Chapter 7 Peter Parker
After struggling to run for two steps, this greedy guy fell completely to the ground.

"You're not even a protected animal, are you pretending to be crazy?"

Wang Lu walked to this guy's body and complained silently. The most important thing was that he dared to take advantage of his truffles!

But Wang Lu soon discovered the value of this guy. Neither he nor the little guy had eaten yet.

Isn’t this door-to-door food delivery?
Wang Lu, who grew up in a mountain village, is no stranger to pig killing.

It's just that I don't have any handy tools on hand, only an engineering shovel, and not even hot water for hair removal!
In the end, Wang Lu could only drag the red river pig to the Dome River first to prevent the bloody smell from attracting other beasts to the cabin.

He used his engineering shovel to cut open the body of the red river pig, and simply cut a few pieces of the best plum meat, which he estimated would be enough for him and the little guy to eat for two meals.

This kind of red river pig is overrun in many places in the local area. The main reason is that the local meat is mainly beef and mutton. Basically no one eats pork. Even a whole head is not of much value. If you have all the supplies on hand, it will be. Consider marinating it into bacon.

It's a pity that given the warm and tropical climate here all year round, it will probably stink after just one night!
Wang Lu discarded the remaining red river pig carcasses and internal organs as far away from the wooden house as possible. This could greatly reduce the chance of large beasts coming to the door following the bloody smell.

After returning to the wooden house, Wang Lu looked at Xiao Wangcai with an expectant look on his face. He used an engineering shovel to chop a piece of plum meat into as fine pieces as possible before placing it in front of the little guy.

African lions can eat raw meat directly even if they are only a few months old, so this will not be any difficulty for Xiao Wangcai.

Seeing Xiao Wangcai enjoying the meal, Wang Lu also showed a happy smile. The little guy has made great achievements today.

As for himself, he chose a piece of meat stuffed with fat, and put a bunch of branches on the fire to roast it. Soon, the aroma of moist oil filled the front of the wooden house. It was a pity that he didn't have cumin on hand, otherwise he would sprinkle it with I'm afraid it will make a person hungry to death.

When Wang Lu took a bite, the meat of this red river pig that ran around all over the grassland was really good. It was firm and juicy. When he took a bite, the fat and meat juice were mixed and went down his throat. There was a pure meaty aroma that was incomparable to the feed pigs. .

Wang Lu, who simply filled his stomach, also glanced at the little guy Wangcai, and after finishing eating, he burped at Wang Lu.

Wang Lu then put out the bonfire and entered the wooden house with Xiao Wangcai. He closed the door tightly and placed the shotgun beside the bed where it could be accessed at any time.

The little guy got into Wang Lu's arms, blinked his cute big eyes and fell asleep quickly, even making chewing movements in his sleep.

Wang Lu began to make calculations:

"I have to buy some basic daily necessities tomorrow, as well as some tools!"

It was really inconvenient considering that I had hardly eaten a decent meal in the past two days and that I only had an engineering shovel and a shovel on hand.

It just so happens that tomorrow I have to go to James in Baria Town to sell the truffles I have.

Recalling the whole picture of the ranch, Wang Lu also had some plans.

"The Woulu Mountains are rich in resources. You have to explore them when you have time. You might find some surprises like truffles. You also need to check out the scattered woodlands in the pasture."

"The Dome River has abundant water resources, so you can consider engaging in some fish farming. It is a good choice. The land along the Dome River must also be utilized. It would be a pity just to let those weeds grow wantonly. There is a water source. Existence can cultivate fertile land at will."

"You just have to think carefully about what you plant..."

With his mind full of thoughts, Wang Lu fell into a deep sleep.

The next morning, Wang Lu was woken up by a moist feeling on his face and found that it was Wangcai who was licking his face.

When Wang Lu woke up, the little guy immediately jumped on Wang Lu's chest and started rolling around like a baby.

Who wouldn’t love an African lion cub that can hunt for truffles and bravely protect its owner?

After being intimate for a while, Wang Lu got up and took the little guy to the Dome River to wash up.

Wang Lu took the opportunity to check and found that the red river pig carcasses left outside the Woulu Mountains last night were basically untouched, but there was no need to worry that the meat of these red river pigs would be left to rot and stink.

I believe those vultures circling in the sky will soon discover these high-quality foods.

This also made Wang Lu relax his vigilance a little, which showed that there were not many large wild animals near his residential area.

Wang Lu, who returned to the wooden house, fed the little guy some minced wild boar meat, then put on his backpack, rejected Xiao Wangcai who wanted to follow him, and said:
"Little guy, just stay in the cabin and wait for me to come back!"


Xiao Wangcai called out twice and entered the wooden house aggrievedly. He turned around and looked at Wang Lu's back reluctantly.

From the ranch to the small town of Baria, Wang Lu walked for about forty minutes.

"Looks like I need to buy a car, otherwise it will be too inconvenient." Moreover, if you want to rely on your own two legs, it will be inconvenient to patrol the ranch. But with a car, the situation is different!
Silently putting the car purchase plan on the agenda, Wang Lu walked on the hard dirt road that was considered an official road. He could see the bustling town of Baria in the distance.

Entering the small town of Baria, Wang Lu's yellow face did not attract much attention. Tourists from all over the world gathered in the small town of Baria every day to watch the great migration of species in the Serengeti prairie.

But even so, Wang Lu still encountered some big troubles.

"Hey man, is this your first time in the Serengeti? Maybe you need a professional local tour guide. Five hundred dollars can solve all your troubles. It's definitely worth the money!"

A black man with dreadlocks appeared in front of Wang Lu, expressing himself in simple English and gestures. He was getting closer and closer to Wang Lu, giving him a faint sense of oppression.

"Thanks, but I don't think I need to."

You can tell with your buttocks that the five hundred dollars in this guy's mouth is completely treating himself like a fat pig. This routine has been eliminated in domestic train stations and airports for decades.

Wang Lu turned around and was about to leave, but the other party immediately followed him:

"Hey man, I'm sure you need a guide like me. I believe you don't want this trip to be full of trouble, right?"

As he said this, the black man with dreadlocks actually put his hand into his lower back, as if he was taking out something. When the residents of the surrounding town saw this scene, they all looked like they were watching a show.

I don’t know which unlucky guy is going to be slaughtered again. Devit is really lucky to meet a lone backpacker.

Wang Lu narrowed his eyes slightly when he saw this, and the other person's eyes were full of provocation.

"Hehehehe, Devit, you son of a bitch are harassing my guests again, I promise to God if you don't stay away from my guests, I will stuff your disgusting head into your crotch .”

Just when Wang Lu was about to take out his cell phone and call the police, a thick arm stretched out from one side and stood between Wang Lu and the black man with dreadlocks.

When the black man with dreadlocks saw this, his expression became sarcastic, and he was obviously worried.

"Damn it, why don't you go see God!"

The black man with dreadlocks muttered something and turned around and left without any hesitation.

"Perhaps when I get to God, I will say hello to your stripper mother. Speaking of which, she is really exciting!"

The owner of the voice laughed loudly when he heard the other party's curse and cursed out a trash talk, then turned to Wang Lu and introduced himself:

"Peter Parker! Don't worry, it's these damn brats who are ripping off tourists all day long, which makes it more and more difficult for us professional guides to do business. Of course, I mean, if you need a guide, maybe I'm a good one. The choice is worth one hundred dollars."

Feeling the kindness released by the other party, Wang Lu also stretched out his hand and shook hands with the other party.

"Wang Lu, just call me Wang. Thank you for your help. In fact, I am not a tourist, so..."

While talking, Wang Lu also looked at the other person up and down.

This Peter Parker has healthy wheat-colored skin. He obviously spends many years outdoors, but he can still tell that he is white.

He is half a head taller than Wang Lu and has a burly and powerful figure. The knotted muscles in his arms stretch a camouflage T-shirt. His lower body is also a complete set of outdoor camouflage pants and military boots. He also has a workmanship pinned to his waist. A fine Swiss Army Knife.

"It's okay, buddy, are you Chinese? I've met a few nice Chinese people. I just can't stand the behavior of these black brats. I wish you a happy day. I have to continue to attract my customers!"

Peter Parker didn't feel unhappy at all, and turned around and left happily, leaving Wang Lu with a kind back, but soon the other party turned around and dropped a piece of advice.

"Most of the Devit guys are just bluffing brats, but some other tough guys have real guys in their hands. I wish you good luck!"

After hearing this, Wang Lu felt a little more favorable towards this burly white man, and at the same time he felt a little more wary.

He had no doubts about Peter Parker's words. There would never be less turmoil in this land. Wang Lu would not lose his vigilance to the dark side of the small town of Baria just because of its apparent prosperity.

After solving this little incident, Wang Lu didn't forget to fill his stomach first. He hadn't eaten anything since he woke up.

Fortunately, there were many restaurants in the small town of Baria. Wang Lu casually entered a stall that set up a tent on the roadside and ordered something casually according to the menu.

But Wang Lu soon regretted it, especially because the staple food called urad curry in transliteration was just cornmeal boiled in water. Coupled with the poor seasoning, Wang Lu had no desire to eat it at all.

After Wang Lu learned that this food was the most popular staple food locally and even in Africa, he lost interest in local food.

"Plant rice! In the future, rice must occupy a place in the land that will be reclaimed on both sides of the Dome River. I want to eat white rice, umami curry? Even dogs won't eat it!"

(End of this chapter)

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