My barracks is 100 million points strong.

Chapter 199 Ship Girl, Dafeng

Chapter 199 Ship Girl, Dafeng

Ao Tingyu slowly opened his eyes, with a blank expression on his face.

Because she found that the scene in her field of vision had changed. She used to see things only in front of her, but now she could even see the scene behind her, and her field of view was directly expanded to 359 degrees.

What's even more amazing is that she found that her body was full of strength.The areas injured during dance training no longer hurt, and the body that had not been able to rest for a long time was no longer tired.

"What's wrong with me?"

At this time, Xia Qingkong's voice came: "Think about it carefully, you should have relevant memories in your mind."

When she found out it was Xia Qingkong, she immediately felt relieved.Although she didn't know who he was, Ao Tingyu naturally liked him and was willing to trust and rely on him as a father or brother.

She didn't even understand why she felt this way about a stranger.

In fact, it is the function of Xia Qingkong's mythical talent.

Ao Tingyu closed her eyes and digested the memories brought to her by the heroic spirit.The memories passed down to her by the heroic spirit of Kageryu were very simple, and they were all related to swordsmanship.

In addition, the hero transfer scroll itself also made her understand that she had become a heroic unit under Xia Qingkong, and he was her lord.

If she had a sword in her hand at this time, she could point it at Xia Qingkong and ask: "Are you my fucking master?"

Of course, with Ao Tingyu's character, he probably wouldn't say such vulgar words.After digesting her memories and gradually understanding her situation, she looked at Xia Qingkong excitedly: "Thank you, thank you Lord! I will definitely repay you!"

She suddenly jumped from a small singing and dancing idol to a heroic seedling who was about to dominate the universe. She actually didn't realize how much of a change it was.But she knows one thing, that is, the gears of destiny have begun to turn. From now on, she will step onto a huge stage called the "Battlefield of All Realms" and become a big star in countless worlds!
When the opportunity comes, she will never let it go, she will seize the future!

"That's not such a way to repay her," Xia Qingkong dug out the storage space and threw out a set of JK uniforms plus underwear to her, "Put your clothes on first."

"Yeah!" Ao Tingyu finally realized that her clothes had been corroded by the six pools of blood. She had been naked talking to Xia Qingkong from the beginning to the end.That's a complete perversion.

After getting dressed, Xia Qingkong took her around the entire fairy boat and introduced her to everyone.

Then she returned to Green Forest No. 6 and asked Ao Tingyu to deal with those guys who had forced her to jump off the building.She didn't say anything, she just went to them one by one and beat all those who forced her to jump off the building into cripples.

With the Byakugan, she only needs to move her hands and feet on some key acupuncture points to make a person paralyzed in bed and tortured for the rest of his life.

Xia Qingkong shook her head after seeing it. She was still too soft-hearted and didn't dare to kill anyone.But it's also possible that he hasn't adapted to his new identity yet.

In a generally peaceful society, she has been taught since childhood that human life is above all else.Changing this concept cannot be achieved in a short time.

The next day, Xia Qingkong strengthened a legendary sword for her.

Its name is "Bie Yun Sword - Useless".

This is a seemingly slender giant sword that is extremely powerful when wielded, but difficult to control.Once it fails to hit the enemy, it will easily backfire on itself.

But for Ao Tingyu, who has the talent of a sword god, it is just right.

After getting the weapon, Ao Tingyu's temperament changed suddenly, from a harmless little white rabbit to a ferocious lioness.Xia Qingkong asked her to go leveling up with several seniors, and there happened to be some remnants of the Mecha World that could be harvested.

He continued to stay in Xianzhou Luofu, waited for a day and then took out the ghost dock construction drawing (epic) that he had hidden for a long time.

Now Xia Qingkong is not short of military camps. The reason why he thought of building a shipyard was mainly because he wanted to quickly gather a handful of wool from the battlefield of all realms while he was still at the legendary level.

Otherwise, when he reaches the Myth level in the future, the Legend level treasure chest will be of little use to him. "Build, ghost dock, strengthened by the original divine light... shipgirl dock!"

Countless materials flew out of the warehouse, and along with the golden light, a huge dock was built in the Star Sea.

Shipyard (Level 1), legendary military building
Ships can be transformed into humanoid combat units "ship girls", and a total of 15 units of legendary ship girls can be transformed.

(Built-in shipbuilding system, with drawings, consumable materials and exchange points to build ships.)
It is another kind of barracks that does not require outsiders and can directly produce its own troops, just like Merlo Angel.

Moreover, this barracks does not produce epic-level troops at all, but only legendary-level ship girls.The number is also 1% more than the level 50 Dragon Cave. The Level 1 Dragon Cave can only transform 10 legendary dragons, but the Ship Girl Shipyard can transform 15 ship girls with legendary level potential.

Xia Qingkong was very satisfied and immediately invested a lot of resources, including an epic heavy armor.

After a huge aircraft carrier was built, he threw it directly into the ship's dock: "Change it!"

As a burst of red light emitted from the dock, a beauty with long, straight black breasts wearing a sexy red dress and holding a golden folding fan appeared in front of Xia Qingkong.

"This is the first time we meet, Lord Lord, Bucai Dafeng, please give me some advice~"

"Oh oh oh oh," Xia Qingkong sighed, "She is indeed a 'big' phoenix. She really deserves her reputation."

"Huh? Lord, do you know about me?"

"No," Xia Qingkong shook his head and looked at her proud mind, "but your body is full of stories."

At this moment, the announcement of the Ten Thousand Realms Battlefield sounded.

This is what Xia Qingkong was waiting for.

"Ding! Congratulations to a certain earth star human lord..."


There were three more notifications in a row, and everyone else was probably listening to it.

Xia Qingkong obtained two legendary treasure chests.

He casually threw Dafeng to Chu Chu and asked her to take him to level up first, while he took a bath and burned incense and started to open the treasure chest.

In fact, his luck value is already ridiculously high, no matter how he drives, it will not be too bad, but in terms of metaphysics, if you believe in it, you will never suffer.

Congratulations on getting the "Book of Legends (Legends)"!
Congratulations on getting the "Sword Technique "World's Annihilation" (Legend)"!
"Huh?" Xia Qingkong rubbed his eyes. Even he couldn't believe that he could actually open a book of legends.

"Can this thing be obtained by opening treasure chests?" He quickly asked Xue Wuwen and Bai Qianlang.

As a result, Xue Wuwen said: "What kind of bad luck did you have? You can open such a thing? I have never heard of it before."

Bai Qianlang said: "Since it can be opened, it is reasonable. I think the probability is so small that no one has mentioned it."

Now, the legendary path of Rias and Ao Tingyu is also clear.

(End of this chapter)

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