The taboo that covers the sky

Chapter 165 Princess Wanlong, not bad! , Long Xiner

Chapter 165 Princess Wanlong, not bad! , Long Xiner (two into one!)
In the outside world, the Great Sage of the Original Lake sacrificed a brilliant divine light, piercing the dim sky, blooming billions of rays of light, as if to penetrate the three realms and six realms, suppressing the past, present and future.

"what is that?"

Many people were shocked. They felt a supreme pressure, which was the supreme power of the Ancient Emperor.

Except for those who died halfway, all the talented heroes who participated in the Trial of Ten Thousand Races have entered, but there are still many people outside.

This Trial of Ten Thousand Races can be said to be the most important event in the Five Beidou Regions now, attracting the attention of the whole world. Many people spontaneously came to Primordial Lake to watch the battle.

In addition, the ancestors of all races and the top leaders of the human race are also secretly observing this matter.

The divine light bloomed, revealing its true appearance. It was an ancient altar, and an extremely ancient aura spread out from it.

The next moment, the Great Sage of the Primordial Lake sacrificed his magic power, which suddenly seemed to ignite the heaven and earth. The bright divine light shone like a vast ocean and poured into the ancient altar.

The ancient altar was glowing, like a dry land, frantically absorbing divine power. First it was brilliant, and then there were seventy-seven 49 fairy flowers blooming in the void, reflecting various scenes in the sky.

"This is the altar left by the ancient emperor of our clan. Infused with divine power, it can manifest most of the 49 continents in the Taixu Realm."

The voice of the Great Sage of the Original Lake was not loud, but it rang in everyone's ears.

"Those are the trialists in Emperor Yuan's Taixu Realm, we can see them!"

"As expected of the ancient emperor, he really took away all the good fortune of the world!"

Everyone was shocked by the vast scene in Emperor Yuan's Taixu Realm. Looking at the scenes of continent after continent and region after region, it was so vast and boundless that it was almost no smaller than the five regions of Beidou.

"Hey, someone is fighting!"

The Great Sage from the Primordial Lake narrowed his eyes and said in surprise.

As the scene gradually became clearer, one could see that there were people fighting in all the 49 continents of Emperor Yuan's Taixu Realm.

"That's the Northern Emperor Wang Teng and the Central Emperor Xiang Yufei!"

"I didn't expect these two people to meet so soon. Is this to determine the outcome of the Imperial Road in advance?"

The human monks exclaimed, pointing to the curtain of light reflected in the void above one of the fairy flowers.

Wang Teng's whole body was shrouded in divine light, and the light surged, completely submerging the area.Every time he takes action, a holy beast rises up and sings above his head, making him look like the Emperor of Heaven descending into the world.

The Emperor has black hair and a shawl, and a majestic appearance. He punches and moves, opening and closing. He does not have the divine light to soar into the sky, but he has the terrifying power to turn decay into magic.

No one present was expressionless, even the ancestor king of the ancient tribes could not help but look serious.

People like the Northern Emperor Wang Teng and the Middle Emperor Xiang Yufei are really extraordinary. They are so powerful that they are almost better than most of the ancient geniuses. They are directly chasing the descendants of the ancient emperor. They really have the atmosphere of the great ancient emperor.

"Hey! Look! That's the Demon Prince!"

"It's true, there is Princess Wanlong!"

An exclamation directly attracted everyone's attention.

As soon as they saw the two ancient emperor bloodlines facing each other in the light and shadow, everyone felt their hearts tightening. They all held their breath and stared at the light screen.

Even the Great Sage Qianlun couldn't help but appear directly. His tall and burly figure stood quietly in the sky, and the vast power of the Great Sage suppressed the entire primitive lake.

"If you want to fight, come!"

Li Chengnian looked at Princess Wanlong wearing purple and gold armor across from her and said in a deep voice.

At this moment, Princess Wanlong's beautiful eyes were staring at Li Chengnian coldly, with a faint murderous intention flowing, like a volcano about to erupt, with dragon-shaped blood surging, which was very terrifying.

"I respect His Majesty the Demon Emperor immensely, but you will be defeated today!"

Her slender hand, as white as jade, stretched out, with soft fingers, revealing endless arrow light. It was like a meteorite falling from the forbidden sea. The purple ripples spread rapidly in all directions, sharp and terrifying.


The surrounding rocks collapsed, rocks penetrated the sky, dust and sand flew, fog covered the sky, row after row of trees turned into powder, the earth shook, and purple arrows shot into the sky.

Princess Wanlong is so powerful that there are very few young people in the world who can compete with her.

As soon as he took action at this moment, the terrifying combat power directly crossed the beheading chasm and jumped to a terrifying level.


Li Chengnian stabbed out with one finger, and the bright and blazing sword fell down from his fingertips with a roar, like fireworks blooming, colorful.

"Princess Wanlong, not bad!"

Li Chengnian stood on the sky, with a calm face and his fingers folded, with the Heavenly Dao Ancestral Dragon surrounding him, nodding in appreciation.

"You can do it too!"

"Deserves to be defeated by me!"

Princess Wanlong is very powerful, with monstrous flames and flying long hair. She is merciless and can kill with one strike.

She pointed like an arrow, swallowing and killing, piercing the endless void and shooting straight into Li Chengnian's heart.

With a "clang" sound, like gold and iron clashing, Li Chengnian pointed out his finger again and collided with two jade fingers.

The purple-gold divine flower bursts out, overflowing with energy, dividing the void.

The bright brilliance illuminated the entire land, attracting countless powerful people to watch. There were ancient tribes, human tribes, and natives of this world, and they all looked sideways.

Princess Wanlong's jade fingers look delicate and delicate, but are actually stronger than fine iron and can easily pierce the void.

In an instant, she clicked ninety-nine 81 fingers in succession, and brilliant brilliance flew, intertwined in the void, and finally turned into a sky-covering net, shrouding Li Chengnian with panic and divine power.

The light was brilliant, and murderous intent flew into the sky, as if Li Chengnian had been caught as a fish in the net.


His face was as calm as a lake, and he tapped his index finger gently. The bright sword was sharp and scary. It was only three inches long, but it seemed to be able to pierce Fang Tianyu.



The index finger thrust out, like a peerless sword, directly cutting through the sky-covering net.

Then the void was torn apart, and the sharp sword pierced Princess Wanlong's eyebrows. Before it even came close, her crystal soft skin split open, and a drop of miserable blood flowed down.


She yelled sternly, and a thousand divine radiances erupted from the center of her eyebrows. A purple divine dragon flew out and knocked the sword away.

Then, she flew towards him, her purple and gold armor showing off her graceful grace, when she saw a Heavenly Dao Ancestral Dragon flying out from around Li Chengnian and colliding with him.

"Why do you feel like there is a conflict between husband and wife?"

Outside, someone was looking up at the sky.

In the light curtain, the Heavenly Dao Ancestral Dragon was entangled with the woman wearing purple and gold armor, while outside the field, the figure in green stood quietly.

As soon as he finished speaking, the man felt an icy chill covering his whole body, and a thick aura of death hit his heart.

"Great Sage, forgive me!"


The Great Sage Qianlun snorted coldly and withdrew his gaze, only to see a figure appear directly not far away.

"I've met the Taoist friend Qi Ming in the Demon Emperor's Palace."

Great Sage Qianlun's eyes narrowed, and he could feel that although the person in front of him was no more talented than Saint Wang Jiuchongtian, his strength was something that even he could not quite understand.

"Wanlongchao Qianlun, I have met fellow Taoist Qi."

"Fellow Taoist, I have an idea."

Although the great sage of the ancient race and the top leaders of the human race hidden in the void were curious about what the two men were planning, as monks of the same level, it was not easy to eavesdrop.At this moment, the battle in the field was in full swing.

The source of the Heavenly Dao Ancestral Dragon was transformed by Li Chengnian's energy and spirit, which is almost equivalent to [-]% of his strength. Needless to say, the Princess of Ten Thousand Dragons, the word "Princess" alone is enough to overwhelm most of the geniuses in the five regions of Beidou. The heart of Taoism.

The Wanlong Princess stands proudly, surrounded by celestial dragons, her hair flying, like a goddess.

She is extremely proud and wants to fulfill the Wanlong Emperor's unfinished wish - to attain enlightenment, and then break through the path to immortality to realize her father's will to become an immortal.

But now it's just a dragon shadow transformed by someone else, and it can stop her!

How can this be!

"Dragon fights in the wild!"

She shouted softly, and a real dragon flew out from behind. The dragon soared into the sky, soaring across the sky and the earth. It was thousands of feet long. Its body was winding and undulating, like a heavenly divine vein. Its scales were dazzling and shining.

This is her true nature and her vision!
The two divine dragons were constantly fighting against each other, the battle was brilliant, the thunder was moving, the lightning was dazzling, the dragon's roar shook the sky, and all kinds of bright divine lights were flying.

The two divine dragons were intertwining and circling, and in an instant, they seemed to be woven into a hemp rope.

Suddenly, a strange feeling came over the two of them.

In a daze, Princess Wanlong actually felt one hand grabbing her, and the other hand hugging her slender waist.

Li Chengnian could also feel a pair of jade arms hugging his neck tightly.

The two divine dragons are both transformed by the energy and spirit of the two people. At this moment, they are intertwined and intertwined, which almost means that the two of them are in close contact. There is no gap between them, and they can even feel each other's body temperature.

Above the sky, Li Chengnian and Princess Wanlong were on opposite sides, feeling a little turbulent. Neither of them expected that such a thing would happen.

Li Chengnian looked at the woman opposite, and seemed to feel the fragrance of her breath brushing his face, and a fresh and pleasant body fragrance hit him.

Princess Wanlong's face is slightly red, and her red lips are slightly open.

Although they are on separate sides, they can both feel each other's presence, and sometimes they can even clearly feel some particularly important parts.

Then, with the tacit understanding between the two of them, the two divine dragons separated instantly and turned into dots of brilliance and disappeared into the void.


At this moment of the battle, Princess Wanlong's eyes were fixed on Li Chengnian, her energy and spirit climbed to its peak, and a trace of complexity flashed over her beautiful face, but it soon turned into endless indifference again.

She took off the big purple bow from her back, bent the bow and nocked an arrow. She completed it in one go, concentrating her energy and energy. A bright purple arrow shot out like lightning. The wind and thunder rolled, causing the whole world to riot, and the universe exploded.

The bright arrows are extremely sharp, and the murderous aura surges like a tide. It harmonizes with the avenue of heaven and earth, and the laws are dense. The speed is so fast that it is difficult for people to reflect.

This is a sure-kill arrow, which instills the belief of invincibility in Princess Wanlong, giving people the illusion of being unable to resist.

This bow is an important tool for her enlightenment, this arrow is transformed by her energy and spirit, this technique is her own creation, and her invincible will is poured into it to form this stunning and stunning arrow.


Before the light of the arrow approached, the heaven and earth had already exploded, leaving Li Chengnian's foothold filled with murderous thoughts like a sky river bursting its banks, pouring down into a vast expanse.

Among the people watching the battle from the outside world, some who were not sufficiently cultivated let out screams, and then began to bleed from their seven orifices.

This was caused by the shocking killing intent on the arrows following their gazes.

Li Chengnian drank softly, and his body bloomed with divine light, and a purple-gold ancestral dragon of heavenly law evolved again. At the same time, he used his hands as claws, which contained the black and yellow mother energy of all things, and there were also traces of the innate power of yin and yang. , inadvertently, a chaotic world seems to be opening up in the dragon's claws.

Arrows carrying endless killing intent swept over, and then the bright claws of the real dragon blasted out.

There was a boom and explosion, and the brilliant light flooded the sky and the earth. It was so vast that no one could see clearly what was going on in the field.

There was only a click sound, and the sky and earth regained clarity. The purple arrows broke and turned into little streams of light that disappeared.

Princess Wanlong's hands holding the big bow couldn't stop trembling and her muscles tingled slightly. That claw made her feel frightened. The power of the real dragon was so powerful that even the royal blood from the Wanlong Emperor in her body He also trembled in an instant.

At the same time, Li Chengnian was also a little surprised. The killing intent contained in the arrow light almost overwhelmed his will.

At this moment, although his right hand appears to be intact, if one observes it with clairvoyance, one will find that there is a supreme killing intent raging in it.

Li Chengnian did not expect that the Wanlong Princess would actually inherit the killing intent that her father, the ancient emperor, had condensed during his lifetime on the battlefield.

This is an alternative inheritance, different from the inheritance of blood and scriptures, but a continuation of spiritual will.

Throughout the ages, among those who have been able to attain enlightenment, who has not suppressed an era, killed people in heaven and on earth, and is respected in the world?

They have slaughtered countless creatures with their hands, bathed themselves in the blood of gods and holy spirits, and paved the way with the bones of outstanding people, and then they ascended to that legendary throne!
Their killing thoughts have already been condensed to the extreme. They are more powerful than immortal weapons and artifacts. Even if they are faced with quasi-emperors, they will still be trembling with fear.

It is precisely because of this horror and sharpness that it is even more difficult to pass on.

However, although this murderous intention is sharp and powerful, it will eventually turn into a shackles and become an almost insurmountable gap on the path of spiritual practice.

Especially for the daughter of the ancient emperor like Princess Wanlong, it is a gap that is not weaker than the shackles of blood.

Throughout the ages, I have never heard of an ancient emperor who passed on this murderous intention to his children. Likewise, I have never heard of an emperor's son or daughter being able to withstand this kind of spiritual inheritance.

Now, the Princess of Ten Thousand Dragons has inherited this murderous intention, and this also proves that none of these "second generation ancestors" who are backed by the most powerful group of people in Zhetian Universe are simple.

"Princess Wanlong, not bad!"

"Fight next time!"

Princess Wanlong could feel the blow just now. The demon prince did not use all his strength, maybe only [-]%, but she even used the ancient emperor's murderous intention, but she still had no choice but to fight. Both sides suffer losses.

At this moment, Qi Ming looked at the Great Sage Qianlun beside him with surprise and said:

"The murderous intention of the ancient emperor has been inherited. The princess of the Qin clan should have the appearance of the ancient emperor!"

As soon as these words came out, the ancient ancestor king in the primitive lake and the strong human race were shocked again.

Everyone's eyes were looking up at the figure wearing purple and gold armor in the light curtain. It was obvious that these people had heard of the ancient emperor's murderous intent.

"Long Xiner!"

Long Xiner stared at Li Chengnian with her beautiful eyes. Her peerless grace made people mesmerized. Her slender jade body shone with luster and was surrounded by golden light. Her beauty was so beautiful that it eclipsed even the Nine Heavens Profound Girl.

After a long time, he dropped these three words and turned into a divine rainbow, disappearing from the place.


Li Chengnian whispered in his heart, how could a female dragon that fought so wildly have such a soft name?

"Wait a minute, those are the Heavenly Prince and the Holy Prince!"

Suddenly someone pointed at the light curtain reflected by one of the fairy flowers.

"The Heavenly Prince and the others actually find the Demon Prince and the Wanlong Princess in the same realm!"

Entering the Yuanhuang Taixu Realm is usually to randomly teleport to any of the 49 continents. Unexpectedly, at least four ancient emperors' bloodlines have been teleported to the same continent, and they are not far apart.

Many people can already predict what kind of shocking war will break out in this continent in the near future!
Similarly, the monks of the human race are also worried. The Trial of Ten Thousand Races is actually, to put it another way, a fight and showdown between the younger generation of the human race and the geniuses of the ancient races.

Now, the bloodlines of four ancient emperors have actually converged on the same continent.

Even though none of the four ancient emperors, apart from the Heavenly Prince, has clearly expressed a hostile attitude towards the human race, the title of this Son of God is enough to overwhelm the human race geniuses in this continent. .

"Prince, take a stick from me!"

On a cliff, as soon as the Holy Prince saw the pretending criminal prince surrounded by colorful divine rings, the Holy Prince directly transformed into a golden god of war. A pair of fiery golden eyes blinked instantly, and then a huge iron rod was swung by him. come over.


The strong wind roared, and this overbearing stick directly compressed the void and deformed it, then continued to twist and finally exploded.

"Monkey, you are courting death!"

(End of this chapter)

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