big dry son-in-law

Chapter 995 Master, you must be too tired!

Chapter 995 Master, you must be too tired!

As a result, the Beinu Army in Tulumqi will be wary of rat attacks and will not dare to mobilize troops easily.

This also bought time for Qin Mo's western expedition.

By the way, Gao Li was surrounded.

He also participated in the Battle of Wozhou and understood Qin Mo's methods. Now that he is reviewing Qin Mo's plan in his mind, he only feels terrible.

Even his back was soaked with cold sweat.

Fortunately, he is one of our own. If he were an enemy, it would be a nightmare!

"Remember, when our army enters the Celestial Elephant Kingdom, it will definitely disturb the male elephants, so we must take the initiative to provoke the male elephants, attract their attention, and buy us time!" Qin Mo swept the crowd, "Once the army leaves, you Don't be obsessed with fighting. Leave the male elephant and join other teams to give them the illusion that you are the main force.

Did you hear everything clearly? "

Everyone nodded.

"Remember, no mistakes are allowed in every step. Whoever makes a mistake will die. I don't care who you are.

Those who deserve to be killed, I will never show mercy! "

Hearing this, everyone straightened their backs.

Qin Mo is no joke. This guy is so stupid that he dares to kill anyone.

Go to the capital and have a look around. There are a few people in the capital who are not afraid of this former number one dude.

"Yes, Manager!" Everyone said in unison.

Qin Mo nodded. The war taught him that he was iron-blooded and that kindness could not control soldiers. Since these people were under his command, he would teach them as much as possible.

How much they can understand is up to them.

"It's all gone, go back and rest!" Qin Mo turned off the kerosene lamp and walked out of the military tent.

"Master, let's soak your feet!" Gao Yao brought hot water, "It will be difficult to soak your feet after we leave Nanfan!"

Qin Mo smiled. The altitude here is lower than that of Luoshan, and the temperature of the boiled water is also higher.

"Go, get some water and take a dip with me!"

Qin Mo put a hot towel on his face, and then leaned on the folding chair he designed himself. The fatigue of the march also disappeared a lot.

"Master, let me heat some hot wine for you. Drink something to warm yourself before going to bed, so you can sleep well!" Gao said, opened the tent and walked out.

She dismissed the Qin people who were guarding outside Qin Mo's tent, and immediately whistled, followed closely by a person who came over.

"Go in!" Gao Yao pursed his lips and said in a pretentious manner: "Remember to add hot water to the steward!"

The man nodded, opened the tent and walked in.

The kerosene lamp in the tent was not too bright. Qin Mo was also very tired. He covered his face with a hot towel and fell asleep.

The man sighed softly. Qin Mohei has lost a lot of weight these days, and all the pressure is on his shoulders alone. This time, the pressure is greater than the Battle of Riyue Mountain and the Battle of Wozhou. Much.

She squatted down and washed Qin Mo's feet.

I remember when I first met him, I just thought he was extremely hateful.

How could there be such a shameless scoundrel in this world?

But slowly, he discovered that hidden beneath Qin Mo's playful smile and stupidity was an extremely sincere heart.

He rarely talks about patriotism, but everything he does is for this country.

He is the most unfilial son in the eyes of the world, but everyone must praise him for his pure filial piety.

He was even more of a prodigal, but he managed to build an extremely prosperous country.

From resistance to surprise to fall, only she knows the twists and turns along the way.

The so-called protector is just her excuse.At this moment, she realized her true feelings and completely faced herself.

Her hand touched the blisters on the soles of Qin Mo's feet, and she must have been wearing shoes that didn't fit her feet very well.

She adjusted the kerosene lamp and the light became much brighter.

Then he wiped Qin Mo's feet clean, took out a silver needle, took out a small bottle of alcohol to disinfect the needle, and gently popped the blisters.

Then sprinkle a little medicated powder to prevent ulceration.

"Xiao Gao, don't touch my feet, it's itchy!" Qin Mo muttered, and the hot towel fell off his face.

She quickly stretched out her hand to grab it, but unexpectedly Qin Mo retracted his foot and fell into the basin again.

"Your feet have just been treated with medicine, so you can't touch the water!" When she became anxious, she changed back to her own voice.

Women were not allowed in the army, so she changed her voice and applied medicine that could make her face darker, so she got through it.

She just wanted to follow Qin Mo to prevent him from having his own thoughts. This guy was not honest.

She and Xiao Gao protected Qin Mo openly and secretly, and also allowed Qin Mo to concentrate on the war.

If he thinks about bullying her every day and delays the war, then she will be a sinner.

She really missed Qin Mo a little.

But after saying these words, she secretly yelled that it was not good, ignored Qin Mo, and was about to leave.

Qin Mo, who had his eyes closed suddenly opened his eyes and said in confusion: "Senior sister?"

She quickly stopped, changed her voice, and said respectfully: "Manager, it was Mr. Gao who asked me to come in and refill your hot water!"

Qin Mo looked at the dark-faced bearded man in front of him and scratched his head. Could it be that he was too tired and was hearing hallucinations?
"Did you wash my feet just now?"

"No, no!"

Qin Mo stared straight at the dark-faced man and waved his hand, "Go down and rest!"

"Yes, sir!"

She quickly gave a military salute and left the tent, but she just happened to put on the gift of warming the wine, "I left first, he almost recognized me!"

Gao Yao was speechless, "You're already here, why are you acting like this? You don't know how much the young master misses you!"

"It's better if you stay in the light and I stay in the dark, unless you want to listen to the corner every night!" She snorted.

"That's it!"

Gao Yao shook his head repeatedly. This female crown still had a strong bottom line, but she couldn't stand up to Qin Mo's colorful heart.

She didn't want to torture herself physically and mentally during the march.

"The soles of his feet are covered with blisters, and those boots hurt his feet. If you put these soles in his shoes, he has always had a problem. You have been with him for so long, why are you still so unstable!" Fang Shun took out the specially made soles from his arms, Putting it into Gao Yao's hand, "You little eunuch, you haven't made any progress at all!"

When Gao Yao heard that there were blisters on the soles of Qin Mo's feet, he felt anxious at first, but the second half of Fang Chuan's sentence made her angry, "You stinky female crown, don't be so arrogant!"

"Then you better improve!" Fang Shun snorted and left directly, then stood behind the military tent to guard against anyone plotting against Qin Mo from behind.

Although Gao Yao was angry, he also blamed himself. He went in with the soles of his shoes, "Master, the wine is ready!"

"Well, Xiao Gao, don't let unfamiliar people into our military tent in the future!" Qin Mo said.

"Oh, I understand, young master!" Gao Yao handed over the wine, then took Qin Mo's boots and put them aside to bake. "Master, if your shoes don't fit your feet in the future, you must tell me as soon as possible to avoid the soles of your feet from getting wet." blister!"

Qin Mo didn't think much, took a sip of wine and said, "Xiao Gao, I seemed to hear the voice of senior sister just now. Do you think she sneaked into the camp quietly?"

Gao Yao said quickly: "Master, you must be too tired!"

"Really?" Qin Mo said doubtfully: "I always feel that the beard just now seemed to be that of my senior sister!"

(End of this chapter)

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