The taboo that covers the sky

Chapter 157: Born, attacked and killed; annihilated, the son of God!

Chapter 157: Born, attacked and killed; annihilated, the son of God! (Two chapters in one!)
Suddenly, a hunchbacked figure appeared directly in front of Li Chengnian.

"Congratulations to Senior Brother Ming for entering the ninth level of the Saint King."

Li Chengnian came back to his senses and looked at the familiar old figure not far away.

His senior brother Ming was worthy of being trained by Old Man Xue himself. Ever since he saw Li Chengnian’s return, his dusty Taoist heart had once again glowed brightly——

Now, in just a few years, he has already reached the ninth level of the Saint King. Although nearly 1 years of accumulation are indispensable, this speed of cultivation is enough to scare people to death.

"No, no, His Highness the Prince is truly a peerless evildoer. He makes us ashamed."

Hearing this and looking at the unhappy expression on Qi Ming's face, Li Chengnian knew that he was still angry. He was angry that he sent Qi Ming away and went to the Chaos Dragon's Nest alone a year ago.

"Senior Brother Ming, we need to be reasonable. Have I ever apologized to you for saying this? Why are you so petty?"

"If it were Senior Brother Yun, he would never be as angry as a petty person like you."

Li Chengnian rolled his eyes lightly and looked at Qi Ming, who could no longer hold his nerve. A smile flashed across his eyes inadvertently.

For pure ancient people like the two senior brothers, Li Chengnian, who had experienced the Internet bombardment, had already naturally grasped his pain points and tried his best to succeed.

"Humph, senior brother is much stingier than me."

Qi Ming muttered quietly, but the unhappy expression from before was nowhere to be seen on his face.

"Senior Brother Ming, has there been any big news in Beidou in the past six months?"

"If there is any big movement, it should be considered there."

"Tell me."

"The Guhua Dynasty of Zhongzhou united with the Jiang family of Donghuang and directly massacred the Valley of the Spirits, one of the ancient royal families, and then almost triggered a war between the Yakuza, does that count?"

"It's not a big deal, what next?"

"The Holy Body is missing. Master Yuan Tian went crazy. He stirred up the dragon veins and destroyed a large ancient clan. He himself suffered serious injuries and is being hunted at the moment. What about this?"

"The Holy Body is missing?"

Li Chengnian's tone was a little surprised, then he nodded and said:
"This is a big deal."

Although he is somewhat unclear about his own prince's brain circuit, it is not a big deal for Gu Hua and the Jiang family to confront the ancient clan with their revived Ji Dao emperor soldiers.

How can the mere disappearance of the Holy Body be considered a big deal?

Suddenly, a silk book with glowing light appeared in Qi Ming's hand.

"Prince, this is the letter of challenge given to you by Princess Wanlong."

"I don't have time to play house with her."

Li Chengnian didn't even bother to read it, let alone accept the challenge.

Qi Ming looked at the letter of war that turned into ashes in his hand, and there was no fluctuation in his heart. He who could survive thousands of years as a saint could not be that simple, even if there was a great saint behind the Princess of Ten Thousand Dragons. Ding, so what.

"By the way, Senior Brother Ming, how is the investigation of the hiding places of those underground rats going?"

"There are already some clues."

"Okay, give it all to me. I've been in seclusion for half a year, so I need to stretch my muscles."

Li Chengnian has one advantage, that is, he has a very good memory. If the two killer gods once tried to kill him, he would fight back.

A few days later, somewhere in the Eastern Wasteland.

The Demon Prince, who had been dormant for half a year, reappeared. With an ancient mirror on his head and a long sword on his waist, he transformed into a hell-killing god. He attacked nearly twenty small worlds with the hell-killing god and killed him alive. The three Dao-killing kings shocked the world.

Then, the sword pointed at a key point in the human world, leaving no one alive, and then triggered a world-shaking thunder catastrophe, chopping that important place out of the human world to nothing.

"The Demon Prince is already invincible and is destined to become the nightmare of the two ancient divine dynasties!"

"The Ninth Level of Mighty Heaven, his promotion speed is too fast. In half a year, he has climbed two small steps. There is no prince or emperor. Who dares to compare with him?"

"What the Demon Prince does will probably arouse the wrath of the two ancient killer gods and lead to a bloody attack!"

Sure enough, half a month later, the Eastern Wasteland trembled. The Demon Prince Li Chengnian was once again attacked and killed by the two ancient divine dynasties. He was frightened by the bloody battle. The Half-Step Killer appeared and joined forces with the three major killer kings. The Demon Prince successfully escaped and even suppressed him. The two killing kings sent chills through the bodies of all the powerful forces.

In an unknown valley, Li Chengnian was sitting cross-legged. After several days of recuperation, he had basically recovered from the injuries he suffered from the attacks of three Killing Kings and Killing Saints.

Qi and blood boiled all over his body, the purple gold dragon blood roared, lingering with wisps of innate yin and yang energy, constantly tempering his invincible fighting body.

The killings during this period of time made him thoroughly familiar with this terrifying innate yin-yang true dragon body, and his combat power jumped to a terrifying level. Now, even if he is a strong semi-saint in front of him, he is confident that he can tear half of it with his hands. Holy.

"I'm curious, which clan are you from? Do you know the price of attacking and killing me?"

Suddenly, Li Chengnian glanced at the sky and spoke coldly.

"When His Highness the Prince dies, I will burn paper and tell His Highness!"


The void cracked, and a bright sword light pierced the sky, making a sound of thunder, and a vast murderous aura penetrated the nine heavens.

In the sky, there were eight terrifying figures standing. The eight people formed a terrifying killing formation. The killing energy penetrated the sky and the earth, shattering the mountains in all directions, and all living creatures within a thousand miles died suddenly in an instant.

"Blood Demon Clan?"

In Li Chengnian's eyes, the innate yin and yang energy flowed. The disguises of these eight people could not escape much under his pair of innate yin and yang eyes.

As soon as the words fell, the expressions of the eight people suddenly changed. The terrifying aura of the half-step saint overwhelmed the world, and they performed peerless magic, which seemed not to leave any chance of life for Li Chengnian.

"A semi-saint, a seven-level great king, you really think highly of me, but have you forgotten something?"

The next moment, a terrifying aura suppressed the heaven and earth. Suddenly, within a thousand miles, it turned into a vast desert. The power of space was chaotic, the chaos energy surged, and there was deathly silence between heaven and earth.

A jade ruler shining with gleaming white light appeared in the void, the sky almost burst, and an aura of great destruction rushed out.

Feeling the crushing power of the jade ruler, the leader of the Half-Saint said in horror:
"How is that possible! Demon Emperor Chi was not taken out of Demon Emperor Palace by you!"

Hearing this, a coldness flashed in Li Chengnian's eyes, and then he replied calmly:
"It's true that I didn't take the Demon Emperor's Ruler out of the Demon Emperor's Palace, but who told you that this belongs to the Demon Emperor's Ruler?"

After a few minutes, everything calmed down. Li Chengnian took back Senior Brother Yun's Qitian Ruler, feeling as if his body had been drained, and sighed:

"The Demon Emperor's Ruler is still easy to use. It can be done with just one drop of blood."

"Then it's time to keep killing."

Li Chengnian walked out of the Demon Emperor's Palace this time just to take advantage of the current chaotic situation in Beidou, use endless battles and killings to sharpen his Taoist heart, and be fully prepared for the Three Immortals to step on the Tao.

"By the way, we have to inform Senior Brother Ming that there is a traitor inside the Demon Emperor's Palace."

The only people who can know that Li Chengnian did not carry the Demon Emperor Ruler this time are the people inside the Demon Emperor Palace, and they must have sufficient status, otherwise they will not be able to access such secrets.

In the Northern Territory, a terrifying roar came from the Blood Demon Clan.

"Who dares to offend my blood demon clan?"

The sound shook the heaven and the earth, and the vast holy power suppressed many nearby creatures who could not help but kneel on the ground and tremble.

Many of the great sects of the human race were horrified. No one expected that someone would dare to invade the territory of the Blood Demon Clan. Is this going to start a war with the Blood Demon Clan?

At this time, in the distance, the true dragon's energy spread for tens of thousands of miles, and an even more vast holy power swept across the world and suppressed the territory of the Blood Demon Clan. It was so powerful that it directly suppressed the previous holy power. .

"The blood demon clan attacked and killed our prince. Their crime cannot be pardoned. Today we are telling the world that our clan will be exterminated!"

The cold and ruthless voice echoed between heaven and earth, carrying murderous intent that soared into the sky. It shocked many monks to the point where they felt their souls were about to burst. They collapsed directly to the ground and looked in the direction of the voice in shock.

"Saint King?!"

"How is it possible? A supreme saint king directly attacks the blood demon clan?"

"The blood demon clan attacked and killed a prince?"

"Could such a strong dragon energy come from the Ten Thousand Dragons' Nest?"

Many human monks or ancient beings looked towards the sky, where the dragon energy was like a tide, covering the sky, heading towards the direction of the Blood Demon Clan.

As one of the top hundreds of royal clans among the ancient clans, the Blood Demon Clan had a commanding aura as soon as they were born, but they didn't expect someone to come directly to their door today, which really shocked the world. "Who is my fellow Taoist, and why are you attacking my blood demon clan?"

The ancestor king who was like a hill felt the vast aura that was far superior to his own. Compared to before, his tone became a little more subdued.

"Anyone who offends our Demon Emperor's Palace will be punished no matter how far away they are. Come today and exterminate the clan!"

The divine voice was powerful, resounding throughout the heavens, like thunder, echoing in the heaven and earth, causing an uproar immediately.

"Demon Emperor Palace?"

"Do the blood demons dare to attack and kill the demon prince?"

Many of the older generation of human cultivators were shocked and looked in the direction of the boiling dragon energy in disbelief.

Of course, the creatures of the ancient clan couldn't believe it. In the ancient years, the unparalleled demon emperor's demeanor was so powerful that even today, they dare not forget it.

Unexpectedly, today, a million years later, there is actually an ancient clan who is supposed to attack and kill the bloodline successor of the peerless Demon King?
"What do you mean, fellow Taoist? Our clan has always respected His Majesty the Demon Emperor, how dare we attack and kill the supreme Demon Prince!"

The mighty dragon energy shook, and an old figure appeared. When he raised his hand, a palm turned into a giant palm that held up the sky, and pressed down directly towards the territory of the Blood Demon Clan.

"Do you really want to be so aggressive?"

Two more supreme ancestor kings came out across the way, looking at the giant palm covering the entire blood demon clan's territory with ugly expressions.

"It's useless to talk more. The blood demon will be exterminated today."

The old man turned out his giant palm and headed straight towards the territory of the Blood Demon Tribe to suppress it.


The terrible aftermath directly shook the endless mountains with a radius of thousands of miles into powder. Many monks had no time to avoid it and didn't even scream, and they turned into blood mist.

The news that an old man was born in the Demon Emperor's Palace and that the Blood Demon Clan, one of the ancient royal families, was annihilated, spread directly through the domain gate to all Beidou domains at the fastest speed.

"Hey, have you heard? The ancient ancestor of the Demon Emperor's Palace was born, and with three palms, an ancient royal family was directly wiped out! It's so overbearing!"

"Not only that, I heard that later the supreme king of the ancient clan, the Fallen Heavenly King, was born, but he was still torn apart by the three moves of the ancient ancestor of the Demon Emperor Palace, and his body and soul were destroyed!"

"Yes, I heard that the ancient ancestor of the Demon Emperor Palace revived the Demon Emperor Ruler and directly reduced the blood demon tribe's territory to nothingness before leaving."

At night, the silver moon is in the sky and the smoke is lingering.

Li Chengnian stood on the top of the cliff, looking at the familiar hunchbacked figure among the stone cliffs ahead.

"Senior Brother Ming, do you have to explain to me how you are following and monitoring me?"

Li Chengnian had just killed the eight attackers when he received the news of the destruction of the Blood Demon Clan. Even a fool knew what was going on.

"Prince, I'm not following you anymore. I'm here to give you the Demon King Ruler."

With that said, in order to prove his words, Qi Ming summoned a cyan jade ruler to appear between the two of them.

"Okay, Senior Brother Ming, you don't have the talent to lie."

Li Chengnian saw Qi Ming's left hand hidden behind his back making small movements and was speechless:
"Senior Brother Ming, you have killed so many people that I have no choice but to kill!"

Qi Ming chuckled and said:
"Isn't it true that Beidou has been a bit chaotic recently? Let's kill a few outstanding birds to deter them."

"Forget it, just kill them. Originally, I planned to keep the Blood Demons to practice their skills in the future. Now it's fine. The Blood Demons, old and young, are all in good order."

Looking at Li Chengnian's slightly disappointed expression, Qi Ming showed a smile on his face and said:
"Prince, didn't this leave you a Blood Phoenix Mountain?"

"Is the Blood Phoenix Mountain behind the Blood Demon Clan this time?"


Li Chengnian, who received Qi Ming's affirmative answer, pondered for a moment and said:

"There should be Yaoguang's ruthless lineage."

On that day, Li Chengnian was seriously injured under the siege of the Assassin Dynasty. He was soon besieged by the eight strong men of the ancient clan. No matter how you looked at it, it didn't look like two separate sieges.

If the people behind the scenes hadn't misjudged Li Chengnian and gave Li Chengnian a few days of breathing space, he might have succeeded.

After all, Li Chengnian's injuries that day would have taken at least half a month to recover, even if he had been replaced by a Dao-killing King and a Half-Saint.

If Li Chengnian hadn't possessed the complete innate yin-yang true dragon body, he might have been killed this time.

Of course, the premise is that Qi Ming does not monitor and follow him.

"Prince Mingjian, the traitor in the Demon Emperor's Palace has been identified. He is an elder who was transformed into a divine being."

"It's really unexpected that these two groups of people can get together."

Although there is no evidence, just suspicion, this is a cruel fantasy world, and often just suspicion is enough.

As for the ruthless lineage that hides the Fluttering Light, it doesn't matter whether they have mastered the Divine Art or not!
Li Chengnian raised his eyes and looked in the direction of the Southern Territory of Eastern Wasteland and asked:
"How are Hua Yunfei and Holy Son Yaoguang doing lately?"

"Three days ago, after Hua Yunfei fought against the Holy Son of Light, he was intercepted and killed by a mysterious man, and his whereabouts are unknown."

"Another one missing?"

If Li Chengnian remembered correctly, the previous Ye Fan's whereabouts were also unknown.

"Tell me the whereabouts of Holy Son Yaoguang, and I'll collect some interest first."

"A few days ago, the descendants of the Immortal Emperor suddenly appeared in the Holy Land of Yaochi, which shocked the Eastern Wasteland. Many major forces, dynasties, and ancient tribes gathered in Yaochi."

Since the identity of the successor of the Swallowing Heaven was exposed, Holy Son Yaoguang has changed his previous style and is extremely low-key. In addition, the Demon Emperor Palace is located in Nanling, so Li Chengnian understands what Senior Brother Ming said, and he is not sure. , but the Holy Son of Fluctuating Light will most likely appear in Yaochi.

"Just in time, let's go and see this so-called descendant of God."

With a stern look on his face, Li Chengnian looked in the direction of Yaochi. In a daze, he seemed to see a colorful fairy phoenix.

As the first emperor of the ancient times, the Immortal Emperor is a rival to someone like Emperor Zun. His bloodline is definitely not simple.

As for the fate of the Emperor's Prince in the original work, it has no reference value, just because now, this is a real world, not a book where everything has been planned.

The world's winds and clouds gathered together in the Holy Land of Yaochi.

The ancient races revived and sent a large number of people to Yaochi, which made most human monks feel palpitated and frightened.


A few days later, the heaven and earth rioted, and an invincible energy and blood penetrated the sky. The ancient brand emerged, crushing time and space.

Like a true supreme emperor standing for nine days, the entire Yaochi Holy Land was so shocked that it almost exploded.

Meanwhile, the horizon is over.

Outside Yaochi, a large number of powerful men from the ancient clan pressed down on the realm, like a demonic mountain stretching across the sky, suppressing silence in all directions.

"Yaochi Holy Land, we have no intention of becoming enemies of Yaochi, we only want to welcome the descendants of God."

On the horizon, thunder rumbled like waves, and there was a powerful ancient warrior with a dragon head and a snake body, and dense scales.The whole body is surrounded by blood rings, and the powerful aura covers the world.

"So many powerful semi-saints are enough to overwhelm everything. If we weren't in Yaochi, I'm afraid you and I would be in danger."

Many strong people from the human race are afraid, and the number of strong people from the ancient race is terrifying, which is simply unimaginable.

"Hmph, the bloodline of the Emperor is responsible for the ups and downs of the world. In the Holy Land of Yaochi, even with your small human power, you still want to embezzle the bloodline of God!"

Another strong man from the ancient clan spoke out, unceremoniously and with terrifying power.

"Fellow Taoists, I, Yao Chi, have no intention of doing this. The Emperor's Divine Stone will be sent out on its own. However, it is a bit inappropriate for you to mobilize troops and come here like this."

In the Holy Land of Yaochi, the fairy mist is shrouded, and the Queen Mother of the West is graceful and regal. She joins hands with many saint-lord-level figures to look at the sky.

If we weren't in the Holy Land of Yaochi, with the Western Emperor Tower suppressing everything, I'm afraid Yaochi would be filled with blood today.

"Hmph! It's just a human race, it's just blood food."

(End of this chapter)

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