huge lethality and long range can directly eliminate bows and crossbows.

Especially after he personally tried the gun, even people who had never touched a gun could easily kill the enemy after understanding how to use it.

The key to cavalry archery is not to pierce the enemy with a hundred steps, but to shoot the most arrows in the shortest time and cause the most damage to the enemy.

A magic archer can shoot at most three to four arrows in ten breaths of time.

Those who can shoot more than ten arrows in a row are the best cavalry.

Once a hand-to-hand encounter occurs, it is basically a close-quarters fight.

Therefore, after a battle, being able to shoot six to eight arrows is already very impressive.

An ordinary soldier can draw twenty bows in a row, which is almost the limit.

This 'Beinu Buster' is different. It doesn't require much effort. Although there is recoil, it is not too strenuous.

The range is also one to two times that of arrows, and the attack speed is more than doubled.

This also means that after the opponent is equipped with this kind of weapon on a large scale, the two armies fight, and they have already launched ten rounds of attacks before they touch the opponent.

This is very scary.

Qin Hei smiled and handed his gun to the military minister, "Shanyu, this is my gun. Every gun in Da Gan has a number.

Where the gun is and where the man is, the man is killed and the gun is destroyed. This kind of weapon is currently being deployed on a large scale.

Not available to subjects at this time.

By the time this year is over, all the teams in Da Gan should be able to have a gun in their hands.

If there are extra, I can ask the court to provide some. "

The soldiers and ministers were speechless. There were hundreds of thousands of sergeants, and each man had a handful of them. How could that be enough?Although he knew Qin Hei was bragging, he didn't dare to bet.

Now that the name has been decided, there is no point in saying more.

"Then I'll leave it to Mr. Qin." The military official said, "Tomorrow, I will send an envoy and Mr. Qin to the capital!"

Qin Hei nodded, "The first priority is to send people to guard the border. In the next two days, there will be thousands of officers and soldiers coming to assist you!"

"Thank you, Mr. Qin!"

This night, the New Taipei Nu Palace was brightly lit until dawn!
The next day, the military officials asked Astek Kuntu to lead people and followed Qin Hei out of the New North Slave Palace.

As for the news of the surrender of military officials, the scouts spread it all the way back one day in advance.

For a moment, everyone was shocked.

A few days later, Li Shilong, who was far away in the capital, received the news.

Looking at the information in his hand, Li Shilong smiled from ear to ear, "Haha, okay, okay, okay!"

He happily walked around the Manna Hall, "It's been three or four years, but I didn't expect that that kid really did it!"

Gao Shilian couldn't help but asked: "Your Majesty, is there any happy news coming from Nanfan?"

"See for yourself!" Gao Shilian threw the urgent report away.

When Gao Shilian saw it, he immediately let out an ooh and smacked his thigh, "Okay, I'll tell you why the magpies were chirping on the branches this morning. It turns out it's a happy event!"
When the military minister became independent and accepted the canonization of Daqian, Beinu split into two countries and lost one of its arms.

Not only that, Gao Li is like a toad in an urn, unable to jump up again! "

"You bitch, you actually have some knowledge!"

"This slave has been with His Majesty all year round. Although I am stupid, I understand some simple truths under the influence of my ears and eyes!" Gao Shilian said with a smile.

"Then tell me what good will it do to Da Gan if this military official accepts the canonization!" Li Shilong was in a good mood, with his hands behind his back, "If you don't say it well, I will pardon you!"

"Your Majesty, this servant dare not interfere in politics!" Gao Shilian said quickly.

"This is not an interference in politics, it's just saying your opinion. If you say what you say, then I will be the emperor for the rest of my life!" Li Shilong would never allow them to talk at all on weekdays.

At this moment, without sending a single soldier or hurting anyone, he had solved a big trouble. He was really happy.

Not long ago, he was worried that Beinu would take advantage of the summer harvest to disturb Bian.

Now, there is no need to worry at all.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Gao Shilian thought hard for a while before speaking, "This Gao Li has been harassing Huang Luo and trying to divide Huang Luo with Baekje.

But in reality, Gao Li's intention was very clear, and he clearly wanted to unify the peninsula.

Last year Gao Li went to Bei Nu Longting again and formed a brotherly alliance with Bei Nu. It can be said that their biggest support is Bei Nu!
Now that the military officials have been granted the title, Gao Li's retreat has been cut off.

In all directions, we are all our own people. Isn’t Gao Li just the toad in the urn? "

"That's good!" Li Shilong laughed to the sky. Once upon a time, Beinu almost forced Gan Qian to move the capital. Now he finally breathed a sigh of relief, "Go, call Qin Xiangru and others into the palace, and let the imperial dining room Cook some specialty dishes and serve the best wine.

Spread this news throughout the capital. In a few days, I will accept the worship of the New North Slave envoys! "

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Gao Shilian left happily.

Soon, everyone knew about it.

Qin Xiangru was a little troubled, "Hey, I'm so annoyed. How can I just surrender just because I say I want to? There are no twists and turns at all.

Damn it, isn’t this credit going to go to our father and me again? "

He was the one who implemented Qin Mo's advice and stayed there for almost a year before returning home.

In just a few years, the plan to split Beinu was realized and Beinu's right and left arm was cut off.

And Qin Hei is also from the Qin tribe.

This is great, and the credit has not been lost at all.

The Qin people are so outstanding!

(End of this chapter)

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