Chapter 219 Eternal Paradise
Xia Qingkong defeated the eight surrounding lords with the force of autumn wind sweeping fallen leaves, without encountering any strong resistance during this period.Epic power is completely crushing when facing ordinary creatures.

After cleaning up the "neighbors", Xia Qingkong opened the real-time list. There are currently 387 lords who have not been eliminated.

There is no ranking, just names.Because the rules require that only one lord remains at the end, otherwise they will all be eliminated, so there must be a place where everyone can see how many people are left.

Xia Qingkong was not in a hurry to go on an expedition and waited for a few more days.

The map is shrinking every day, the barracks that were originally far away from him are getting closer, and other lords are constantly fighting and eliminating each other.

On the 25th day, the remaining lords reached 100, and a prompt appeared in front of all the lords who had not been eliminated.

"All lords in the current map enter the top 100 and will be qualified to participate in the next stage. After being eliminated, they will receive an additional piece of epic equipment or props, and the competition will continue."

A rookie competition has prepared 100 pieces of epic equipment and props, and you can feel the wealth of the Earth Star camp no matter how many times you play.

Xia Qingkong felt a particularly powerful breath of fire. He walked out of the palace and looked into the distance. He remembered that it was the direction where he had discovered the fire dragon's nest before.

"It seems that the 4-star barracks has also been occupied." The 4-star barracks has been able to produce epic-level troops. I wonder if its owner has cultivated epic-level warriors.

This time, Xia Qingkong took the initiative and led two epic two-headed griffin knights to the direction of the fire dragon's lair. The remaining griffin knights stayed behind in the knight's hall to prevent their homes from being stolen.

They soon arrived at the location of the fire dragon's nest. A huge fire dragon was entrenched in the crater, spitting out billowing black smoke with every breath it took.

He recognized it at a glance as an epic dragon. It was wrapped in laws and had extraordinary strength.

There was also a human standing on the back of the fire dragon. He was a white man with blond hair and blue eyes. It seemed that he was the owner of the fire dragon's nest.

When he saw the two epic two-headed gryphon knights, his expression also changed, and he quickly shouted to Xia Qingkong: "Hey! Buddy! Let's discuss something!"

Seeing that he didn't take the initiative, Xia Qingkong replied, "What's the matter?"

"It seems that I can't beat you, but can you eliminate me later? There will be extra rewards for the top ten. I have every hope of being in the top ten, but it seems a bit unlucky now."

Xia Qingkong asked him: "I don't care, but what's the benefit of promising you me?"

The other party said: "I am Link Barrows of the Barrows family. Our Barrows family has always paid its debts. As long as you agree, I can give you an epic piece of equipment or props after the first link is over."

Why isn't your last name Lannister?Xia Qingkong complained in his heart and said: "Okay, but I have a request. You must take the initiative to clean up everyone around you. I am too lazy to do it."

"Of course! Thanks, buddy, you will gain the friendship of the Barrows family." Link Barrows agreed.

Xia Qingkong didn't say much and returned to the Knights Hall with the two-headed griffon knight.

Ever since he was called "illiterate", he has recently acquired high-end information that he could not learn in cram school.For example, what are the powerful families in the world?The Barros family is one of them. This is a family that has been inherited for a long time in the rotten country. There have been mythical powerhouses in the past.But later he fell while fighting against the powerful men in the world on the front line of billions of lords.

A skinny camel is bigger than a horse. Even so, the former mythical family is still more tyrannical than most legendary families.It is said that the number of legendary powerhouses in the entire Baros family exceeds 30, which is a very exaggerated number.

The credibility of a family of this level is still good. Even if it is just a verbal agreement, Xia Qingkong is not afraid of going back on his word.

And if he really regretted it, the price would be beyond the reach of the Barros family.

Xia Qingkong returned to the Knights Hall to recharge his batteries.In the next few days, Link Barros began to attack the surrounding barracks crazily. He was also afraid that Xia Qingkong would regret it. If he was eliminated before the top 10, he would lose blood.He had a rumor that there would be something good if he entered the top 10 in the first round this time.

On the 28th day, the prompt sounded again.

"All lords in the current map enter the top 10. After being eliminated, they will receive an additional ticket to 'Eternal Paradise' and the game will continue."

"Tickets to Eternal Paradise?" Xia Qingkong was confused, or he hadn't read enough books.He knew that this thing must be awesome, but he couldn't figure out what was so awesome about it.

But it doesn’t matter, he doesn’t understand but someone does.

After these few days, the map continued to shrink, and the Fire Dragon's Nest was very close to the Griffin Knight Hall.

Xia Qingkong went out directly to find Link Barros.

At this time, Link Barros was rejoicing for the reward of entering the top 10. Suddenly, a figure entered the fire dragon's lair, causing the smile on his face to disappear instantly.

"Don't look so embarrassed, I didn't bring any troops." Xia Qingkong's voice came. Link Barros took a closer look and saw that the two-headed gryphon knight who made him feel palpitated really didn't disappear from his face. The smile returned immediately.

"Oh, look who's here? Isn't this my beloved relative, friend, and brother? Why did you come to see me?"

"Let me ask you a question," Xia Qingkong got straight to the point, "What are the tickets for this Eternal Paradise? I see you seem very happy."

"Don't you know?" Link Barrows asked in surprise, "Oh, my God, are you sure you're not kidding me?"

"speak English!"

"Well, I thought someone with your strength would definitely tell you," Link Barros said, "Eternal Paradise is a special small world left behind by a certain eternal-level senior on our planet. It is said that There are many secrets hidden in it, and no one has been able to completely figure it out yet, but one thing is very clear, and that is...there are clues to the eternal level in the paradise."

"Eternal level?" Xia Qingkong was a little surprised.These people haven't even reached the legendary level. Isn't it a bit too ambitious to consider the eternal level now?
"It seems you don't understand at all," Link Barros saw Xia Qingkong's doubts at a glance, "I said there are eternal clues, but this is not the only one, other things are still very useful to us. , such as the mythical barracks blueprint, a lucky senior once obtained this, and now he has become one of the eight mythical lords of our planet."

Xia Qingkong understood: "So if you want to enter this eternal paradise, you must have a ticket. So how did you get this ticket?"

(End of this chapter)

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