big dry son-in-law

Chapter 998 Unexpected Battle Situation

Chapter 998 Unexpected Battle Situation
"Report, General, they are trying to escape!" the scout came to report.

"Let them escape!" Xu Lei waved his hand. This was the effect he wanted.

But he didn't expect that these people would fight so hard that they were repulsed before the razor line even reached them!
It's a pity that he doesn't have many mines and artillery shells.

This time, nearly half of it was lost, and the flesh hurt like hell!

But the play still has to be played, "Cavalry, be ready, detour from both sides and intercept!"

Three hundred large cavalrymen and five hundred Supi cavalry were ready to go.

Several more flares rose into the sky.

The eight hundred cavalry were divided into two teams and attacked from the left and right.


Bang bang bang!
The Supi soldiers without rifles could only shoot arrows.

"Run away quickly. The main forces of Ganren are on both sides and are outflanking us. Run away quickly!"

At this moment, Dabolu's soldier, who was the vanguard, only regretted that he had lost two legs.

One by one, those who were killed cried for their father and mother.

The soldiers of Xiang Xiang Kingdom behind, seeing that everyone was defeated, even those who still had the courage to step forward retreated one after another.

Everything in front of them is beyond their cognition.

I heard that Zampu can condense the true fire of the sun. Are these things that light up the sky the true fire of the sun?

Many people are extremely scared.

There is no way this battle can be fought.

With the blessing of gods and the protection of demons, Daqian's army is simply unmatchable!

"Report, General Samba, the team in front has been defeated, and Daqian's main force is outflanking it from both sides!" A scout knelt on the ground in a panic, "It's too strong, he can't even touch the corners of the opponent's clothes, just He was beaten to death by Da Gan people!”

"What did you say?" Samba grabbed the scout's collar, his eyes filled with anger as he wanted to eat him.

Li Mixia swallowed his saliva wildly, "This, this is indeed a conspiracy of the Dagan people. They shouldn't be involved. The worst is delay. Their army is out, how can they have so much food and baggage!"

"shut up!"

Samba was so angry that he pulled out his knife with his backhand and slapped Li Mixia on the face with the blade. With just one blow, Li Mixia was disfigured and all the teeth in his mouth were knocked out by the blade!

"If we go up to the top, even if we all die, we will still do it!" Samba shouted hysterically: "Whoever dares to retreat will be killed!"

However, his military orders did not have much effect.

Because everyone is running away, this kind of defeat cannot be stopped at all!

"Go, let people guard the front, and kill whoever escapes!" Sonny said angrily.

The soldiers of Tianxiang Kingdom drew their knives one after another, and some even cocked arrows.

"Run away, run away quickly, otherwise it will be too late!"

"It's so scary. The Dagan people are devils. They can summon the devils in the soil!"

Soon, the Tianxiang Kingdom soldiers guarding the front line were dispersed. Once the panic spread, it could not be contained by human power.

The bombardment has stopped, and eight hundred cavalry are on the battlefield, killing enemy troops.

In order to make the other party feel that there are many of them, many people hang special horns around their necks.

As soon as the horn sounded, it felt like there were people everywhere.

Especially when the flare dimmed, an atmosphere of fear filled their hearts.

"General Samba, I can't control myself anymore, retreat quickly!" A deputy general rushed over.

Samba's eyes were splitting, he couldn't believe what he was seeing, but his acceptance failed, "Quick, retreat!
Take these two guys with you!
Let people hold on and buy us time to retreat! "

After saying that, he got on his horse and left the military camp without looking back.

"Report, general, the enemy army seems to have retreated!"

Xu Lei climbed up a hill and looked ahead. Although the flares were useful, they were too far away to see clearly.

He only had 1000 people but the opponent had 8 or [-] people. How could he possibly defeat the main force?But at this moment, he didn't know the specific battle situation ahead.

Half an hour later, the cavalry came to report, "General Xu, the main enemy force has retreated!"

Xu Lei was stunned, "Did we really fight back tens of thousands of people?"

"It's absolutely true!" The cavalryman was extremely excited at this time. "When they retreated, they didn't even have time to set fire to all the supplies!"

"Good good!"

Xu Lei was so excited, it was such a great achievement from heaven!

"Hurry up and count the casualties and prisoners!" Xu Lei suppressed the excitement in his heart. He knew very well that this was thanks to Qin Mo's plan.

If these people attack during the day, they will not have such a good effect.

At most, it's just to repel the enemy.

But now, they made a sneak attack in the dark, and actually scared themselves to death.

Everyone was very excited when they heard this.

With a thousand people fighting against tens of thousands, this battle will definitely go down in history.

Soon, the casualty count came out.

Three men on their side were killed and six wounded.

More than 700 enemies were killed and [-] were captured.

The fire in the enemy camp lit up the sky, and there were still many supplies that had not been burned. After an inventory, it was found that these supplies were enough to feed 1000 of their people for more than a year.

These [-] prisoners can also be used to strengthen their team.

Let them believe that this is the main force of the army!

Thinking of this, Xu Lei wrote a letter overnight and had someone send Luo Zhi.

Samba and others rushed back to Kadu overnight.

In this battle, they were not only repulsed, but also lost nearly 1 people and a large amount of baggage. More than [-] war horses alone were lost.

Directly curbing their eastward momentum.

Samba was furious and beheaded Dabolu and hundreds of Xiangxiang soldiers in a fit of rage.

After venting his anger, Samba calmed down.

We must find a way to break the Dagan people's barrier, otherwise, we can only look at Brubaker's side.

He thought for a while, wrote a letter, and went to Brubaker for help, preparing to let them attack the main force of the Qian army from behind.

No matter how strong the Da Gan people are, they can't all have three heads and six arms, right?

"This letter must be sent to King Kamaluppa!" Samba repeatedly confessed, and immediately had someone deliver the letter.

Later, he sent someone to Yutian to deliver the letter.

It's best to cover these people on three sides!

Before the arrival of reinforcements, he must defend the capital, otherwise he would not be able to explain to the king.

At this time, Qin Mo led the team all the way west.

On the fourth day of the march, Qin Mo asked Xu Luo to take another 500 people and march towards Yutian.

"You remember, the main purpose is to intrude, but the danger is also great. Beinu is very mobile and has very mature tactics.

If you go, spread separatist remarks about Beinu and make them take action.

The two generals under Yi Zhixie's command are not fuel-efficient lamps, so don't underestimate the enemy. "

Qin Mo was still worried about Xu Luo. Although the Haier brothers were good, they were mediocre generals at best.

He was not considered a first-class general, so being a vanguard was really a bit reluctant.

"Don't worry, manager. Although I'm not a general, I can still divert their attention!" Xu Luo said very seriously: "I'm ready to die in battle!"

(End of this chapter)

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