My barracks is 100 million points strong.

Chapter 169 The man who stopped time

Chapter 169 The man who stopped time

Extraordinary, level 53

Heroic Soul: Dio Brando (only)

Occupation: Mutated Vampire Duke

Secondary occupation: none

Lineage: Mutant Vampire

Faction: Daxia·Yunqi Army
Attribute: slightly

Skill: slightly

Equipment: slightly
Talent: World (can summon a substitute to fight and pause time, the duration of the pause is affected by the strength of both parties)
Mission: The Scourge of the Evil Dragon (First Ring)
Xiao Fan checked his dashboard and found that the basic attributes had increased by 20 times, and the subsequent bonus coefficient also changed from 1.5 to 2.The combination of the two caused his panel to grow by a large amount, and it felt like he could stab his previous self to death with one finger.

What's more, it's not just the basic attributes that have changed, he also has an epic talent.

"World!" Xiao Fan called out according to his memory, and a golden figure separated from his body and floated behind him.

Is this a substitute?

He looked at this figure curiously, he was dressed so coquettishly.According to the prompts of the game system, all his abilities can be released through a substitute.For example, the red flames unique to vampires, or the most common fist and kick attacks.

The initial "range" of the world is 20 meters, which increases by 5 times every time he changes his profession. He has now transferred five times, so the range has become 62500 meters.The distance of more than 6 meters allowed him to directly evolve from a melee profession to a long-range profession.

The most powerful ability in the world is the ability to stop time.Xiao Fan gave it a try and was able to stop the limit for 9 seconds, and it could be extended further as his strength improved.For a player of his level, 9 seconds can already change the outcome of a battle.

However, if the enemy is too strong, this time may be shortened.Especially those who have mastered the laws of law can even move in time and space where time has stopped.

In the end, it still depends on who is stronger.

At least it will be much easier for Xiao Fan to kill some level 5 and level 6 dragon beasts next.

He directly released the substitute, found a BOSS, used it and stopped, and then took the opportunity to take out the BOSS's heart with his claws.The whole process was extremely smooth. When he recovered the avatar, time started to flow again. The BOSS died inexplicably, and a group of dragon beasts around him were suddenly frightened.

"Roar! The dragon-blooded white crow is dead!!!"

"Who killed it? It was clearly fine just now! Ouch~"

"Gah~gah~ It's too scary! Run away!"


"Haha! It's great!" Xiao Fan looked at the treasure box lying in his backpack and the skyrocketing experience bar, feeling ecstatic in his heart.

He had long wanted to kill the level 6 BOSS, but it was always surrounded by a group of boys and it was difficult for him to kill it.After all, he is now sneaking into the Yanlong Dynasty with the intention of subverting this country and cannot be exposed easily.

Now that we have a substitute, everything is much easier to handle.

"You're so handsome when you take the enemy general's head out of thousands of troops!" Xiao Fan smiled and suddenly his expression collapsed, "Oops, I forgot to take a photo! I'm sorry for not taking a picture of my handsomeness!"


At the same time, on the other side of the Yanlong Dynasty.

Lin Huang punched the head of a dragon beast with one punch. Energy spurted out from behind him, forming a huge circuit outside his body, like butterfly wings.

Instant coax!This is a skill he learned after his fifth turn, and is an exclusive skill for hidden professions.The combination of unarmed combat and ghost ways creates an effect similar to the dual cultivation of magic and martial arts, and its power is not inferior to that of Swastika.He is not a regular Shinigami and cannot release the Zanpakutō, but he can learn all four abilities of Zanpakutō.

On the other side, the rain kept falling holding a crystal ball.

"Captain, go to the east. Don't let go of the two monsters."

"Mingming, remove the magic and release the water!"

"Tuanzi... Tuanzi, just be happy."

Her profession is "Mello Angel", and she controls the situation through continuous calculation and analysis by the secondary biological engine. The fourth natural disaster was originally created based on Merlot Angel, and it is very easy to change professions.She is the eyes and brains of the entire team.

It's just that there is an "arm" that is not easy to control.At this time, Sancai Tuanzi was waving a mace, laughing crazily and fighting fiercely with a level 6 dragon beast.This guy seems to be the Black Lizard General of the Yanlong Dynasty, a big BOSS second only to the Yanlong King.

The three of them planned for several days before starting to take action. The three-colored dumplings would restrain the BOSS, and the three of them would clear out the mobs first.

It's just that the strength of the Black Lizard Dragon is a bit too strong. He couldn't help but activate the magic of demon madness while beating the three-color dumplings. As his strength surged, his sanity declined rapidly, so much so that he couldn't control it even if it kept raining. .

It was Mingming who followed the command and dispelled the rock magic. Her profession is an earth magician learned from the giant, and she is best at transforming terrain.After the rock disappeared, the blocked river water rushed out instantly, directly swallowing the black lizard dragon and all the minions under his command.

The Black Lizard General was also soaked in water. It was an amphibian and didn't care at first.But soon it realized the insidiousness of these humans.

"The water is poisonous!!? Despicable!"

Lin Huang, Yu Shixixia and Shi Mingming were flying in the air. They all breathed a sigh of relief when they saw the black lizard dragon that was entangled in the river and unable to lift off.

"It should be done now, everything is going according to plan."

"It's a pity that Tuanzi has to die for once."

"It's okay. Anyway, even if you die at level 51, you won't lose experience. We can just help her pick up the dropped equipment."

"After that, she gets 40% of the reward, and each of us gets 20%."


Soon, all the dragon beasts in the water were killed by the poison.This was researched by Chu He, captain of the 5th Division of the Gotei 20th Division, and is effective against all creatures below the epic level.The specific performance is the percentage of blood loss per minute after being poisoned. The stronger the strength, the less blood loss, at least not less than [-]%. As long as the blood is not replenished in time, death will occur in up to [-] minutes.

The black lizard dragon was entangled in the three-color dumplings and had been soaked in poisonous water without treatment. He died after ten minutes.

Before that, the three-color dumpling also turned into a ball of light and disappeared.At her level, you have to wait a week to be resurrected after death. If you want to be resurrected quickly, you have to buy a life.In fact, Xia Qingkong spent the redemption points to help them reshape their bodies.

These exchange points are obtained by players killing monsters. It can be said that wool comes from a sheep.

After buying the job, the Sancai Tuanzi was quickly teleported back. At this time, she had regained consciousness.Her teammates returned the equipment she dropped, as well as some treasure chests.

However, she did not rush to open the treasure chest, but stared blankly at the body of the black lizard general below.

"What's wrong with you?" Lin Huang asked her.

"Captain, I seem to have touched the opportunity of awakening," Sancai Tuanzi's eyes have been falling on the black lizard dragon general, "Just when I was killed by it, I felt a special wave on its body, and I seemed to It can also be mastered.”

"What!?" The others were all shocked, "Really or not!? You are so lucky, aren't you!?"

(End of this chapter)

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