My barracks is 100 million points strong.

Chapter 201 The Road to Plunder the Divine Chapter

Chapter 201: Plundering the Road to Myth
Xia Qingkong is now a legendary powerhouse, and his unfounded whims often imply something.But it was impossible to understand this kind of thing, so he just kept it in mind, and then went to the main battlefield to join the other nine legion commanders.

Oh, no, there are no commanders of the Third Army, so there are only 8 left.

The commander of the first army only summoned the commanders of each regiment, and those at the battalion commander level still stayed on the original battlefield to deal with the follow-up.

The real final battle must be extremely dangerous. In the past, epic strong men could only deliver food.

Xia Qingkong took the fairy boat Luofu and traveled through the universe to his destination.

He found that he was the second one to arrive, and the only one present was "Zhan Qianjue", the commander of the first army, a man as strong as O'Neal.

It seems that the speed of the mythical battleship is too fast.

"Hey, you're the first to arrive." Zhan Qianjue greeted Xia Qingkong. He was still wearing a floral shirt and floral pants today. He looked like he was on vacation at the beach.

Xia Qingkong said: "I'm just the acting captain, why are you giving me the summoning order?"

Zhan Qianjue said: "I can't help it. The 'King' of the Machine God World is too special. It's impossible to kill it without gathering ten legendary ones."

"Ten?" Xia Qing was stunned, "Isn't the third regiment leader dead?"

"Have you forgotten? Fourth regiment leader Lin Feng also found a foreign aid." Zhan Qianjue reminded.

Xia Qingkong suddenly realized.It seems that this is indeed the case. When he rushed to the Fourth Legion, the legendary Meng Zhiji Shen was killed, and the remaining multi-eyed Dragon God from the Dragon Realm was hunted down by the foreign aid of the Fourth Regiment Commander.

He didn't pay much attention at the time, and he didn't expect that he would one day meet the foreign aid.

"Go on!" Zhan Qianjue suddenly threw something over.

Xia Qingkong caught it and saw that it was a legendary elixir recipe.

"What is this for?"

Zhan Qianjue said: "Didn't you help the Third Legion kill the Dongxu Demon Kun in the Great World of the Ancient Sea? We have been trying to destroy that guy's territory these days. You must have a share of the spoils."

"Okay." Xia Qingkong was not polite.After this thing is strengthened, it will become a mythical elixir, which can be used by Xiao Yan. She may be able to touch the threshold of the mythical level.

The other regiment leaders were not slow either. Before Xia Qingkong could say a few words to Zhan Qianjue, regiment commanders were tearing apart the space and descending one after another.

Yang Qing, the commander of the second regiment, killed the enemy's fierce man with one against two.

Lin Feng, the leader of the fourth regiment, is a young man who looks ordinary on the outside.

Yu Wushuang, the leader of the fifth regiment.

Bu Tianqing, the commander of the Sixth Regiment, is a handsome middle-aged uncle.

Yu Rui, the leader of the Seventh Regiment, is a strange man wearing a black cloak whose appearance is completely invisible.

Leng Tianran, the eighth regiment leader, was a guy who at first glance thought he was a beauty, but upon closer inspection he realized he was a man.

The commander of the tenth regiment is Ying Bufan, a guy with the head of a tiger.

Xia Qingkong had seen their appearance in the information, so he recognized them at a glance.The only exception is a masked man standing next to the Fourth Regiment Commander Lin Feng. He is also wearing a cloak like the Seventh Regiment Commander. It is impossible to tell whether he is a man or a woman. He is tall, short, fat and thin. He should be the foreign aid chasing the multi-eyed Dragon God. .

Yu Wushuang took the initiative to fly to Xia Qingkong and patted him on the shoulder: "You got promoted very quickly. Now you are the acting captain? Try to kick King Xue Shen down harder and become the captain yourself. "

"I don't want it," Xia Qingkong complained, "It's too much trouble."

Yu Wushuang said: "You are stupid. The battle is almost over, and all that's left is pink cake. If you become the leader, one-tenth of the entire Mecha World will be yours."

"It's just a medium plane." Xia Qingkong said that he didn't like it.

Yu Wushuang quietly sent a message to him: "You little fool, if it's really just an ordinary intermediate plane, how could we have so many legendary lords gathered together? This world of gods is..."

Just as the sound transmission was halfway through, Zhan Qianjue on the other side had already spoken: "Okay, now that everyone is here, let's set off. The 'King' of the Machine God World has been positioned."

He said and waved his hand to summon the First Legion's base, the planet with the engine.

Everyone moved to the planet, and then Zhan Qianjue launched the transfer formation. Suddenly the engine roared, and the entire planet disappeared into the universe instantly.

Xia Qingkong only felt that the outside scene changed, and a few seconds later they came to a huge black hole.

The huge traction force affects everything around them all the time. If it weren't for their strong cultivation, they would have been swallowed by the black hole at this time.

Zhan Qianjue said: "That is a fake black hole. The 'King' of the Mecha World is hiding in it at this time. It has been cornered by us. It is very likely to try to attack the myth at this moment. Everyone, be prepared. Once When it begins to overcome its tribulation, we will kill it and seize its mythical path."

This was mainly meant for Xia Qingkong and the foreign aid. The other group leaders knew about this from the beginning.

Xia Qingkong asked Yu Wushuang: "So the unusual intermediate plane you mentioned refers to the fact that it is about to be upgraded to a high-level plane?"

"That's right," Yu Wushuang said, "Once that 'king' steps onto the path of mythology, the entire Mecha World will sublimate and evolve from an intermediate plane to an advanced plane. Our purpose from the beginning to the end will be only one , that is to seize a newly formed high-level plane. Only in this way can we upgrade the territory to level 9. An advanced plane can accommodate up to 10 level 9 territories, so there will be ten legions."

Xia Qingkong was stunned: "Wait a minute, what will Captain Xue do if I take that share of the Mythical Road?"

"Him? Didn't he tell you? He doesn't need it anymore," Yu Wushuang looked at Xia Qingkong in surprise, "He made you the acting captain just to let you get this trophy. As for him, he seems to have another By chance, I left this time just to impact the myth."

"Is that so?" Xia Qingkong was a little surprised, "I thought he must have wanted to be a hands-off shopkeeper and leave the trouble to me."

Yu Wushuang thought for a while: "Well, given his character, he probably has this purpose. There is no conflict between the two."

While the two were talking, the suction force of the black hole suddenly became chaotic, and a "wind" suddenly blew in the universe.

This is not the "wind" in common sense, but the "wind of law" formed by the high-speed flow of order and law.

Yu Wushuang reminded: "The flow of laws is a sign that the world is about to sublimate. It seems that that guy has already begun to attack the myth."

Xia Qingkong asked her: "What is the origin of the king of the world of machines? Does it have any hope of becoming a myth?"

Yu Wushuang said: "Actually, I don't know much about it. According to our investigation, it was once just a quantum computer, and later it was integrated with the Dharma Godhead. Logically speaking, the combination of the two is not a big deal, unless there is something secret behind it. "

(End of this chapter)

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