Chapter 128

At this moment, Li Chengnian was frightened.

Just because in that huge blood cave, he felt a Qi that vaguely surpassed the peak of humanity. It was a Qi that was completely different from the Great Ancient Emperor. That is to say -

In this world, there are supreme immortals who have transcended human nature and died here. This is really scary.

And on the far horizon, there seemed to be a majestic giant mountain and a rushing river.

Looking far into the distance, Li Chengnian could feel the terrifying aura in the distant sky, and one breath after another made people's hearts tremble.

At this moment, a word came into Li Chengnian's mind - Immortal, or even Immortal King.

In this world, there are immortal beings buried in it. If this news spreads, it will definitely make everyone in the world go crazy, and it may even lead to dozens of self-destruction supreme beings.

"Uncle, I feel like there is a voice calling me."

As he went deeper and deeper into this ancient world, the feeling of desire arising from his body became stronger and stronger, so Li Chengnian confessed to Demon Emperor Chi for the first time.


Demon Emperor Chi's shocked voice rang out, and the next moment a terrifying power of extreme power emitted from Demon Emperor Chi. Immediately, Li Chengnian felt that his entire being had been seen through.

After half a stick of incense, the Demon Emperor Chi gradually lost its power, and only a regretful voice came out:

"Boy, I didn't find anything."

Li Chengnian knew that Demon King Chi would not lie to him, so there was nothing wrong with his body, but he really felt a sense of longing.

So to find out what was going on, he decided to move on.

Everywhere you look, there are broken walls, collapsed palace ruins, and countless bones paving a path forward.

Even though we don’t know how many thousands of years have passed, there are still quite a few parts that are shining brightly, immortal and incorruptible, which makes people unable to help but feel horrified.

In the distance, a vast ocean that was even bigger than the Big Dipper was being evaporated.

In a huge pit, a broken piece of Tiange was stuck in the middle of the ocean. The cracks were so huge that people couldn't help but be shocked.

The cut-off sword was stained with blood, its entire body was a brilliant blue, and it exuded a strong evil aura that made the world change color.

Li Chengnian recognized it. It was half of a supreme battle spear made of eternal blue gold. Even if only half of it was left, it seemed to be beyond the level of the Jidao Emperor Weapon. Even the Demon Emperor Ruler above his head had many Unfortunately, I didn't expect to be interrupted abruptly. It's really hard to imagine how hard this world has gone through.


Vaguely, there seemed to be an extremely terrifying creature standing there, its murderous aura collapsing into the clouds and making the sky tremble.

He transformed into a real god of death, extremely cold, holding a blue sky gun and killing in all directions, bathing in the blood of hundreds of millions of creatures.

In the end, Tian Ge was blasted to pieces by the terrifying existence, but it was still extremely terrifying, directly piercing through the immortal body of that terrifying existence.
If the Holy Lord of a Holy Land approaches, I am afraid that his body will be torn apart by the terrible murderous intention in an instant, and his soul will be wiped out. There will be no second result.

Although we don’t know exactly when the battle here took place, it should have been at least some time ago...
At least millions of years have passed, but the blood on it has not dried up yet. It is extremely hot and frightening. This must not be ordinary blood.

It is real immortal blood, and it may even be the blood of the legendary Immortal King, with terrifying murderous intent and endless pressure.

Even though Li Chengnian was protected by the Demon King's Ruler, he couldn't help but look solemn, and the terrifying sense of oppression made people want to kneel down.

"Could it be a broken fairy weapon?"

He stared at the faint blue, dazzling and coquettish Duan Ge, stained with immortal blood, an immortal weapon that seemed to be made of eternal blue gold, one of the nine immortal golds.

Even though countless thousands of years have passed, he still has a murderous aura that makes his scalp numb and makes him feel cold. With his current level of cultivation, if he approaches rashly, he may be in trouble rather than riches.

There is an ancient formation here. It seems that it was beaten to pieces in a fierce battle, but it seems to have been repaired a little later. It is suppressing the monstrous force that is constantly leaking from the cut off Ge. Murderous intent.

Otherwise, this ancient world may be destroyed directly, and nothing will be left.

And among the scattered white bones all around, he could sense no less than tens of Ji Dao auras, and many Immortal Dao auras that surpassed the Ji Dao. Even if tens of thousands of years passed, he still felt Remain immortal.

A vast and boundless palace seemed to have been cut off in half by a sword, but it was still extremely solemn and filled with chaos. It fell there without any rules, and most of it collapsed.

It is extremely majestic, majestic and majestic, exuding powerful coercion.

It can be imagined how majestic it was back then. It must have been hanging in the sky, and was cut down to earth by a terrifying existence with a sword.

This dilapidated ancient palace made of unknown materials is covered with traces of swords, guns, swords, halberds, etc. It exudes a powerful aura and makes people tremble.


"Battle! Fight! Fight!"

Vaguely, a horrifying cry of killing could be heard, shaking the heaven and earth.

Full of anger and unwillingness, with endless sadness.

People can't help but their eyes turn red, their blood begins to boil, and they want to participate.

Between the sky and the earth, what appeared vaguely was the scene from that year. Countless armies, murderous and black, were crushing towards them.

Everyone was fighting, it was extremely tragic, everyone was wailing, and the whole world was slowly turning into a dead place.

There is a supreme being, surrounded by fairy light, whose face cannot be seen clearly, and exudes a trembling aura. From an endless distance, a blue Tiange suddenly throws over.

It destroyed the majestic fairy palace and destroyed all these scenes.

It is unimaginable how tragic the war back then was. The Immortal King was the commander, the True Immortal was the general, and the Great Emperor was the soldier.
Even those who are as powerful as the Supreme Immortal King will bleed!

Even the Tian Ge of the supreme immortal weapon was broken!
Its owner is probably the fallen true immortal or even the immortal king in the bloody cave of the sky, otherwise it would be impossible to leave the weapon here. After all, even if it is broken, the divinity of the immortal weapon has not been lost and remains. Can be repaired.

"Could this square of heaven and earth be left over from the chaotic ancient times or something even further back?"

Li Chengnian murmured in a low voice. He knew that although the real immortals did not exist in the ancient era, there were some places outside the world where real immortals, not to mention immortal kings, were not uncommon. Therefore, this place may have been left over from the ancient era. , as for the era that is older than the ancient times, needless to say.

Li Chengnian's eyes shone brightly as he scanned the world, which had long since entered deathly silence and was filled with bloody curses.

If it hadn't been for this earth-shattering battle, even though this place couldn't compare to the Immortal Realm and the intact Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, it would definitely not be weaker than the strange world that the Wushi Emperor and the Immortal Emperor entered as recorded in the original work of Zhe Tian.

But it is a pity that an extremely brutal battle directly turned this world into a real death place. The world was filled with curses and endless resentment of all spirits.

In this ancient world at this time, not to mention allowing supreme-level characters to live for millions of years like a strange world, I am afraid that judging from this harsh environment, they would have to live a lot longer than Zhe Tianshao today.

Even because the world has completely become a dead place, I am afraid that even for a talented evildoer, the hundreds of years of practice can barely be worth the few years of the outside world, while ordinary people have no chance of practicing.

Li Chengnian sighed, a little regretful.

Of course, he has never been prepared to pursue a large area, pursue the complete laws of the great road and a suitable environment of heaven and earth, because what he has always adhered to is that my way is the way of heaven.

The method of covering the sky emphasizes the big world of the universe, the small world of the human body, and all kinds of Taoism only seek from one's own body. This fact coincides with his ideas.

He has always only believed in himself, no matter what the world is like, whether it is a complete realm with extremely complete laws and immortality, or a world with no immortality, like a world that covers the sky, the end of the Dharma era; or it is a world with ten thousand ways retreating and laws disappearing. No matter where he died, he only needed to move forward step by step until he reached the top.

Staring at the dilapidated but still majestic palace in the center, his eyes became intense.


He held the Demon Emperor's Ruler over his head and stepped forward step by step, arriving in front of the ruined fairy palace. The overwhelming pressure, even with the Demon Emperor's Ruler guarding him, made him have the urge to kneel down.

"Hmph, don't even think about it!"

Li Chengnian snorted coldly, and the purple-gold divine light bloomed all over his body, and his blood and the laws of the great road were directly revived. At the same time, the Demon King Ruler surrounded him, unimaginably blazing, like a vast divine sun.

At this moment, with his movements, he seems to be able to suppress the world and make hundreds of millions of people in the universe worship and kowtow.

The mighty power of the Immortal Dao was unable to stop him.

After all, the years I have experienced are too long ago, and there are only some residual marks.


Li Chengnian's eyes narrowed and he saw in front of the palace——

There is a stone tablet standing there, surrounded by wisps of chaotic energy.

With an air of incomparable eternity and desolation.


On the ancient stone tablet, the iron hooks and silver strokes are vigorous and powerful, flowing with indescribable Taoist charm.

The words left on the stele were from the ancient era, and the strong laws of the Demon King's Way circulated on them, making Li Chengnian's pupils shrink.

"This is a secret treasure that was personally refined by His Majesty the Demon Emperor. It has incredible power."

Demon King Chi's slightly surprised words rang in Li Chengnian's ears, making Li Chengnian's heart beat. Apparently, it also felt a little incredible that the Demon King had refined such a secret treasure.

"This stele is a sacred object for suppressing a group. The stele standing here is equivalent to the Demon Emperor stepping into this ancient world, which is enough to suppress all evil."

"What, Uncle Emperor, you didn't lie to me?"

Li Chengnian's heart skipped a beat. The ancient stone tablet stood here. It would be too scary to wait for the peerless demon emperor Xue Yueqing to step on it.

Ever since Old Man Xue beheaded the immortal in a battle, he had vaguely felt that something was different about Old Man Xue. According to his speculation, Old Man Xue might have embarked on his own path to becoming an immortal at that time, and at least he should have possessed the Heavenly Emperor level. of combat power.

But now this stone monument is actually equivalent to Old Man Xue's whole body pressed here. It should definitely exceed the list of gods suppressed by the outside world Emperor Wu Shi on the holy cliff.

"His Majesty the Demon King has taken part in creation, and the power of this stone tablet may even exceed my prediction just now."

"Perhaps there is great terror in this world, which is why His Majesty the Demon King has left many back-ups here."

Demon Emperor Chi sighed.

Hearing this, Li Chengnian couldn't help but nodded. Ever since he stepped into this strange world, he realized something was wrong.

Thinking about the complete imperial formation in the outside world that suppressed the entire cave sky, I am afraid that it has fully recovered and is equivalent to a great emperor. According to his speculation, it is no longer weaker than the imperial formation left by the heaven in the Kunlun Fairy Mountain on Earth.

Now, in this different world, such a supreme secret treasure has been left behind and suppressed here.

In addition, along the way, he also discovered a lot of tricks left by that guy Sakyamuni. Each one of them showed that there were big secrets hidden in this world.

And among these great secrets, the fact that the corpses of immortal beings are hidden in this world may not be a big deal.

Of course, these big secrets are far from what Li Chengnian should be exposed to at this level.

I'm afraid he has to wait at least until he becomes a quasi-emperor like Sakyamuni before he can be qualified to find out. As for pursuing the great secret, I'm afraid I have to wait at least until the day when he sets foot on the pinnacle of humanity.After all, you must know that this is the world of practitioners, and weakness is the original sin.

"It seems that my practice needs to be accelerated."

Li Chengnian murmured in a low voice, seeing the supreme secret treasure of the sect in front of him, he vaguely guessed that Old Man Xue was really not dead, but the situation might be very bad, and being able to follow Old Man Xue's footsteps, the quasi-emperor was just the beginning, You must attain enlightenment and become an immortal.
"Uncle Emperor, I feel that strong desire is coming from this ancient palace."

Li Chengnian stared at the ancient monument in front of him for a long time and whispered to himself.

Then, he stopped staying and entered the dilapidated ancient palace in front of him.

This temple is very large. Even if a section of it was cut off and shot down from the sky, most of it was mutilated. It still maintained its immortal divinity and was not completely destroyed.

There are floors arranged, and each floor is a vast world that is unimaginable.

With endless divine rings surrounding his body, and the interweaving of the Supreme Dao, the momentum was terrifyingly strong. Li Cheng thought of holding up the Demon King's Ruler, and moved forward unhurriedly.

It's not that he is arrogant enough to think that he can ignore everything in this world, but it is too old, and many of the immortal methods here have been wiped out by the power of time.

And as soon as he entered this ancient palace, he felt a strong sense of familiarity, as if he had returned home.

The innermost ancient copper temple is stained with rust and full of desolate antiquity, and the traces of time are obvious.

There were mysterious imperial lines, densely intertwined, maintaining the ancient palace and preventing it from being erased by the power of time. He recognized that this was another arrangement of Old Man Xue.

In the center of the Bronze Hall, there are twelve sky pillars, covering the sky and the sun, with golden dragons coiled around them.

In the vast hall.

It is a strange place, with two distinct colors: black on the left and white on the right. Near here, the vegetation is crystal clear, as if carved from the finest jasper, the green light is bright, and the rich power of life is rippling.

Half of the rocks here are pitch black and half are silvery white. Their shapes are extremely strange, and some colorful elixirs are dotted among them.

The entire terrain forms the shape of a basin.

In the center of the terrain, a figure sat impressively.

It's like a supreme true immortal looking over the ages, possessing the supreme energy that makes everyone in the world surrender. Its unparalleled power makes people kneel down involuntarily.

Due to the suppression of this ancient palace, the mighty imperial power was not leaked to the outside world.

As soon as Li Chengnian stepped here, his color suddenly changed, and there were even a few tears on his eyes.

His body was so limp that he almost collapsed on the ground as if he had lost all strength.


"Boy, wake up, that's just a giant shadow."

When Li Chengnian was absent-minded, the loud voice of the Demon King Chi sounded in Li Chengnian's ears, and then in his dazed eyes, the supreme emperor's shadow slowly turned into dots of starlight and dissipated in the hall.

“It turns out it’s fake again.”

Li Chengnian sighed in despair.

At this moment, he had an indescribable feeling in his heart. Millions of years ago, he came to a strange world alone. Perhaps it was fate. Aunt Li was the first living being he met and the most important person in this world. His best person.

At that time, she always liked to take Li Chengnian to the peach tree where she and Old Man Xue parted, and talked about everything between her and Old Man Xue with a smile on her face. Even if it was a trivial matter, Aunt Li could always tell her about it. Li Chengnian talked in front of him day after day.

Year after year, day after day...
He had forgotten the peerless Demon Emperor in his memory, and simply regarded the man named Xue Yueqing as his only relative besides Aunt Li.

But when he woke up, a million years later, he became a human again.

"Boy, have you noticed that this place is very weird?"

Without the reminder of the Demon Emperor's Ruler, Li Chengnian, who had come back to his senses, also discovered that the breath of life and the breath of death coexisted, and a strange balance seemed to be formed between the two.

"This is the legendary place of reincarnation."

Demon King Chi's slightly surprised voice sounded in Li Chengnian's ears, so shocked that he almost bit off his tongue.

The land of reincarnation of life and death is definitely one of the most terrifying places in the world. In terms of fame, it is definitely higher than the previous Ten Thousand Dragons Cave.

It is the natural creation of heaven and earth, and contains the ultimate mystery of life and death, yin and yang. Stepping into it is like stepping into reincarnation, and life and death are unpredictable.

This kind of terrain is definitely the ultimate terrain that exhausts the mystery of the yin and yang cycle of heaven and earth. Even the ancient sages have to avoid its edge.

In the entire world, it is definitely as famous as the three wonders in the world, Samsara Lake, Feixian Waterfall, and Soul Pond.

Once you enter the land of reincarnation of life and death, the yin and yang are unpredictable. It is rumored that this place contains the secret of reincarnation in the world. It is a great creation between heaven and earth. It is unparalleled in the world. People who enter it have a one in a billion chance of realizing themselves. past and present lives.

Of course, from ancient times to the present, in most cases, the only result is that no bones remain, otherwise the land of reincarnation would not be so famous.

"Uncle Emperor, I feel that desire is getting stronger."

Li Chengnian stared at the reincarnation of life and death in front of him with burning eyes, his eyes shining with a light that he had never seen before.

That kind of light frightened Demon Emperor Chi. Yes, even though he had seen all kinds of incredible things along the way, the light in Li Chengnian's eyes at this moment still frightened Demon Emperor Chi.

It even felt like Li Chengnian seemed to have become another person at this moment.

"Boy, you have to think clearly."

Just as Li Chengnian was about to step into the reincarnation of life and death not far away, Demon Emperor Chi warned in a solemn voice.

It has been said from ancient times that even if an ordinary emperor enters this extremely dangerous place, his soul may fall into eternal silence and never wake up.

"Uncle Emperor, I must go in."

Li Chengnian didn't feel solemn in his heart. This kind of dangerous place might be a dead end for others, but as a time traveler, Li Chengnian didn't believe that he would be reincarnated in this world.

Since there is no reincarnation anymore, how can this place of reincarnation be dangerous?

And more importantly, he felt that there was an absolute secret hidden in this reincarnation of life and death, and this secret was related to him.

So he has to go in.

"Boy, take care of yourself."

Although the Demon Emperor Ruler had the responsibility to protect Li Chengnian from the moment the Demon Emperor left it behind, it had no obligation to stop Li Chengnian from doing anything.
After taking the Demon King Ruler back into the sea of ​​suffering, Li Chengnian took the first step towards the reincarnation of life and death.

As for why he doesn’t use the Demon Emperor’s Ruler to protect himself, of course the Demon Emperor’s Ruler is the ultimate emperor soldier. Who knows whether it will cause any chain reactions in this reincarnation land. I’m afraid he will be the real Ten Let's die without life.


As soon as he stepped in, the black divine light surged into the sky and flooded the world. It was condensed with the purest death energy and contained the power of the law of death. Even the ancient saint who was said to be immortal could drink a pot of it after being impregnated. .

Li Chengnian gritted his teeth and used his Origin Technique to predict misfortune and fortune in advance, and stood in a relatively safe position.

The milky white light shines brightly, and the breath of life flows. Although it is thin, it is endless.

This is a place of life in the land of reincarnation. Although it is not as good as the tide of death, the difference is hundreds of millions, but it is enough to protect Li Chengnian alone.

Dark black death energy kept pouring into his body. Without him deliberately resisting it, in an instant, the skin on his body began to wither and fester, almost turning into a pool of pus and blood, and then a steady stream of Life came in and repaired his body.

Withering and rebirth, rebirth and withering, this is the great truth of life in the world.

The desperate tide of death contained bits and pieces of life. Li Chengnian suffered this unimaginable torture. He was constantly struggling between life and death, as if he was wandering between ice and fire.

The death energy hit him, and he was in unbearable pain. Life and death rushed in, and his whole body felt comfortable. Two different feelings alternated, giving his body that had already exceeded its limit a trace of divinity.

I don’t know how long it took, but the tide of death began to recede, leaving only a mess on the ground. On the black land, threads of death were steaming, and everything within a radius of dozens of miles turned into a dead place.

Li Chengnian was sweating profusely and gasping for air. The feeling of life and death just now was too torturous.

This place of reincarnation is worthy of being a famous and dangerous place in the world. Just the first wave of death energy is so terrifying.

The cycle of life and death is strange and unpredictable. Once you enter this place, life and death are determined!


After taking several deep breaths, Li Chengnian began to sense the place of reincarnation again, trying to find the next place of life.

He felt a warning sign in his heart. The danger did not recede, but on the contrary became more intense.

The cycle of life and death is unpredictable. The place he is in now, when the tide of death recedes, has been transformed from a place of birth to a place of death. It is the most dangerous place. He cannot stay any longer and must find the next place of life. land.

Just at the critical moment when the dark black death energy surged and was about to hit, Li Chengnian had a flash of inspiration and finally found the second place of life.

The place is full of evil spirits and filled with black mist. It is one of the desperate places left by the tide of death. At this moment, it has become the next place of life in the land of reincarnation.


As soon as he stepped into this place, he felt a bone-chilling coldness all over his body. The white light flashed and the dark room was misty, effectively resisting the terrifying lethality.

Once he stepped into the reincarnation of life and death, there was no way out and he could only move forward. Fortunately, he had passed the source technique and had the feeling of longing in his heart to guide him. Although the journey was dangerous, he managed to survive it. . .

A few days later, after suffering countless terrors of life and death switching at any time, he finally advanced several miles, and then——

A bright world appeared before my eyes. , the extremely terrifying tide of death temporarily calmed down, and under the soft holy light, a peace and holiness filled the place.

"Is this the ultimate secret of the reincarnation of life and death?"

The world of light is bright, and the scenes in it are clearly visible. This is a world where the sky and the earth have just opened. The sun, moon and stars are arranged, the mountains, rivers and earth are magnificent, and a sense of vastness permeates the sky and the earth.

Li Chengnian moved forward carefully and slowly. The place of reincarnation is a place of great secrets in the world, and only a few words have ever been heard.

Ahead, two bottomless black holes suddenly appeared. One was full of spirit energy, and life energy was continuously rolling up. The other was filled with murderous aura, carrying a strong aura of death.

The two ancient caves flowed out completely different and strange thick fog, and came together, black and white. In the middle, there was an invisible dragon-shaped curve, very blurry and thin, and there was also a strange ring of laws on the periphery, which seemed black but not white, almost chaotic. .

"The desire is here"

Li Chengnian's eyes were filled with purple-gold divine light, penetrating through the strange thick fog, and a drop of blood came into view. It was very ordinary, without any powerful aura coming out, and there was no terrifying law of the great avenue lingering on it.

Just an ordinary drop of blood.

However, at this moment, a strong desire arose in his body, eager to enter.

"Take a gamble."

After hesitating for a long time, the feeling of longing in his body became stronger and stronger. Li Chengnian was extremely cautious.
(End of this chapter)

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