The world of cultivating immortals, Yuan Zhen Sect.

As the Great Elder broke through Nascent Soul in retreat, the entire sect nervously entered a defensive state.

This is the first time someone from the Yuan Zhen Sect has broken through to Yuanying.

As long as the breakthrough is successful, Yuan Zhen Sect can become the third Yuan Ying sect in Youzhou after Xuanyue Sect and Demon League.

For other monks of the Yuan Zhen Sect, this is a huge matter and cannot be missed.

Originally they wanted to block the news.

But after the great elder began to break through, the surrounding spiritual energy was drained away.
  Not only that, but also some strange phenomena appeared frequently.

This made it impossible to hide the news, and it quickly spread in Youzhou.

Many monks came here in admiration and watched from a distance.

When the people from the Yuan Zhen Sect saw this, they had nothing to say and just strengthened their defense.

Nangong Jiaqin and others were full of confidence in Li Xiao's breakthrough and were not worried.

But Li Xiao warned them before his breakthrough that there might be some unexpected human disasters.

Because every time he breaks through a big realm, there will basically be some human calamity.

Human tribulation is actually more mysterious than inner demon tribulation.

The inner demon tribulation will appear as long as the mind is unstable and the mind has obsessions.

Human calamity involves cause and effect.

It is not visible at all at ordinary times, and it only breaks out at critical moments.

It may seem like a coincidence, but in fact, it has antecedents and consequences.

Even monks who are good at calculation cannot deduce accurate cause and effect when they are in it.

Therefore, Nangong Jiaqin and others did not dare to relax after receiving the order.

Fortunately, Li Xiao found Ban Wenying as his protector, which relieved Nangong Jiaqin and others from so much pressure.

After all, Ban Wenying is a Nascent Soul monk who has been famous for many years.

To be on the safe side, Nangong Jiaqin also asked Ban Wenying if there would be any problems with Xuanyue Sect.

After all, in her opinion, only the Xuanyue Sect ancestor was a threat in Youzhou.

Ban Wenying said calmly, "Don't worry about this. Dong Sihai of Xuanyue Sect has been suppressed and killed by your husband using magic treasures in the ruins of Yin Mo Sect..."

Nangong Jiaqin and Xin Rong were both shocked when they heard this.

"What? The Yuan Ying ancestor of Xuanyue Sect was killed by my husband using a magic treasure??"

Ban Wenying said, "That's true. Didn't he tell you?"

The two of them shook their heads blankly, feeling that this was too incredible.

But then they thought about the Nascent Soul cultivator who was attacking in front of them, and wasn't it also suppressed by their husband using magic treasures.

Thinking of this, the two of them felt that it was reasonable.

Ban Wenying said, "This is not a secret. At that time, we were harmed by Dong Sihai and almost became sacrifices. It was Daoist Fellow of the Six Paths who snatched the control of the magic treasure and saved us..."

The two of them suddenly realized that it was no wonder that their senior classmate kept saying that he owed his husband a favor.

Nangong Jiaqin sighed, "My husband is already so powerful, I don't know if I can keep up with him..."

Xin Rong smiled and said, "Sister, why do you have to think so much? As long as you can stay with the master, that's enough."

Nangong Jiaqin said, "Indeed, I should be satisfied if I can accompany my husband for a while..."

A few people were chatting when they felt a buzz, as if the whole space was shaking.

Everyone was shocked, "What's going on??"

Ban Wenying's eyes narrowed, "Some kind of rule is shaking. Let's go out and take a look..."

The three of them flew out and saw a crack as dark as ink appeared in the sky.

The crack kept trembling and making a harsh hissing sound, which made people extremely uncomfortable.

Everyone looked at this scene in shock.

Nangong Jiaqin said, "What, what is this? Is it a strange phenomenon caused by your husband's breakthrough?"

During this period of time, there were a lot of strange phenomena appearing in the sky above Yuan Zhen Sect, so she thought so.

Ban Wenying looked solemn, "This seems to be a rift in space, and the aura coming out of it is a bit like demonic energy. It is definitely not a strange phenomenon caused by fellow Taoists of Six Paths..."

Just as she was talking, she felt demonic shadows flying out of the cracks.

Those demonic shadows were more ethereal and illusory than ghosts. They were constantly trembling and flickering, and they were rushing towards the bottom.

Ban Wenying was startled, "No, this is probably a demonic disaster caused by fellow Taoists of the Six Paths. Hurry up and activate the formation to protect yourself with all your strength..."

Nangong Jiaqin and others did not dare to neglect and quickly started the formation.

But those demonic figures trembled and flickered, and actually passed through the formation directly. This shocked everyone in the Yuan Zhen Sect.

Ban Wenying gave a low shout, released the magic weapon, and went forward to greet him.

She also practiced the Heavenly Demon Kung Fu, and when she used it, she really resisted those demonic shadows.

Just when everyone was breathing a sigh of relief,

Suddenly a whisper came from the crack, "Don't resist. Since you are practicing the Demonic Art, you are the same type as us. As long as you dedicate the unexpected person who is breaking through to me, I will give you With your power, you can become a demon or an immortal...'

Ban Wenying was stunned for a moment, looking confused.

Then she spat out another mouthful of blood and said sternly, "Don't try to confuse me, even if I risk my life, I will protect fellow Daoist Six Paths..."


A rustling voice came from Li Xiao's mind.

He froze for a moment and listened carefully.

Because he discovered that this did not come from the faint prayers of believers, but a whisper full of demonic nature.

'Give your body to me, and I will give you power you can't imagine...'

Although Li Xiao couldn't quite hear what the demonic voice full of temptation was saying, it roughly meant this.

He was a little dazed at first, but after hearing it roughly, he couldn't help laughing.

The nervous medical staff thought he was going crazy and were ready to take action.

Li Xiao said, "Put me in the venting room. I'm really a little irritable these days. It's best to lock me in a little longer..."

The medical staff were all stunned.
  The venting room is a serious little dark room, open day and night.

Those locked inside are all seriously ill patients.

Every time the people locked inside become a little bit demented after being released.

For these patients, the vent room is hell.

But this guy took the initiative and asked to go to the vent room.

They all felt suspicious, but they didn't know where it was.

Li Xiao added, "If you didn't lock me in, I would probably hurt myself every day these days..."

The doctor he saw at the beginning came over and said, "Well, since you want to go, take him to the venting room..."

The caregivers swarmed up, snatched the wire from Li Xiao's hand, put a straitjacket on him, and took him to the venting room.

The doctor also came in and looked at Li Xiao quietly.

Li Xiao leaned on the bed, his hands bound, and looked at the doctor quietly.

After a while, the doctor said, "What are you doing again?"

Li Xiao smiled and said, "What the hell can I do? Aren't you all tied up here?"

The doctor squinted his eyes, "You've made this place a mess. You'd better stop causing trouble. Otherwise, you may be sent to a real intensive care unit..."

Li Xiao thought for a while and said, "Are you talking about the special care ward that is like hell and will never make a difference?"

The doctor frowned slightly, "How do you know?"

Li Xiao shrugged, "All patients know that, but I'm actually quite curious. Why don't you take me to see..."

In fact, he heard what the little nurse said.

The little nurse used the special care unit to scare him, and he remembered it.

The doctor stood up with a cold face and said, "If you continue like this, there will be a chance..."

With that said, he left the venting room and came to another room.

The doctor looked at the surveillance screen and ordered, "Keep an eye on him and notify me if anything happens..."

The nurse in charge of monitoring nodded in agreement.

Li Xiao sat back on the bed and closed his eyes to rest.

He was carefully sensing the sudden sound.

The voice was not only whispering seductive words, but also had a feeling of wanting to come to his body.

Doesn't Li Xiao need a clearer coordinate point to escape from here?

It would be great if we could catch the whispering thoughts.

He didn't know who the whispering guy was, or what he wanted to do.

But I heard some of his words clearly, 'Give your body to me...'

Li Xiao showed a strange smile, "Don't you want to come over, so why not give this body to you..." (End of Chapter)

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