Li Xiao's spiritual consciousness scanned, but he could not penetrate the black pool.
This made him suspicious.

"Why can't you even see through this black water?"

The old ghost said solemnly, "This black water pool was originally a highly poisonous thing. It can not only destroy bones and devour souls, but also infect people's consciousness and sink them forever. Legend has it that the ancestor of the Yin Demon brought it from the demon world. The refining of the abyssal demonic poison was only protected by the black water pool that protected the treasure house... After tens of thousands of years of precipitation, the power of the black water pool has not diminished, but has become stronger..."

Li Xiao's face darkened, "This black pool is so dangerous, you actually let me dive in? Don't you want to kill me?"

The old ghost said, "Don't worry, since I brought you here, I must have a way to get you down, but..."

He frowned.

After a while, he said, "I, I forgot how to take you down..."

Li Xiao was very speechless, "I'll stop you, you really can forget key information, so what should you do now?"

He also didn't expect that the old ghost would actually fall off the chain at the last level.

The old ghost frowned and thought hard, "Wait a minute, wait a minute, I'll think about it carefully, there must be a way, a secret method? No, a magic weapon? Yes, yes, there should be a magic weapon..."

Li Xiao frowned and said, "What magic weapon?"

The old ghost said, "You should have magic weapons left behind by the Yin Demon Sect on you, right? These magic weapons are all causally connected with the Yin Demon Sect. You can come here because of this, and you need to be able to enter this final barrier. That thing of cause and effect..."

Li Xiao was doubtful, "I do have a magic weapon left by the Yin Demon Sect here, but I don't know which one it is..."

The old ghost said in surprise, "How many of these things of cause and effect have you obtained? No wonder you can replace Duan Yuanjie and become the destined person that I value..."

Li Xiao curled his lips, secretly disdainful, thinking that there is no such thing as a destined person, who is stronger and who is more reasonable.

The soul-eating flag in his hand was snatched away, as was the old ghost and the soul jade.

This is fate, it really means whoever is stronger has fate.

Li Xiao said, "Okay, stop talking nonsense, how do you get in?"

The old ghost thought for a while and said, "Take out the magic weapon, put it by the pool, and then activate it..."

Li Xiao was doubtful, "Is it that simple?"

With that said, he took out the Soul-Eating Banner, and then came to the waterhole to activate it.

A faint light suddenly lit up on the edge of the pool, but a hidden formation was activated.

Li Xiao squinted his eyes, "There really is a formation..."

The soul-eating flag flew out and became the eye of the formation.

Then there was a splashing sound, the pool parted, and a palace was seen faintly at the bottom like an abyss.

The old ghost said happily, "It's open, hurry up, it won't take long..."

Li Xiao placed the Soul-Eating Banner in front of him and sensed the formation carefully, "Don't worry, this formation is interesting, I want to study it..."

The old ghost said quickly, "What kind of formations are you still studying at this time? Hurry up and leave, it will save you a long night and a lot of dreams..."

Li Xiao chuckled, "I just want to study because I'm afraid of long nights and dreams..."

This Blackwater Pond Formation must have been a fifth-level formation before, otherwise how could it be used to protect the core treasure house.

Although it has been downgraded now, it is still a fourth-level high-grade formation.

And because the magic water in the black pool is very dangerous, it increases the power of the formation.

If he doesn't study it carefully now, if he is trapped in it by then, he may really have no choice but to travel to the strange world and come back after breaking through the Nascent Soul.

In fact, it was Li Xiao who wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to control this formation.

In this way, even if something unexpected happens when entering, you won't be too passive.

The old ghost obviously didn't want to waste time and kept urging.

Li Xiao was no longer in a hurry, and took out the Soul-Eating Banner, flew it into the center of the formation, stabilized the formation, and began to study the structure.

His Tao of Formation at this time has reached the fourth level, and his understanding of Tao principles has become more profound after exceeding the limit.

At this time, it was easy to deconstruct this formation.

He even used Dao Yun directly to save time.

After invoking Dao Yun, his conscious thoughts raced rapidly.

But at this time, the formation began to shake, and the separated black water actually wanted to close.

The old ghost said anxiously, "The opening time of the formation is limited. If you don't leave, you won't be able to leave..."

Li Xiao took his time and used the Soul Refining Furnace.

"This formation has certain permissions set up. Each magic weapon can only be opened for about an hour. After another hour, the deconstruction should be almost complete..."

The old ghost looked at the spinning soul refining furnace and said in surprise, "You actually got this magic weapon?"

While Li Xiao was deconstructing the formation, he asked, "Is this magic weapon very powerful?"

He had long wanted to know what level of magic weapon the Soul Refining Furnace was back then, and now he just wanted to ask.

The old ghost frowned and thought for a while, "It should be very powerful, but I can't remember it. I get a headache when I think of these things. Forget it, I don't want to think about it anymore..."

Li Xiao curled his lips and thought to himself that it was really useless.

He no longer paid attention to the old ghost, but began to deconstruct the formation with all his strength.

As the formation was deconstructed, he also obtained a lot of information from the formation.

First of all, this formation is called the 'Yin Demon Black Water Formation'. These black waters do come from an unknown demon world.

The demon world also belongs to the spiritual world, and is not another world like the weird world.

The world of cultivation is actually very large. They are only in the realm dominated by humans. There are other places such as the demon world and the demon world.

Some of these realms are just small realms like the cave sky, while others are as large as the human realm.

For example, the demon world is extremely vast. It is said that the demon ancestors who passed down the demon skills back then came from the demon world.

The true black soul demon summoned by the black soul gate is also the projection of a terrifying demon from the demon world.

Li Xiao secretly said, "This Yin Demon Sect is really closely related to the demon world. The reason why the sect was exterminated back then is probably inseparable from the demon world..."

He has never believed that the Yin Demon Sect was destroyed simply because it was arrogant and domineering and offended the bosses of the Central Heaven Territory. There must be some unknown secrets in it.

Of course, he didn't bother to pursue these secrets, as long as he could get benefits.

Just when Li Xiao was deconstructing the formation with all his strength,

Suddenly, the sound of flying through the sky came from outside.

Li Xiao's expression changed, "No, someone is here. I didn't expect that in such a remote place, someone would find them so quickly..."

The black mountain peak where the Yin Demon Sect is located is very vast;

He also had an old ghost to lead him, so he could find the Black Water Pond.

Moreover, he was the first person to enter the ruins. He thought it would be impossible for others who came later to find this place within a day or two.

Unexpectedly, only about two hours later, someone came.

And judging from the early warning array he casually arranged outside, the person coming was most likely a Nascent Soul cultivator.

The old ghost said quickly, "Let's go quickly, stop studying..."

Li Xiao didn't waste any time. With a wave of his hand, he took back the soul refining furnace and fled towards the bottom of the Blackwater Pond.

Boom, as his figure disappeared, the black water pool also closed together.

The figure just flew over the black water pool, and saw the rough waves in the middle, but it was a vortex formed by the gathering of a large amount of black water.

The person who came was dressed in black robes and had the face of a young man, but with white hair. He was none other than the famous Nascent Soul San cultivator Feng Taofeng Laomo from the Western Regions.

Feng Laomo watched for a moment, frowned and said, "Someone actually got here first? Didn't you say that without your guidance, no one would have been able to find this place?" A phantom appeared next to him, "I don't know either, it stands to reason. You must be the first one to arrive..."

This phantom was clearly a guy who looked exactly like the old ghost on Li Xiao's body.

If Li Xiao saw it, he would definitely be surprised.

The old ghost said, "Don't worry about it. Hurry up and take out the Yinmo Sect magic weapon you obtained and activate the formation. Otherwise, all the benefits will be robbed by others..."

Feng Laomo said cautiously, "I don't even know who is going down. If there is a powerful person inside, wouldn't I just hit someone's gun?"

The old ghost said, "That's awesome. I can sense it. The soul in that guy's body is even more broken than mine. There's a good chance he's not even a Nascent Soul. He's probably a lucky Golden Core cultivator who got the chance."

Old Demon Feng was doubtful, "Seriously?"

The old ghost shouted, "When did you still doubt me? Our virginity has been in vain for hundreds of years, right?"

Old Demon Feng said, "Okay, after I go in, if something goes wrong, I can turn around and leave..."

As a casual cultivator, he was able to achieve today's achievements because of the opportunity of the Yin Demon Sect and because he was cautious enough, otherwise he would have died long ago.

If Li Xiao knew this, he would probably be surprised again.

Because this old demon Feng is very similar to his predecessor.

In other words, if he had not traveled through time, his predecessor would have followed the path of this old demon.

These monks who have gained the opportunity of the Yin Demon Sect will almost always encounter a split soul like an old ghost.

These divided souls guided these monks step by step to the ruins, looking for the final truth and opportunity.

Feng Laomo is cautious by nature. Although he is still a little worried, he has come here, how can he give up.

And he also has some trump cards in his hand, and he thinks he can deal with most unexpected situations.

So he offered a small cauldron.

Xiao Ding came to the sky above the Black Water Pond and activated the formation.

With a crash, the black water pool gradually separated.

the other side,
Li Xiao escaped into the water first and came to an empty hall.

The main hall is completely dark, with a simple altar in the middle.

And this altar is the teleportation array that the old ghost mentioned.

Li Xiao said, "Hurry up, how do you open the teleportation array?"

The old ghost said, "I'll still use Yin Sha Kung and magic weapons..."

Li Xiao activated the altar, and a faint light flashed.

But he didn't stand up immediately. Instead, he used the Soul-Eating Banner to release a ghost slave.

After the ghost slave stood up, he disappeared on it instantly.

The old ghost said anxiously, "What are you doing? After the teleportation array transmits a target, the energy will be exhausted..."

Sure enough, the teleportation array dimmed.

Li Xiao said calmly, "Don't worry, I have another magic weapon that can be activated twice..."

The old ghost said, "Okay..."

Li Xiao sensed that the ghost slave was fine, so he activated the teleportation array and stood up.

With a flash of brilliance.

Li Xiao felt like the world was turning upside down and the world was spinning.

When he came to his senses, he had arrived at a wide and huge square.

He cursed, "This transmission process is too difficult..."

He passed between the two realms with a thought, but the teleportation array distorted the space, which made people extremely uncomfortable.

The old ghost said, "It's probably because of the long period of disrepair..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw Li Xiao slapping the teleportation array with his hand.

The teleportation array shattered.

The old ghost screamed, "What are you doing? We won't be able to get out..."

Li Xiao said calmly, "If you can't get out, just stay here. Anyway, the aura is so strong, it's at least the fourth level. Just wait until I can cultivate to become a god, and then I can get out."

Someone was already coming outside, how could he let others chase him in?

And what he said about cultivating to the point of becoming a god was really not just a casual talk.

If there really is no other exit here, there is nothing wrong with cultivating here until you become a god and then go out.

Li Xiao said, "Okay, don't talk so much, where is the core treasure house?"

The old ghost suddenly covered his head, "I, I can't remember..."

Li Xiao's face darkened, "You said you can't remember the critical moment?"

The old ghost covered his head, "I almost thought of it... By the way, I have to wait for everyone, and the core treasure trove will not appear until everyone is here..."

Li Xiao was stunned for a moment, "What? Waiting for someone?"

The old ghost seemed to suddenly wake up, "Yes, waiting for someone, it's not just you and me, there are others. Only the selected people are qualified to come here, and only those who have gathered these people can come here." Only the fragments of the remnant soul can reveal the treasure house..."

Li Xiao said with a gloomy face, "So, the guy outside was also guided here by the residual soul?"

The old ghost's eyes flashed with a ghostly light, "Yes, if you want to enter the real core hall, you must have enough remnant soul energy, otherwise, you will not be able to enter at all..."

Li Xiao almost wanted to curse.

He turned around and looked around, scanning with his spiritual consciousness and found that this was a small cave.

There's nothing good around at all,

In other words, if you want to enter the treasure house, you really need to activate something.

Moreover, the teleportation array was also destroyed by him, and he could not get out.

Even if there are others, they don't know how to get in.

He stopped and walked around, trying to see what was going on here.

About a quarter of an hour later,

In another place, a faint light suddenly flashed and a person was teleported in.

Li Xiao frowned and said, "Didn't I destroy the teleportation array? It seems there is more than one entrance..."

As soon as the visitor came in, he found his traces.

This small cave is not very big, so even if he wanted to hide, he couldn't.

The man was dressed in black robes and had white hair. He was none other than Feng Lao Mo.

It was said that when Old Demon Feng went down to the Black Water Pond, he saw that the teleportation array was destroyed, and he was originally furious.

Unexpectedly, in a flash of light, he actually entered here.

When he was in a daze,

Suddenly, a large amount of black water appeared around him, wrapping him in the middle like a wave.

He was startled, "No, there's an ambush..." (End of Chapter)

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