The taboo that covers the sky

Chapter 151 Buddhism, crisis; divine chapter

Chapter 151 Buddhism, crisis; myth (two chapters in one!)
This sudden change made King Bali and others unable to help but stop, it was a bit incredible.

The three of them are old acquaintances with the old man Dongfang, and they have all received his favor in the past. This time they help the Holy Body protect the path, and the old man Dongfang has given him a great opportunity.

But I never thought why Master Ku Ye would defect at the last moment.

At their level, it is impossible for seeds to be planted by others, and it is impossible for others to influence their minds, so all this is Master Kuye's own wish.

"Amitabha, my Buddha is so compassionate that there should be no more Great Saints in the world."

Master Kuye's body was filled with Buddha light, his name was astonishing, and he looked like a living Buddha.

Looking at the black shadow Dacheng King holding the holy weapon in front of him, a trace of determination appeared in Master Yuan Tian's eyes.

He and Master Kuye have known each other for hundreds of years, and they understand each other's existence extremely well.

Therefore, the sneak attack made by Master Ku Ye just now was definitely aimed at his life. If it weren't for the help of that brat Ye Fan, who luckily broke through to Master Yuan Tian, ​​he would have perished long ago.

However, he was still seriously injured, and his combat power was less than [-]%. After all, strictly speaking, his cultivation level was not very high. He relied on the dragon veins of the divine city to be able to suppress the great king.

"Even if I risk my life today, the Holy Body will definitely break through successfully!"

The old man Dongfang spoke slowly. The terrifying essence of heaven and earth continued to circle around him. His face was full of determination, and the earth was cracking.

The Divine City is a rare holy land in Beidou, and it can be said to be an excellent place for battles between Yuan Tianshi and other Yuanjutsu practitioners.

"Can you mobilize the power of heaven and earth and turn it into your own use? But now that you are at the end of your strength, how many attacks can you still make?"

The King of Dark Shadows spoke, and then he urged the holy soldiers in his hands with all his strength.

No one knows how powerful a holy weapon can be in the hands of a great king.

At this moment, the power of Master Yuan Tian has surpassed that of the Dacheng King and reached the Holy Realm.

So this must be a battle between dragons and tigers.

The half-disabled Yuantian Master was entangled by the black shadow Dacheng King holding a holy weapon. In the sky above the divine city, in the terrifying Great Emperor Killing Formation, the Peerless God King still seemed to be entangled in the killing formation, unable to escape.

At the same time, on the other side of the battlefield, without Master Ku Ye, the Tao-killing King, King Ba Li, Arctic Dragon King and others have gradually been put at a disadvantage.

In the southeast of the divine city, the little moon of the Ji family is looking at the Holy Master of the Ji family with pleading eyes.

The Holy Master of the Ji family just pretended to be invisible. As the head of the ancient family, he naturally knew that the background of Master Kuye was not that simple.

A Tao-killing King is enough to show that there are people on that mountain in the Western Desert who don't want to see the Great Holy Body.

Similarly, the leaders of many big forces are not stupid either, so they can naturally think of this.

And even if he wants to help, he is powerless. He has barely touched the threshold of half-step king now, and this Master Ku Ye is at least a strong man who can cut through the sixth level of heaven.

And the Black Emperor, Pang Bo and others who had recovered from the sudden change were about to rush into the sky and stop Master Kuye by themselves, but five more figures escaped from the battlefield, and a half-step king , four peerless powerful men, suppressing the sky.

Even though the Black Emperor had emptied the small treasury, but under the combined attack of those five terrifying figures, he was still surrounded by dangers. He couldn't take care of himself, so he could only watch the Buddha's light on Master Kuye gradually spread.

"Amitabha, my Buddha is merciful. Today, the old monk only asks the donor to stop. He will never harm the donor's life."

The golden Buddha's light shines on Master Ku Ye's body, and terrifying power sweeps across the divine city. The boundless void is trembling, and the power of the King's Law, which is superior to all living things, sweeps in and suppresses everything.

The divine city was shaking, and the endless runes were shattering and turning into nothingness.

The scroll of thousands of miles of rivers and mountains in the hands of King Ba Li has begun to fall apart under the joint efforts of three half-step kings. The treasure seal as big as a human head is also dim against a half-step king and five extremely powerful Wuji Dragon Kings. Light.

On the other side, the Maurya King and three others were also in danger under the combined attack of a half-step king and several peerless powerful men.

Master Yuantian's blood is bleeding, his bones are breaking, and the Buddha's light left in him by Master Kuye is still consuming his combat power all the time.

Above the sky, King Jiang Shen was still trapped in the Great Emperor's killing array. It could be seen that this killing array was not actually used to attack, but just to trap him.

At this moment, it seems that all the back-ups of Yuan Tianshi and Holy Body Ye Fan have been restrained, and they have no time to care.

"Withered leaves, what are you dawdling about!"

The black shadow man was very dissatisfied with Master Kuye's refusal to take action for a long time and only used Buddha's light to disrupt Ye Fan's breakthrough.

"Amitabha, my Buddha is compassionate!"

Master Ku Ye ignored him, but clasped his hands together and recited a Buddha's name in response.

Then he saw that the Buddha's light on his body was slowly spreading, seeming to isolate the Dragon Transformation Pond from the Divine City, thereby cutting off Ye Fan's enlightenment.

This method is considered the mildest one. It can interrupt Ye Fan's enlightenment without harming his life. However, this method is very harmful to the caster.

In response to this, all the shadow people cursed in their hearts that this withered leaf dead bald donkey was sanctimonious, and at this time, he was still acting like a Buddhist.

At the same time, Master Yuan Tian, ​​who had a few more blood holes in his chest, sighed inwardly that this old bald donkey had indeed not changed.

He has known Master Kuye for hundreds of years, and he is sure that the other person is the kind of living Buddha with a compassionate heart, but why did he attack behind him?
Of course, many people related to Ye Fan were happy in their hearts and fighting with all their lives.

Countless people's hearts were throbbing, and they looked to the sky. Although they didn't know what Master Ku Ye of Buddhism was doing, anyone with a discerning eye knew that the failure of the Holy Body Pass was right in front of them.

"Strange! Why does the Holy Body seem not to be affected at all?"

Suddenly, someone said in surprise.

You know, Master Kuye, as the living Buddha who killed the Dao, personally took action to cut off Ye Fan's enlightenment. It should have been completed within ten breaths, but how come it took several minutes.

"Hey, do you think there is an ancient mirror there?"

"It looks so familiar. I seem to have seen it there before."

There was an exclamation from somewhere, and everyone was stunned.

Whether it is the great saint sons, the most powerful half-step king, or the Yuan Tianshi and the black shadow man, they are all looking at the Dragon Transformation Pond at this time.

I saw that in the Buddha's light that was so rich that it obscured everything, an ancient mirror emitting a light purple-gold light was suspended in the sky above Ye Fan. The ancient mirror swayed gently, as if it was pulling the world on its own.

The Buddha's Light Pure Land displayed by Master Ku Ye is simply like a decoration. At this moment, under the illumination of the ancient mirror, Ye Fan seems to be the darling of heaven and earth, roaring with the world.

"I know! I've seen it before, it's the ancient mirror of my Nanling Demon Prince!"

Someone seemed to suddenly have an idea and shouted loudly, but then found that everyone around him looked at him as if he was a fool.

"hold head high!"

A dragon roar sounded, and then a purple-gold Heavenly Dao Ancestral Dragon floated into the air. At the same time, a young man dressed in green clothes and stepping on the Ancestral Dragon appeared in front of Master Ku Ye.

He stood quietly in the void, with the purple-gold ancestral dragon of heaven hovering, with an indifferent expression on his face, black hair, and a long sword at his waist. The ancient mirror returned to the top of his head, and endless brilliance flowed around him, sacred. Extremely.

“I thought I could make a lot of money for free, but I didn’t expect that I would need to take action in the end.”

Li Chengnian glanced at Ye Fan, who was still rushing through the dragon pool with great indifference, and sighed softly.

As soon as he arrived at the Divine City that day, Ye Fan approached him and said that he was willing to use the battle of the Nine Secrets in exchange for the opportunity for Li Chengnian to take action. With the mentality of just doing the business that came to his door, Li Chengnian agreed to his deal.

Originally, seeing so many people protecting Ye Fan today, Li Chengnian thought that he could just be lazy and earn a fortune, but he didn't expect that his idea of ​​being lazy still came to nothing.

Of course, the main reason for all this is that the god-king named Jiang above the sky did not work hard, otherwise Li Chengnian would definitely be lying flat today.

"Well, now, old monk, it's up to you and me to decide the final outcome today."

As soon as the fluttering words fell, a terrifying aura suddenly erupted from Li Chengnian's body.

Suddenly, the divine city shook, the earth trembled, and everyone felt that a disaster was imminent. "really."

Ji Zi was stunned for a moment, and then the idea of ​​kidnapping Li Chengnian and boarding a pirate ship became more intense in her mind. This brother Li was the one her father said could calm the restricted area of ​​​​life.

At the same time, all the young geniuses were shocked at this moment. Every time this demon prince disappears from everyone's eyes, the next time he appears will be even more terrifying. Can he now face the Dao-killing King head-on?
At this moment, all the holy masters were also moved, their hearts could not be calm, and the expressions on their faces were all different.

Compared with the time when Belvedere fought against the Holy Lord of Shaking Light a year ago, this monster is countless times more terrifying. His combat power has once again risen to a terrifying level, and it seems that he has completely crossed the natural chasm of cutting the path!

Above the Haotian Mirror, layer after layer of purple-gold light spread, and the terrifying laws of heaven and earth roared, sweeping across the divine city.

"Old monk, are you ready?"

The Haotian Mirror suppressed it, and the sky and the earth roared, as if the weight of a world was blessing the Haotian Mirror.

The Buddha's light on Master Ku Ye's body is even more powerful, endless light is shining in his eyes, and golden light sweeps across the heaven and earth.

Terrifying forces intertwined in the sky above the divine city. Countless big shots felt cold all over, and a strong aura of death enveloped their hearts.

A shocking battle has been determined.

At this moment, Master Yuan Tian no longer fought desperately, but was fighting steadily. The dragon's energy that aroused the terror of the city during the battle was slowly wiping out the Buddha's light left in his body by Master Ku Ye, so his injuries were slowly recovering.

Black Emperor, Pang Bo and others stopped attacking desperately, just to entangle the five shadow men who were besieging them.

Similarly, King Jiang Shen above the sky is still working hard, calmly destroying the Great Emperor's killing formation that trapped him around him without any panic or dissatisfaction. Of course, he is also secretly accumulating strength to guard against the possible appearance of the Ji Dao Emperor's soldiers. .

Generally speaking, at this moment, the most intense one in the field turned out to be Li Chengnian's side.

Alas, the Battle of the Nine Secrets is indeed not that easy to obtain.

Looking at the golden old monk opposite, Li Chengnian sighed:

"The old monk who has perfected his way to the sixth heaven and has already glimpsed the threshold of the seventh heaven is really difficult to fight."

At this moment, Master Kuye is in a majestic form, with the Buddha’s light shining brightly behind him, and the sound of gold and stone sounding in his body, which is a symbol that he is about to complete the golden body of the Buddha.

He is wearing a cassock with the blessings of countless Buddhas on it. His long eyebrows hang down from his waist, his face is wrinkled, and his body is filled with a strong aura of kindness.

Li Chengnian can be sure that this is also a good monk like Jin Chanzi.

"Old monk, let's discuss it, how about a truce?"

The barrier of Zhan Dao is too difficult to cross. Even if Li Chengnian holds the Divine Forbidden City, his cultivation level is only at the seventh level. Although there are only eight small realms between him and the sixth level of Zhan Dao, there are still many realms in between. Separated by a road-cutting barrier that looks like a natural chasm.

In ancient times, there were very few people who could overcome the Dao-cutting barrier and rebel against the king. What's more, Li Chengnian was only a powerful seventh-level man, and this old monk was not a simple thing. How could someone who could cut the Dao-killing in this age of law-ending? Couldn't live without two brushes.

Of course, if he really tried his best, with his current achievements as a dragon and the innate yin and yang he had cultivated, he would still have a certain chance of killing the old monk.

But he didn't have the habit of fighting for Mark. After all, a mere secret secretary was better than nothing to him and was not worth Li Chengnian's blood.

"Amitabha, the demon prince's benefactor is extremely talented. Although the old monk is no match, I can only apologize for being ordered to do so."

In the sky above the sacred city, the Buddha's light shines brightly in all directions, illuminating the vast sacred city.

With a roar, the terrifying power of faith surged, and above Master Kuye's head, an illusory sacred mountain appeared. It was completely made of thought power and was extremely crystal clear. The terrifying aura was about to suppress this world and crush it. space.

The sacred mountain towered into the clouds and moved directly towards Li Chengnian, faster than anything else and majestic and impressive.

Buddhism's use of the power of faith far exceeds that of any other holy land family in the universe. Not only can it use the power of faith to wash away its own body and cultivate the golden body of Buddha, it can also use the most mysterious power of faith in the world to suppress its opponents.

"Mount Sumeru?"

Feeling the sacred mountain heading straight towards him to suppress, Li Chengnian also moved, and his whole body burst into divine light in an instant.

The next moment, a magnificent, desolate and ancient heavenly palace appeared behind Li Chengnian. On the top of the heavenly palace, a supreme heavenly emperor stood on top of the ancestral dragon of heavenly law.

The Supreme Heavenly Emperor, who sits high in the Nine Heavens and has the black and yellow energy of all things lingering around his body, is like an innate god standing at the beginning of the sky. He steps on the divine dragon and descends into the world.


Suddenly, the supreme emperor of heaven and Li Chengnian merged into one, and then a ray of innate yin and yang energy evolved from the beginning of the world. Like a sword of destiny, it soared into the sky. Its peerless sharpness shocked the world in all directions and split the sky.

At the same moment, the five secret realms in Li Chengnian's body began to roar independently, and the purple and gold divine light bloomed all over his body, just like a god.

In the Haotian Mirror hanging above his head, the innate Chaos Seal seemed to resonate with Li Chengnian's sword. In a daze, Li Chengnian felt as if he was stepping on ten thousand ways, standing on the top of the universe.

"The second form of Wentian——Zhao!"

For a moment, the two innate yin and yang qi collided, and a terrifying force that overwhelmed the divine city for a hundred thousand miles circulated.

"What! Go back!"

The terrifying and extremely dangerous aura suddenly changed the faces of the Holy Lands and Old Antiques in the distance. They wrapped their disciples in terror and quickly retreated.

The breath of innate yin and yang was flowing, and it seemed that a chaotic space had evolved. The terrifying power exploded and became violent. The entire void seemed to be annihilated, and time seemed to be frozen.

The void was shaking, and there was a powerful secret force pressing down, as if it was going to destroy everything.


The chaotic space collided with the shadow of the Sumeru Mountain, and the terrifying power was directly released.

The surrounding space exploded directly, turning into space fragments, splitting the sky, leaving behind a series of dark cracks.

Then, an explosion resounded throughout the world, causing the sky to collapse. Even the saint masters and old antiques who retreated in the distance were a little unstable, their spirits were turbulent, and they couldn't help but cough up blood from the corners of their mouths.

After a long time, everything became quiet, and peace returned to heaven and earth again.

Everyone looked up subconsciously and saw two slightly embarrassed figures standing alone in the sky, each occupying one side.

Master Ku Ye's body is no longer golden, but some red blood emerges from time to time. There is a crack between his eyebrows, and there is a sharp sword wrapped around it.

Opposite him, Li Chengnian's hand holding the sword was shaking violently, and there was a trace of debris at the corner of his mouth.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Master Kuye's injuries were more serious and he was already at the end of his strength.

Although the Demon Prince was also seriously injured, he was recovering at a terrifying speed.

In other words, in this battle, the demon prince won?

With his powerful seventh-level cultivation, he defeated Master Guye of the Sixth-level King of the West Desert, the Great Buddha, and even won. The Demon Prince once again created an unsurpassable myth for the world!
The half-step almighty Ninth Heavenly Master leapfrogged and beheaded the Half-Step King, the Holy Lord of Light, and the almighty Seventh Heavenly Celestial Master killed the Sixth Heavenly Celestial Master Kuye.

Many people are speculating in their hearts, when the demon prince is promoted to the peerless power, will he be able to conquer the great king or even the semi-saint?

This is definitely a rhythm that is going to scare people to death!

Can the ancient emperor who has been praised throughout the ages be able to accomplish such a shocking feat?
At this moment, the name from 10 years ago appeared in the minds of many people, the great Emperor Wu Shi who pushed everyone forward.

The young prodigies in the divine city were all silent. Even Wang Teng, the Northern Emperor, couldn't help but step out of his golden carriage and look up at the figure in green.

There was a complicated look in Nan Yao Qi Lin's eyes.

The silence of the divine city was sinking into a deathly silence, and even the shadow men couldn't help but stop attacking.

Time passes quietly.

At this moment, a huge sound came from the Hualong Pond, shaking the divine city.

(End of this chapter)

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