The taboo that covers the sky

Chapter 168 The Demon King is alive?The great road is like thunder, make me successful!

Chapter 168 The Demon King is alive?The great road is like thunder, make me successful! (Two in one!)
"Gulu! Don't tell me, that light and shadow is the legendary Demon King."

Whether it was Taixu Realm or the primitive lake outside, everyone was stunned.

"Although it's a little blurry and can't be seen clearly, it's unmistakable. That green fairy ruler is the Demon King Ruler!"

At this time, a complicated sound came, making everyone present startled and looked in the direction of the sound.

The ancient ancestor of the Demon Emperor’s Palace!

If that's the case, then that blurry figure must be the Tao mark of the former Demon Emperor?

"The demon prince actually faced the demon emperor's Tao mark?"

Looking at the majestic figure that became more and more clear in the void, many human race leaders and ancient ancestor kings could not help but scream out.

Li Chengnian stepped forward step by step, his eyes as clear as two magic lamps, looking calmly at the terrifying figure in front of him that seemed to have crushed eternity.

In the chaotic haze, the Demon King appeared. It was very blurry, just light and shadow, and his true appearance could not be seen clearly, but there was a supreme aura flowing out.

Li Chengnian's eyes were calm, his body and mind were ethereal, as quiet as a rock, and all the laws in his body were surging, and the purple-gold dragon's blood roared like a river and sea.

Although he was confused in his heart, it was clear that his Dao-Destroying Heavenly Tribulation had not officially begun yet, so why did humanoid lightning walk out? It still belonged to the brand of a person like Old Man Xue.

However, Li Chengnian was too lazy to go into details. Even if Old Man Xue came in person, he would only have one word, and that was do it, not to mention it was just a mark left behind.


A clear metal tremble sounded, and a flash of orange sword gang lighted up, like a divine sword of destiny.

Li Chengnian's eyes narrowed, and he waved the Tianwen Sword in his hand. The dazzling orange sword soared into the sky and slammed upward. The blazing energy and blood erupted like a volcano, shaking the world.


At the same moment, a sharp divine light flew out from the fingertips of Demon Emperor's phantom, like a divine rainbow breaking through the sky, which was ten thousand times brighter than the sun.

The corners of Li Chengnian's lips curled up slightly, and the Demon Emperor pointed his finger, thinking that once a million years ago, Old Man Xue used this move to ravage him almost every time, breaking the dragon bloodline in his body and forming the foundation of Taoism.

That feeling of life being worse than death still frightens me even thinking about it.

Huge energies collided, and the clear and huge sound shook the world upside down. It was like the Immortal King in the heaven forging iron, which was transmitted to the human world.

If it were an ordinary Tao-slaying King, he might be shattered just by hearing about it, and he wouldn't be able to bear it at all.

One finger and done.

The next moment, the terrifying aura around the Demon King slowly subsided, and then his eyes gradually became clear.


Li Chengnian even seemed to feel the breath of life in the shadow of the Demon King.

But is this possible?

This is just a mark of the Demon King imprinted on this side of the world!
His eyes were as deep as the stars in the sky, looming, with supreme divine light flowing, as if a fairyland was evolving within them.

Suddenly, something unexpected happened!

The demon king's shadow actually turned around and faced the boundless thunder sea above the sky.

He stepped slowly, his figure was tall and majestic, and an oppressive aura filled the world overwhelmingly.

At this moment, all the heavens and realms seemed to be shaking, the heavenly realms roared in unison, and visions abounded, overwhelming people's souls to the point of collapse.

He seemed to be swallowing the sun, moon and stars, with an unparalleled grandeur. It really didn't look like a light and shadow, but more like a supreme existence that surpassed the gods. That kind of supreme grace made people feel heartbroken.

"The Demon King is the Holy Saint, invincible forever!"

At this moment, countless monks were kneeling in worship, both in Taixu Realm and outside, because they felt that this was really the ancient and famous demon king coming here, and it was definitely not some light and shadow falling from heaven and earth.

Li Chengnian's eyes were even redder, and he once again truly felt the comfortable feeling of having someone to rely on.

It was as if the old man Xue who had been shielding him from wind and rain a million years ago was back.


The Demon Emperor's Ruler flew up on its own and fell towards the highest point in the sky.

The next moment, the sound of ghosts crying and howling sounded, as if an ancient god had fallen. It was more like the world was being cut down, giving people a real feeling of incomparable terror.

The Demon King was taking steps, seemingly unhurriedly, but with every step he took, he felt that the ancient heaven above the sky was shaking, as if it was about to explode completely.

There were no other movements, just a shot with a big hand. The supreme power of the true dragon was gathering, as if it had turned into a heavenly monument, suppressing it for eternity.


Thunder shook the sky, the Demon King opened and closed, and with one palm, he broke the sky and crushed the heaven.

The ancient heaven was crashing, turning into thousands of splendid rays of light, as dense as raindrops, fused by the phantom of the demon emperor. Then the demon emperor needed to fuse the endless stream of thousands of rays of light, and turned into a terrifying [-] rays of ancestral dragon. Heading straight for Li Chengnian.

The void disillusioned and time changed. Amidst the strange lights and shadows, Li Chengnian firmly withstood the impact of the endless streams of light.

At this moment, countless fragments penetrated into his body, and thousands of flashing marks lit up, as if he came to life.

Li Chengnian sprayed the essence of Tao from all the pores in the world, and thousands of rays of immortal light fell down one after another, just like the Milky Way falling down one after another.

His expression was dull, and there were faint tears in his eyes.

When the demon emperor's shadow merged into his body, he saw that familiar faint smile, which contained relief, nostalgia, and encouragement.
The meaning was hard to explain, but it made Li Chengnian feel empty and at a loss.

Suddenly, a thunder resounded across the sky and earth, exploding in Li Chengnian's ears, bringing him back to his senses.

"Old man Xue, is that you?"

Originally, if he wanted to achieve great beauty, he could only rely on time and the thousands of thunder and calamities that descended from the sky and the earth to gradually wear it down.

Unexpectedly, a shadow of the Demon King that seemed to have gained consciousness walked out of the ancient heaven.

The ancient heaven, which contained the power of the terrifying laws of heaven and earth, fell completely under the palm of the demon king's shadow who seemed to be conscious.

Then, under the suppression of the demon emperor's phantom, the overwhelming power of the Immortal Law of Ten Thousand Daos, all the terrifying power of the Ten Thousand Dao Laws fulfilled Li Chengnian.

At this moment, he has become a million-level person, and the path to the Three Immortals has been completely completed, and he is no longer afraid of any disaster that may befall this world.

He was very calm, and in his eyes were various terrifying scenes such as the beginning of the universe, the evolution of the stars and the moon, etc., which shocked people's minds.

He stepped forward slowly, with the purple-gold Heavenly Dao Ancestral Dragon hovering around him, and the ancient innate Yin-Yang Dao tree emerging behind him, with three thousand branches hanging down, and thousands of terrifying marks on it lighting up at the same time, resonating with the entire world.

At this moment, his aura became more and more terrifying, as if an emperor of heaven had descended here, crushing eternal time and space, making all heaven and earth tremble.boom!
Thousands of endless streams of light rose up, and the true dragon's beam penetrated the nine heavens.

Li Chengnian's whole body was as bright as glass, and between heaven and earth, there were endless sounds from the sky. His previous shock injury caused by the demon emperor's shadow with the demon emperor's finger recovered with lightning speed.

In an instant, all the injuries on Li Chengnian's body recovered as before, and his eyes flickered.

At this moment, he truly felt the existence of all the ways in the world, and with every move he made, all the ways were changing because of him.

And at this moment, a vast ocean appeared at the highest point in the sky. This was a divine sea made of thunder!

In just an instant, Li Chengnian was completely buried in it, accepting torture and punishment from all the gods. Electric light as thick as the Milky Way struck his body one after another.

This is a magnificent scene. The light curtain reflected by the fairy flowers in Quzhou Land is completely displayed, making both the ancient and the powerful people of the human race tremble with fear.

This kind of catastrophe is the most terrifying thing in ancient and modern times. Any ray of light is far better than a big catastrophe caused by other monks.

But now these thousands of tribulation lights gathered together to form the first round of lightning that struck Li Chengnian.

This is a kind of doomsday punishment, a great destruction that almost no one can bear. It is so vast that just a ray of lightning is enough to destroy a genius.

"Gulu, is this really the movement caused by a monk who is going through the Heavenly Tribulation? Why do I feel like an ancestral king is taking action?"

The ancient strong man swallowed his saliva, full of shock, and spoke with difficulty.

The next moment, two vast divine powers appeared in the sky.

Later, two more ancient saints appeared in the primitive lake. They stood on the ancient altar and continued to output their divine power to help the great saint of the primitive lake stabilize the altar. The great saints reflected in the light curtain in the void The scene of the robbery became clearer.

In front of everyone's eyes, the figure in green was bathed in the terrifying thunder, with hair flying wildly, and a hundred black and yellow marks appearing all over the body, using thunder as water to wash away the body and soul.

This was a great destruction. The endless void was split open, and terrifying black abyss appeared. Only the figure in green in the center remained unchanged.

Li Chengnian's whole body shimmered with purple and gold light, accepting the test of all the ways of heaven and earth.

Boundless and boundless, the catastrophes of the entire universe for thousands of years seemed to be concentrated on him alone.

The ancient and modern thunder and light merged into one, melting the terrifying laws of ten thousand ways into it, and tempering his body.

Every inch of his skin was dazzling, and every pore was spitting out electric light.

At this moment, on the Immortal Platform, the innate Yin and Yang Dao tree took root deep in the tree. In line with his origin, on the treetops, there was a purple gold villain with the ancestral dragon on his feet.


The first level of the thunder sea dissipated, and inexplicable and weird lightning appeared in the void. There were Fuxi Dragon Stele and Nuwa Dao Stone. Ancient Taoist artifacts emerged from the thunder sea.

These ancient Taoist tools combined with the thunder and light were so violent that they could smash an ancient star into pieces when they landed.

This is the trace of the ancient, present and future avenue that covers the sky and the universe. It represents the myriad ways of heaven and earth. Every time it falls down, it is shocking and can destroy a small world.

Li Chengnian wants to have the appearance of thousands of ways and truly escape. Although this is not like a Ji Dao figure who suppresses thousands of ways, nor is it like the shattering of thousands of ways that are independent of Ye Fan when he attained enlightenment in the original work, but he still needs to Withstand the impact and crushing of various holy paths throughout the ages.


In the void universe, blazing lightning destroyed the world. Between human-shaped lightning and ancient Taoist artifacts, ancient stars were shattered in a trance, and historical scenes were repeated.

Li Chengnian fought against the endless lightning, his black hair disheveled, and his body shimmering with treasure. Even if his bones were shattered, he could quickly repair them.

Above its head, there is an ancient fairyland floating around, surrounded by a heavenly sword, and two divine soldiers looking down at the world. They are as unyielding as Li Chengnian's body, accepting the baptism and tempering of thousands of thunders.

The two magic weapons were originally made of supreme immortal materials. They were forged with the help of the supreme immortal fire in the Beidou Life Forbidden Zone. They followed Li Chengnian all the way to the present.

Now he has received the baptism of ten thousand thunders and has officially become the King's Divine Weapon, and his power is on par with the legendary Holy Weapon.

Above the sky, Li Chengnian was in the tribulation light, every inch of his body was glowing, bathed in endless thunder and lightning, tempering his immortal black and yellow battle body, baptizing his only true soul in purple and gold, and engraved the three thousand branches of the Taoist Tree. The tens of thousands of marks on it are used to refine the Haotian Mirror and Tianwen Sword that will be with him for a lifetime in the future.

Although Li Chengnian today easily withstood the first wave of thunder tribulation, he did not relax even a little bit because he knew that the real catastrophe was yet to come.

In the distance, at the top of the sky, meteorites are flying one after another. Li Chengnian's path to the Three Immortals has opened a new door to life. He wants to smelt ten thousand ways into his own body and escape from all ten thousand ways. God has sent down punishment from heaven in ancient and modern times.

This vision from the sky has only just begun to emerge.

This is a group of meteorites, hundreds of them, emitting bright starlight, shining with a brilliance that cuts through the ages, arrayed in everything, and colliding towards each other.

Meteorites fall from the sky one after another, filled with a mysterious power. They are vast and boundless, and each meteorite is as blazing as the sun.

"A meteor falling from the sky?"

Bursts of ancient dragon chants came from Li Chengnian's body, and the power of the purple-gold true dragon soared into the sky, bright and fiery. His hands were used as claws, and the heavenly ancestral dragons hovering around him joined with him, and the terrifying true dragon claws tore through the void. .

The purple-gold true dragon's claws seemed to be able to scratch the heavens and the earth, and the endless purple-gold divine light roared. Every inch of Li Chengnian's body was shrouded in lightning, and the heavenly catastrophe was moved because of him.

With the Haotian Mirror hanging above his head and the Tianwen Sword surrounding his head, Li Chengnian's whole body instantly made it easier for the meteorites to collide with each other.

In the depths of the thunder sea, the pores in Li Chengnian's body dilated, and thousands of tribulation lights came in and out. His body was swallowing this sea of ​​thunder light on its own, and slowly, the power of ten thousand laws began to surround his flesh, blood, organs, and bones.


The void shook, the dragon stele flashed, it was simple and majestic, higher than the mountains in the sky, suppressing Li Chengnian. There were various secret diagrams of hexagrams on it, which were mysterious and strange.

This is the ancient emperor, Emperor Fuxi's important tool for enlightenment. The Fuxi Dragon Monument is extremely powerful. Every time it is pressed down, it is like a piece of the world suppressing it.

But in the end it was torn apart by Li Chengnian's claw.


At this moment, all kinds of ancient Taoist artifacts turned into a sea of ​​thunder, suppressing Li Chengnian with boundless divine power. The auras emitted by the Fuxi Dragon Monument, Nuwa Taoist Stone, etc. were vast and boundless.

"To step on the ten thousand ways of heaven and earth, I want to defeat this already existing way between heaven and earth, truly escape, and trample them all under my feet!"

Li Chengnian stared at the extremely terrifying thunder calamity, his eyes became completely sharp, and the two innate yin and yang qi converged and turned into a terrifying black and white Tai Chi divine ring, which was exceptionally gorgeous and frightening in the sky.


He holds the Tianwen Sword, hangs the Haotian Mirror on his head, and steps on the Dragon of Ten Thousand Daos to crush all obstacles.

Whether it is the Fuxi Dragon Monument, Nuwa Dao Stone or other obstacles, destroy them one by one, and try your best to defeat all existing Dao!
The vast thunder sea was vast and boundless. He traveled across the thunder sea alone, fought against many ancient ways, and experienced a disaster that ordinary people could not imagine.

If it were others, they would just have to survive the heavenly tribulations and be crowned king, but Li Chengnian had to go up against the sky and overcome all the tribulations and punishments, so that he could reach the sky until there were no more tribulations.

It is precisely because of this that his Dao-cutting Heavenly Tribulation is far superior to that of the ancient geniuses and monsters. It is extremely powerful. Any one of them is enough to crush other monks in the same realm.

(End of this chapter)

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