My barracks is 100 million points strong.

Chapter 193 The Price of Cheating

Chapter 193 The Price of Cheating
When he truly entered the legendary level, Xia Qingkong seemed to be sublimated to another dimension.

His eyes no longer only saw the universe in front of him, but saw thousands or tens of thousands of planes at the same time.

It seems as if you can reach out and touch the other world that is countless planes away.

This is a change in the form of life. The legendary existence has embarked on the path of sublimation from the physical level to the "concept".The end of this road is "myth".

Cangmu Tiandi has been stuck at the myth level all these years because he was unable to fully conceptualize it.Not only it, countless legends will be stuck, and the difficulty of converting reality into concept is so high that countless geniuses and evildoers will despair.

Xia Qingkong is new to the road of sublimation. At present, he is only reflecting the heavens and making some living beings in the heavens and worlds aware of his existence.After that, there are three stages: letting all the heavens and worlds respond to his call, creating his own legendary world, and condensing the power of legend into a small amount to impact the myth.Then there is the myth, which is very far in the future, so don’t think too much about it for the time being.

What he now needs to face is the large number of star beasts attracted by the promotion of his territory.

They were like ants that smelled the sweet smell of cake, swarming towards Xia Qingkong crazily.

His territory was hidden inside his body, so the targets of the starry sky beasts all became Xia Qingkong.

Xia Qingkong used his insight technique to take a look. At the legendary level, he could already see through the strong men of the same level.

As a result, at a glance, there were thousands of epic beasts and twenty legendary star beasts.

This battle is more terrifying than the entire world of Machine Gods coming out in full force.

Even Yu Wushuang, who was watching the battle from a distance, was so shocked that his eyes widened: "This... how is this possible!? This is too much! Is it possible that that kid has betrayed the battlefield of all realms? Why are you targeting him like this?"

Xia Qingkong thought thoughtfully: "Is this the price of cheating?"

The higher the level, the more he can feel the power of the original divine orb.This thing is like a bug in the battlefield of all realms. Xia Qingkong, a mere rookie with extraordinary talent, was promoted to a legend in less than 4 years, and he had a record of killing legends at the epic level. I'm afraid I won't be able to find another such evildoer in all the worlds.

But what's the price...?

After Xia Qingkong embarked on the road of conceptualization, he could vaguely sense something.It seems that the original divine bead did not let him prostitute for free. While cheating, he also had to face the risk of being banned.

For example, now, this large group of starry sky beasts seems to be an anti-virus program created by the system administrator to eliminate this bug.

"In this case, we have to bite the bullet."

Xia Qingkong opened his book of civilization and shook off hundreds of words.

"Big ass!"

"Here we come!" Ruan Xinyun moved to his side instantly and summoned one hundred frost dragons of his own.

Xia Qingkong pinned all his words on them, allowing these level 60 beasts to temporarily gain power comparable to level 70.

At the same time, the word "shadow" also appeared behind Ruan Xinyun.

"Town the mountains and rivers!"

She also activated her talent, turning 100 giant dragons into 5 in an instant, and the strength of these 100 frost dragons all reached the level of the [-] giant dragons.

"Time and space freeze!" Fifty thousand giant dragons exhaled in unison, and the thousands of epic starry sky beasts were instantly frozen and then shattered into countless ice shards.

Only those 20 legendary behemoths could break through the layers of ice and keep approaching Xia Qingkong.

"Okay, you did a good job, go and have a rest." Xia Qingkong patted Ruan Xinyun, who was bleeding from the corner of his mouth, and removed the words that had been blessed on the frost dragon.

Even though Ruan Xinyun has been promoted to the epic level, it is still too reluctant to bear 101 words at the same time.It's like a water glass has been stuffed with 100 glasses of water, almost bursting.

However, her record is also very beautiful, destroying thousands of epics in an instant, which is a miracle that even the legendary level may not be able to achieve.

This area of ​​the universe has also been permanently affected, and will become a special zone of time chaos from now on.

There is almost no concept of distance in front of the legendary. Those legendary starry sky beasts could have come directly to Xia Qingkong, but Xia Qingkong interfered with their progress, making them unable to approach him.

"The law of deception - the boundless sea of ​​suffering." Xia Qingkong created a trap with great flaws. Whenever a giant starry beast took a step back, his law would no longer work. At the cost of this, he gained 20 heads. The legendary starry sky beast can never move forward.

As long as you have a little bit of brains, this cheap trap can't fool anyone.But the starry sky beasts are not humans. Under the temptation of the eighth-level territory, they have already lost their minds.All that remains is the mad desire for destruction.

This actually made Xia Qingkong's laws have the greatest effect.

Du Yuhang sent Xia Qingkong a bottle of epic divine wine. It was his biggest achievement in these years and could greatly increase the sharing ratio of the lords.

Xia Qingkong is now level 71, which means that every citizen with a loyalty level of 90 will provide him with a 71% increase in his attributes.

But after drinking Du Yuhang's wine, this ratio increased to 80%, which directly increased Xia Qingkong's basic panel by 12.6%.At his level, this value is already quite terrifying.

Qi Yanyan provided the epic spiritual plant "Ginseng Fruit".Xia Qingkong once obtained the imperial-level spiritual plant Blood Jade Bodhi, and later used the original divine light to strengthen the seeds of the ginseng fruit tree and gave them to Qi Yanyan.After years of hard work, she finally used her talent to plant ginseng fruit trees, ripen them in advance, and obtain the first batch of ginseng fruits.

To mortals, ginseng fruit is a treasure that increases lifespan, but for legends like Xia Qingkong, it is a treasure that can refine one's true nature.

In the game "Fantasy Westward Journey", ginseng fruit can restore the wrong attribute points to potential points, and then redistribute them to other aspects.

At this time, Xia Qingkong ate ginseng fruit and achieved similar effects.He reduced his physical attributes to the limit, and then added all the reduced attributes to his soul.

Of course, an epic-level fruit cannot have a permanent effect on a legendary-level powerhouse. It only temporarily changes the attributes, but it is enough to change the situation of the battle.

Xia Qingkong's attributes were greatly improved by the divine wine, and then his soul increased sharply due to the ginseng fruit.

At this time, his soul strength was far inferior to even the level 80 Cangmu Emperor.

With such a gain, Xia Qingkong launched the strongest attack in history.

"The law of deception - substituting another thing!"

The starry sky beasts that were charging crazily were all stunned because they found that their own kind suddenly exuded the same alluring aura as Xia Qingkong.

(End of this chapter)

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