The taboo that covers the sky

Chapter 140: God and Demon King, Ji Zi; Ten Thousand Dragons’ Nest, Ancient Creatures

Chapter 140: God and Demon King, Ji Zi; Ten Thousand Dragons’ Nest, Ancient Creatures (two chapters in one!)
That night, a figure that looked like a god and demon came out of the ancient Hua Dynasty and headed towards the Eastern Wasteland.

At the same moment, in the Eastern Wasteland, a man who looked ordinary and unremarkable also encountered several black crows.

So one day later, the entire Beidou Five Regions were once again shocked by shocking news.

"Hey, have you heard? Two days ago, the new Holy Lord of the Holy Land of Light was killed again. It is said that an extremely terrifying battle took place at that time, and an ancient city was almost destroyed!"

"You are already behind on this news! Do you know who killed the new Holy Lord of the Shaking Light Holy Land? The young uncle of the Guhua Dynasty, one of the four immortal dynasties in Zhongzhou, the God and Demon King Gu Yi, the former No. 1 in Zhongzhou .”

"Yes! It is said that after the God and Demon King Ancient Yi killed someone, he walked away without any trace of injury."

"How can the body of gods and demons be so terrifying? It is said that the new Holy Lord of the Yaoguang Holy Lord has unfathomable cultivation. Legend has it that he is definitely not weaker than the previous Holy Lord. Unexpectedly, this name can be easily defeated by gods and demons. The body was beheaded."

"Hey, what's this? Do you know Ji Zi from the Huanggu Ji family?"

"Who doesn't know about the emperor's son who inherits the supreme bloodline of the Void Emperor!"

"You know, you know that just two days ago, Ji Zi killed three unparalleled powerful men of the Blood Crow clan in one battle. Her cultivation level is unparalleled in ancient times and today!"

"It is said that the three black crows were preparing to massacre the city at that time. They used my human essence and blood to break through the cultivation level. They were touched by Ji Zi. In a rage, Ji Zi killed three people in a row. Finally, he directly made bold words. From now on, blood He will kill every member of the Crow Clan on sight without mercy!"

"Hey, in today's Beidou Five Regions, since the Demon Prince went against the will of heaven and killed the Holy Lord Yaoguang, it seems that if you don't kill a powerful and powerful person, you will be embarrassed to be called a peerless evildoer."

"Yes, the Northern Emperor Wang Teng, the Southern Demon Qi Lin, Jiang Yifei of the Jiang family, etc. all also took action. Although they were not killed, they all defeated several unparalleled strong men who were once famous in Beidou. Their combat power was on par with Ji Zi. God Demon King Ancient One, Demon Prince and three others!"

There are people in the Eastern Wasteland and even the five regions of Beidou talking about it. Ever since Li Chengnian killed the Holy Lord Yaoguang in Belvedere, the entire Beidou seemed to have poked a hornet's nest. The young prodigies seemed to have made an appointment, and they all directly went out to conquer. The older generation also specializes in those who have been famous for a long time.

In today's Beidou, it seems that if you don't kill or defeat a veteran strong player, you will be inferior to others.

But on this day, another piece of news about the demon prince Li Chengnian once again pushed the Beidou Five Domains to the climax.

"Hey, I heard that this time the Shaking Light Holy Land dispatched more than five living stone experts, and even brought the Legendary Saint Soldiers with them, but they were still taken over by the Demon Prince, and even the Legendary Saint Soldiers were suppressed. This is also It’s a bit too scary.”

"Who says it isn't! I heard that the aftermath of that battle directly destroyed an ancient city that had existed for countless years. To this day, several days have passed, and the battlefield is still shrouded in terrifying killing power. There are powerful The strong man tried to find out what was going on, but he was torn into pieces. If he hadn't escaped, he would have been completely destroyed."

"Hey, what are you talking about? On the day of the battle, Uncle Wang, who lives next door to my house, was present. According to what he told me, His Highness the Demon Prince directly held up the legendary holy weapon with one hand, wielded a sword with the other, and a living fossil with the other, showing his invincibility. !”

"What? The demon prince is so terrifying. Can he be invincible even if he holds the legendary holy weapon with only one hand?"

"Oh, I really look forward to His Highness the Demon Prince's invincible style!"

"Then let's see what shocking feats other great monsters will do!"

Based on previous speculations, many people are speculating that it won't be long before the great monsters in the five regions of Beidou will once again perform various feats that scare people to death and cost them their lives!

After all, Demon Prince Li Chengnian once again set an example for them.

Just as the whole world was talking about the feats of the Demon Prince Li Chengnian, Li Chengnian had already arrived in a land of ice and snow.

The altitude of this area is extremely high, more than [-] meters. Even in summer, it is covered with ice and snow, and the cold wind howls. This has always been the case.

It is said that in the past, during the darkest ancient times, an earth-shattering war took place here. It was originally a holy land, but it was destroyed.

The peerless strongman broke the sky, swept away the endless snow mountains, and turned this place into a snowfield.

The Ice and Snow Palace was a major force that came to dominate this place later. In a more ancient era, there was a more ancient and glorious heritage on the ice field.

Zixia is an innate Taoist fetus. Although she has never practiced Origin Technique, she felt the extraordinaryness of this place as soon as she stepped into it. However, she, who has always been silent, continued to follow Li Chengnian quietly after her initial surprise. behind.

The two of them went deep into the back mountain, entered the snowy peaks, and walked through the ice and snow. Zixia felt more and more extraordinary about this place, and at the same time, she felt a terrifying aura of the avenue shrouding her.

"This is a peerless treasure land that is no less powerful than the Nine Dragons of Purple Mountain guarding a bead. It seals the ancient alien races."

Hearing this, Zixia was secretly shocked. No one thought that this place was not only a peerless treasure land that was not weaker than Zishan in the Northern Region, but also sealed the legendary ancient alien race.

But the next moment, she seemed to have thought of something and looked at Li Chengnian subconsciously.

As the demon prince, Li Chengnian definitely didn't come here to enjoy the scenery on a whim, and he definitely had a big secret hidden.

Suddenly, a strong medicinal fragrance filled the air. Zixia followed the fragrance and saw -

A magnificent snow valley came into view, and there were many snow apes living in it. They were unique creatures on the plateau, and each one was no weaker than the Xianyi monk.

And that alluring fragrance came from the snow valley.

However, after discovering that Li Chengnian had no intention of going into the valley to collect medicine, she had no choice but to give up. After all, there were too many snow apes. Even if she used the life-saving means given to her by the Holy Land, she would still be able to survive the unexpected situation. Able to destroy half of the snow apes.

As we gradually deepened, a majestic sacred mountain emerged. Halfway up the mountain, there was a huge cave. It was dark and had an astonishing dragon's energy coming out of the cave.

One after the other, the two quickly swept up the mountainside and entered the huge cave.

The cave is very empty and dry, with some stone basins and bowls, and stone beds beside the cave.

Walking along the direction where the dragon energy emerged, deep in the mountain, a large hole like a magic well came into view, but the entrance of the hole was sealed by a piece of transparent black ice.

In the huge piece of black ice that sealed the entrance of the cave, there was an old ape, meditating with his eyes closed, lifelike.

It was tall, covered with snow-white animal fur, and looked peaceful, as if it was still alive.

The more Zixia looked at it, the more surprised she became. This old ape seemed to be the incarnation of the Great Dao, becoming one with the surrounding heaven and earth. Therefore, when she was most open, she did not notice the existence of this old ape at all.

Moreover, she also discovered that the old ape seemed to be sealing the huge hole with itself, and there must be something extraordinary below.

However, the young man in Tsing Yi next to him has been calm and calm since he entered this place, as if he already knows everything about it.

Then, Li Chengnian's hands were drawn through complex trajectories, as if he was carving a large formation.

This formation had no offensive power, but it seemed to seal the old ape and the surrounding world together.

The next moment, a terrifying force of ten thousand laws enveloped Zixia. She did not resist. After a few breaths, she found that she had escaped from the cave and came to the previous snow valley.

Li Chengnian was still standing quietly in front of her as before, but his deep Yin-Yang eyes were staring closely at the ice field, and the mysterious Yin-Yang divine ring was rippling out.

"There are patterns!"

Zixia was suddenly shocked and looked at the ground with some surprise. As an innate Taoist, she was born with shortcuts, but she had never felt the dense formations deep underground here.

The longer she stayed with this demon prince, the less worthy of mentioning her innate Taoism was. Are all prince-level figures so terrifying?
There was a flow of Yin and Yang in Li Chengnian's eyes, and slowly it seemed as if he had developed a pair of chaotic eyes. Suddenly, the complicated lines buried deep in the ground appeared before his eyes.

The black and white yin and yang divine ring is flickering and rotating slowly, as if it contains the power of the supreme law, as deep as an abyss, and breathtaking.

Although I don’t know how many times I have seen Li Chengnian’s pair of yin-yang eyes, every time Zixia stares at those cold black and white eyes, she feels like a chaos is evolving, like an endless abyss, trying to swallow her whole body .

"Do you want to die?" A familiar cold voice sounded in Zixia's ears. Zixia suddenly woke up and looked at Li Chengnian with apologetic eyes.
Li Chengnian didn't bother to care about why Zixia was absent-minded.

If it weren't for the many secrets of the original essence and blood of the innate Tao fetus, he wouldn't bother to care about this woman even if she died in front of him.

The next moment, a purple-gold divine light bloomed from Li Chengnian's body, and all the laws that were originally silent here began to roar.

At the same time, the only true soul sitting cross-legged on the Yin-Yang Immortal Platform flew out of Li Chengnian's body, seeming to stand above all the ways.

Facing the purple gold villain, Zixia felt as if she was seeing the incarnation of heaven, and there was a mysterious power on it that fascinated her. This feeling was even stronger than that of the ancient mirror named Haotian. , even more fascinating.

"Thousands of ways are here, but my way is eternal!"

The heaven and earth are roaring and resonating, as if they are alive.

Li Chengnian seemed to be independent from all the ways and transformed into the only true god.

This is what Li Chengnian once felt when he returned to Emperor Luo in a dream and saw that wonderful life. Later, he understood the original true explanation at the core of the reincarnation of life and death. He regarded himself as chaos and used the two qi of yin and yang to transform into an ax to open up the world. A secret technique that was born out of Ji Zi Mi.

Although it is still in its infancy now, it already has endless uses.

You can use the power of ten thousand ways to forcibly increase your own potential several times.

It can also command ten thousand ways. Although it is similar to the innate Tao embryo, it is far more domineering than it.

Although there is still a big gap between it and Ji Zi Mi, this is a secret technique that belongs exclusively to Li Chengnian and is the most suitable secret technique for him.

"Everyone obeys orders and is deprived!"

Li Chengnian spoke like the voice of heaven, and then saw that those ancient formations seemed to be dead vines that had lost their lives, and fell into deathly silence.


A cold voice sounded, and the next moment, two divine rainbows disappeared directly from the spot.

After a few breaths, the two of them reached the deepest part of the earth and appeared in a grand underground palace.

The magnificent underground palace is extremely vast and exudes antiquity, as if covered with a layer of dust. The stone chambers, stone halls and everything else are full of traces of time.

However, although it is underground, it is not very dark. There are many strange stones shining with brilliance, and everything in the underground palace can be clearly seen.

Here, the dragon energy surged, like rivers, rushing underground. Bathing in it, Li Chengnian felt refreshed and refreshed that he had not seen for a long time.


A vast aura of divine origin came, which surprised Zixia. As an innate Taoist fetus, she came from Zifu Holy Land, one of the Holy Lands in the Eastern Wasteland, but the rich aura of divine origin here still frightened her. .

"This way."

A green light flashed out from the center of Li Chengnian's eyebrows, and the Demon King's Ruler quickly zoomed out and magnified, hanging above the two people's heads. Threads of blue fairy light hung down, protecting the two of them inside.

The vast underground palace seems to be endless, deadly silent, and there is no sound at all.

The two of them did not stop and headed straight towards the source of the dragon energy. The extremely vast divine energy was also in that direction. The further they walked, the more they could feel the most original divine energy.

After walking hundreds of miles and passing through stone palaces one after another, they finally approached the source of the dragon energy and slowly stopped.

In front of the two of them, a huge abyss lay across there, and the underground palace behind seemed to stand on a cliff.

The endless dragon energy and the vast divine energy are surging out of the huge abyss ahead, full of mystery and weirdness.

Such a huge abyss, like a bottomless pit, seems to be able to swallow up people's minds and make people sink into it.

Under the abyss of endless darkness, the Dragon Qi surges like a tide. Occasionally, divine flowers shine, and countless divine source particles rush out, crystal clear and radiant.

"This is the Nest of Ten Thousand Dragons. It is comparable to the topography of Zishan's Nine Dragons Guarding One Pearl. It is one of the few great places in the world recorded in the Yuan Tian Book."

For the first time since entering here, Li Chengnian took the initiative to explain to Zixia, which also made Zixia understand that the danger of the upcoming journey was definitely not comparable to the previous trivial matters.

But she had no intention of retreating, not only because she didn't want to, but also because the boy didn't say anything, so she could only stay quietly and couldn't go anywhere.

Li Chengnian activated the Demon King's Ruler and rushed into the bottomless abyss in front of him, carrying Zixia with a calm face.

The Dragon Qi was surging, like a sea tide, and encountered great resistance when it descended. Therefore, Li Chengnian and the two descended very slowly, bit by bit.

It got darker and darker as they went down, and in the end they couldn't even see their fingers. Of course, this was all trivial to the two of them.

Under the wash of dragon energy, an ice palace was ups and downs, glittering and glittering.

It is crystal clear and completely transparent, which is very strange in the underground world, with bursts of spiritual energy overflowing from it.

"Underworld God Palace!"

In Zixia's eyes, three ancient and mysterious characters appeared, which were the same as the name of the legendary ancient holy land.

However, Li Chengnian seemed not to have seen it. He activated the Demon King Ruler and quickly carried Zixia as he continued to dive into the abyss underground. The abyss seemed to be endless and never-ending.

I don’t know how much time passed before the two of them landed at the bottom of the abyss.

There is not much darkness here, there are many divine source particles scattered in the void, shining with light.

However, the bottom of the abyss is too large to be fully illuminated. There are still many places shrouded in darkness. Looking at it, it is empty. It does not look like the underground at all, but like an ancient battlefield.

Li Chengnian controlled the Demon King Ruler and began to explore the bottom of the abyss. Passing by a broken five-color altar, Zixia's eyes flashed with surprise.

Slowly, the two came to a realm where dragon energy was like a river, rushing endlessly, and nine large dragons were circling, as if they were alive.

In front of them, there are nine dragon caves lined up side by side. They are all connected to the Ten Thousand Dragons' Nest. After the two people stepped in, they were baptized by the endless dragon energy. They suddenly felt that their pores were relaxed and their whole body was comfortable.

Unknowingly, the two of them walked forward for a certain distance again and came to a place full of stone caves, which looked like a honeycomb. They were shocked on the spot.

The nine largest dragon caves all lead to the front, where there is a huge lair. Looking from a distance, the divine light is radiating, and there is definitely a shocking divine source inside.

There is no doubt that there is the legendary Ten Thousand Dragons' Nest.

Zixia affirmed in her heart.

There were still more than ten miles away, but Zixia vaguely saw the divine source block floating in the Ten Thousand Dragons' Nest, and there seemed to be creatures sealed inside.

Ancient creatures!

(End of this chapter)

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