The taboo that covers the sky

Chapter 159: Kill Yaoguang, a chess piece; step on the half-saint!

Chapter 159: Kill Yaoguang, a chess piece; step on the half-saint! (Two in one!)
Half a month later, two figures crossed the void side by side and landed in the divine city.


In the sky above the divine city, the purple gold energy and blood shone brightly across the sky, and the power of the real dragon around Li Chengnian soared into the sky, like thunder from the sky.

Behind him, ink clouds rolled over Hua Yunfei's body, and the terrifying avenue treasure bottle hung in the air, as if it was about to swallow the divine city directly.

"Holy Son of Light, come out."

The mighty sound shook the divine city, causing the nearby monks to tremble and tremble in horror.


The door to the void domain opened wide, and a majestic figure appeared, surrounded by a divine ring, roaring with momentum, and bursting out with powerful fluctuations.

"Brother Yunfei is coming to the divine city. What's the purpose of coming here?"

The Holy Son of Yaoguang looked calmly as he looked at Hua Yunfei opposite, without any murderous intent, as if he was meeting old friends again.

"Holy Son of Light, I'm here to kill you."

Hua Yunfei stared at Holy Son Yaoguang with his deep eyes and spoke unhurriedly.

The next moment, there was a flash of brilliance, and a crystal-clear guqin appeared in front of Hua Yunfei. The sound of phoenixes came, full of the aura of eternity and desolation, and an inexplicable Taoist rhyme flowed on it.

"Phoenix Blood Red Gold Qin?"

The Holy Son of Fluctuating Light's pupils shrank slightly, and then his gaze became a little fierce.

He has always had ambitions to be a great emperor, so he naturally longs for this kind of holy artifact of the great emperor. However, he has never been able to obtain it.

"Speaking of which, I should also thank you. If you hadn't teamed up with the ancient tribe to hunt me down, I wouldn't have been able to obtain this sacred object!"

Hua Yunfei's words directly frightened everyone around him. The Holy Son of Yaoguang united with the ancient tribe to hunt down Hua Yunfei?
Could it be that the Yaoguang Holy Land has gotten together with the ancient tribe?
Many human monks in the divine city looked at Holy Son Yaoguang in shock and disbelief.

Yaoguang Holy Son's expression remained unchanged, but his pupils shrank suddenly, and his heart was tumbling.

"You must not have thought that I could come out of the Taichu ancient mine alive, right? You must die now!"

Hua Yunfei no longer suppressed, and a terrifying aura swept over him.

The aura that seemed to overwhelm the heaven and earth and frighten all living beings made the monks in the divine city turn pale.

"Half-step king?"

Holy Son of Light was once again shocked.

"That's right! I would also like to thank you for chasing me, otherwise how could I have found the treasure and made great progress in my cultivation!"


Two old figures rushed out quickly and stood in front of the Holy Son of Yaoguang, exuding an aura that could only belong to the King of Dao Slayers.

"Protector? It's a pity that you can't protect him!"

At this time, Li Chengnian, who had been standing quietly in the sky without saying a word, spoke up.

Li Chengnian's eyes were as deep as the abyss, and he locked onto the two people in front of him. An ancient mirror flew out from the top of the Tao Palace in his body, extremely bright.


The ancient mirror flew out, quickly magnified, carrying terrifying power, and directly fixed the two old figures.

The next moment, a burst of innate thunder and calamity energy struck out.

Then, while everyone was stunned, the two Tao-killing Kings were reduced to ashes under the suppression of the ancient mirror.

"this this"

"The two Tao-killing kings are just gone?"

"You're stupid. Not to mention that half a year ago, in the battle of the Divine City, the Demon Prince was able to defeat Master Ku Ye, who cut off the sixth level of the Dao. Just a month ago, the Demon Prince challenged the two major killers of the Hell and the Human World, the Divine Dynasty. In the twenty small worlds, more than one Dacheng King has fallen under his hands."

"Is this the world of Tianjiao?"

"Holy Son of Yaoguang, let's make an end today. Either you die or I die!"

Hua Yunfei, on the other hand, locked his eyes on the Holy Son of Light, and the divine voice of the great avenue spread in all directions, causing the expressions of the big shots from all major forces to change.

"Your Highness, please cast a spell!"

Afterwards, Hua Yunfei bowed his head to the figure in green clothes.

In the void, Li Chengnian stood with his hands behind his back, his eyes indifferent. He turned his hands over and saw a simple jade platform suspended in his palm, filled with a long and ancient atmosphere.

"The jade platform left by the ancient sages?"

The people watching from a distance now looked at the array suspended in the void, their expressions changed greatly, and they exclaimed in surprise.


The ancient jade platform's divine flower was dazzling, and endless Dao patterns quickly shot out in all directions. The brilliance soared into the sky, forming a hemispherical light curtain.

In an instant, a space with a radius of hundreds of miles was sealed, and Hua Yunfei and the Holy Son of Yaoguang were also sealed within it.

Looking at the extremely bright light curtain in front of him, formed by endless divine patterns, the figure of the Holy Son of Shaking Light trembled, his expression ugly.

"In this case, I will completely end this out-of-control chess piece of yours today."

The Holy Son of Light turned around, stared at Hua Yunfei with murderous intent in his eyes, and shouted coldly.

"I disappoint you. My destiny has completely changed since a few years ago, and you are still a pawn."

Hua Yunfei's eyes were cold. Like Yaoguang Holy Son, he was a chess piece chosen by a line of ruthless people. It's just that Yaoguang Holy Son was a more important chess piece, but it still couldn't change that Yaoguang Holy Son was also a chess piece. A chess piece left to be slaughtered.

At this moment, outside the halo of the array pattern, Li Chengnian looked calm, just looking at Hua Yunfei and Yaoguang Holy Son who were fighting for their lives.

Today, he will not interfere in the battle between these two people, but if Hua Yunfei is defeated in the end, Holy Son Yaoguang will still die, because this is the life of Holy Son Yaoguang and the life of Yaoguang Holy Land.

He said he would destroy the Holy Land of Shaking Light, and he would not break his promise.

In the Divine City of the Northern Territory, the news that the Demon Prince joined hands with Hua Yunfei to intercept and kill the Holy Son of Light spread crazily across the entire Eastern Wasteland through the Territory Gate.

Time passed by minute by second, and in the halo of the array, when the battle between Hua Yunfei and the Holy Son of Yaoguang was intensifying, a terrifying roar came from the sky above the divine city.

"Who dares to kill me, Holy Son of Light?"

The momentum shook the heaven and the earth, and the overwhelming power of the Holy Dao God made many creatures in the divine city uncontrollably kneel on the ground, trembling.


Many of the great sects of the human race were horrified that a semi-saint was actually dispatched from the Holy Land of Shaking Light.

On that day, when the ancient ancestor of the Demon Emperor Palace destroyed the Blood Demon Clan, he said that he would not care as long as someone who did not exceed the realm of the Demon Prince took action.

But the realm of semi-saint is difficult to define.

You might say that he has surpassed the Demon Prince to a greater level, but obviously he has not.

But the semi-saint realm, even though it has half a name, is already at a completely different level from the Dao-killing King. It is a supreme existence that has almost stood on the threshold of the otherworldly holy realm.

"it's me!"

The cold and ruthless voice echoed between the heaven and the earth, with murderous intent soaring into the sky, which shocked many monks to the point where they almost collapsed to the ground and looked up in horror at the figure in blue above the sky.

In an instant, an imposing old man appeared in the sky above the divine city and locked onto the figure in green.

Obviously, compared to rescuing the Holy Son of Light, killing Li Chengnian was more important in this old man's mind.

At this moment, in the halo of the array pattern, Hua Yunfei, who had several big holes pierced through his chest by the Great Dao Divine Chain, was laughing loudly.

"Look, I said you are just a chess piece."

"When I devour your origin and kill you to become the king, I still don't know who will be the pawn!"

The Holy Son of Light opposite him was also disheveled at the moment, looking like a beggar.

Hua Yunfei said loudly: "Okay, let's see who devours whom in the end. Don't worry, if I win, I will definitely kill off the ruthless people in the future to avenge you!"

The Holy Son of Yaoguang said disdainfully:
"Thank you for your kindness. In return, I won and can look after Taixuan for a hundred years."

"Then thank you for your kindness!"

Then, the life and death battle between the two began again, even more desperate than before.

"If I kill you at my semi-saint level, I believe that the Demon Emperor's Palace won't say anything!"

"A guy with one foot in the grave is not worthy of killing me!"

The divine voice was mighty, resounding throughout the heavens, like thunder exploding, reverberating between heaven and earth.

"Arrogant! I will dye the sky with your blood today!"

"Jiejie, from now on, there will be no more demon prince in the world!"

The half-saint stepped out across the river and struck directly.

"You talk too much!"

Li Chengnian roared loudly, unsheathed the long sword at his waist, and the purple-gold ancestral dragon circled around him, like a god descending into the world, with divine light in its eyes, and it killed directly towards the semi-saint.

There was a terrifying roar, and the sky felt like it was about to collapse. The half-saint strong man, holding a war spear, pierced the void, ruthlessly and cruelly.

"Saint soldier?"

"Shaking Light Holy Land actually dispatched holy soldiers?"

Everyone is horrified. No one knows how powerful the half-saint holding the holy weapon will be. I am afraid it is already comparable to some ordinary saints!
Li Chengnian held the Tianwen Divine Sword in his hand, pointed at the semi-saint in the distance, and resisted the killing spear without showing any signs of weakness. The mighty divine power overwhelmed the world.

The needle point faced the wheat light, the war spear and the divine sword bombarded each other, the chains of order roared, and the void exploded at this moment.


The terrifying aftermath directly shook the endless mountains below into powder. Many monks had no time to avoid it, and without even screaming, they turned into blood mist.

Seeing this, the monks hurriedly flew into the divine city, not daring to show their heads again, for fear of being directly shocked to death by the aftermath of the battle between the two.

Li Chengnian's eyes were cold, and he did not withdraw the long sword in the confrontation. He swung out his free left fist to meet the opponent's fist.

Although this half-saint is old, he is still almost at his peak and extremely powerful.

If Li Chengnian hadn't been in seclusion for half a year, experienced the erosion of thousands of streams of light, left thousands of marks on his innate Yin and Yang Dao tree, and truly developed a complete version of the innate Yin and Yang True Dragon Dao body, I'm afraid he might have died. in its hands.


The void exploded, runes all over the sky flickered, brilliance shot into the sky, covering the heaven and earth.

The endless towering mountains and majestic peaks all turned into powder at this moment, and the entire void became a sea boiling with divine power, blazing and dazzling.


A scream sounded, and an old figure flew out upside down. The huge arm was dripping with blood, and Senbai's bones were exposed.

The half-saint's face turned pale, and he looked at Li Chengnian's blood-stained fist in horror, because the blood was not Li Chengnian's, but his.

"That monster's body is terrifying again!"

"Yes, this half-saint strong man is not even half as advantageous as the monster in body!"

In the divine city, the monks were sighing. It seemed that no matter how amazing the demon prince did, they would not be shocked.

The bones on his arm creaked and reset quickly. A cold light flashed in the old half-saint's eyes, knowing that he could no longer let Li Chengnian get close to him.

"You go down!"

Li Chengnian stepped on the Dao Diagram, and the journey of the Nine Secrets ran independently. In an instant, he appeared in front of the old half-sage again, directly raised the Tianwen Sword and slashed hard at the war spear.


The sound of gold and iron clashing sounded, sparks flew everywhere, the face of the semi-saint changed drastically, the tiger's mouth was instantly shocked with blood, and the palm of his hand was almost broken.


A terrifying force directly knocked it down to the ground, deeply embedded in it, and raised a large amount of dust.


Li Chengnian looked up to the sky and roared, the terrifying power of the true dragon between heaven and earth flickered, and the terrifying brilliance rushed up, turning into a purple gold true dragon, suppressing it below.

The terrifying power spread in all directions, and many mountains collapsed.


Kamui Winter!

Bathed in the power of the endless true dragon, the power of all the laws in the heaven and earth gathered at his feet. Li Chengnian pointed the sword in his hand towards the sky. In a daze, it seemed as if a supreme emperor had descended here.

Seeing that extremely tyrannical figure, the monks in the divine city were shaken and their blood boiled.

Those young geniuses felt that their blood was slowly getting colder, and the light of hope that represented the imperial path in their hearts slowly dissipated.

The figure of the half-saint who was almost crushed by the purple-gold dragon shadow has long since resurrected. A terrifying avenue treasure bottle appeared from behind, and endless black demonic energy surged up into the sky, roaring and rushing forward.

This is a showdown that transcends the realm of Dacheng kings. Traces of the avenue burst out around them, turning into a blazing light and emitting various wonderful sounds.


Like a heavenly sword cutting through rotten wood, Li Chengnian's long sword waved, and the two innate yin and yang qi vibrated, evolving into a sword of destiny, accompanied by a purple gold true dragon hovering above it, suppressing the old half-sage, trying to split it open The sky.

"Ah! Damn it, I'll drink all the dragon blood in your body!"

The half-saint who was suppressed underground had a face covered in blood and looked ferocious. He looked at Li Chengnian with a ferocious look on his face, as if he wanted to eat his flesh and drink his blood.

Li Chengnian's eyes were cold and he said disdainfully:
"There are many people who want to kill me, but you are just a half-saint, and you are not qualified yet!"


Then, Li Chengnian changed his gesture, and a dragon-shaped sword flew out again, roaring towards the half-saint with long fangs and claws.

"hold head high!"

The dragon roared and tore the old Half-Saint's legs to pieces, causing the Old Half-Saint to roar angrily.


The half-saint roared, he went crazy, roared angrily, all the energy and blood rushed out, and he broke away from the suppression of the heavenly sword on his body.

A person who can become a semi-saint in this era is naturally not a docile person. When he is truly mad, it is difficult to find someone who can suppress him. He is like a demon who roars and goes crazy.


In the void, an ancient mirror appeared, hanging above the top of Li Cheng's mind, and a Taoist tree appeared after he stood up. Three thousand branches rose in the wind, and thousands of terrifying streams of light flowed.

"I hold the destiny of heaven and I will sentence you to a great crime!"

In an instant, heaven and earth descended to applaud him, and all the realms were at his feet.

"Ah, how come."

Looking at the young man in green who seemed to be the incarnation of all the worlds, the semi-saint's face showed a look of shock and he spoke in horror.

Because he felt that his original avenue was trembling, his tyrannical strength was directly suppressed by nearly [-]%, and even the surrounding world seemed to hate him.

The figure in Tsing Yi was so powerful that he had the Haotian Mirror on his head and stepped on the Ten Thousand Principles. He almost turned into a stream of light, as if he had crossed the long river of time. In an instant, he came to the figure holding a war spear, dripping with blood all over his body, and his face changed drastically. Get above Half Saint.


Carrying supreme divine power, at this moment, it seemed as if the heaven and earth were making way for it.

Immediately, the figure in green stepped down and landed heavily on the proud head of the half-saint, trying to trample him severely under his feet and into the ground with unimaginable force.

(End of this chapter)

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