The taboo that covers the sky

Chapter 132 Fatty Duan, the big black dog; one kick, the Holy Son is destroyed

Chapter 132 Fatty Duan, the big black dog; with one kick, the Holy Son is destroyed (7K big chapter!)
In the outside world, time flies, the situation changes, and the previous peaceful pattern is completely broken.

The first person to initiate changes was the younger generation of the five Beidou regions. Although Beiyuan Wang Teng was defeated by Ji Zi of the Ji family in the Eastern Wasteland, he still dominated one region and stood proudly as the top young genius.

Nanling, Nanyao Qi Lin is no less impressive.

As for the Eastern Wilderness, the stars are shining brightly, and the battle between geniuses is the most prosperous among the five regions of Beidou. The God King of the Ji family travels the five regions with his weight, just to fight. Jiang Yifei of the Jiang family burns all his opponents with colorful divine flames. There are even rumors, The Holy Son of Yaoguang, who had been silent for several years, had several private battles with Taixuan's abandoned disciple Hua Yunfei, and they tended to fight to the death.

There is a female disciple in Xi Mo who is astonishingly talented and famous. She has no rivals among the younger generation. She is revered as Xi Bodhisattva.

As a state of outstanding people and spiritual places, Zhongzhou has many kings and the level of chaos is no less than that of the Eastern Wasteland.

In the waves of this golden world, three names seemed to be drowned.

Ji Zi of the Ji family, the emperor's son who inherited the supreme bloodline of the Void Emperor; the young uncle of the ancient Hua Dynasty of Zhongzhou, the champion Hou Guyi, the former No. 1 in Zhongzhou; the demon prince of Nanling, who is both the demon emperor and the demon emperor. The Supreme Orthodoxy of the Emperor
Although one year is a short time for a monk, it is a long time for the golden age.
The Divine City of the Northern Territory, known as the only Divine City in the Beidou Cultivation Center, is even more stormy.

The forces entrenched in the city are spread throughout Beidou. It is the starting point of the absolute great world waves, and it is an undeniable battle. This is a qualification battle for the imperial road. Only those who fight all the way to the end are qualified to go. The path to God.

The war is happening every day, just like the gorgeous fireworks, extremely brilliant and brilliant.

There has never been anything like this in the history of this land.

Such a dense number of geniuses and such frequent brutal conquests are simply unprecedented.

In this context, ordinary religious preachers or saints, who are supposed to be the proud sons of heaven, can only prepare themselves to be passers-by on the battlefield of this battle.

In the divine city, the battle between geniuses here is so exciting. The stars gather together, like the stars in the sky, and there are endless topics to talk about.

However, what everyone is most concerned about has always been who is the No. 1 young genius in the five Beidou regions.

Of course, this is also the most controversial topic.

The Northern Emperor Wang Teng, Xi Mo Jue Youqing, and Southern Demon Qi Lin, whose reputations shocked the world, have already surpassed the level of the Holy Son. They are the absolute pinnacle among the younger generation and are respected by thousands of people.

"It is indeed very strong. These geniuses all have the appearance of being kings. It's a pity."

"There is only one king of the younger generation in the Eastern Wasteland."

A monk sighed, and some monks fell silent.

They all remembered the ordinary man who single-handedly suppressed Wang Teng, the Northern Emperor, in the Divine City a year ago. The man's face was ordinary, but his name was extraordinary. He was named Jizi and was the bloodline successor of the Void Emperor.

"Yeah, it's a pity that no news has been released about that guy this year, otherwise I, Donghuang, wouldn't be here either."

All the monks in Donghuang are looking forward to the appearance of Ji Zi, who has been silent for more than a year, because judging from the current situation, among the younger generation of geniuses, Donghuang is obviously at a disadvantage.

Among the top talents, it is almost difficult to see the younger generation of the Eastern Wilderness. The three names of Northern Emperor Wang Teng, Southern Demon Qi Lin, and Xi Mo Jue Youqing are like a Mount Tai, weighing on everyone's hearts. On the head of the young genius of Donghuang.

"And the champion who possesses the body of a forbidden god and demon has also disappeared since the battle in the Divine City a year ago."

"Have you forgotten the prince in the Nanling Demon Emperor's Palace?"

There are two more figures that suppress the hearts of everyone in the five regions of Beidou, but just like Ji Zi, no news has been released for more than a year.

No one knows how strong the body of gods and demons will be?No one even knew how powerful the demon prince was who suppressed the gods and demons in his realm with one hand!
Therefore, when these two names are mentioned, many people do not dare to be too presumptuous, fearing that disaster will come from their mouths.

It even seems that due to the absence of the above three names, it is almost difficult to see the first-tier five domain geniuses among the contestants this year.

Most of them were Saint Son-level figures dueling.

The young overlords were very cautious, as if they had made an appointment, and were waiting for something.

This emotion has been suppressed for more than a year. Many people are holding back their energy and are looking forward to the competition between the younger generation and the absolute king. Many people even have a hunch that this day will not be far away.

The situation was on the verge of breaking out, and the fuse for the young king's shocking battle was already being lit, just waiting for an explosion.

The rain is coming from the wind!
Not only passers-by are waiting, but even the geniuses are also looking forward to it.

The Golden Crow sets in the west and night comes, but the sky and the earth are not completely dark.

A jade rabbit jumped out from the endless clouds, exuding silver-white brilliance, bright, gentle, mysterious and hazy, and scattered on the earth.

Li Chengnian stood on a sacred mountain, looking at the majestic holy city in the distance, and he couldn't help but have a relaxed look in his eyes.

Over the past year, he spent all day in the cavern of death and death, which was eroded by endless darkness. He also had an eternity dream, traveling through the era of the Fall of the Emperor. Later, for the sake of spiritual practice, he committed suicide twice in a row.
Nowadays, he really misses the days of eating crane legs at Miao Yuan.

However, he really didn't expect that the destination of the deepest exit of the cave would be the Eastern Wasteland and Northern Territory.

A few days ago, when he followed the guidance of the drop of blood at the core of the reincarnation of life and death, he walked out of the world of death. Unexpectedly, he appeared so quietly in the Eastern Wasteland and Northern Territory, which really shocked him.

I originally thought that he would appear on the edge of the Western Desert and then meet up with Senior Brother Qi Ming, but unexpectedly the plan failed to keep up with the changes.

As for the little bald Jin Chanzi, I believe that with the help left by Sakyamuni, it shouldn't be a problem for him to walk out of that world on his own.

After all, Li Chengnian is not a philanthropist, and he has no obligation to carry a bald head wherever he goes.


Li Chengnian, who suddenly felt a familiar aura, had a strange look in his eyes. He suddenly looked at a hill in the distance and reached out with his big hand.


That right hand, as crystal clear as jade and as dazzling as a divine flower, seemed to carry the divine power of heaven and earth. At this moment, it became the only one in the world.

As if crossing time and space, with incredible power, it grabbed a sneaky fat Taoist priest on the hill.

Although the fat Taoist priest screamed in panic, he seemed to shrink to an inch and appeared hundreds of miles away in the next moment.

"Damn fat man, stop!"

Li Chengnian looked at the chubby Taoist priest in the distance with a red face. His face suddenly showed a cold expression, he transformed into a divine rainbow and chased after him.

The Shencheng Mountain Range is boundless, with mountains, ancient trees, and a wild scene everywhere.


The towering mountains trembled, a huge roar erupted in the mountains, and powerful energy fluctuations swept across all directions.


Cold metal trembling sounds resounded in all directions, dark golden ancient flags were densely covered one after another, stretching across the void, the formations flashed, and the billowing killing energy penetrated the sky and the earth, and the vast expanse of white made people tremble in their hearts.


In the central area surrounded by the formation flags, a figure with fluttering purple clothes moved its jade hands lightly. It seemed that there was blessing from heaven and earth, looking across the vast killing formation.

"Oh my God! Is the innate Tao Fei crazy? It has become so violent, like an incarnation of heaven and earth."

"Isn't this nonsense? A black dog is clamoring to find you a husband and give you a child. Any woman will go berserk if this thing is done to her, let alone a holy fairy. No, just talk. Now, even I want to rush up and give that black dog a few kicks!"

In the distance, many monks were talking about it, and many flower protectors looked at the arrogant big black dog over there, and their teeth itched with hatred.

"Hey, Xiantian Dao Fei, you have no choice but to follow me obediently. I promise to give you an invincible husband and a son of the future emperor!"

Above the sky, the killing energy penetrated the nine heavens, it was terrifying and cold, and ancient formation flags were densely covered one after another, surrounded by demonic clouds, which was extremely frightening.

A big black dog stood like a human with its paws on its back. Its eyes as big as copper bells were full of excitement, as if it had caught the innate Tao fetus.


The Xiantian Dao Fei snorted coldly, his pretty face was covered with frost, and his whole body was surging with Dao. He was shaking many killing formations, making Fangtianyu almost berserk.

"Hey, innate Tao fetus, it's better not to waste your efforts."

In the sky, the big black dog's eyes flashed, and when he opened his mouth to spit, a gray-brown light curtain flickered, falling down, like a gray Milky Way pouring down, despite the unparalleled offensive power of the innate Tao Fei, there were even more. With the blessing of Taoism, it is still difficult to shake the killing formation at all.

At this moment, there was a roar, and monstrous fluctuations swept across all directions. Golden red clouds soared into the sky, the void trembled, and the wind roared. Several figures came through the air, like several gods, exuding powerful fluctuations of divine power.

"It's them! The holy sons of Wanchu Holy Land and Zifu Holy Land"

"Also, Li Xiaoyun from Yaoguang Holy Land is the strongest person in Yaoguang Holy Land besides the Holy Son and Holy Daughter. He is deeply loved by the elders in Yaoguang Holy Land and his strength is unfathomable."

In the distance, many monks exclaimed.

In the past few years, the former Holy Son of Yaoguang has been in a state of invisibility. Therefore, although Li Xiaoyun is called the second disciple of Yaoguang, he has already acquired the style of the new Holy Son of Yaoguang, in the land of Eastern Wasteland. , can be regarded as the number one figure, and his reputation and strength are even higher than those of many saints.

"Mad, three more?"

"I am bound to win the innate Tao fetus. It is useless for anyone to come!"

The big black dog cursed secretly in his heart, but it did not choose to retreat. Instead, it scattered many ancient formation flags to strengthen the killing formation.

You must know that it finally made Ye Fan drunk with the divine wine, and it only missed catching the innate Tao fetus. By then, the invincible physique of the innate holy body Tao fetus can reappear in the sky, and the emperor's inheritance can once again suppress the world.

This is its dream and no one is allowed to destroy it.

So, after hesitating for a long time, it gritted its teeth and took out a corner of the killing array from its small treasury with great distress, preparing to throw it out when something went wrong.

"Damn dog, go to hell!"

As soon as the Holy Son of Zifu saw the innate Taoist fetus of the Holy Girl of Zifu surrounded by many ancient formation flags in the center, he already understood what was going on. He suddenly felt a green glow on his head. He was furious for a moment and waved his hands regardless. With his sword, he attacked.

The purple sword energy was surging, like a big river surging out. Perhaps because of the bonus of anger value, the Holy Son of Purple Mansion not only shot extremely fast this time, but his combat power was much higher than usual.

However, it was still of no use.

"Oh no, you bastard, you're looking for death!"

A cold light flashed in the big black dog's eyes, and he waved his big paws repeatedly with murderous intent. Runes swirled in the void, forming a huge crack in the void and slashing towards the Holy Son of Purple Mansion.


Sparks were flying in the void, and the large crack in the void that evolved from the Beginningless Killing Formation met the purple sword energy, bursting out into sheets of brilliance, like fireworks blooming, beautiful and gorgeous.


The cold murderous intent invaded like a steel knife, and the furious Holy Son of Zifu immediately realized his own strength again.


The big black dog gave a soft drink, and several more murderous auras surged out, turning into a bloody river and heading straight towards the head of the Holy Son of Purple Mansion.

The blood-colored river carried endless killing intent, and there was a loud roar. The face of the Holy Son of Purple Mansion changed drastically, and he was directly rushed out, smashing into countless hills, and instantly turned into a bloody corpse.

"Hiss! That horn killing formation is very extraordinary, it seems to be filled with imperial energy!"

The sharp-eyed monks immediately saw some clues. Although this big black dog has caused trouble in the Eastern Wasteland this year, it can never suppress the Holy Maiden of the Purple Mansion who possesses the innate Tao Fetus. , while single-handedly killing the Holy Son of Zi Mansion.

At this time, the indignant flower protectors around them gave up completely. As for the Holy Sons or the successors of the great religion, they stood quietly aside, with no intention of taking action at all.


At this moment, a tyrannical aura suddenly erupted from the horizon, and divine power raged in all directions. The majestic sacred mountain was continuously shattered, and a purple-gold lightning struck through the void from the horizon.

Huge palms stretched across the sky, fighting spirit surging, like an ancient god of war descending, and two figures coming from the end of the horizon at great speed. "It's him! That unscrupulous Taoist priest!"

"Okay, it turns out it's this unscrupulous Taoist priest who wanted to steal the tomb of my ancestor from the Holy Land a few months ago. I didn't expect to meet him here!"

Fluttering light Li Xiaoyun suddenly appeared in the sky, his eyes full of anger.

"Also, my ancestor's tomb thousands of years ago in the Holy Land of Taichu was also stolen by this fat guy. It's really a narrow road!"


Suddenly, the monks present were in an uproar, and they all stared at the fat Taoist priest who was running away at high speed on the horizon with incredulous expressions!

Grave diggers and grave robbers have dug up the ancestral graves in the All Saints Land. This is really an old man who hangs himself because he thinks his life is too long.

As for the figure in green clothes further away, many people naturally regarded it as the victims of the fat Taoist priest's grave digging like Yaoguang Li Xiaoyun and Taichu Shengzi.

"Brother, don't panic, let me help you get him!"

Yaoguang Li Xiaoyun's face was ashen, and he stepped forward directly, like a majestic mountain, with a terrifying aura filling the sky and the earth.

"This Holy Son is also here to help you!"

With that said, the two of them took action together, and a cold sword and a long knife shot out thousands of divine lights, making the continuous mountains tremble slightly, and went straight towards Fatty Duan.

And in the distance, Fatty Duan, who was being chased to the sky and had no way to go to the ground, saw the two people who suddenly took action. Their round figures turned into rainbows and flew at high speed, and there was a hint of joy in his eyes.

"You deceive people too much!"

The next moment, Fatty Duan hurriedly concealed the joy in his eyes, endured the blows and "coughed out", a look of anger appeared on his fat face, and he cursed loudly.

"Unscrupulous Taoist priest, when you dug up the tomb of my ancestor Yaoguang, you should have thought that today would happen!"

Yaoguang Li Xiaoyun's face was indifferent, and he stretched out his big hand, trying to suppress Fatty Duan. On the other side, the Holy Son of Taichu also took action directly.

At this moment, Fatty Duan was secretly delighted, and suddenly he opened his mouth and spit out a mysterious jade platform, with space runes densely covered and light shining.

"The Law of the Void!"

Li Xiaoyun and Taichu Shengzi were shocked. The ancient Ji family inherited the supreme ancient scripture of the Great Emperor of the Void. In the field of space cultivation, it can be said to be the pinnacle. Few people can match it. And the mysterious jade platform that Fatty Duan spit out is Ji The family’s unique void formation pattern.

So even Huang Gu Ji’s house was robbed by this fat man?This news really shocked everyone!
You must know that the Ji family, as an extremely powerful force that has produced the Great Emperor, is the absolute master on the Beidou Ancient Star. I didn't expect that someone would dare to steal the Ji family's ancestral tomb!
At this moment, many people felt like they were dreaming!

At this moment, the figure in green clothes in the distant sky seemed to sense that Fatty Duan was about to escape, and stepped out with one foot, directly across the endless void, and stepped straight towards Fatty Duan.

The giant black foot was like an ancient sacred mountain. It was so dark that it gave off a suffocating sense of oppression. From a long distance away, it knocked Fatty Duan away with his kick, causing the wolf to howl incessantly.

However, the next moment, the fluctuations in the void turned into ripples, and Fatty Duan merged directly into the void and disappeared. ,

Only one sentence remains:

"Brother Yaoguang and Taichu, thank you very much for your help. I will take my leave now. I wish you good luck!"

Everything happened too fast. Before Li Xiaoyun and Taichu Shengzi could react, Fatty Duan had already disappeared into the sky with the help of the Ji family's void formation.

The two of them already understood at this moment that the reason why Fatty Duan was able to escape was because the big moves they launched struck directly at the giant foot, which resulted in a moment of sluggishness.

But at this moment, the giant foot still fell down regardless, with a suppressive momentum, shrouding the figures of Li Xiaoyun and Taichu Holy Son.

Therefore, at this moment, the two of them had no time to resent Fatty Duan for causing trouble.

Under the suppression of the giant foot, the void was imprisoned, making the two of them seem to be trapped in a quagmire, unable to move forward, and could only resist the giant foot.

The Holy Son of Taichu felt the vast aura above his head and was sweating profusely. The next moment, the divine light all over his body burst out, one after another, like crystal meteors piercing the sky.


Li Xiaoyun also exhaled a breath of innate essence, which turned into a bright holy light, surrounding him in the center, as unattainable as a god.

Holy Light!
Invulnerable to all laws, nothing can be broken!
But at the next moment, Li Xiaoyun felt a hint of despair.

Just because the Holy Light Technique that he had always been proud of seemed to be made of paper under the vast power of that giant foot.

The earth trembled!
The Holy Son of Taichu was directly stepped into two halves, and he could no longer die.

As for Li Xiaoyun, he was like a dead dog, lying half-dead on the ground, with one foot suppressed above his chest.

All this happened so fast that no one had time to react before it was over.

"Oh my God! What happened? The Holy Son of the First and the second disciple of Yaoguang, Li Xiaoyun, joined forces, but the person who came just kicked one, and one of them died and the other was injured?"

"Am I dreaming?"

"Who is coming?"

Everyone looked up in horror at the foot that was stepping on Li Xiaoyun. He was wearing a green shirt, as smooth as satin, shimmering with sparkling waves.

There was a look of indifference on the face of a rich, godlike jade. Her long, black and crystal-clear hair was fluttering in the wind. Her whole body was heroic and unparalleled in elegance.

"Is he the Demon Emperor's son?"

Some monks' pupils narrowed and they stared intently at the figure in green.

That iconic blue robe is so conspicuous in the grand occasion of the saints and saints in all holy lands dressed in white. Isn't that heroic face that attracts countless people the right one that everyone is looking forward to?
"Oh my god! It's really the demon prince!"

Many monks exclaimed, their faces full of shock, and there was also a hint of excitement.

The appearance of this big boss marks that the first-tier talent war that has been silent is about to take place.

"It's His Royal Highness! It's my invincible His Highness the Prince of Nanling!"

"That's right! I was at the scene when His Highness suppressed the God-Demon Body with one finger a year ago. I will never forget His Highness's face!"

More than a dozen monks shouted excitedly. It seemed that the monks from Nanling were proudly announcing to everyone that this was their invincible king of Nanling.

At this moment, no one was questioning the fact that one of the two saint-level prodigies was killed and the other injured with one step. Just because they were demon princes, they should be so powerful.

"Prince Demon, the king who once led Beidou's coquettishness is back!"

"Haha! The battle between the top geniuses in the imperial battle is coming soon!"

"The real golden age has begun!"

A young man in Tsing Yi shouted with a flushed face. His outfit was somewhat similar to Li Chengnian's. He was full of demonic power. At first glance, he was from Nanling and a loyal fan of Li Chengnian.

"With one step, the two Saint Son-level figures who were about to break through to Immortal One were killed and the other injured.
Ha ha!This is the style of my invincible prince in Nanling! "

"That's right! Your Royal Highness will cultivate martial virtue and unify Beidou for thousands of years!"

"Look, His Highness the Prince is going to speak. What do you think He will say?"

"I definitely dislike my opponent for being too weak."

"Yes, a year ago, His Royal Highness was able to suppress the No. 1 champion of Zhongzhou, Hou Guyi, with just one finger. The two unknown Holy Land disciples in Donghuang are not worthy of His Highness."

As soon as these words came out, some monks from Donghuang wanted to refute, but they didn't seem to know what to say, so they could only insist:
"You Nanling people, don't go too far."

Yaoguang Li Xiaoyun and Taichu Holy Son are definitely not unknown disciples of the Holy Land, but young geniuses who are famous throughout the Eastern Wasteland.

"Look, that's the Saint of Zi Mansion, the innate Taoist fetus."

"Hey, that's not right. Wasn't the Holy Maiden of the Purple Mansion trapped by that big black dog in a killing formation?"

"Are you a fool? With the prince's kick, any formation would have been broken long ago!"

Everyone looked up and saw a big black dog wearing flowery underwear, as if someone had been caught stealing. He was holding a killing array and looking at the Holy Maiden of the Purple Mansion warily.

"She is approaching His Highness the Prince. Is she conquered by His Highness?"

The Nanling monk muttered in a low voice, which made the surrounding Donghuang monks itch, but they were helpless. It was about the demon prince and the innate Tao fetus, and no one dared to say anything.

"Zi Mansion Holy Land, Zi Xia, thank you prince for your help."

The big black dog's formation skills over there were really terrifying. If it hadn't been for the demon prince's kick from the sky, she might have really fallen into trouble this time.

Li Chengnian calmly looked at the woman in front of him who seemed to be the spirit of heaven and earth, and said softly:

"Are you an innate Taoist fetus?"


Zixia nodded slightly.

"Okay then, you will follow me for the rest of the time."

Li Chengnian's words were so shocking that everyone over there was stunned in an instant.

"it is good."

However, Zixia's answer once again made everyone confused.

Are all the young geniuses nowadays so direct with each other?Didn't you even think about it?
Of course, in fact, the matter between Li Chengnian and Zixia was just complicated as everyone around them thought.

Li Chengnian's Haotian Mirror, an important tool for proving the Dao, aims to inherit all the ways of heaven and earth, so he is still a little interested in the innate Dao fetus that was delivered to his door.

After all, the innate Tao fetus is known as the darling of heaven and earth, and he is born with the blessing of the great road of heaven and earth, which happens to overlap slightly with his path.

As for why Zixia agreed so readily, it was not because she was conquered by Li Chengnian as everyone imagined.

She just felt the aura of the Haotian Mirror in Li Chengnian's body that took over the world, and resonated with it. In just a moment, she actually felt that her realm cultivation level seemed to have deepened a bit.

Moreover, when the demon prince spoke, she, a weak woman, could not resist. Even if she was the Holy Maiden of the Purple Mansion Holy Land, she actually did not want to resist.

For those who practice Taoism, some worldly things are not important compared with the Great Dao.

"Oh, I never thought that sister Zixia, who has always been aloof from the world, would one day want to crawl into a man's bed."

A clear and sweet voice came from another stunning woman.

"This is Yin Yang Sage"

Just as Zixia was about to introduce her, she saw a giant hand reaching out and grabbing the woman who suddenly appeared. Then with a bang, the stunning woman was crushed.

"It's not my business for a guy like you to talk too much!"

The sweet chuckle just now seemed to be still echoing in everyone's ears, but the owner of that laughter had turned into a mass of blood mist.

The blood mist was very light, but everyone felt as if the world was dyed red, and every space was filled with the smell of blood.

(End of this chapter)

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